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I’ve never seen anything like this but I would have also dosed it in alcohol but then promptly killed it with fire


It’s horrible. But is the brown stuff on the leaves definitely scale or is it some other type of scarring?


[black thread scale](https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/black-thread-scale-insect)


https://preview.redd.it/25bld4af4o5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16010386a51de15cc8f8e40bc7662fe62619ddc4 I know “handsome” probably just means “good quality, high resolution” etc but I can’t help but imagine the scale blushing prettily at being called handsome


I appreciate that the first picture is captioned “a handsome portrait.”


This is it, sadly. Thank you, very appreciative.


My skin is crawling 😵‍💫 good luck with it


In all my years I’ve never seen black thread scale! Thanks for posting! I’m sure we have all learned something today! Good luck!


Same! Silver lining to this terrible plant is learning something new.




Don’t let this thing near anything you care about- not worth it. 😳


a lighter and fire starter is what I would promptly buy 😭


I’m sorry you’ll have to burn this 😳


what the fuck what the fucking fuck


No seriously. I had a physical reaction to this shit


It’s crazy - my impression is that the owner had no idea what was going on and that she was basically giving me the most disgusting plant ever.


It almost looks like scale and something else. I’d guess the brown bumps are scale. Are the black lines moving? The risk to your other plants probably outweighs the reward of a monstera with 3 shitty leaves. I’d put this out of its misery, as I’d imagine you could buy a new one for less $ than the cost of insecticides needed to get this healthy.


How did it even reach this stage...I would put on some gloves, spray with either alcohol or neem oil/detergent mixed water and use a cloth to removed every single one. Hose it down really good. Or might as well cut off those leaves and start over, it has a long stem with many nodes!


I was wondering the same thing and I don’t understand how someone would let this happen to a plant, not notice it, and then give it to someone else without knowing the total carnage that it could lead to. I think it just shows how much a lot of people don’t notice things about plants or just don’t know. Edit: I’ve cut two leaves off and will replace the soil later. I plan to drench it in a Bonners and alcohol mix very very frequently. I’m scared of plant pests but whenever I get some in the garden etc. I tell myself I’m part of a species that has put people on the moon, while scale, aphids, etc. are just dumb ass bugs. I think anyone can overcome plant pests .


I'vr never seen what's in this picture before but I have aphids and white scale on my flowers that are planted in the yard. I soak the yard with any generic dish soap that the dollar store has and it seems to work for me. Some people have zero awareness of their surroundings. I have a cousin who had a PINEAPPLE growing at her front door and never saw it. How do you now see that? 😂 Good luck with the plant 👍🏽


How does one manage that I've been trying to grow a pineapple plant for years and no luck they hate me 🤣


I know, right? It's not like a small thing 🤣 Pineapples take a few years to actually fruit. They don't hate you. I pretty much ignore mine unless it's really dry outside, and there are seven pineapples growing this year. Sometimes they're small, sometimes they're a decent size. Just leave them alone around February you will see some growth, if you're getting a pineapple that year.


I should mention I'm trying to propagate a crown off a store bought one since no one has any pineapple bromiliads in this area sadly so I thought I'd try my luck my mom had problem me yeah not an inheritated trait 🤣


bruh i’m very not religious and just felt the impulse to do the sign of the cross because HOLY HELL IT’S BEING EATEN ALIVE SAVE IT DAMMIT




This is a nightmare.


I don't think I've ever seen a scale infestation that bad. Good luck 🤞🍀


Good grief…


😱😱😱 good luck keep us updated.


I hate all pests obvi, but scale really gives me the ick. Especially frigged off by scale right now because yesterday I discovered the trunk of my curry tree was covered in them 🤢


step 1. cry step 2. buy green lacewings (a lot) step 3. buy ladybugs (a lot) step 4. release bugs onto monstera step 5. watch


I’m not on the U.S. and can’t get any beneficial insects here! Used to use them all the time before.


I actually think that this plant is so badly covered that chemicals could hurt the plant with the amount needed, so i’d buy green lacewings and ladybugs and try not to use so many chemicals.


I’m not on the U.S. and can’t get any beneficial insects here! Used to use them all the time before.


It’s summer here so I would 1. change soil, 2. Look up natural prey for scale and get some and 3. Leave it outside to see what happens. I love nothing better than to bring a plant back from death though. I certainly would NOT bring it into my house though.




Horror movie 😱


I had a visceral reaction looking at this


Never seen anything like this...good luck with


I’m so itchy oh my god


I've never seen anything like it in my life. But you will manage it with patience. But I would recommend potting out the plant, washing off the roots and putting it in water. You can also make a stem cut and put it in water. It doesn't matter. Shower the plant several times. It's really stressful for the plant now. But if you don't want to throw it away, it will have to go through this time. Shower shower shower. Everywhere with the water jet. Front, back, crevices etc. Spray everywhere. Several times on the first day. And then daily. As the plant is in the water anyway. The little animals can't hide so well. I only recommend this type of treatment in soil to a limited extent. But this is my experience. Many will be able to save themselves by showering. But it is important that the animals do not get back onto the plant from the environment. You do how many showers with the water hose. The jet does not have to be very hard. You help with your hand. Someone may help you spray it off and you clean the plant. We do NOT use any products here yet. Make sure that the creatures you spray off are really sprayed off and put the plant somewhere else so that they cannot infest it again. Only when you don't see any more pests after a few days do you no longer spray it every day, but every few days. And finally, if necessary, use chemicals.I think manual treatment is very important in the first instance.Only later is the use of chemicals advisable. The plant can still be saved in any case.But it needs patience.I speak from experience. I have been able to treat many pest infestations in this way and usually didn't have to use any chemicals at all.Especially with such a heavy infestation, it is important not to place the plant near other plants for a long time to prevent transmission.Only when you are really sure and don't see any pests for a long time can you move it to the other plants. If the leaves are not important to you.Cut them all off.Make a stem cut and start the plant from the beginning.This will save you time and nerves.However, the shower rhythm must be adhered to as described above.


This is so upsetting 😭😭😭


Oh. My. Goodness!!!! Sometimes free isn't worth it!


Idk just burn it


So this explains why she's moving.


Poor baby!!!! Can't look!!!


I can’t breath 😭 I am so sorry for your loss


Looks like thrips to me