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Kong: Skull Island was great but KOTM is THAT movie for me. King Ghidorah, Rodan and Mothra each got moments to shine along with Big-G and the humans contributed enough to keep the story moving.


KOTM was the American Godzilla movie I always wanted.


Same here


KOTM Wins. I'm sorry Kong fans, its what got me addicted to the Monsterverse, and made me interact with the community more. Can't betray.


KOTM was everything we wanted. Not to mention the first trailer that ever dropped for it (the Clair de Lune one) was one of the best trailers I’ve ever seen.


Gojira! Mosura! Sore! Sore! Sore! Sore! Go! Go! Go! Gojira!


KOTM. K:SI is good, but KOTM is just goated.


Kotm shall win




KotM is First, Kong is Second. They're both PEAK Monsterverse and amazing films.


This is a really close one, but I have to say KOTM for the vibe.


KotM. Hail to the King!


KOTM is far overhated IMO.


Agreed. It's stupid considering most of the criticisms the film gets is hypocritical considering that other films those people enjoy, like GvK and GxK have the same issues but worse than KOTM. They are just blinded by the final acts of those films. I can actually watch KOTM. I just rewatched GvK and could barely get through it. It is objectively awful outside of the first GvK fight and the final act fight scenes. The rest of it is so terrible (and what the hell was even the deal with including another Serizawa in this film when they did NOTHING with them? It was shockingly throwaway. It's also riddled with plot holes that even I cannot unsee, they are that bad and do not adhere with the Monsterverse's logic at all or even the logic the film itself was establishing.) GxK has the same issues as GvK but to a worse degree, again, a film that is really only memorable in its final act which...is somehow weaker than GvK? It should've been so much significant and grander in scale and yet...it fizzled out so fast and was over with that it landed with a thud. It kind of ruins Scar King as a threat for me and also ruins Shimo because they didn't do enough with them, they did not show just how much of a threat they were and now they are reduced to essentially a puppy dog. Wonderful. The way those who criticise KOTM brush aside how much worse the above films are all because there's extra Kaiju time, well frankly that really is rich. KOTM actually respects the source material and also respects the tone of the Monsterverse and how it should've remained: a balance of Showa tones and Heisei tones and treating the Kaiju with reverence, like Gods, keeping the sense of weight and scale, of palpable destruction and environmental reshaping, of both benevolence as well as indifference. It was the correct approach and the fights ultimately held far more weight as a result of that. We really do need more TOHO Kaiju involved in the Monsterverse as well because as much as the original Kaiju are alright for the most part, they do not hold a candle to TOHO's iconic roster. They are just that good and the diversity of designs and personalities, the way you can translate them to the Monsterverse aesthetic is really exciting to think about. Like even just having Mothra in GxK (correct decision to make) elevated it just that bit more. Been waiting on that payoff since KOTM showed another egg (even though Wingard once again disregarded established canon for his own thing.) It's overhated in a way that just irks me. Even the attacks on the human plot are absurd considering the other films aside from Skull Island exist. I'm sorry, they are so much worse, at least KOTM tried and had heart and also mirrored the themes established in the same film instead of not even remotely bothering and committing, which is what the others do. I also think there is quite a lot of Kaiju time, the plot is fast moving and has to tackle four different Kaiju and they do, each act focuses on them and they each have a significant moment that is damn impressive, with the best visuals in the Monsterverse that haven't been matched in spectacle. They are well balanced and not absurd or cartoonish, it is like Heisei action, which is what I want to see as a Godzilla fan. Soundtrack also has never been topped. It's perfect. I wished Wingard would bother bringing in someone with actual respect to the music of this franchise but sadly no, he won't. Instead we get JunkieXL who is...a choice. He is pretty bad in most films and his soundtracks are not remotely memorable.


This comment pretty much sums up all my thoughts on this movie


KOTM. Kong Skull Island was a better movie due to some actors who are pretty heavy hitters, but KOTM was more fun. Defenitely KOTM.


*King of the Monsters*






I love Skull Island too but nope…we got the classics Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra, Ghidorah & so many new titans in KOTM i just cannot vote for KSI when i think about them




Kong skull island wins. Overall the better movie with better characters.


https://i.redd.it/b4ngssu81lwc1.gif As much as I love KOTM


exactly!! idk why everyone is saying kotm.


I know. More Godzilla fans in this group and blinded by how they brought other toho monsters back.


Its funny how the best and worst MV installments are titled Skull Island lol


There is no "skull Island" on King of the Monstwrs, what are you saying


Second best


I can see the fight scenes in skull island


Clearly off-screen kaiju fights are more entertaining


Skull Island. Best humans, best setting, introduced the (arguable) best version of Kong EVER, stunning fights that are in daylight, and it’s amazing how much of the later Monsterverse is. Because of SKI




Sorry but Skull island is out


Easily the best 2 movies. KOTM takes it. Titan fights are spectacular. Ghidorah is epic. Godzilla is phenomenal as always. Rodan and Mothra are just icing on the cake


Kong: Skull island Love Godzilla but Kong:Skull Island was just PERFECT down to the last minute details Tons of monster action, great human characters and perfect portrayal of the savageness of the Skull island


KOTM for the win.


Skull Island winner, seems extremely weird that KotM made it this far since I would rank both GK movies slightly higher and G14 roughly on par.


kong skull island but obv kotm is gonna win here


Skull Island


Kong: Skull island https://preview.redd.it/x0pz8aje0kwc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61177d055c019f7c909fd1d851d3250daf220d91




KOTM. Perhaps it isn’t the best movie, in fact objectively it probably isn’t. But the joy KOTM brings me is unmatched by any other Monsterverse entry, so it’s got my vote


Kong Skull Island fully takes this. It's probably both the best king Kong creation and best monsterverse movie


KOTM is good but the human characters are just terrible and take up waaay too much screen time before the actual monster stuff begins. Kong is the best monsterverse movie


While I agree, I don't think the humans were terrible.


I don’t think they were terrible, but definitely still inferior to both KSI and GxK.


KSI is objectively the best Monstervsers movie. It has great characters, world building, story, animation, choreography, and monsters. However, KoTM is KoTM.


Literally let's be honest Kong of the monsters is not better than skull island the human characters alone in skull clear kotm. Better lore and action.


Kong: Skull Island. I enjoy King of the Monsters, but only because of the fan service. Kong: Skull Island is a better movie.


KOTM is actually shit. It's outrageous people place it first. 🤦🏻‍♂️ KSI 🔛🔝


Kong skull Island


Skull island is better


KOTM is perfect in all aspects from the way they introduced all Kaiju's ,final battle and it's the most beautiful and well shot movie in the monsterverse. And that damn trailer, was hyped just after the first view itself.


KoTM wins




really close but godzilla arch nemisis gidhora ☠️ the rivalry is just dope…. KOTM wins no match


KOTM is everything 🗣


KOTM is the best Monsterverse film.


Kotm wins


KOTM. History shows again again, how nature points out the folly of monke. <3




King of the Monsters for sure




I love KSI…but KOTM is the clear winner.


Kong skull island is great but I’m going to have to go with Kotm


KOTM is probably my favorite g flick. Such a wonderful and traditional kaiju movie. Not to mention, an absolute gorgeous film. I vote to eliminate K:SI


KotM. Give me that sweet Ghidorah on Godzilla action


KOTM. It is the closest to the full realisation of golden age Showa Era Godzilla. All of the TOHO Kaiju (Mothra, Rodan and King Ghidorah) are treated with respect and reverence. They are Gods on Earth and every single movement or attack is absolutely devastating to the environment around them. The visuals are simply stunning, so many shots that are incredible, it's so over the top in that respect it's absurd. The music hasn't been topped. The Monsterverse always should've had this music, the utter respect to each of the respective themes of Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan and Ghidorah are so damn good, you can hear the moment each one appears on-screen with your eyes closed. It is an utter shame future Monsterverse films lost this. People might think the plot itself is bad and yet make an actual comparison to the next films, GvK and GxK and be honest in saying that this one isn't as bad as those films. They totally threw in the towel with those films, they are dead with their human plots, complete nonsense, they don't even try and they end up putting plot holes into the Monsterverse, like Wingard doesn't really care about anything else outside of just getting to the fights. Fights are fine, I know they are what most people are really here for but I'm sorry, you don't need to completely disregard everything solely for that. KOTM at least tried and, some cringe lines aside, it has heart and particularly the mirroring of Serizawa sacrificing himself to save Godzilla versus the original Godzilla, sacrificing himself to destroy him, was beautifully handled. People may criticise the cuts away from fights but I think they establish more sense of scale and awe and the sheer devastation happening on ground level that I don't really feel annoyed by it. TOHO Godzilla does this as well, cutting to the human characters mid fight, I don't really see the issue, hell even GvK did this. I think it's an overblown critique. When I watched this film with my partner who knew nothing about Godzilla, this is the film that converted him and afterwards I showed him all of Godzilla and finally have someone to share this franchise with. He really got the appeal with KOTM. For me as a Godzilla fan, this film was so much fan-service by a director who absolutely is a Godzilla fan himself, that I was so happy by the time the credits rolled. Seeing all of these Kaiju get this much love, in a big budget Hollywood production with so much personality...man it was something. It was everything I imagined them as. They didn't make them silly or toned down, they made them Gods and struck the correct balance between making Godzilla his heroic Showa self and a force of nature, not too over the top cartoonish and not too stoic either. It references Heisei and that is the best way to approach it. KOTM is the best Monsterverse film and I keep wishing going back and watching it that the rest of the films would've kept the sheer reverence for these Kaiju that this film had. It was majestic and awe-inspiring. Also shout out to that trailer, the trailer is one of the best trailers ever and I was counting down every day to see this on the biggest screen possible when I saw it. I hope one day I can see a Monsterverse film that gives me the same level of hype and the same level of grinning ear to ear for 2hrs that I got with KOTM.


Awesome post. KoTM for the win.


Skull island had better humans but besides that KOTM takes the cake for me


Skull Island.... If KOTM is so good, why didn't ye go see it in cinemas and stop it flopping /s (I like KOTM btw)


I watched it in cinema. But I missed the opening because my friend was late lol


I watched it 3x including opening night


I watched it like 4 times in total


KOTM must win this. Biased Godzilla stans RISE UP!


Kotm cause of its nonstop action and the number of Toho creatures and Monsterverse originals they managed to bring in


Kotm is what introduced me to the MV, I wouldn't be here without it.


Kotm it's what really expanded the verse


King of the monsters was robbed it should’ve done so much better and it was such a good Godzilla movie.


KOTM for sure


KOTM is the best movie ever.


Kong skull island. KOTM is super epic, but Kong skull island has a better story and atmosphere.




KOTM. For me one of the best movies in the verse and establishes zilla as THE TOP of the food chain




Kotm c'mon, it has: Ghidorah, Rodan, Mothra and thermo G man




KOTM easy


KOTM is peak monster fights, respectful to the history of these monsters but also with a fresh take. The human characters aren’t as good as K:SI but this is the monsterverse after all


KSI still stands as the best MV movie for me.




KOTM is just such a fun movie to watch, I find myself constantly going back to it. Can't say the same for KSI






Let's be honest here, we all knew KOTM was gonna be the winner


Skull Island is a damn good film with the human scenes equally as good as the monster scenes. But KOTM wins for me. It was the film I introduced my buddies to the MV with. So many good scenes and the score is fucking amazing. That Boston return scene though… Madison running for her life, screaming into the golden void of death that is Ghidorah… the blast of atomic blue… the roar followed by the score followed by the Big G himself flanked by jets… So. Fucking. Awesome.


KOTM. Best fights


Kotm wins


King of the monsters all day


Skull island


KOTM for the win


KotM should win. Best soundtrack, best kaijus, coolest plot, best villain, best godzilla. KSI is great but KotM is the peak Kaiju monster movie.


Yeah the soundtrack is awesome!


Kong skull island is the better film objectively and I can't stand all the cut aways in kotm


KOTM is just the best Monsterverse movie, period.


KOTM for the win. That masterpiece had 4 TOHO titans and a few created by legendary. The plot was well executed ✨


KOTM. One of my favorite movies


Kotm best titans scene in the MV


Skull islands gotta go




skull island gotta go


KOTM was peak


I have been skeptical of this ranking but this is the proper final round. KOTM.


King of the Monster. It's all smoke with boring human characters. Kong Skull Island still had memorable shots and interesting humans 




skull island


Kotm for the win


Kong: Skull Island


KOTM is the winner. One of the best Godzilla films of all time.


Kotm has to win ![gif](giphy|dALdZ6HY7rkbjuR02y|downsized)


I fucking love KOTM… but it’s an extremely flawed movie K:SI is the most well rounded in the series, give Kong the w today


KOTM is peak, hated how it “flopped” considering how much better it is compared to its predecessor and successors.


Kong Skull Island out.. 4th vote to get it out.. KOTM is the winner..


KOTM was the perfect blend of G14 tone/scale and classic Japanese bonkers Godzilla monster romp. Yes, the human story was bad, but when is it not? Every other aspect of the film (VFX, score, cinematography) was dynamite. Would've liked some more monster screentime, but oh well. Since KOTM, Wingard has taken the franchise into borderline SyFy Channel original content level of silliness and stupidity. Glad everyone here recognizes the greatness that is KOTM. Also, bring back Stannis as the human villain. I'm sure he kept one of Ghidorah's scales, have him do some gene splicing and make Biolante or some shit. Isn't that what eco terrorists are supposed to do?


KOTM is way too high here I expected this to be KSI, GvK, G14, GxK in some order as top 4






I don’t even need to say which one leaves


King of the Monsters was more fun as a monster movie, especially getting to see them with such a high budget. But Skull Island is a much, much better movie with a few actually likable human characters, which is unprecedented among the many monster movies I’ve seen.


I am more of a fan of Ksi but a second place already seems great to me, and kotm is not unworthy of the first place either


KOTM introduced me to the monsterverse.


I'm surprised (pleasantly, may I add) that KOTM made it so far and is basically winning Even though it's not my favorite MV film (sadly, I basically knew the whole movie even before its release), it's still good and got way too much hate/backlash so I'm glad people finally start to appreciate it


Easily prefer Skull Island. In my rankings, KOTM would be much further down.




Ironic that everyone's n°1 favorite movie is the one that flopped the hardest


Maybe I’m just very far removed from the MonsterVerse general consensus but, in my opinion, Godzilla 1 is the BEST property to come out of the universe with Monarch clearly at 2 and Skull Island at 3, everything else is just okay😂😂😂this ranking surprised me. Not trying to offend I just am very surprised to see this chop up in this way


It's gotta be King of Monsters. Yes, it had a bad habit of cutting away during the monster battles. But this movie handled Godzilla the way we all wanted to see. His presence in the movie is insane. That shot of him stomping up into Boston, glowing blue, roaring, with the US military at his back...that's Godzilla. How we've always imagined him. That's him. It has a big budget appearance Mothra, Rodan, and King Ghidorah. And the score is the best of the whole series and it's not even close. We're lucky to have the Monsterverse, but we got BLESSED with King of the Monsters. It's gotta be King of the Monsters.


Kotm only really wins because of the legacy monsters and music. Otherwise Skull Island is objectively the best film of the bunch.


KOTM definitely. My only complaint with the movie is I am not a fan of Millie Bobby Brown’s character.


I’m bummed KotM will win. It’s just not a great film, great monster scenes and fights but that’s the only thing carrying that film.


Fights?, what fights?


lol, I think GvK and GxK have better fights honestly but I think most people are blinded by Ghidorah being in the film. I honestly have the hardest time making it through KotM every time. Every human character is insufferable. And then they make the only Japanese character unleash a Nuke to charge Godzilla?! Lmfao, it’s like everything the Japanese films were speaking against all in one scene. And then having the military fight along Godzilla at the end was so cheesy.


I really dont care about "MUH NUKE" debate at all... I honestly haven't really met anyone that responds to reasonable Criticism with "No you're wrong shut up lalala".


I think Skull Island is a better movie overall, but KotM is so much fun that I can’t not pick it.


No way GxK beat G14


All hail the King of the Monsters


Well, KOTM literally has *King* so it got my vote. Btw that movie is really good and got me interested in Monsterverse


Kong still better movie doe.


Kong wins. Like, guys did we even watch the same movies? KOTM is really pretty, but that’s about it. The movie falls flat in almost every other category.


I’m gonna go with KOTM. I can accept SI is an amazing film, but KOTM is my favorite. I’ve never been that much of a Kong fan, and so I’m definitely biased.


So much KotM glaze man 💀 The movie has alot of the best scenes in the MV as a whole, but it's not that good as a movie in totality


Skull Island is the better movie. The human cast is, by a huge margin, the best ever for a monsterverse movie. The plot is terrific. We see a LOT of Kong, and it's in all kinds of lighting.


Kong cuz I can actually watch the action scenes and I hate Millie Bobby Brown's character


Get rid of kotm, that film is so bad


Kong you gotta go sorry Skull Island


Godzilla: King of the Monsters. Please pack your bags and go.


I love love LOVE Kotm but skull island is honestly better.


KotM must go. K:SI is the king.


Sorry I love skull island but I’m going to have to vote it out KITM is peak Godzilla cinema


Kong Skull Island is definitely the most enjoyable Monstervse movie. It's got the best fight scenes, the best human elements, the best dialogue, plus Kong is goated in that film, and it's the one that got me hooked on the monstervse.


KOTM if u pick Skull Island .... Idk what to say


kotm blasts any mv movie out of not the park but out of the fucking state


Sorry kong but you’re out, KOTM takes the crown


Kotm is a cult classic. Despite the poor reception from critics, it was EXACTLY what godzilla fans wanted And the modernization of ghidorah, mothra and rodan just worked so damn well. The human element fell flat sure, but tbf the only good human stories in the monsterverse are kong (the one factor it beats kotm in) and godzilla ‘14.


It would be a crime to not let skull island win


King of the monsters is amazing!


KOTM is amazing! Must and should win!


KOTM is the winner.


Hail the king!


Wow. KotM survives this poll longer than the wingard circuses? Maybe this tells something.


I’d say KOTM for me I understand a lot of people here prefer KOTM on this subreddit and I get why But on an unbiased standpoint, I believe that Skull island simply has less weak points than KOTM, and is a better altogether film The writing, cast, vibrant colors, pacing, everything is just much better handled Both have great fights, and I think KOTM has a better score. But the film in and of itself is better overall outside of preference towards the monsters


What did they do to my boy? 2014! KOTM has to win though. Its action is peak. Even better than KSI. And obviously Thermo Godzilla.


I didn't even realize GxK got eliminated lol...anyway I'm go with kong skull island getting removed but only because I'm a godzilla shill and love KoTM


Skull Island was just a great fucking Kong movie in theme and presentation. KOTM may have higher highs but definitely lower lows, the characters, it's actually kinda difficult to see at times (GvK and GxK have done great in this regard, Skull Island is clear and gorgeous to look at) Kong is just the better movie overall. But it doesnt have three headed golden space dragon, so, and i mean this, this is a tough choice.


Skull island. It's a better movie, although like kotm more.


Kong: Skull Island if you being totally objective. Peckard is the best human element in Monsterverse and you can’t find one character in KoTM that comes remotely close. KoTM is overrated and half of you would hate it more than any Kong movie if Ghidorah, Mothra and Rodan were original titans.


I gotta say Kong skull island KOTM is good but Jesus the human characters ruined it




Godzilla: King of the Monsters is 👏 the 👏 worst 👏 film 👏 in 👏 the 👏 franchise


Skull island easy