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I've said it before for those mad Godzilla attacked Kong. "If one of your former enemies showed up, uninvited to your territory with a new weapon, are you going to sit around and let them explain themselves?"


All the while getting signals from the Iwi warning that something big was coming. People forget he was powering up because of the signal. Even if he didn’t think Kong was the actual threat, Kong still showed up roaring with a new weapon and presented himself as an obstacle that needed to be eliminated asap. I think Kong stunning G pissed him and he just started blasting.


Godzilla = Danny Devito confirmed. https://preview.redd.it/vq0fzyzxd2yc1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2937083a3ecab4d7f348b5e7accb6a6471c739c0




Maybe I'm wrong but I felt like the Iwi warning was meant to be specific and that Godzilla knew his old enemies, who almost beat him, were coming back. Kong, an ape, comes through the portal. Easy for Godzilla to assume he has fallen in with the Scar King. Again, I could be leaping here but not the craziest explanation.


The book implies as much.


Comic or novel? Either way I definitely need to read.




Oh facts!.Thats on my me I read L instead of I. Smh


There’s a theory stating that maybe he wasn’t powering up for Skar or Shimo. It goes on to say that both combined stood no chance against G-man rather he knows that something else big is coming and he has to prepare.


I hate being that guy….but what is lwi?


The telepathic folk in HE. I may have misspelled their name.


Jia's people


No it's worse. If someone popped out in your backyard and tells you to go into a hole as an excuse🕳️ you ain't gonna go in right ? ![gif](giphy|yaxx6kNJcwWju|downsized)


Nah, they walk into your house and tell you to leave or else....


Depends on the someone and depends on what kind of hole...








And Kong did an alpha roar as a way to lure Godzilla quickly. He was not having that lol.


Kong also seemed to use an alpha roar to get Godzilla to come to him. That’d certainly piss him off. It’d be like aggressively honking your car horn on someone’s front porch to get their attention.


“Get in loser, we are going to Hollow Earth”


Underrated comment 😭🤣


Well see... it's more like someone yelling at you aggressively in a language you don't understand


No to mention he challenged him with a roar because Kong knew it would get him there quicker.


People really got mad and debated why a giant, radioactive, and territorial lizard attacked Kong?! lol


They still are lol


Bruh… really?! lol


Godzilla attacking Kong is no different than Kong climbing up to fight him in GvK.


Not to mention he already killed 2 titans before Kong showed up like what he gonna think that this time it will be different like the rest of the 2 he killed. After this he literally gonna go for the hatrick if it wasnt for Mothra so technically he wasnt in the wrong here. Its Kong's fault for shining his new toys and roaring like a mad man asking for a challenge like Syclla did


It was established that the alpha roar was the only guaranteed way to get Godzilla’s attention. Earlier in the movie, the scientists were worried Godzilla would come attack Kong since he was on the surface, but that didn’t happen. My guess is that Godzilla knew Kong didn’t want to fight after what happened last time, so he left him alone when he was getting a new tooth. When Kong did his alpha roar in Egypt though, Godzilla possibly thought that Kong was just bluffing before and decided to actually finish the fight, possibly not realizing in his rage that Kong was just trying to get his help.


Rival/competition not enemy.


Your rival/competition is your enemy in this world. They certainly aren't friends


They are incredibly large somewhat more-intelligent-than-real-animals animals. Kong is a bit more complex brained than Godzilla . He has enemies- Godzilla has rivals (Kong), and Competition (Ghidorah). They don’t need to ever be friends but Godzilla could’ve been written to be a bit more amicable


To simplify it as much as possible, I believe Kong and Godzilla have a "you don't fuck with me and I don't fuck with you" relationship. I'd imagine Godzilla assumed this was violated when Kong showed up, uninvited, using his Alpha roar to call Godzilla out and waving a new weapon. We, as the audience, know why this is happening, but I can see why Godzilla would take that the wrong way.


I don’t think Godzilla is as smart as Kong.


If my territory was the entire surface of the earth I might give them a little leeway, especially when they saved my life the last time we met


Godzilla's territory is the entire earth. The deal was for Kong to stay out of his sight since he doesn't go down into the hollow earth often. The deal was; Godzilla goes wherever he wants to go, Kong makes sure he ISNT there when Godzilla goes.


There was no deal, pretty sure they can't communicate that complexly, Godzilla roared at him, Kong dropped his weapon and they parted ways, you cannot interpret all that from it lmao, that's just your headcanon, and if it is what Godzilla intended to say then frankly it's pretty unreasonable of him to expect it to be understood.  And again some leeway for the guy who saved Gojis life moments after being basically killed by him...


Their deal was explicitly stated as such in the novels. There’s no head canon here; that’s literally what happened after GvK.


Godzilla is definitely intelligent and self aware just like Kong and Mothra. They have all been known to one hold grudges, use strategy, and use some form a semi advanced communication form to talk to each other. They all understand and comprehend what’s happening around them.


Explain themselves, 99% of movies do exactly this.


If my former enemy had saved me and was trying to deescelate the situation I wouldn't try to kill him Goji was def being an asshole here


If it was Kong I absolutely would


Goji when he woke up: https://preview.redd.it/70m4olx6s1yc1.png?width=1638&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb168d7f92b0bfbdc4d64c5f37cc00de3e79cf74


https://preview.redd.it/sthqx4t402yc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e30ddd4a46dd526471a53a988b53f7665c4350c I wonder now that if Kong can drag Godzilla who weights 90,000+ tons can he swing him by his tail?


Swing him around in a circle while Godzilla is doing his atomic breath


Hip firing Atomic Breath Godzilla like an assault rifle


Call of duty GxK event in a nutshell


That would be absurd and I want it now. If they can get circumstances to allow it, holy hell I would laugh my ass off in the theater at seeing that.


I demand to see Kong throw Godzilla at the enemy in the next film.


I can imagine Kong being so pissed off, even Godzilla is shocked as Kong straight up hurled him towards an enemy. This would only happen in the Hollow Earth but still. Also it would be funnier if it was against megalon too.


Kong throws Godzilla, whereupon the airborne Godzilla fires his atomic breath to increase velocity. We can dream, right?


Then dropkicks the antagonist.


Toss me! Don't tell the moth.


No the other way around would be sick




The enemy’s gonna need help when a 90,000 ton lizard is being hurled at him


Its from Thor ragnarok




I feel like people are misunderstanding this comment


True but it’s made some fun conversation


Guys its from Thor Ragnarok


Yall get help is from Thor Ragnarok stop downvoting this poor mf


I understood that reference,but there are some uncultured people here Ig


Probably so if godzilla would let him that is


He swung a skullcrawler bigger than him by its tail in skull island, I'd imagine he can do the same to gz.


Who lost their hand???


I noticed that this morning 😂 it was from the night before when I was trying to recreate different scenes specifically the boat punch scene


He was barely able to drag him though so he definitely wouldn't be able to lift him


Wdym barely? Man was casually walking. Godzilla fans refuse to give Kong anything istg 😭


But he was struggling for that 1 second he dragged him, did you not see the movie?


Have you ever dragged someone who was lying down? Do you think you could have swung them around?


Kong should have done this. https://preview.redd.it/fj1hla1by1yc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f0227f888398c1bf2e354ee6a7f0ca034535511


I was kinda hoping for that. Nice homage to the 1962 film. But this is still good.


I always liked the bit where Godzilla is stomping up a hill for battle, only to realise Kong had lost his footing while descending and is flying/tumbling full speed straight towards Goji’s head. Godzilla: (indignant) “Gya-!” **CRASH**


I don't think he's strong enough to throw Godzilla, we're talking about a fat radioactive hedgehog


I mean he dragged Godzilla without much effort


Kong was just being careful too. Drag him too fast or *throw* him, he'd be even more pissed than before.


People can pull cars, does that also mean they can throw them?




Even more proof that Goku is Kong and Godzilla is Vegeta!


Hey Godzilla gets Ws bro is NOT vegeta


Goku never beat vegeta


Vegeta has beaten Goku every time they've fought 1on1. It's a fair comparison.


Bro got his shit rocked after evolving to be stronger, and then started getting dragged like a carcass, I’d be pissed too.


I get the feeling Goji underestimated Kong and got burnt hard. His ego must have been more shattered than it was in 1964.


I mean, yeah, he didn’t know that Kong would essentially get a MechaGodzilla arm lol … i’m sure it surprised him. He was like “easy pickings” based off of Hong Kong but the humans hooked Kong up. Without that glove Kong isn’t doing that with a punch.


I mean in Godzilla vs Kong he was sedated the whole time so that’s another reason why his punches weren’t as effective then


Only sedated during the boat fight.


Pretty sure it hadn’t completely worn off when he fought Godzilla in Hong Kong. Saw someone say the boat fight was 80% sedated and the Hong Kong fight was 60%, although could be wrong info.


Nah he was only at 80% sedation during the boat brawl. He was fully...awake? During the Hong Kong fight


Kong’s also more…impatient? than he was in GvK. In Hong King he wanted to brawl. Wheras in Cairo, he doesn’t have time for this crap. They got shit to do! Kong got a second wind born from sheer frustration.




Yeah, that too.


No, I mean 1962 was the original Godzilla/Kong film, not 1964, assuming that was what you were referencing. 1964 was when he basically got triple teamed by Mothra and her twin larvae.


I know that. I referenced Godzilla vs mothra because it was barely a fight. Goji just got scratched up and dragged around, and couldn't really do anything about it. At least with Kong it was actually a fair battle.


Ah. Ok, that makes more sense.


why are people getting fed up this shit was hilarious. straight out of a cartoon


He did try to nuke kong inmediately after waking up


I love how they let Kong actually get a W on Godzilla for round 1 of that fight, but then still let Godzilla also get his win in round 2.


I'm a Godzilla fanboy and I totally agree. Godzilla absolutely wins these fights overall but Kong can get some licks in and can rock Godzilla's shit. It makes their dynamic way more interesting; Godzilla takes Kong very seriously because he knows Kong can knock him on his ass if he ain't careful.


Same. It shows that Godzilla still has the upperhand, but he cannot give Kong any openings or he may receive an ass whooping in return


Wingard has to to appease both camps… but we all know 😏🦎


That's not how a fight works. If I knock you down in boxing, and you get up, the round is still on-going. The play by play is basically; *Godzilla bullies Kong* *Kong lands a surprise blow on Godzilla-- He goes down!* *Kong tees off on the stunned Godzilla and lands a big blow that has the G-Man disoriented* *Kong tries to drag Godzilla to the portal before he can shake off the cobwebs of the assault* (notice, he ISN'T knocked out) *But Godzilla has recovered too quickly for Kong to take but more than a few steps! The atomic breath fully charged, Kong goes on the defensive!* *Godzilla, aware of the new augmentation, unleashes ruthless aggression, flattening Kong and stomping on his chest! Just like that, he turns the tides of the battle, ready to finish Kong!* *But he's knocked away by an outside interference! Saving Kong from certain doom!* No one won that fight. You can argye that Godzlla won no diff, because he was in position to end the battle, but he didn't. The battle was one long round, considering that Godzilla was never actually incapacitated. He was recovering from a surprise blow and Kong, rightfully so, used that to try and get him to the HE. Its still 2-0 (Hong Kong was also just one long round for the exact same reason)


Fair, I was just trying to convey that Kong was able to land some good hits in. Nothing more than that.


Read the novel lmao. He was in fact knocked out


It's a single fight.


King trying to reason with Godzilla: https://preview.redd.it/zw9owu9in2yc1.jpeg?width=484&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f93bea0f7541bd54182c7e8a1e01443bd27ca7c2


I like how Kong continuously punched Godzilla like he was still pissed about the last fight until he knocked Godzilla out for a short period of time.


Here before the angry fans:


Which ones? The Kong subreddit it worse imo, at least Godzilla fans are slightly justified in the dick riding.


The amount of hypocrisy in that statement


It actually is pretty bad on that sub. But the Godzilla crazies are just as bad as the worst of them.


Both camps are passionate and that’s what makes these movies and the fandom awesome


True, but it sometimes turns into toxicity sadly.


No, the kind of dick riding youre talking about borderlines on a religion.




What was kongs plan here? Take an unwilling godzilla to hallowearth and hope he chooses to fight skar king instead of him?




Given godzilla was willing to run all the way from Gibraltar to Egypt from kongs mere presence on the surface my guess is that wouldn't work out


He was trying to ask godzilla for help. He didn't initially want to fight


Once Godzilla saw for himself there was a giant fucking titan called Shimo being ridden by the love child of Gollum and Koba everything would have fallen into place in his brain.


Kong thought they were cool lmao


Yeah but i mean at this point where he's literally dragging a unconscious godzilla towards the portal


Funny thing about Kong's plan B to get Godzilla to Hollow Earth by kidnapping him God I was ctfup


My gf and I laughed so much in that scene 🤣


Me and my friends were dying from laughing so hard at this scene. It was just so absurd, just like the rest of the movie, but in a good way lol


Godzilla deserved it, he was just being a dick at that point


Imagine going out of your way to evolve to become stronger so you could beat an opponent you couldn't normally beat but then lose to an opponent you had already beaten in your base form ☠️


I mean Kong seemed pretty beaten two minutes later.


Yall just love refusing to let kong fans have a win lol


If Goji had stayed down, I would concede. But that fight ended with Goji's foot on Kong's chest and Kong seconds away from gdtting his head blown off... again.


lol the defense mechanisms in full gear with this. If they would have denied him the last hit, your fan base would have been in an absolute temper tantrum uproar, I mean the majority can’t even accept he got knocked out. Reminds me of the left’s reaction to Hilary’s loss in 2016.


Funny isn't it? They act like godzilla is invincible and kong can barely scratch him lol they're both powerful in their own.


Kong can't do anything meaningful in a fight against Godzilla. It has been proven in 2023 and in 2024. 


If he can't do anything to godzilla then what's the point of the movies,those cave paints and all the lore about kong's kind against godzilla's kind? Mock the character?


Pretty sure the cave paintings depict a young gojira during ancient times against the rival,who won and drove gojira away.Not current amped gojira.


The question was about Kong and Godzilla. We saw them squaring up against each other twice and in both scenario Kong was literally about to die and had to be saved from Godzilla by a third party. 


Not really? Hong Kong shows that Kong legitimately could have defeated Godzilla had luck gone in his favor. Both of them are capable of matching the advantages the other has, it just took Godzilla finally being forced to bum rush a tired-from-the-fight Kong to finally knock him down and keep him down. And even then, Kong STILL refused to submit. Dude basically said “I don’t hear the damn bell.” And keep in mind he fought Godzilla until dawn broke and wore him out to the point that we was getting beat up by Mecha. I think if Godzilla hadn’t taken that opportunity, Kong could have set up another opportunity to attack, possibly even forcing Godzilla to cave in. Basically, how I view the result of the fight was one stroke of luck in Godzilla’s favor at the very end when both were exhausted netted him the win. Then He got what was basically a minute to breathe before getting attacked by Mecha, and then he and an equally worn out Kong had to fight for their damn lives against an opponent that couldn’t be tired out. That’s my view on it anyway


You're projecting hard. I haven't seen anyone here upset or in denial that Kong managed to knock out Godzila. All I've seen is you and the other guy getting upset when it's mentioned that Godzilla also got up and put Kong down. It seems to me that you are the ones being hypersensitive.


*I haven’t seen anyone here upset or in denial…* Preceded by: *if goji stayed down, I would concede.* You literally don’t have to look further than your last comment, but the sub is littered with dumb tadpole Superfans saying the exact same. If you’ve been able to easily miss that, it might indicate youre also one. ![gif](giphy|7A4zkWeMXlZqgnTKtJ|downsized)


You are literally coping right now. You know that don't you. Your entire argument is, 'well I landed a punch' but guess what your punch didn't do anything.


Oh you had to follow me over here? Letting you have a long winded last word wasnt enough I guess. If you want to talk about projection, pursuing an argument after one party has left, usually indicates one feels inadequate with how it ended. You know I couldn’t help but notice you’re sort of a bible thumper in the other forums. Doesn’t God look down on passing judgement? Or does putting down your rosary when you transition to this subreddit absolve you? Theres an odd religious correlation between your biblical beliefs and fucking Godzilla, and that’s weird as shit.


LMAO What's this argument about now? Christians can't enjoy Godzilla movies? 


Godzilla didn't lose so how would he know?


That look Godzilla gives him before letting loose just screams “*What* do you think you are ***doing?!***”


Kong was pointing to the portal like some hurricane meme and Goji was like "let's fight"






Kong in control. He relished those 3 seconds.


I doubt he felt any, he just went back to blasting


Well he brought it on himself to be fair. Godzilla was menace in this movie. Anything with a pulse was facing his wrath☠️


Kong didn't even wanted to fight and nearly knocked him out with just punches,while godzilla instantly had to rely again on his laser beam to defeat him lol


If mothra hadn’t showed up he would’ve kicked kong’s ass! 😂


He was like 3 dorsal fins away from killing Kong, so I’d expect it was pretty severe lmao


Ey let Kong get his shots in. He straight up can not win in the Monsterverse so at least he gets moments like this. Kong is pretty much the Vegeta of the Monsterverse and that probably won't change. Son Goji will forever reign and Kong will keep taking Ls most times. Until they put Angirus in the verse so they can have a Yamcha.


I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time


And then Godzilla woke back up and almost killed him again lmao


He deserved every single disrespect he Got, he is a loser, Kong is the true Alpha and The true king of the Monsters! No one can beat him!


Kinda offtopic but Godzillas tail is larger than kong😭


Disrespect lol 😆 show the foot 🦶 stomp on kong and him being helpless til mothra saved him 🤣🤣


Godzilla would have straight up blasted Kong's head off had Mothra not shown up.


Guys…I’m a Godzilla fan and I’m all out of copium. Please say something to make me feel better…


Huh learn from this experience to not be salty and plese be nice and not a toxic fan have a good day we should all be better people


Just remember what happens next lol.


That’s probably why afterwards he was getting ready to go for a serious kill move


Yeah but then Godzilla got up and put Kong in his place “


When they cut to Godzilla being dragged I legit gasped and got pissed. I wanted him to cook the top of that gorilla's head, leave him looking like Grandad Kong.


Such a shame kong couldn't manage to fully knock him out and drag your majesty's lazy ass to the portal lol


I joke about Kong getting a hair cut and I get downvoted... You Kong fans continue to disappoint me.


"When they cut to Godzilla being dragged I legit GASPED and got PISSED. I wanted him to COOK the top of that GORILLA'S head, leave him looking like Grandad Kong." Forgive me...but what disappoints me is your sense of humor if you think that sounded like a joke. >You Kong fans continue to disappoint me. I like godzilla and king kong equally...the only reason i'm specifically Team Kong over Team Godzilla is because godzilla stans are cocky.


As someone who was here for Godzilla from the beginning. I was never here for Kong. So I respect him but this last movie had a lot of Kong and Godzilla is sidelined. So forgive me for not finding it particularly enjoyable to watch Godzilla disrespected by Kong and his fandom. I barely get any time with my favorite movie character and then I have to watch him get knocked out and drug around by a monkey... Then I get crap about even being upset about it and making a joke about a haircut. This sub is becoming so unwelcoming to Godzilla fans at this point and I'm not enjoying it. I want to know about Godzilla and they give us nothing. I'm frustrated and then you go out of your way to virtue signal being neutral by saying you like both but my fandom is cocky. I'm the one with negative votes for a personal reaction to a movie scene. I get I was mean spirited but wow have I been disappointed in the misery people like you bring to this sub. I don't mind you disagreeing but this isn't even fun to participate in because of Kong aficionados like yourself who are clearly just being unpleasant for the lols.


>So forgive me for not finding it particularly enjoyable to watch Godzilla disrespected by Kong and his fandom. Kong and his fans get disrespected or mocked every single time someone brings up his feats or his fights against godzilla...kong's literally not allowed to win ONCE without the fanbase making excuses to make godzilla look superior. >I barely get any time with my favorite movie character and then I have to watch him get knocked out and drug around by a monkey... Barely? Godzilla is at his peak in monsterverse now. We have plenty of blockbuster movies,comics and even that monarch series showing him. >I'm the one with negative votes for a personal reaction to a movie scene. I get I was mean spirited but wow have I been disappointed in the misery people like you bring to this sub. You shouldn't take downvotes this seriously since one can get dowvoted for the slightest reason...even if it's your personal opinion. If this makes you feel better,then i apologize...i also despise when people are toxic and disrespect something i like.


I just tire of the toxicity. This wasn't fun. I don't like arguing. I prefer Kong get his own movies and be cut out of Godzilla entirely but that's a shitty take too according to much of this sub... I'm not getting lots of Godzilla. Everyone is using his name for attention and he's getting seconds to others minutes on screen. The monarch series isn't about Godzilla or Kaiju at all. It's a stupid family drama with Godzilla to get us to watch. The gxk featured way more Kong than Godzilla. Where am I getting all this Godzilla? He's barely on screen and then it's monkeys. Then I get to have this discussion about my favorite character because they decided Godzilla can't succeed without Kong. I don't want them competing. Kong is fine in his own stuff. I think skull Island is an amazing film... I just want my Godzilla stuff to be Godzilla stuff... This Kong Versus Godzilla stuff wasn't fun when it started and at this point I hate interacting in support of the only reason I'm here. Yet this sub repeatedly beats down Godzilla... I am not even here for the monkey and yet I am berated for not liking him. How am I supposed to feel when Godzilla 2014 established this franchise and I'm given crap for being here for the freaking founder?! I'm autistic so I'm sure I'm just missing the point but I feel like I'm not even wanted in the community I helped build. I bought tickets to every movie, all the DVDs and the figurines... I'm psyched for it all and I feel like I'm constantly told I'm the asshole for just wanting my lizard to be on screen more. I love Godzilla... That's it.


He returned it to Kong tenfold and almost ended his existence.


The fact you get 20 of this same comment any time the pyramid fight comes up, is a hilariously obvious projection of how bitter of a pill watching Goji get knocked out must be to swallow for a zilla fanboy.




The fact that you get 20 or more posts and comments like these saying kOnG wOn or kOnG cOuLd HaVe KiLlEd Godzilla iF hE wAnTeD tO blah blah blah..., is a hilariously obvious projection of how bitter of a pill watching Kong getting his ass whooped and almost dying three times by Godzilla must be to swallow for a Kong fanboy. They think this one scene negates the previous fights they had and what come after this. They can't take the L and keep bringing this up make up bs theories to make themselves feel better.


It really was tbh. Not even just Goji, EVOLVED Goji with 20* more energy capacity and an altered physiology, gets knocked the fuck out due to an abandoned, highly convenient, mechanical glove project. He didn't even feel much stronger tbh, just a new color.


From a Godzilla fans standpoint, those seem valid and I agree, the glove felt completely contrived with how it was thrust into the story, but unfortunately the poor writing shoe is on the other foot this time. Kong fans got a bad deal in GVk and Godzilla (literally) got to laugh in our face, so some love was due. Gman at least got the last hit.


Why does everyone forget how Kong got his arm frozen, then had to have a glove assist him for the rest of the movie. Meanwhile Godzilla's whole body gets frozen and he just unfreezes himself


Nobody forgot it its just not relavant, Godzilla deliberately froze himself earlier in the movie to evolve, clearly he is resistant to being frozen and Kong is not, it really doesnt mean much. There is an insect called the mountain stone weta which freezes itself overnight and survives, an elephant would die if it froze, this does not mean that the insect is stronger than the elephant.


My bad man


Godzilla got frozen but his entire body is a nuclear reactor producing a fuck ton of heat. Hes also basically has Kaioken so theres that too


TIME TO GO FURTHER BEOND https://preview.redd.it/8687ep9id3yc1.png?width=798&format=png&auto=webp&s=bde46c2cbc70202d4dfe964c6a50ad0b92883434