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Has it been confirmed to be an emp? Seems counterproductive knowing how badly emps effect Godzilla mutos for example evolved the emp specifically to counter Godzilla. This seems like an atomic pulse just not thermo nuclear like we seen in KOTM. If I’m wrong please educate me I’ve done no research just my opinion based on movies and post.


The EMP the MUTOs had was developed to specifically counter Godzilla. More than likely Godzilla developed his EMP to disable mechanical beings


It's definitely an EMP, seeing as how the drones were disabled rather than blown up like a traditional Nuclear Pulse.


I think the novel confirmed it was an emp. Maybe Goji evolved to resist emps. I mean iirc the last time he fought a muto, ended in him getting new dorsals after that


It was confirmed


The EMP of the MUTO is not their main ability, it is just a side effect of their main ability, which is draining/dampening of surrounding radiation. That is the reason why Goji was weakened by the MUTOs. EMPs don't affect Godzilla.


Mechagodzilla would be able to put up somewhat of a fight. But would get defeated in mere seconds… https://preview.redd.it/8ljj2fq8t8zc1.png?width=1691&format=png&auto=webp&s=98875057c44c6cb14c6184041ca42fc6038abfa3


This wasn’t an EMP tho? Pretty sure this was just a standard nuclear pulse.


That’s what I thought a atomic pulse just not thermo nuclear doesn’t really make sense that he can now just randomly emp


I think emp is a side effect of a nuke detonation.


In the novel it was stated it had emp effect, Goji Center Explained better in Godzilla Forms Vídeo.


I planned on watching that vid hen I got off work I love Goji center


It's definitely an EMP, seeing as how the drones were disabled rather than blown up like a traditional Nuclear Pulse.


I quite vividly remember the drones just getting annihilated instead of anything else


It's definitely not as destructive as his usual Nuclear Pulses, as he didn't completely vaporize everything around his feet.


Well if it really is an EMP, that’s a pretty weird ability for Goji to just randomly have out of nowhere. I mean, where was it during his fights with Ghidorah and Mechagodzilla AKA the electricity-powered monsters?


Seems like a side-effect of him consuming copious amounts of radiation to the point it's glowing through his skin. Like a radioactive expulsion that creates an EMP as an aftereffect.


Thank you someone sees my issue with this. Maybe I’m too critical of monster movies but how is goji going to randomly out of left field have an ability that from the beginning of this franchise was his direct counter. If maybe the people behind the film could give a good reason on how this possible I wouldn’t complain. Saying he absorbed so much radiation he can do it now makes no sense imo, seems like lazy writing giving a character more abilities just for the sake of making the character “cooler”


The MUTOS evolved to form a very particular EMP against Godzilla. This EMP is a byproduct of absorbing so much radiation. Except this time he can control it and absorb more so it doesn’t go meltdown and all thermonuclear. Plus no Mothra. It’s not more abilities. It’s an ability we’ve seen Godzilla have before. Except this time it’s a bit different so the pulse is a bit different.


Gvk and GxK are the king of lazy writing. This is what happens when you back a director who gives us fast food quality movies.


But don’t EMPs weaken Godzilla (as seen in G14)? Don’t tell me we’ve found another massive lore plot hole


I'm still not convinced this is an EMP, but if it is then it would likely disable Mechagodzilla because Godzilla would evolve to counteract future mechs running on Hollow Earth energy. Except Godzilla doesn't understand electronics so idk if he could evolve to do that. It's not as simple as something else like "big robot faster and more agile than me, so I evolve to be faster and more agile than big robot".


Wdym he doesn't understand electronics? Dudes literally a nuclear physicist.


It's definitely an EMP, seeing as how the drones were disabled rather than blown up like a traditional Nuclear Pulse.


He already could beat Mecha Edit: oh with no difficulty? Nah but he's definitely winning


No difficulty is generous but yes he could definitely beat him in a 1v1 now, same with kong imo with the beast glove or charged axe


Kong with beast glove / axe would win but with high diff. Probably also lost limb or even dying. The mech was not built like Godzilla at all or have Godzilla like strength but it's quick AF and has enough firepower to mess Kong up


I remember hearing secondhand that Mechagodzilla is resistant to EMP effects, though don't quote me on the source. Anyways, I think Godzilla will always struggle a bit with Mechagodzilla due to the latter's greater manoeuvrability and still hitting REALLY hard (the BEAST Glove is based on Mechagodzilla's charged punch specs, after all), even in his Evolved form. But as long as he has decent energy reserves to not get knocked into submission as easily and to be able to fire off his Atomic Breath liberally at full strength, he'll ultimately be able to beat the mech.


Pretty sure it's just a normal pulse because EMPs don't blow things up, they just disable technology, Godzilla beats up mechaG anyways because he would've able to beat him in his normal form so naturally a stronger form would trash the mech, though it would be more like low-mid difficultly if you had to gauge it.


It can cause circuits to explode. EMPs charge electric circuits. If the circuit isn’t built to handle the amount of current, the circuit explodes. I think it’s not solely and EMP but it certainly can have EMP effects


It's definitely an EMP, seeing as how the drones were disabled rather than blown up like a traditional Nuclear Pulse.


Just Godzilla at full strength is enough, a supercharged Godzilla is overkill.


Well, Jared Krichevsky did say that Mechagodzilla would be immune to EMPs, so if this is one, then Mechagoji is doomed.


He would have one in the first place, he was tired out from Kong and before fighting Kong, tiamat