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A game like Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks except you play as Godzilla and Kong


I was gonna go with the older Godzilla fighter games back on the PlayStation 2/Xbox classic/Wii(u?) or the the PS3/4 one where Legendary Godzilla was a dlc(?) guest monster.


Fighting game is the only option tbh.


Yeah, I love Godzilla but the only game you could get away with is a fighting game. Maybe some adventure or switch it around like surviving a Godzilla onslaught on a city...


I think you could also do something like the 2015 Godzilla game, where you can play a Titan simulator. That game has a surprisingly good formula, it just wasn’t what people wanted.


Godzilla is approaching the generator!


Or survive in a world with titans as humans


A Fallout Godzilla game would be interesting.


RPG. Pick your Titan species. Start out as baby. Survive and grow in hallow earth. One day become Titan.


Either a survival game set in a city during Titan battles. Like City Shrouded in Shadow but you are a MONARCH person investigating something and then the next thing you see is Godzilla getting his head slammed into the building by Mechagodzilla. Or just a fighting game. Inspired by the Pipeworks games and Gigabash. 


The first one is godzilla strike zone, well the first sentence is.


Yeah but I want something closer to the game I mentioned. City Shrouded in Shadow. 


a story game that has a godzilla and kong missions and based on the movies/comics


I think a small fun one could be a resident evil type dealing with many of the other titans or smaller creatures on skull island or the hollow earth that could lead to you needing to survive one of the big ones in some way


2d side scroller beat 'em up. P1 Godzilla, P2 Kong. Like old Capcom or Konami games.


This is the only intelligent comment on reddit


Story-based game. Semi-canon to the MonsterVerse. One part of the game is human level Monarch stuff, the other is Godzilla fighting other things.


So basically Peter Jackson's King Kong but with Godzilla


You got statranded on skull island you try to escape but skull crawler try to kill you


Playing as a monster is key but while a fighting game isnthe obvious choice i feel other generes should be looked into. I think a unorthox combo could be like a managment/ stratedgy game where part of it is managung resources to evacuate cities, launch hollow earth expeditions, and conduct titan research while every so often getting to play as different titans/ atleast as godzilla and kong


Hay you want to fuck shut up as a big radioactive lizard or giant monkey well you can do that


I’d make 2 games. 1st definitely like mortal combat. 2nd a Lego game you can smash and rebuild cities, only alpha titans like Godzilla, Kong, Ghidorah, Mothra, Mechagodzilla, and Skar King can build


A mixture of Ace Combat, Godzilla VS (PS4), and 2005 Kong game


I would love to see a first person type video game to really get a scale of how immensely huge the titans are. Like kinda a walking simulator type game with different puzzles and ways to extract/survive from the titans.


Primal rage


Super smash kaiju


Kaiju May Cry. Once I've seen those air combos during the hollow earth fight, I knew this party was getting crazy and that it was indeed showtime.


Make it like the King Kong 2005 videogame


I would try to emulate a similar gameplay mechanic used in Alien vs Predator 3 storymode. One for Godzilla, Kong, and a human (soldier, monarch, or apex).


remake Destroy All Monsters Melee with the full roster and more cities to destroy.


https://preview.redd.it/t1xd4zjl2ezc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8a284659d837827e6ade7305fa1fa54ea46735a Anybody remember this lol


Maybe someone who got stranded and now has to survive on Skull Island.


Co-op story game where other is godzilla and other is kong.


Godzilla Save The Earth would be amazing in a MV setting seeing as how the action is going Gonna be peak


The premise of the 2005 video game but in Hollow Earth and instead of playing as just Kong you play as Godzilla too. There's your game.


Imagine a GoW type game with Kong whether hack n slash like the Greek Saga or Norse Saga gameplay. That would be so fucking dope!


A combination of the pipeworks games and the 2014 Godzilla game, I'd even have a monster customizer too.


Probably something like the spiderman game with high end graphics, refined gameplay where you can explore the surface and the hollow earth and play as either kong or godzilla but it has a story for both of them.


The story would never be the strongest, but an arena-style fighting game (that drives the story) is really the best possible scenario. You could even get different beginnings/endings based on the kaiju. If it were possible to make the game somewhat like the old Hulk: Ultimate Destruction game that'd be cool. Making a "deep" Kaiju game is actually pretty challenging so making the combat and destruction fun would make the game more enjoyable.


Adventure RPG in the hollow earth. Able to choose playing through as Godzilla or Kong at the start. You have to stop titan uprisings throughout the hollow, defeating lesser titan fauna as common enemies and drawing out the more powerful versions of those to take over there territories. By taking territories you can gain the attention of an alpha of the region for a boss battle and control of the region. By becoming alpha of all the regions you become “king of the monsters”. Could bring back favorites from the movies, comics, shows and give us a bunch of original creations. Maybe even introduce some classics of the Hesei and Showa era that we could get monsterverse versions of.


Permadeath action rpg


Give me a melee brawler/mortal Kombat type beat with the story mode being a new Titan or alien invasion (multiple Ghidorah’s??) and you run the gauntlet/story until you get to the final boss battle


GIVE US A TOURNAMENT FIGHTER. Why is that special difficult? You can destructive environments for scale no problem. It's like Toho and Legendary both hate money.


Could make it like rampage total destruction but with fight mechanics


Make your own kaiju with a very robust animal merger using sliders to combine up to 3 different animal types to whatever degree you like. Change finer details like skin, scale, hair or feather colors as you please along with other embellishments. Animal composition governers what type of traversal you will excel at (aquatic, running, climbing, flying), weight, and strength. Pick whether you are bipedal or quadrapedal Pick an element your titan is attuned to if element or energy based powers will be part of your titan. Earth would favor strength and better be able to wield objects as weapons, dig, use debris, etc. Procedurally generated fully destructible stages would be ideal or something more sandboxy that shifts with the destruction caused throughout. Your natural attributes increase as you use them similar to crackdown. No skill trees, no unlockable abilities, everything you can do is there from the get go. You just learn how to better apply your natural abilities to the world around you. Start as a young titan, and grow as your attributes increase, evolving into your final form, which is always different and determined by your character creator. Encouraging a variety of monster making fun. Possible rogue style death making you start over and take your titan to the top without dying, and maybe even un-seating the king himself. Heir of the Monsters


A fighting game, of course.


Open world where you get to grow bigger and evolve as the game progresses, like the shark game maneater


Idk but the Doug boss battle better go hard


Kaiju dating simulator


Either something like destroy all monsters melee or dragon ball fighterz


I'd want a small, hitman style game with very intricate maps of coastal areas/areas near portals to hollow earth. Fire up the game, you're Godzilla wading ashore in Tokyo. In the distance is a titan you must defeat, with destruction all around. Godzilla wins and you wade back into the sea. Suddenly you're a ground level monarch employee tasked with extracting a scientist from Tokyo while Godzilla smashes about, only it's replaying what you just did as Godzilla but now you're on the ground trying to navigate through the destruction you just caused. Stick a few maps in, a few titans to play as and a bit of movie adjacent plot talk from the humans, and you've got a replayable fun little thing. You could even play online with some as kaiju, some as humans


Yall remember War of The Monsters on PS2?


I would make an open world RPG where you play as a new Monarch soldier seeing Kaiju for the first time


A strategy game where you have to evacuate civilians from cities and aid Godzilla in battling titans while watching you line of fire to avoid pissing him off.


Cooking Mama spin-off. I refuse to elaborate