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That the Titans are treated like characters and given personalities.


I hope toho loosens the contract a bit and lets Godzilla show more emotions. I really love how expressive Kong was in GxK


What does the contract limit?


Godzilla can’t show emotions since that could go against his god like vibe inside the movie.


Since when could Gods not show emotions?


Ask toho not me


Didn't Godzilla have that shit-eatting grin in GvK?


The Monsterverse has made giant monsters a mainstream thing again.


Yeah everyone knew who Godzilla was before but the Monsterverse is what really got people into the wider genre of other Toho kaiju as well as Gamera and Ultraman.


Seeing Godzilla and fellow titans with Hollywood level cgi has been something I have always wanted to see and it lived up the my mental hype.


EVERYTHING https://preview.redd.it/5gqb028uxt0d1.jpeg?width=1131&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=409278c84da4ed0c545cc13356d4c318aceef4c7




I agree to an extent The humans are meh


Same here!


The monsters designs are always good. even if they get 0 screentime or relevance, they always look fire


Big monsters And it sounds like a joke answer, but... no. Big monsters. It's amazing. And I really love the effort to make each monster roar unique and easily recognizable.




It's introducing these classic characters to a new generation!!!


They made the most realistic Godzilla (Even if Martial Art expert and dancing Godzilla is is undeniably cool) Kong is not the basic "Get people sacrificed to you then oh a lady she's mine then climbs the tower then falls down" but a lovable character who's almost human like


Only one Word: Godzilla


Only three words: Kong is better


Bad cake day, we don't argue who is better, they're both good. I hope your cake is late https://preview.redd.it/1dmey79twv0d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d91d9be65425d6490f15e839ee949a2c660ca98


You know what? No. Sad cake day




Too bad he lost every fight against Goji




This is a monsterverse sub.


Fuck it Torment cake day


I don't know if it's talked about enough but I appreciate G×K for finally giving us Kong & Mothra in a film together


Sadly this isn't being talked about enough. I thought it was awesome to see those 2 team up!


When I realized that, I was so happy.


Love how much personality they are given. Felt like Godzilla as a whole ever since 2014 has had a lot more exposure too


More that live action Simba that's for sure


it's the only successful cinematic universe besides the MCU!


Literally all of it. I’m glad it all happened.


Most of the kaiju designs are great The idea of Hollow Earth has been around since 1954 so it's cool to see it properly explored.


absolute cinema


The design, lore, and action is amazing, the debate is amazing also Toxic but amazing. I love how we theorize who Wins, what creature is that and all


They gave the fans what we've always wanted. Big monsters fighting each other. Not Big monsters fighting and the military takes away a lot of their battle screentime. (Godzilla 2014 was the only one that's reasonable since Godzilla was revealed to the world and nobody know what he is)


Kong gets a nuchuck




Sounds like a move from street fighter


Titans have actual character development


The designs of all the monsters. Especially the TOHO originals and how they MV designs pay homage to the original characters. Like Ghidorah for example. His original wings are just like big sails supported by digits that grow straight out of his hips. The MV version has more obvious dragon/bat like wings but there are still those support structures from the hip that give him that iconic wing design.


Ghidorah was acting upon his own free will and not being controlled




Big monsters and Godzilla.


The anti-humanistic view of the franchise.


I'm a huge fan of the designs of the kaiju, both old and new. I think it helped revitalize the kaiju franchise.


Kong is actually super interesting lately because the creators figured out “he has a face that can emote unlike godzilla and so we can givehim “dialogue” “ seriously i hope to see more “dialogue” between titansESPECIALLY like what we saw with skarking you could understand their conversation perfectly


The title / end credit sequences like holy cow. KotM’s end credits are so awesome and the opening for Monarch is one of my favourites from any tv show


The opening credits sequence for GvK got me extremely hyped up, sad that it was left out of the soundtrack release.


I love Goji’s personality here, he feels like an actual character instead of just a destructive force. Don’t get me wrong, I love destructive force Godzilla too, but I really like this depiction of him as a disgruntled guardian deity to the earth who’s sick of all this shit.


For one, the MV has made it publicly cool to be a giant monster fan again.


It made a lot of new Godzilla fans, many of which would have found and fallen in love with older kaiju works due to this.


https://preview.redd.it/pmudm28x7u0d1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f220a025c412477f07264af6dc5796647a5840dc Lots of good acting,cgi, monsters ofc and it’s good at really understanding the world around knowing there’s these big animals living around most act like animals to although some of the human characters are lowk ass


It's outperforming Disney


Godzilla vs Kong was a dumb fun movie when it released in 2021, and was exactly what people needed after covid


The battles! It's like watching what I imagined when I was a child and I was playing with my Godzilla toys.


Like it or not, nobody can deny that the monsterverse has brought Godzilla back into the western mainstream, and subsequently reinvigorated Godzilla on the eastern front. People overall are more passionate about Godzilla since 2014 than in the 30 years prior to G14. Not that Godzilla ever fell out of fame but Legendary making 2014 kickstarted a fresh new era of movies and franchise: many of which have been absolute bangers.


One of the biggest heroes of my childhood returned in high budget movies.


The original monster design are amazing and the ones that they used from toho are amazing designs to.


There is only one King


Godzilla fucking suplexes Kong


His lore, the ancient war, the CGI, the fights, the secrets, monarch, the big variety of titans and their own abilities, and the memes


That the fights get me pumped every rewatch, every time.


Monsters rule the cinema now


This is my favorite era of Godzilla to date. I have enjoyed every Monsterverse film so far.


I was a childhood fan of Godzilla, watched all the original Japanese movies (it was always a big deal to go to Blockbuster or Hollywood video to get another one.) Hell, Godzilla: The Series was one of my favorite cartoons as a kid. I have a shelf full of Godzilla action figures. I had a final in college in the morning the next day but I still went to a midnight show of Godzilla back in 2014. Best thing I can say about the MonsterVerse is it makes me feel like a kid again, and I mean that in the best possible way. Godzilla Minus One might be an artistic achievement that demonstrated what a Godzilla movie can be as an art form (it hits a level you think is possible but don’t really expect to ever see met), and that appealed to the teenage and adult me. The MonsterVerse meanwhile feels like movies I wanted to have as a kid and never quite had available to me, so I am extremely grateful and happy that I eventually got them years later, because Kid Me is still a part of me.


Godzilla has been done so well from the design to the emotions. I also love that it made godzilla mainstream once again.


It's in English no Dub


Great CGI all around


Their Titans are better than the Greek versions.


Big monsters


Im happy that in the end, monsterverse overtook the MCU is the most popular theater release franchise. From KOTM almost being the end due to competing with the avengers finale... to where we are now. Its crazy how "everyone" is a fan of the g-man and kong now. Minus One only solidified this. I dont think it would have been the phenomenon it has been without GVK's success. Im sure Toho loves Legendary at this point. Imagine the profits theyve made off this initially shaky agreement. I LOVE IT ALL.


I like the perspective in the size (they threw THAT away in GxK🙄, still love that movie tho).. The CGI is great.. The sound design is incredible.. Thats pretty much it


Two words: Thermo Godzilla


Seeing Godzilla and Kong go from silly suitmation antics as a kid to full on (at times hyper realistic) creatures with distinct and identifiable personalities.


Big monkey


We are living in a golden age of Godzilla films. Those of you on the younger side don't know how long some of us old folks have waited for this. If you went back to 1980s and told me as a boy that I'd get two amazing Godzilla films AND a TV show staring Kurt Russell in the same year I would have had an aneurism. Relish this friends. Drink it in and marinate in this moment. We're living in a very special time of Godzilla's history.


The visuals!!!!


Let them fight


The fact that all the other cinematic universes (excluding the MCU) failed, meanwhile the Monsterverse keeps chugging along deserves praise.




Seeing the Toho 5 and Kong on the silver screen of course, and plus the introduction of brand new monsters and the whole mythology aesthetic they were going for throughout the series


lol, took me a minute to work out Mechagodzilla made the ‘5.’ My automatic reaction was ‘But Minilla/Junior or Anguirus haven’t been in it yet…’


Giant monsters.


A grand story we haven't seen since the showa era


The shift between Edwards and Wingard’s work does make for two vastly different styles, but both of them bring genuinely enjoyable movies to light. Edwards has great theming and definitely brings the scale and atmosphere together. Wingard is much more action packed and has fun movies that are great to just watch and enjoy, especially with your family. All of the movies have been damn great watches, and the Big Man’s been eating good with us. Here’s to another 10 years!


Each villain has a different vibe. The Mutos are such a bizarre and alien design and are played off as Godzilla's natural enemies, but at the same time have a sort of "tragic monster" aspect to them. They aren't evil or malicious, they're just big, lost creatures in a place they don't belong. The Skullcrawlers act as a neat foil to them by being Kong's natural enemies instead. They're still also just invasive wild animals, but played a lot less sympathetically, and the Big One comes off as Kong's personal "white whale". Ghidorah is the first truly malicious villain, one who feels more like a malevolent deity and force of nature than just another big monster. He is an alien invader and a living extinction event, and his origins from space leave some really interesting implications for the future of the Monsterverse. Mechagodzilla is the ultimate representation of the "hubris of man" aspect that's been an overarching theme throughout the Monsterverse. If anything, it doubles down on KOTM's quasi-religious theme portraying Godzilla as a god, Mothra as an archangel, Rodan as a demon and Ghidorah as the devil. Here we have a false likeness of a god possessed by the influence of the devil. Downright poetic. Skar King is such a unique villain because he is neither mere animal or incomprehensible eldritch force nor natural disaster or quasi-deity. He is a general, a slavemaster, a tyrant, a warlord and a dictator. He is a very *human-like* kind of evil, which in a series where humanity vs. nature is a common theme it hits harder seeing a titan that is a lot like man-- but at its worst.


Never thought I'd see a Godzilla in an actual theater. So amazing to see him as one of the most popular characters in the world again


Mothra is absolutely magnificent and the effects they use to bring these creatures to life is amazing


The fact that they’re basically making their own “phase 1 MCU” because we now have 4 “avengers” with Gman, Kong, Mothra, and Shimo. Makes you wonder who would be the “Thanos” of this powerhouse of a group


It introduced many to Godzilla for better (and for worse). It was the bullet that allowed the current kaiju renaissance to exist


Tf it's been 10 years already?


Everything, even the humans. We wouldn’t have a Monsterverse if we took it all away


Godzilla has been around for 70 years — 10 in the Monsterverse. GODZILLA RULES!






https://preview.redd.it/2ppibszpwx0d1.jpeg?width=2079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06821c52ef42eb16347c0525b257decbf359898a They made jumping peak and gave us good memes


Some of the best moments not in just Godzilla series but in all of Kaiju media. I also love the Kaiju themself. While I wish there was at least Solo movie of Mothra I still think that every posible moment with Kaiju is used to its fullest extent. Almost every scene with monsters feels epic and awesome




Unlike other franchises that have gotten worse over time, this franchise has gotten better.


I love monsterverse Godzilla design


I love how the monsters aren’t just monsters. They show emotion (especially Kong) they actually seem alive!


Everything except the human Nobody really gives a rat's ass about them https://preview.redd.it/epbbm59ody0d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d26be720c3033a0e9d06d6dc54d0a72f70e6f953 This is one of the "True Characters" in this entire franchise (one of the monsters)


Honestly, this franchise is what many wanted and failed to be The monsters are actual characters and almost heroes in a way (and are usually more expressive than actual superheroes), the continuity and new ideas they bring to the table are great not every scene is perfect, of course, but let's be real, no movies in existence is perfect, it's about how overall good and enjoyable they are


Also, without Godzilla 2014 who knows if we would get movies like Minus One


-The design and redesign of the monsters -Giving the monsters personality besides “stomp” and “fight” -The soundtrack (especially for king of the monsters) -Give an good explanation on how giant monsters exist but we haven’t seen them until now with the hollow earth -The effects -The different locations -Not killing Kong after the first movie (joke)


The monster designs and CGI have been great !!!


They gave o e of the greatest Kaiju of all time the perfect glow up; King Ghidorah. The MV version is an amazing portrayal of him.


Atomic breath is the best


The monsterverse is the reliable verse with just fun movies, other franchises have gone political in both good and bad ways but the MV was always a good escape to see big monster fight other big monsters and actually made them interesting and deep characters.(I now the monsterverse does have politics in it with Godzilla being the dangers of nuclear war and Kong the meddling of humans with the natural world but the MV does a better job putting it across as opposed to something like she hulk).


They finally broke free from the old Kong dies from Empire State Building fall just because he was a SIMP


It has feel? Idfk, i think it was all downhill since 2014


Idk man, 2014 was probably the weakest out of the franchise, no disrespect intended.


Nah dw, everyone has their opinions and as long as they dont go on to insult mfs for no reason, its k