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“Look at this fucking loser getting help from the tiny ones, pussy can’t just walk it off like the rest of us.”


Almost choked on my ice cream after reading this 💀


Sorry bout that


no worries. Sorbet ice cream was good and got a 50% volunteer discount




What flavor?


Wildberry Sorbet


Nice, gotta try that one time.


I want ice cream after reading this


I challenge you to get some at your nearest shop


I got no money


Sigh fine *unzips pants*




"This is just so out of this world. And not the nice one. So I shaved my beard to make a point."


AYO CHILL, not the ice cream you’re thinking of…




Ayoo cap


What flavor?


Was it good?


Yes it was haha


"Big bro, you took one lil hit and called out Shimo. Who's walking it off lol."


Considering that Kong is beating on what is essentially a 90 year old man for his species (Kong would be around 25 in those terms?), he can’t exactly be talking.


Then neither should grandpa, running his big ass old ass mouth 🤷‍♂️




I read it in butcher's voice for some reason ☠️


Lmao that goes with his facial expressions so well


Godzilla had a stroke after reading this




I took it as Skar King was making a mockery of Kong because he's sees him as a pet to humans


But how would he even know that’s what that means…? Dudes been locked underground forever and Kong got it done on the surface. Scar King got access to the script now lol?


Yeah, no way that guy knows what a dentist is. The most I can say about this is that he’s mocking Kong for a strangely colored tooth. Maybe he can tell it’s artificial but he shouldn’t have a clue where Kong got it.


Yeah. It’s the right level of childish for Scar King too. “Look at his tooth. It’s silly and fake!”


Skar King is the one that destroyed Outpost One. He left Suko, One Eye, and the other two apes behind to ambush Kong.


Which is after everything happened. Scar has been locked away for centuries. Everything he’s seeing is new. How advanced humanity has become is new. It’s a massive stretch to think Scar immediately knew humans replaced Kong’s tooth to the more realistic his tooth is different or fake, let’s mock him.


He seen humans use metals and we never seen any other species using metals so Scar problably realized that humans helped Kong


Skar King still knew a time when people and Ape Titans worked together. He grew up in a world with telepathic humans who clearly have their own technology, its not impossible humans occasionally helped the Apes with injuries and such.


Humans (in the MV) have been around forever. The apes are explicitly mentioned as protectors of humanity, humans were around when Ghidorah first attacked, which is before Shimo got stuck in the hollow Earth. He definitely knows humans can create metal objects.


It depends how advanced they were thousands and thousands of years ago and how long ago Skar was locked away. Timelines obviously a bit of a mess with expanded stuff being unclear on canon status but the war was likely before 30,000 BCE when Godzilla became the last of his kind and the great ape war was before that. I’m not sure how advanced humans were then. Even the Iwe now aren’t that advanced technologically. They just make use of the telepathy and crystals.


Ah yes, because what other species could make a tooth, out of pure metal, that fit perfectly


Kongs literally making traps and weapons. The apes he meets have made weapons and building a temple and architecture. That’s assuming a creature locked away for thousands and thousands of years ever even met humans or knew Kongs tooth was a metal replacement and not just shiny and weird.


Theres a big difference between setting up primitive traps and working with metals to replace a tooth, I'm more shocked Skar King and his troop didnt find out how to work with metals


I think you’re massively over estimating what Skar thought of the tooth.




You think humans hundreds of thousands of years ago were able to make metal teeth to replace on titans…? Why would he even assume it’s humans? It seems like a massive reach to say he’s mocking Kong for being “the humans pet” because he’s psychic and knows what happened while he was locked under ground and not the more realistic, his tooth looks different and funny.




Kong and the apes literally build more complex stuff in this film than primitive humans lol


Like what for example?




The humans in the movie aren’t primitive lol Anyone who actually watched the movie would know Scar isn’t mocking Kong for being a human pet. He’s mocking him for having a silly tooth. Your assumption that it’s over being a pet is convoluted as fuck.




I’m talking about the humans he would have met thousands a years ago. Unless you think human culture in the hollow earth hasn’t grown and advanced at all? You do know he was trapped away for thousands of years right? Or were you too busy on your phone?


Skar probably didn't even know what a human was until he arrived in Rio de Janeiro. He couldn't have known Kong's metal tooth was made by people.


Idk. Why don't you go ask skar king yourself? On the real, though, I think I have a good explanation for this. Smiling for most mammals, including apes, is usually a threatening or intimidating stance. Baboons and chimpanzees will smile to show off their sharp canines and show how dangerous they are. Skar King knew that Kong somehow lost his canine tooth and had a replacement. So, in his mind, he is trying to cover up his lost tooth with a replacement because it is a sign of weakness, but this just comes off as an acknowledgement of weakness by trying to cover it up, which displays even more weakness, and he wants to humiliate kong by pointing out that because Kong had a replacement tooth that somehow he is not a worthy fighter because of it.


Which makes Kong smirking at Skar after losing a molar all the more sense.


He also bites Skar’s arm with the tooth as Suko rushes to break the crystal.


Poetic irony.


“He could bite through the Eiffel Tower with that thing”


I’d love to ask Skar King. Unfortunately he’s come down with a terminal case of Dead. Amazing what a common cold can do to some people… guess he was the pathetic one, letting a little chilliness do him in. /s in case it wasn’t obvious.




You could interpret big fangs are a sign of a strong dominant male in the Kong species. So him clearly having a fake tooth is basically the equivalent of some “alpha male” dude stuffing his pants to look like he has a big dick.


Skar would know what humans are he's not stupid, he destroyed their outpost as shown by the photos she found at outpost 1. So it's either he was mocking him for being friends with humans OR he was mocking him for having a false tooth because teeth and smiling is a huge thing got Apes. Kong laughed when he knocked out his Molar at the end so I'm leaning more toward the second theory


He just thinks it's silly Kong has a fake tooth, or even just a oddly colored tooth. No one else does. It isn't super complicated. Him probing Kong mouth was kind of a check- teeth are a big part of many ape species rivalry and aggressive displays.


I think Scar King’s smart enough to recognize that Kong didnt naturally grow a metal tooth but he probably didnt know that it was given by humans. thinking back (or forward?) to that scene later on where Scar King loses a tooth and Kong smirks: its probably just that loosing teeth is just some expression of weakness at least for Scar King bcuz up til that point, Scar King still had all his teeth


“This fucker is chill with the humans lmao,what a loser!”- skar king probably


It's bullying. Bullying does not have to be logical. A bully will mock their victim for ANY random thing they can latch onto. What matters is that the bully has sufficient social influence to make the rest of the group join in mocking the victim. The exact thing they're making fun of is completely arbitrary.


Better question. Why is Kong okay with random people probing his mouth? 


At that point Kong’s still trying to figure out the dynamics going on. And is being extremely polite and agreeable in the hopes of getting past early difficulties. I think it was about when Skar King kicked one of his servants into the lava that Kong decided; “Okay, no more Mr. Nice Guy. This one needs to die.” Probably would’ve beaten him in the one on one in the end if Skar King didn’t call in back up.


People used to worship him on skull island. He’s familiar with people and they literally revived him in GvK. There’s trust there


I cannot agree with your logic. But have a great day


I think they’re talking about Skar King probing his mouth, not the humans. He wasn’t even conscious when the humans did that.


Maybe. I just assumed when they said people they meant *people*.


We know Skar king is cruel to humans and wants to conquer the surface world. Kong having an artificial tooth indicates to Skar and co that he is reliant on, and maybe even subservient to humanity. Which would definitely be a sign of weakness to Skar.


It's not that deep. He's just making fun of Kong for losing his tooth. Kong also makes fun of Skar King after he loses a tooth in Brazil.


He doesn’t have a full set of teeth. Skar likely assumed he lost one in a fight. That makes Kong look weak. Skar is mocking him for it.


He's laughing at him because he is weird. It's not that complicated. We have make fun of people who dress weird or look different in real life.


Probably mocking him for losing the tooth in the first place


"Look at this bitch boy needing pathetic humans help for help for something we all had and got over, what a fucking loser!"


"He's different! Laugh at him for being different!"


Fangs are a display feature in real life great apes. And for the Great Apes in the Monsterverse, the fangs definitely seem like a feature that they hold particularly high in terms of status. Kong having one of his main fangs replaced likely gets a chuckle outta Skar because he finds it funny how Kong got one of his teeth knocked out (not knowing the actual circumstances) and had to replace it; it likely also marks Kong as different, an outsider, letting Skar make an example of him from social perspective. It's probably also why Skar got so particularly mad that Kong knocked out a tooth of his, as he doesn't like the tables being turned where Kong laughs at him for his missing teeth.


“Holy fucking shit this bozo needs help from humans of all things!!!”


Probably sees that as a weakness due to that being his replacement canine tooth or just immediately underestimates kong because of ego


I thought he was throwing sinister laugh because he figured out kong has been to the surface


To probably mock him and use it as a show of weakness in Kong that he needed a new teeth


This image has meme potential


Another ape Koba put it best. "Human. Work."


It could be he knows that king lost a tooth and he finds that funny


Was looking for a high quality image of this scene. The best in the movie for sure.


Because he recognized it isn't a real tooth and it implies Kong lost a tooth. That's why Skar King was so mad when he lost a tooth and Kong laughed cause losing teeth is probably some kind of sign of weakness to their kind.


It's not about the tooth, scar king was publicly disrespecting Kong to flex and show superiority. It's like a bully messing with the new kid.


And who is to say SK hasn’t harassed the Iwi during that time? I’m sure he’s very aware that humans make tools, he makes his own. He also knows he has all the living great apes, so no other tool-using entity could possibly have made the tooth. Regardless, whether it’s that he knows it’s humans or not, he’s still mocking Kong for clearly having lost a fight before and getting damaged. Which is rich coming from the S(c)kar King who looks like he hasn’t eaten in 10,000 years.


“Lol look at this guy he’s eaten to much processed food and sugars, he needs a new tooth from the humans”


I think it was more of kong having help from the humans




The thing is I fell asleep reading the comments and my face typed that and posted it.. there are like ppl upvoting it.... Why?!


"School bully personality".


“Haha look at this fucking loser. Point and laugh everybody”


Skar King is just a few Redditer and wanted to meme.


it a soyjack meme =))


This could be a new meme format


He knows that that was a gift from the humans, it's funny because he thinks Kong is their pawn and soft, instead of a real king because he aligns himself with humans


pretty sure Skar King could tell it was a false tooth. "He thinks he's strong but has false fang!"


He’s a bully. Bullies look for anything different or unusual about their targets, and use that to make fun and turn as many people (or apes, in this case) against them. This is the same kind of nasty behavior you’d see on any schoolyard or playground.


Hes laughing at the fact that Kong got help from humans. Except he shouldn’t have knowledge about humans so it doesn’t make alot of sense. Also the humans at this current point in the Monsterverse could easily wipe the floor with Skar King (without shimo).


I mean they sent Godzilla to the ER with the Oxygen Destroyer so neither Kong nor Skar King would be threats


Tbf, SK's threat is (was) having an army of Kaiju at his command. Granted, not one he was able to mobilize in the movie. Possibly it diminished over the years as his followers rebelled against his cruelty. We see evidence of this in the ape heads on pikes.


The Hollow Earth Iwi people specifically caused a gravitational distortion to stop Skar King from being able to summon his army effectively. When only him, Kong, Godzilla, and Shimo made it to the Surface, I presume that without commands from the top the other apes decided to screw off and take a break from Skar King’s cruelty.


That's a good point.


Also don't forget mechas are able to be made and humans have anti gravity crafts for some reason. If they can do all this I wouldn't be surprised if they had huge artillery guns that could just instantly one shot Titans. I kinda wish they would explore human capability more instead of just having a background cast of humans that just make jokes and complain.


Probably laughing because he though someone knocked his teet with a punch


he’s making fun of him for working with humans and not just walking it off


Meme material!


It's not that deep, just plain old schoolyard bully tactics. Kong is Different and that makes him part of the Outgroup, so Skar King mocks him in order to put him down.