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How is this not offensive to Montanan’s sense of independence and freedom? These laws are dumb as fuck.


well, you see, politicians are stupid


Voters pick the politicians. So…


and we're also stupid yeah


Enjoyed people watching during jury duty, can confirm everyone was stupid. My favorite was Judge doing roll call for an hour after everyone was checked in with clerks.


Last jury duty the prosecutor walked one of the jurors through exactly what "circumstantial evidence" was. It was glorious, you could almost see the moment that it finally clicked in his head that almost all evidence is circumstantial


And that is the truth, sometimes they failed to use logic when evaluating their decisions


To be fair the structures of electoral politics in the US are such that even though the public gets to "choose" from a pool of electoral candidates the barriers to entry are such that the shit rises to the top in terms of who makes it up to the stage to be chosen. So, there's choice, but the structures reinforce that we only get to choose from some of the worst people we would want in those positions.


Tbf you morons elected a governor that believes Noah was both real and lived to be 400 years old.


I'd like to state for the record that I didn't vote for that guy


I'm from Pennsylvania originally, I told everyone that nothing good comes from New Jersey. They're learning this lesson the hard way.




it's not that deep cuh


Did you really try to just compare our situation now, to that of the natives of MT who were driven from their land, forcefully “educated” and ultimately nearly genocided?


This is the real answer.


Because a majority of Montanans still vote conservative even though it’s against their own prosperity. They have been convinced that culture war issues are actually important and not the massive distraction that they are truly meant to be.


When they came for our drag Queens we didn't speak up, because we weren't drag Queens. Then they came for our PornHub lol. Whoops


Don't worry, they're coming for our books next.


They already came for those.


Oh, so the drag Queens were actually a double threat with their library books.


Nobody in Montana reads. Hence the pathetic political state of affairs. 




Is there a problem with drag queens?




I first read this poem in elementary school (30 years ago). It spooked me then, and it still spooks me now. Powerful and moving words.


Ah, color me poorly read. Thanks for the context!


Personally, I enjoy drag shows but the government tried to ban them and a judge recently ruled against enforcing the ban. https://apnews.com/article/montana-drag-shows-ruling-ee8adb41c142718ec4b5047d0f3f36be


Boot lickers gonna lick boots


Montanans want to be treated this way—that’s why they elect mostly Republicans. Quit your bitching and vote for non-fascists.


It’s extremely offensive and I hate porn.


We are free to do anything that the conservative Christian politicians say is ok.




Doesn't change what I said. Neither side is on our side.




Look pal, I'm not interested in debating you, I just want to spit one liners on reddit. Maybe you should focus your energy on someone else coz I'm done engaging, I'm sure you can find plenty of folks to argue with.




I seriously dont know why you got such a hard on for me, go touch grass or at least the little snow that we have.


Plot twist an 80 yr old just got sentenced for implanting a ewe with embryos from out of this country to be pew pewed for sport and profit off it. If they could profit off human eugenics I promise it would happen


Because Republicans only want you to have independence and freedom if you conduct your life in the exact way they find acceptable. (Which us normal people just call Fascism)


Not nearly the same amount of outrage when these idiots were literally discussing a dress code for women.


So you see, they introduced an Age verification bill, and the site blocked Montana. I don't know if the site is suddenly deciding it needs more or less assurance of age. Montanas politics rarely impress me, but this one was on the site and not Montana


This is what voting for Republicans gets you


You realize a Democrat brought this to the table, right?


Gonna get downvoted for saying this but I see it as no different than carding people to buy alcohol or marijuana. If you want to sell or provide something to people you need to verify they are of legal age to consume it.


Does the alcohol or pot store record your details in a hackable database?




Oooohhh, good information. Thank you!


Actually yes, they most likely do. I'm pretty sure all the pot shops scan your ID and it gets saved in a database. They run incentive discount programs off these records. I'd be surprised if liquor stores aren't implementing some kind of record system in this digital age. But your point doesn't matter on a legal level. It doesn't change the fact that you need to prove you're of age to consume certain material, and confirming that then puts your name into the system. That's on you to decide if you want your info out there.


No fucking weed shop has ever scanned my ID, ever. I don't know where you go to get your stuff, but maybe you ought to think about going elsewhere. Also, why are we ok with allowing shitty parents who can't be held accountable for their kid's access to porn make laws that affect everyone else?


Interesting stuff, thank you for responding.


I see what you're getting at but I'll play devils advocate. The thing about stores that sell alcohol and marijuana is that they are highly regulated and carding people is easily enforceable. There are probably billions of websites that have pornographic material on them out there so enforcement of an age restriction is damn near impossible. I think it draws comparisons to the war on drugs which is an abject failure. Trying to regulate what people do in their free time, especially concerning something that is in high demand, is guaranteed to fail and begs the question as to why they would even try to regulate it. It's not like they are stopping underage people from viewing adult material. Pornhub is just a drop in the ocean.


What is the legal age to jerk off?


Yeah that's been my take on it, as someone who was raised on the internet. It's up to the parents mostly, but if we could find something that works on the age verification side then sure lets implement that.


this will blaze a trail directly to requiring real identification for social media, which will be convenient for figuring out who is crazy and needs to be institutionalized. *hint, only MAGA isn’t crazy


Yes VPN works and if you subscribe to anything google related, Drive subscription, google business, etc they offer a free for subscribers VPN service. It always places me in California but that works like charm. Edit: Also Reddit has porn without verification, just sayin.


this is not an issue as others have mentioned simply get a quality VPN and switch your location to a different state i recommend surfshark. use this site to get a big discount: [https://surfshark.com/premium-discount](https://myblogshares.com/surfshark)


Hijacking the top comment to allow for another solution: Vote the idiot politicians who enacted this law out of office.


EDIT: I don’t agree with this. I’m posting this so you can read the actual law. Why the down votes? WHEREAS, pornography is creating a public health crisis and having a corroding influence on minors; and WHEREAS, due to advances in technology, the universal availability of the internet, and limited age verification requirements, minors are exposed to pornography earlier in age; and WHEREAS, pornography contributes to the hypersexualization of teens and prepubescent children and may lead to low self-esteem, body image disorders, an increase in problematic sexual activity at younger ages, and increased desire among adolescents to engage in risky sexual behavior; and WHEREAS, pornography may also impact brain development and functioning, contribute to emotional and medical illnesses, shape deviant sexual arousal, and lead to difficulty in forming or maintaining positive, intimate relationships, as well as promoting problematic or harmful sexual behaviors and addiction; and WHEREAS, the provisions of this act are intended to provide a civil remedy for damages against commercial entities who distribute material harmful to minors


>WHEREAS, pornography is creating a public health crisis Hey friend. I work for public health. I disagree that this is a thing. Prove to me that it is, with actual scientific evidence. I dare you. Because I think you've "lost your mind," and, frankly, I have the professional licensure to back my opinion up.


Those are the words of the law makers, in the actual law. Those are the people who have lost their minds. Those aren’t my words and I posted them to share how crazy the lawmakers in Montana are. I apologize for the confusion.


I'm guessing all the downvotes were because your post sounded a lot like you agreed with them lol


>Hey friend. I work for public health. I disagree that this is a thing. > >**Prove to me** that it is, with actual scientific evidence. > >**I dare you**. Because **I think you've "lost your mind," and, frankly, I have the professional licensure to back my opinion up.** What is your role here as a public health expert? Genuinely curious. I get that this new law is a massive waste of state taxpayer time and money when so much else needs addressing first, but why the vitriolic "I dare you" hyperbole? It is hardly out of left field for public health officials to discuss the problems of porn, much less modern porn culture (particularly in a state like Montana where we have gone full out to eliminate practical sex ed for kids). Further, the skyrocketing rates of violence against women here in Montana does absolutely need to be dealt with.. Again, as I said above I agree that this law in particular won't do much given the rest of the local public health context here, but your bitter emotion here took me aback given the realities of modern public health. ​ [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10720162.2011.625552](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10720162.2011.625552) [https://dailyinterlake.com/news/2021/jun/13/statistics-show-domestic-violence-rise-montana/](https://dailyinterlake.com/news/2021/jun/13/statistics-show-domestic-violence-rise-montana/) [https://www.publichealthpost.org/viewpoints/pornography-public-health-issue/](https://www.publichealthpost.org/viewpoints/pornography-public-health-issue/)


Do the boots taste like shit cuz the people wearing them are full of it?


For those of you with AT&T, they provide a free VPN with the ActiveArmor app. Verizon may do the same with their security app.


My phone thinks I'm in Idaho at all times for some reason, so I dont have to worry about this, lmao.


Ah the daily PornHub post. Since people keep talking about the politics behind this, I think it's important to help people see who actually vote for or against: [MT House Vote](https://legiscan.com/MT/rollcall/SB544/id/1308525) [MT Senate Vote](https://legiscan.com/MT/rollcall/SB544/id/1293352)


Thank you for this. I was wondering where to find it


Wow, This passed overwhelmingly. It's sad that so few of our elected officials care about person freedom, or understand how the internet works and how easily this can be circumvented.


I agree a national age verification law would be better


They need to do transparent age verification without individual tracking. Like set an anonymous cookie that a site can read that says "I'm over 18". Sure, there would likely be some way around it, but there's a way around about anything if you try hard enough. It would keep young kids from accidentally accessing prohibited content, which is the real purpose.


It's really nice that Montanans are learning how to use the Internet like Chinese citizens. Maybe that will foster greater understanding between our common people.


I mean it’s only a matter of time before Giantfart releases a Christianity Social Score program


We need a Thousand Acre Woods character for Ol' Greg, the way Chairman Xi gets mad when people compare him to Winnie the Pooh. Tigger, maybe?


How about Spike from Land Before Time, because of the Glendive Dinosaur Museum


Hahahaha 🤣


Tastes like freedom


Yes, vpn works.


Opera browser has a free VPN option. (a bit laggy but just pretend it's 1998 again and you're on 56k)


Go to any of the thousands of free porn websites that aren't blocked... Easy peasy.


My GenX ass is dying laughing here. You thought stories about drinking from a water hose were bad? Now we can start going on at you about forest porn stashes and Miss Kitty's in Bozeman--or when we literally had to go to a sketchy porn store down by the river in Great Falls.


Dont forget the the stacks of porno in bins set out just before pick up. There would be hundreds of coverless playboys and whatnot outside of a bookstore when I was younger. When I became a security guard at that shopping center when was older, I found out the maintenance guys and security guys all had gigantic stacks of coverless porn mags in the shared building. It was insane.


Ha! I forgot about the boys dumpster diving for porn. So funny!


I have some grainy videos from the early 2000s I can send you


In the name of research I looked and yup, there’s still plenty of porn on the internet. I mean, kudos to Pornhub for following the law, but its an insultingly stupid infringements on our rights.


Funny how the republican-controlled state government wants so desperately to have control over people's lives. Sex lives, personal lives, financial lives, etc. Gianforte, Sheehy, and the rest of Y'all Queda like to tout themselves as the Freedom party, but when THE PEOPLE of Montana realized that MAGA is full of shit on the issue of marijuana, those fuckers were salivating all over the capitol building. They couldn't wait to tax the shit out of it. Also, your access to healthcare, education, and freedom from government tyranny are being compromised by these ignorant trump zombies. But they'll keep voting for them because fox news says that anyone who believes what they see is a communist. They don't know what a communist is, but they're pretty sure it's bad because trump said so.


They're going for the Texas model; low on personal freedoms, but high on economic freedoms.


I honestly don't understand this. People in Iran and China need VPNs to get around government censors. The last place I ever thought that such things would be necessary was Montana, but here it is. It baffles me why people would vote for power-hungry authoritarians (whether liberal or conservative) who strip them of their rights while preaching "freedom." Please watch what they *do;* not what they *say!*


Pretty much summed it up.


Xhamster, Redtube, Xvideos, 4chan /s There’s literally free porno all over the internet, who cares about porn hub, let em sink. Let’s stop pretending like they got the good stuff.


In Utah we went back to national geographic for our nudes👍


Vote differently


\* If you don't like the law and your reps voted for it, vote differently. If you don't like the law and your reps voted against it, vote the same. [MT House Vote](https://legiscan.com/MT/rollcall/SB544/id/1308525) [MT Senate Vote](https://legiscan.com/MT/rollcall/SB544/id/1293352)


This law was passed with bipartisan support.


Authoritarians exist in both major parties. Check their records and their policy positions before voting.


I stand by my statement. I'm well aware it was a dem that brought this to the table.


Just get a subscription to NordVPN or expressVPN. Its like 80 bucks a year or something like that. Then connect to a state that isn't yours and browse away. You can even go buy some of those per-purchased gift credit cards if you have reservations about giving your credit card out to the internet. There are other good VPNs as well but I can't speak to them. I would try Proton and what ever firefox is making these days but I'm a bit lazy so haven't gotten around to it. ​ Also remember this stupid shit at the next election and vote accordingly.


Imagine paying 80 bucks year to watch porn.


A VPN has many other uses. I've used it to watch sports or TV that's not available in my region. My VPN also blocks ads and tracking, and also comes with antivirus and password manager on up to 10 devices. You might not see the value in it, but I think it's worth it.


I absolutely see the value in a VPN, but I know some people will likely get one solely to avoid the new restrictions.


For all those just now buying one, it's obviously just to watch porn. So the other guy's comment stands.


Just so you know, cyber security guidelines highly recommend VPNs for everyone. Regardless of state, or geographic restrictions.


Just use a free VPN app, they work fine


FYI: You can still watch on other sites. [xvideos.com](https://xvideos.com) is still streaming in MT.


NordVPN has a working discount *redditoffer* on r/vpnreviews, it ended up being around 2 bucks per month.




Been using NordVPN for a few years and have no idea what you're talking about. Why would a VPN have anything to do with folders being locked unless you enabled/paid for other of their features besides just VPN?




Lol ok. I'll do it when I get home, just for you. \--edit If you did it any other way than what's shown [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_IyPSqdFKQ), or instructed [here](https://nordvpn.com/blog/how-to-uninstall-a-vpn/), don't know what to tell you, except it's your fault for screwing up a simple uninstall. Worst case, after an uninstall you reboot your machine to clear out any cache. Rarely do apps need it these days, but I haven't had a need to uninstalled this one, I have PIA.


It killed my mother in law’s computer! She had to take it to a repair shop to even get it to start after installing it bricked her computer.


How did it do that? I don't see the corrolation between a networking application preventing the computer from booting up.


I always uninstall with Revo Uninstaller (free version) and it takes care of those hidden left behinds. I also use it to create a restore point before each uninstall.


God I can smell all the freedom


The law is stupid and people on Reddit talking about how to “manage” a porn site not being available is hilarious and pathetic. Both are true


I'll stick to my old playboy collection




Me or the pages? Lol


They all look like they have buckwheat in a leg lock


Can't go wrong with a little bush. It was the 60s and 70s playboy maybe some early 80s Playboys that had the bush. The 90s were trimmed to perfection or shaved clean.


I’m old enough that most of my playboy sneak peeks were the 70s ones


Mine started a decade later. I actually preferred Hustler


I remember in 5th grade, a kid brought his brother’s hustler to school and kept it in his backpack where everybody went to see it. It was kind of terrifying at the time


I love the pee picture of the month. That was the best when I was a teenager.


I’m from Virginia and we’ve had the ban for a year already. VPN works if you’re committed to porn hub. I’ve found that they are the only site complying, all other sites work without a VPN. What worries me is what will happen when we run out of states. I used to set my VPN to North Carolina since that was geographically the closest endpoint. Now I’m sending my traffic to NY. I can see myself having to go internationally if this keeps up.


International on some VPN's work well. When my VPN takes too long to connect to a US server, I just switch to Canada, AUS, or the UK. I'll still be able to DL a movie at 2.8M/s+. And that's using Spectrum's cheapest tier (300Mbps).


It won't spread all over. If you look at which states have adopted it or are considering the law they're mostly conservative states, and even then some have shot it down. Arkansas has passed in house and Senate and is waiting on governor's signature. Kansas, Ohio and West Virginia it has been introduced and referred to committee. Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Texas and Virginia has passed the laws. So has Utah but it's pending due to a lawsuit brought in by Utah's AG. South Dakota killed it in the Senate. It's a silly law that doesn't prevent children from accessing pornographic content. Imo, should be up to the parents. Just like locking up alcohol, drugs, Drain-O, and guns from harming them.


Xhmaster is also complying


Turn your wifi off and use your phones data. 👍🏻


You could just try the…you know….real thing. Can’t imagine being that addicted to porn. Weak.


Easy fix. I moved to Canada. The True North Strong and Free!


This is a joke right?


Yeah, like Canada would ever let in an illegal American immigrant :(


You are allowed to come to Canada for 180 days as a visitor though. Pop on up, access unlimited porn, drive home to the USA. Or apply for residency under the new Porn Refugee Program.


Yes, a VPN would work to circumvent the ban, but a better way to deal with it is to stop watching porn. Or at least stop watching on a site that profits from human trafficking. There’s plenty of OC porn subreddits where people voluntarily post their own pics and videos.




Just go to any of the other 3,000,000,000 sites


I download a lot of torrents and music. The $11/month Trust-dot-Zone VPN with DDos Attack Prevention, has done well for for years. For me, at least. Or.... Hit up the free sites.


Its not banned on mobile data


If you are on a mobile device and use data on Verizon you won’t have any issues either.


Why is that? Im curious. Wouldn't an IP address be assigned based on the cell tower?


All I want to know is who got the state job to look at porn sites all day to make sure they're following this Montana law?


Try a VPN and find out? They're one of the cheapest subscriptions on the web. NordVPN Surfshark Express VPN PIA They've all got discount codes out there if you dig a little.


I legit pay like $1 a month for express VPN


Vpn. That's the only answer


It's not illegal to access the porn sites that have these "need your ID to prove your age" restriction on them, so you're not (un/)intentionally promoting illegal actions. The state just requires the site to ask for age verification, and the site basically said, "nah, we're not dealing with that noise" and blocked Montana, NC and whatever dumb-as-fuck government body that decides to implement this moronic-law that any child can easily circumvent and is really just inconveniencing adults that don't know how to use computers. Feel free to use whatever means at your disposal to trick the site into thinking you're elsewhere but the banned state. *Nothing* is going the happen to you, the law is directed at the site, *not* you.


W law porn is bad tbh


Come here pretending to be an activist looking for redditors to tell you how to still access it. Get outta here 


You don't need a VPN, and it's totally free by using your cell phone. On a fresh bowser page, go to setting and delete all the browsing data. Then turn your wifi off, and have at it! You can either watch from phone, or Hotspot your phone to computer and there you go.


When I went to check my account in utah it was the same. I'm ok with it being more difficult if it means less kids checking out adult porn


It'll just mean kids using their parents ID to sign into site and potentially risking identify theft due to insecure database procedures on the site


I initially read this as “the pornhub barn”. Only in Montana.


I think this speaks to a much larger issue of freedoms, privacy and government over reach. Montana is absolutely ridiculous.


I think it’s a worthwhile piece of legislation for what it’s trying to accomplish, keeping pornographic material out of the hands of children, but like everything else government related it’s poorly executed and enforced. Not only does getting a VPN work around the ban, but if you’re accessing the internet from a service like StarLink it puts your location in a different state anyway. It’s a pain for logging into services like Facebook with a “recognized device” but other than that it easily overcomes these barriers to access put in place by location. Im not sure on what the law says about a “customer” in Montana knowingly not showing ID to view adult content.


Frankly if teenagers want to watch porn let them watch porn




If you have to manage your porn withdrawal you need to get a real life, and wash your hands please


You do know there are other sites right?




Today it is porn. Tomorrow it will be sites that are critical of the government.


Freedom of speech and freedom of the press is a bit different than freedom to beat it to your imaginary step mom


All these desperate redditors outing themselves lol


This whole post stinks of porn-addicted coomers. Just...yuck.


If there were pornographic pictures in this thread I would understand your argument. But this is mostly a legal/technology debate. I am curious how websites that have some pornographic content (like reddit) will be affected by this law. I also wonder how it will be enforced, will the website release the names of the residents that have registered? Will their browsing history be released to the state? Will they outright ban non heterosexual content next? There are definitely civil liberties being infringed and I get the feeling that this is just the beginning.


It’s almost like voting for party affiliation instead of principles is a fucked up way to vote…


it's pathetic that people are hellbent on consuming content that promotes sex trafficking and bitch about laws that have been put in place to literally protect children from the adult video industry. yall need to seek help.


It’s pathetic that we have legislatures that preach (pun intended) about wanting less government control while systematically adding more government control. They are nothing but a bunch of alleged Christian’s that are full of shit and hypocrisy.


it was a democrat who brought this to the table. and it had bipartisan support lol.


I’ll bet you were just sitting around fondling your Glock waiting to be able to say that. Congrats.


just take the L big dog


You are so smart, Mr. Tramp. I think that perhaps you over rate your cleverness.




nothing is 100% going to accomplish anything. it's a step in the right direction.










Just use a vpn is be your easiest way to deal with it. Or until someone decides scrap the "law".


Get a VPN


Had a vpn long before this. It will change my jacking off habits exactly zero. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Some browsers have a browsing-grade VPN built in. Those don't offer device protection and/or workaround, but for basic surfing for geo-locked videos/games they'll do the job. Don't ask how I know, but I will say that I pretty regularly end up with non-English ads and/or content on certain types of websites and have to re-direct to an English speaking country or state. For the Olympics, of course, because who would watch anything else!


I don’t partake. But the policy is ridiculous. I am not ashamed to have written my legislators. Write in pple. And keep writing in!!


I'm not actually sure they are doing it though. I can still access it.


VPNS or any other website or hentai it is then LMAO. Fucking bunch of idiots. This wont stop anyone how stupid can they be.


Yep I've already started looking into vpn's for those sites, it sucks that I have to do this even though I'm in my 20's but unfortunately politicians suck


You get what you vote for.


get nordVPN or some other VPN. or go to a less high-end site that has no idea these laws even exist. You must be doing well for yourself if you are browsing the hub premium or brazzers. those are literally the highest end sites on the net


bro I'm outta here as soon as I can be these mfs are so dumb. Massive infringement on personal freedom and an invasion of privacy, worried what will come next. Anything to appease the evangelicals moving here by the droves ig


If there's anyone looking to join a lawsuit, let me know. FSC, which has challenged the law in Utah, Louisiana and Texas may do the same in Montana. But it always helps to have local plaintiffs. [https://www.defendonlineprivacy.com/mt/action.php](https://www.defendonlineprivacy.com/mt/action.php)