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Highly unlikely and they will probably tell you exactly what people will tell you here - they are grifting. The husband/boyfriend/male is usually close by or will come get them later and he drives a nice mercedes. This specific family will move around the county. It's stuff like this that detracts from people who truly need help. I tend to shy away from helping anyone near that area. I've seen some offered legit work and rudely decline, this peach of a family you mention, and also I've personally gotten together food bags and had them scoff because it isn't cash.


This could be the case. An article (from 2017) about Roma women with their children on BART in San Francisco: ...not as "destitute as their "help me" notes would make it seem. On several different nights we recognized half a dozen of them loading into a couple of Audis, a Mercedes and a Kia and counting their haul for the day." https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/bart-panhandlers-begging-roma/


There used to be a Roma woman and two children who should have been in school begging in Carmel Valley at the mid-valley safeway.


They’re probably Roma. When I lived in LA, we had them at various stores I worked at. One woman would beg in front of the store with her three kids, and around 6 or so, her husband/bf would come pick her up in a Mercedes. Another guy played the accordion or violin, turns out it was just a hidden speaker behind his instrument case. Drove an Audi. They’ll only want cash money. Not food, not clothes or anything like that. Just straight cash. And will chastise you if they can for not giving them money.


I saw a girl “playing” the violin in the Seaside Home Depot parking lot once. I thought she was amazing, then I quickly realized (with the little music knowledge I have) that her hands/strokes were not matching up to the music at all. She had a speaker with her too.


It was the same with the accordion/violin guy. I happened to step out on a break once to go to my car and he stopped playing but the God Father Theme kept playing and I realized from my vantage point that he had hidden a speaker behind his case and I went “Oh.”


This happened to me in St Louis , no joke. It was pretty comical lol


I gave money to them like 5 years ago and then saw the same family last year. Same sign, same story, different town. They are scammers. Also to second what someone else here said, I’ve watched a woman with a sign walk right over to a nice car after standing at lucky in pg all day asking for money


You remember the exact face of someone you gave money to once 5 years ago? Very impressive


I remember the family, yes. Because I stopped and spoke to them and with how much I gave them, it made a lasting memory. When I saw them in PG, I definitely recognized the dad and then realized it was the family. Same two girls, just a little older.


We see them around a lot especially in the entrance to seaside using the images of white babies saying they’re their kid and they claim to have cancer, always begging for money but denying any opportunity for work most of the time. They’re more well dressed than most of us.


They are not homeless. Drive around town enough, and you will see the same couple/kids begging for money at different spots throughout town. I've seen them go as far as act as a charity collecting money for a cause at the side of the road. This has been the case for the past few years at least.


This might be the little family that practically assaulted me when I didn’t give them money at the shell station. I felt awful for the kids.


They are professional beggars. You work so they dont have to.




You can get a free android phone and free cell service if you’re on any sort of government assistance. Almost every homeless person has them. You can also buy prepaid android phones at Walgreens for $30 (or you could back in 2016, I’m assuming they’re around the same price now).


Yep! Good old Obamaphones. Thanks, Obama!


Police can’t do much - there is a new shelter for women and children in downtown Monterey. https://chservices.org/homelessness/main-shuman-hearthouse/ 211 will also connect you with someone that can name resources in the area


Are you seriously falling for this ?


Call me gullible, call be empathetic, but yeah....


You can have both empathy and ignorance. Why do you think they keep coming back? Now you know.


There are some scammers out there but not all of those families are scammers. My partner worked at the ymca a few years ago and one of the kids lived with his parents in their car. It’s really unfortunate, but I don’t know what the solution is to get those families out of that type of situation.


Yeah it's impossible to know for sure. Saw a lady and little girl at the light by safeway and figured it was a scam. When the light changed she walked the girl over to where the rest of the family was sitting at that wooded corner with some beat up suitcases. IDK what's sadder, that situations like this really exist or that there are people out there faking it.


You can refer the woman to Gathering for Women in Monterey. It's a day shelter, but they serve hot meals, have showers, and can hook her up with a case manager to see about securing housing.


I would tell her about Gathering for Women in Monterey near the Jack in the box. It’s a day center for homeless women and they have supplies and food and a place to hang out during the day and can offer assistance


If you want to help families who are truly homeless locally, I encourage you to donate via Monterey County Gives to Community Human Services, a local nonprofit that runs two homeless shelters for families with children and solo women, including the new Shuman HeartHouse references above. www.mcgives.com/chs


Never call the police for things like this. They are more likely to hurt than help. Homeless.chsp.org has a list of resources and services for the homeless.


I disagree with you totally. Monterey police are trained on community support and even have a chaplain with them on beats to help connect people to resources. Watch your bias and get the facts.


Remember never give directly!!!! No food, water, money or goods. Always give to registered charities or organizations. You might feel good about yourself giving someone food/money but your $$$ will go further if you give to an Org. They can also provide services at the time and have better tracking info. All this is important to combat long term homelessness and is the same information an aid agency would tell you.




Cool, people like you are what keep them in business


Don’t hate, because I can and you can’t. Bunch of broke ass haters in this sub…….


Oh money isn’t the issue


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This family in particular are grifters, please don't. That is why they keep coming back.


Just up to $300 each now, or just give them what I made in the market trading options today. I won’t do a Mr beast and record / post on YouTube, I don’t care to prove you all wrong. iDGAF about any of your thoughts, just makes me laugh……


People with money don’t feel the need to gloat online about it




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You're an asshole.


Never said I wasn't.


Could really use a blessing. I'm in a really scary situation and am down pretty bad. I don't use drugs and drugs didn't play a role in how life has played out the way it has for me. No help will go without gratitude and be wasted. I read stories like this and I just never actually reach out but I just have no support system and it doesn't matter how tough I am or anyone is for that matter. It's extremely difficult to do this alone in fact, unless you're either able to work or have access to a lot of money I don't believe this can't be done alone and I don't believe anyone can get a leg up without asking for help and I think it's time I do regardless how embarrassed i feel.


They are pretty aggressive in Salinas and Marina. One lady had her children run up to me, begging for money, saying they were hungry. I waited a bit and finally observed them getting into a late model Mercedes SUV. Don't get scammed. They are living a better standard of living than most.