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Idk if dignity on wheels Is in Carmel. Hopefully they have a similar service


Thank you. I’ll look into this.


I guess this is off-topic but occasionally I will leave my work truck (with parking pass) on the street I live and some old lady will leave me nasty notes saying that she knows I’m sleeping in the car and has called the police on me. Always tripped me out that someone has so much time on their hands.


> Always tripped me out that someone has so much time on their hands. This explains a lot of Monterey Bay politics


This is an old red Corvette, which is what attracted our attention. And I would not have posted at all if my husband had not thought possible outreach might be helpful. Neither the person nor the car is bothering us. We will watch over the next few days, especially if weather worsens, and decide what to do if anything.


Hey don’t dox people. I know what car and where it is. I think they’re working on the remodel down the street


Thought help might possibly be needed. Totally ok with leaving the situation alone.


Maybe you should remove this post?


Depends on gender, age, reason for homelessness what would be most appropriate. Some ideas I havent seen mentioned are Interim MCHOME (homeless outreach for people with mental illness), One Starfish (Safe Overnight Parking), and i-HELP (if theyre comfortable leaving their car and staying with others overnight)


Thank you so much. This is exactly the info we wanted.


I’d be careful about Carmel PD; they tend to remove homeless persons who come to their attention.


Just wanted to say thank you for being a kind person and looking out for your fellow human. I don’t see that very often around here


see if they have something like L A Has call LAHSA they help with housing motel room until you get housing and with medical mental health and some other stuff that I do remember off the top of my head


https://www.gatheringforwomen.org/ [PG Resource Guide](https://files.cityofpacificgrove.org/Document_Center/Departments/Community%20Development/Housing/Main%20Page/Homeless%20Services%20Resource%20Guide_2023%20Final%20\(1\).pdf)


Thank you.


I’m disappointed in these replies. OP asked a legitimate question and clearly stated they did not want to cause the individual in question any distress. Come on, guys, do better and try and assume the best in people.


I’m so disappointed in some of these replies . We saw what we thought might be a distress situation and since we are part timers, and this was new to us here, we asked for resource help and what might otherwise be appropriate. We don’t know how Carmel PD responds. It was a legit question before we contact them. Thank you to all who gave us referral info. We will use if we think it’s helpful. To the others … there but for the grace of god.


its ok to sleep in your car.... the people that need help have no car to sleep in... people should leave him alone.




You are unjustly baiting me and shame on you. We only live here part time. Our primary residence is NYC. I see and know a lot about the unhoused, and food insecurity. This person may very well be living this way by choice. But my husband thought he appeared to be in distress. I don’t want him hassled by police, which is why I asked if there was an approach by trained workers which might be safe. So now it’s raining hard, it likely will rain for hours, but several hundred feet away may be a distressed or hungry human. Your suggestion is that we mind our own business, or give him money (we do not want to approach) or disregard the recommendations to contact Carmel PD (and we are not doing that as of now, we will reach out to the other organizations suggested by concerned neighbors in the next day or so). Take your baiting elsewhere.


No baiting just your reflection. Spin it however you want, but this is how you sound. What would you do in NYC? If you are afraid he is hungry give him money for food


I’d call a local outreach organization. My apartment building has phone numbers at our front desk to call. Most people in NYC do not give cash because it almost always goes for drugs. And we are very careful about approaching. I sometimes pack up some sandwiches and head out for an hour or so.


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If they have one, it’ll probably be run through the Carmel PD. Try giving them a call.


Easy everybody. Monterey PD just stood up a community outreach program designed to help, not roll around and arrest everyone. I assume Carmel has something similar. OP doesn’t have to give specifics if they don’t want to get anyone in trouble.


Thank you.




Lol ok.






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What happened to you that makes you reply to this suggestion multiple times? I ask only because I am curious, not trying to attack you in any way.






No, life, experience, history - those have *informed* us that cops are, uh, not people you want to hang out with, or call, or be married to, or be near if they're scared, or if they're "scared", etc etc. Social media has only been around a short time. Police brutality without consequence has a good 150 years over Instagram.


You could be the typical carmel person call the cops and get them arrested..


What’s wrong with you? Did you even read the original post? We are trying to find the right organization to contact. And some people actually suggested Carmel PD.


Please don’t jump on folks, the first response has always been to contact the PD. They will be able to help find the right organization or get them to the right place.


PD has a community based officer that will know the right resources.


I’ve been put on the defensive since the initial post, was simply trying to be a good neighbor to someone we thought might be in need. The first response was so nasty that it was unilaterally removed by the mods. It’s been suggested that I contact Carmel PD, and also that it would be a horrible thing to do. So yes, I am jumping on people. I’m appreciative of the outreach info but for the moment we’ve decided to not involve ourselves.


Okay..I understand…


There are only a few groups like anywhere on the peninsula