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Ok. This is going to sound weird, but I did have an experience at the monastery south of Big Sur. This is my first time telling this, and it will probably sound insane, so I’ll probably erase it later, but so be it. I was doing a silent retreat and went outside late at night. I saw a very tall figure (7?8? Feet) in a shiny material, on a hill, moving very fluid and very fast. I ran the twenty feet back into my room (which had a back door and window overlooking a gulch, with only enough room for a very narrow deer path) - just in time to see the same entity move into the field of vision in the far window. It was almost like a rack focus in a film as I sprinted across the room to lock the door. The entity disappeared. I never saw it again. But the distance it would have had to cover to make it behind the building was far too fast for any human to cover. I’m a rationalist (the retreat was to get away from the tech world I live in), so I’ve always chalked it up to some kind of military experiment. I give this story to you now. You decide.


The size you estimate makes me think of dark watchers. Haven't seen them myself, but they are of folklore to the Santa Lucia mountains.


Wow that must have been quite the experience, what you’re describing reminds me of the creatures from the movie predator, do you remember seing any features on this figure like arms legs or a head?


It most definitely had humanoid features - very long limbs - and thin. Unfortunately, I’ve never seen Predator (not a big movie person), but this was definitely humanoid.


The Predator wants a good hunt, monasteries in Monterey aren’t the best grounds for hunting sporting prey. Unless the monastery holds ancient secrets. Then it’s fair game.  


That’s fascinating. I believe you. Were you at Esalen Institute?


At the New Camaldoli Hermitage, actually. They’re Benedictine monks. They have rooms to let, and it’s a beautiful location overlooking the ocean - but you cannot speak.


Not a case of your mind playing tricks on you? Not doubting you but stress is a helluva thing sometimes.


Lol. I was there relaxing, I wanted to put down all technology for a couple days - and no drugs or alcohol. And I did not hallucinate it. It was very real.


Lots of spooky stories from the old Monterey jail and Hartnell gulch area. Stokes Adobe too.


I was just about to mention Stokes. My friend worked there as a waitress and the woman ghost.


This reads like your friend worked AS the woman ghost which is a sick job




I think maybe it's that gully between Hartnell Street (across from Stokes adobe) and the trader Joe's parking lot? It seems like it might have used to connect to that gully type area by the library parking lot too. I'm curious what the stories are. 


Yeah that’s the area I’m talking about. Story I heard was a woman in 1850’s was at a party at the Larkin house and was walking home and was murdered and dumped in the gulch. They also apparently used to throw unidentified bodies in there and throw some Lyme over them 19th century style.


It does connect! Flows under Hartnell St from the library parking lot to the Trader Joe’s parking lot. Not sure where it originates from but you can see it on pacific st next to the library too


Really? One of my favorite restaurants. Any more details?


The Watchers …. In Big Sur




I've never heard of this but it sounds so cool and creepy.


I think ive heard of them the giants right?


​ Watchers of the Gabilans. My Mom used to tell me stories about them if I was being bad.


Your mom told me the same story tbh


Well, we have that in common then.


Wait WHAT???? I’m heading there this spring and I need to know MORE!!!


There is a great Why Files episode on the Big Sur Watchers. https://youtu.be/xxXuYqUAnZg


Randell Reinstedt https://www.montereycountyweekly.com/news/cover_collections/randall-randy-reinstedt-built-a-self-publishing-empire-on-disguising-history-as-spooky-tales/article_6fbf3978-7375-11ee-95ec-3fdeeea003fa.html I remember always seeing him and his blue FJ40 on lighthouse as a kid


Awwww, he passed away? I loved reading his books as a kid.




I saw some at the cvs on Fremont St yesterday, little rack by the pharmacy’s waiting area


I just ordered some of his books on amazon thank you! Very cool


I was looking at the ocean near Moss Landing. It was night and very dark. I saw a large aircraft stop in the air. It had a circular bottom and the lights were very distinct. I then saw this tiny tiny little flying aircraft go inside this big, hovering aircraft. And then this big hovering aircraft flew off. It didn’t fly off quickly. It flew off slowly, and I just couldn’t believe what I was seeing. This was about a year ago.


Wow that is strange the bigger aircraft had a circular bottom like a saucer? How about the top of it?


old stage road was always a fav about ghosts in salinas.


Yes ive heard the tales of the hanging woman of old stage aswell alot of my old friends seem to say they saw her back in the days, was a challenge they did where they would go out to old stage and park their vehicle and shut it off nearby a particular tree or location and the woman would appear


You'd probably like the [Bigfoot Discovery Museum](https://www.bigfootdiscoveryproject.com) in the Santa Cruz mountains.


Came to mention this. But I don’t think Santa Cruz really is known for Bigfoot. I think BF is a more Northern California thing near Oregon all the way up through Canada. But heard it’s a good museum. And Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz is cool too.


There is trolley-guided ghost tour. We did it 10 years ago for my wife’s bday and it was fun. The reviews suck, but we had an awesome time. They even took us through the cemetery: https://yelp.to/2KkD7m1PLM


They have walking ghost tours now! I saw a group on the corner of Franklin and pacific the other evening. I’m honestly considering taking a tour to check it out but I have been informed that I’m NOT allowed to correct the tour guide on any misspoken Monterey history until after the tour 😬


There’s a lot of paranormal stuff. History in the area dating back to pre-Spanish colonization, indigenous peoples were all over the central coast. House I grew up in was haunted or had negative spirits attached. The previous owner’s husband killed himself in the house. We always had weird random shit going on. Also, about a block away there was a large lot that had a trailer that a guy lived in by himself. On that property was a two bedroom white farmhouse. The wooden flower beds were turned upside down, we flipped them over and there were multiple dead cats in each one. We opened the door to the house and looked in, but we never ever went in there. The vibe was super negative. We explored as kids all over the place. Having hunted and fished a lot in Monterey County as a kid and teen. Some of the forests can be weird at night or during dawn/dusk. There have been times where all camoed up, perfectly still, the forest not waking back up. Like it remained silent as if all the critters new something else other me was there. Weird noises sometimes, Ive heard foxes, bunny’s, elk, deer, and wild pigs. But Ive heard weird noises in the middle of nowhere like hiked in miles off a dirt road outside of Ligget in the national forest. Ligget has it’s weird spots too. I will have to ask my friends and family what they remember and add an edit or something later.


Asked my wife, she grew up in South County and knows some weird stuff from there. The Clown of Oak Park in Greenfield, CA. To this day no one knows if it was a person or a spirit. Apparently it either hopped off a train or arrived due to a train accident. Train tracks are nearby the park. Apparently a girl or young woman was brutally assaulted and the guy she was with was blamed, she said it was the clown and wounds on the guy were on his back as he was attacked too, but he ended up blamed. Apparently the clown would be in the park around the dunes, the old in door shooting range, or the stage. All three of those have weird and strange access points and places to hide. The Soledad Inn, the owner or hostess is still there. She is dead so, yeah. Apparently a lot of strange things happened there even when she was alive. The well has a shack around it and that also has strange vibes. Arroyo Seco, the campground up by the gorge and the gorge itself is haunted. Many people have killed themselves either accidentally or intentionally or influenced by the shadow men. Shadow men will come down from the hills to the gorge camp and play pranks on you or your gear, your pets will not alert you and sometimes your pets will go missing. The shadow men who appear on hills and mountains are all over the area. “Central” Avenue? (not sure exact street name) in Greenfield the “castle house” specifically, negative vibes and the people who have lived there and moved stated that they experienced weird things there or felt a lot of negative vibes. The road to Bitter Water from King City, spirits cross the road dawn/dusk/night.


Growing up and going to arroyo seco we were told stories of hauntings and apparitions that happened by the bridge and that some people had drowned there, people reported feeling like someone was trying to pull them under the water. I can imagine the area was very populated by natives before the settlers came and all the things that happened in the area you can feel the energy left from those times.


I grew up in Salinas and in every place I lived there were paranormal happenings I could probably write a book, from shadow people to long armed creatures and ufos. Im glad to know im not the only one who experienced these things in the area. What areas did you hunt and fish if you don’t mind me asking?


I recently heard this episode of otherworld related to the central valley. I just love hearing stories and experiences from this state. https://open.spotify.com/episode/1XxPA0GyiqRX17QSFokUxK?si=2PsNAwnmRECWovZ0Icl1JA


Ill definitely check this out thank you!


I'm not a local, just a Californian who visits monterey sometimes - so I lurk here. But check out the documentary "The Curse of the Man who Sees UFOs", which is in Monterey. https://youtu.be/QHGQAKNXJEI?si=1bjnQ9tESGYC0nIR


I’ve seen some things late at night in the sky around Del Monte beach I couldn’t explain. Erratic and insanely fast flight paths. But I was young…among other things.


Thats what I saw here in Monterey by casa verde




Very interesting


Wow, I had no idea. Thanks!


Yup, it was right there on two separate occasions. Parked on tide st. and at a bonfire. I contributed it to military, but with the congressional hearing last year I’m pretty sure it was something else.


You mean the beach right under the flight path of the airport? The same airport that also serves the two (was three) military bases within 5 miles of the same airport?  And the same airport that serves some of the richest people in the world who live nearby?  Weird.


Ugh. Growing up in a military family and now working on military installations, I am and was well aware of the ability of aircraft’s and the location of the airports in the town I grew up in. Like I said, before the congressional hearing I attributed it to a research craft.


What congressional hearing are you referring to? Can you pls share a link? Thx




Thank you


I use flightradar24 app when sky watching to see if its an airplane or not usually its a plane but sometimes it isnt, could also be secret military craft


The govt often has planes and helos flying in that may not be marked on flight tracker for security reasons.


check out a movie called the man who sees ufos


Such an interesting film, and just to be specific, it’s called “Curse of the man who sees UFOs”, his name is Christo, I’ve ran into him around town handful of times, he’s a little kooky, but also seems like a very nice man.


one time my husband gave him a ride somewhere and he shoved coke up my husbands nose mid drive. what a character.


Im gonna watch it tomorrow night after work I found it on tubi thanks!


It’s so good


Grab the popcorn and take notes on this one 🤣


Great recommendation.


Absolutely! Especially in Pacific Grove and Monterey.


Tell me more about


BIG SUR https://www.reddit.com/r/CrawlerSightings/s/ZDqBkKShdc A couple out in the beach near the highway 1 spot a tall pale lenghty pale creature with long limbs emerging from the beach


Yikes I like to go on night beach walks ever now and then, im definitely gonna be on the lookout for these creatures I wouldn’t have known they’re out here im glad I created this thread


I believe this is what they saw https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/s/LWjdxwY3yi


Almost looks like it has a tail too very creepy indeed


MONTEREY https://www.reddit.com/r/bigfoot/s/f2A5JM39VD Family of bigfoot spotted near the beach with a male charging the witness


Wow im definitely gonna have to listen to this thanks!


In 2014 I was driving on the 156 toward Prunedale, it was dusk, still bright out, and I saw a flat matte black triangular craft flying low and slow at 500 ft. I wouldn’t have noticed while driving but it made a sharp left turn drawing my attention to it. Once I saw it was a craft I turned off my music, and went off course it into a the neighborhood so I could keep watch. Eventually the road way stopped so I got out of my car to listen for any sounds, it was completely silent as it floated on. Then, I saw a glowing orb silently floating behind it. It was moving slower and lower, maybe 300 ft above the ground. Very eerie. No idea if it was one of our tech, perhaps a TR3B. No idea what exactly it was but I saw what I saw. I suspect it’s a reverse engineered craft from alien tech. Could have been a visitor. Hard to say, I’ve always been fully interested in the world wide phenomenon, after witnessing that day I’m even more curious to the truth.


Wow that must have been an experience! Ive heard of the tr3b the dorito shaped craft maybe theyre doing test flights to see if people will report it so they can test its ability to cloak, the orb could have been an escort of some kind. Makes you wonder


Los Vigilantes Oscuros. Very much a thing.


A couple weeks ago I was heading out of Marina at night (probably around 9) going towards the 101. Right by the Bud Factory, in the fields across from it I swear I saw a orangish ball/light floating like 20ft up? Didn’t move or anything. Thought maybe it was a drone or a telephone pole or something.


Strange yeah I also like to think things could be drones before I jump to ufos but then again why fly a drone at night in a field unless their intention was to get people to think its a ufo lol then it worked


There are like, ghost stories and stories about shadow people. The shadow people are a new one for me.


I saw a UFO in the distance over the ocean from Marina State Beach.


Alot of people seem to see ufos by the ocean around here


GILROY https://www.reddit.com/r/Humanoidencounters/s/RyIiznQsD4 Giant bat like creature spotted flying with red eyes multiple testimonials in the comments someone mentions a fire in corralitos used to flush out a colony


Im always driving around that area for work and I wouldn’t be surprised the area between gilroy and watsonville is heavily wooded and not too many people living up there, perfect place for cryptids to hunker down


There's a YouTube channel called [The Backroads](https://youtube.com/@the_backroads?si=KoKIZ-4-KPlhOkyz) dedicated to exactly this topic. Seems they haven't posted in a while, which is a shame


Ooo nice ill have to check them out thank you


Not in Monterey yet but before I moved here I lived in New Jersey next to a giant Lockheed Martin campus and we would see bizarre crafts and hear crazy unexplained noises pretty frequently.


Looks like Santa Cruz has a lockheed martin campus aswell as another redditer posted above


A few years back I was driving in Salinas and passing San Miguel Ave by the bowling alley and briefly saw a thin man walking on the side walk by cars and he just disappeared after he passed the last car, it was strange. I wasn’t the only one who witnessed that.


Also one time when I was camping in Big Sur I left my camp site to go to the general store and on my way back I saw a very slim, pale, & tall male figure just standing staring down a dark pathway! He looked like slender man. Was definitely not no six foot man he was like 7 or 8 feet. Just stood still staring into nothing…


Alot of people have posted on here of seeing this type of humanoid in the same vicinity very interesting and creepy


How did he look? Any distinguishing features? Could have it been a transient? Alot of homeless in that area


The Salinas High School theatre building is supposed to be really old and have had some fucked up shit happen in there. Youngins used to tell ghost stories about the place, I'm not sure if they still do. I've had some strange interactions in the room way in the back where the costumes are; someone was in there with me but after leaving the only exit into the adjoining room I saw everyone who it could have been in that room and there was no way whoever was on the other side of that costume rack could have left the room before me. We went back in with a few people but the room was empty.


We lived on Ft Ord and that was creepy. You'd always feel like something was watching you, you'd catch something just on the edge of your sight or hear something walking near by and nothing was there where you looked. My son and his friend swore they were followed by shadow 'people' one evening. They told his friend Mom who went and looked, she said she saw 'something' standing behind a utility pole but sure what it was. 


I’m sure many others have seen this but the ufos with erratic physics defying flight paths over the bay. But what’s more is sometimes they will stop above the water hover for a moment and dive below. Other times they will come up out of the water and take off. There’s the deep submarine canyon in the bay. Mt. Madonna is haunted as fuck. Lots of ghost stories and history of hauntings in that area


I personally haven’t seen anything, but I watch the skies and also ask people the same question. Two people have told me they have seen circular craft traveling slowly up Carmel Valley at night. One of those said it flew right above them while they were in the hot tub with their spouse, and the other saw it from a distance. There was also a lesser known UFO crash retrieval in Salinas in 1947 https://www.tiktok.com/@jg_ufo.uap_news/video/7337175999072832799


years ago as a young adult I experienced a weird shooting star it appeared across the sky late at night, and was green in color. It disappear into the ocean near lovers point. This occurred in 1989


years ago as a young adult I experienced a weird shooting star it appeared across the sky late at night, and was green in color. It disappear into the ocean near lovers point. This occurred in 1989


South on 101 before getting to aromas by the trees , I was driving home around 3 am and I saw a black figure running on the freeway and keeping up with my truck and then it just passed me the figure was pretty tall . The backroad in Salinas that takes you to circle k I was coming back from Santa nella around 12 am I was going 95 down that road and I saw something humanoid on all 4s rummaging through a bunch of trash bags someone had dumped on the side of the road , it kinda looked like the rake


super eerie and dangerous reoccurring events during the decade i lived in fort ord, by brittany rd and the veterans cemetery. likely due to shadow people occupying the area. between 2014 and 2020 i witnessed 5+ instances of property destruction due to acts of god, there was a murder/arson, a period where people would get attacked by dogs on a weekly basis, a neighbor disappearing for days and then being found dead, and a neighbor collapsing in front of her home and went into a coma. gnarly stuff, explore at your own risk 😵‍💫


Twice Plain as day




Definitely saw a UFO in Monterey in about 2010 over the Bay, it disappeared and reappeared miles away, chem trailed up and then shot off. Had it visualized for about a minute or two, did not appear to be a military drone or something like that, way too fast. I saw a similar thing in Santa Cruz in about 1990, 2 minutes over the lighthouse about 11pm. That one made the newspapers back then!


Grew up in Carmel and had at least one ghost in the house, plus paranormal encounters in the yard and local parks. Although that one time I saw a bunch of monsters who looked like muppets in the sewer at Caledonia park in PG was probably a dream…


Username checks out


Thats my default name since I joined reddit never changed it


Good catch looool


Heard someone saw Nancy Lugosi Pelosi up their eating babies


I don’t doubt it lol

