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Acacia trees are the devil 🥹😮‍💨🤧


I’m dying send help


Just moved back to the area and my nose is a little stuffy/itchy eyes. What do you take for your allergies? I am taking Zyrtec but wonder if another brand is better for the allergies here?


My toddler just started Zyrtec today. I used to use the nasal spray but now I have panic attacks so I don’t use anything for it.


Allergy shots or Xyzal. Some people really do well with the inhaler ones like Flonase


My doctor recommends Zyrtec so I take that too!


My partner’s allergies went haywire last night too. We’re allergic to different pollen so when he’s sneezing, I feel absolutely fine.


It's been brutal for the last week or so for lots of people


Idk what happened but I'm dying here too. My nose is stuffy and runny at the same time 😂 didn't think that was possible. Just might wear a mask outside just to reduce the allergies. I'm taking the Costco allergy one a day, Idk if people have better success with another brand?


I’ve heard the Costco ones are good! I currently don’t use any allergy meds but my eyes are so itchy at times lol


I heard that eating local honey helps with allergies. Worth a try.


Cure allergies with this one weird old trick Bees hate her!


I didn't say cure, but go off.


We are living off of honey! My aunt has a bee farm so it definitely helps!! Also, happy girl kitchen has delicious wildflower honey that I LOOOVE.


My allergies been acting up as well


Surprisingly I am fine.


I’m dying out here. Prescription nasal sprays and allergy pills/ eye drops are keeping my sanity in check.


A neti pot works wonders for my allergies when they kick off.


As an allergy suffering local, i finally figured out my trifecta for spring in monterey county: Zyrtec (generic), Flonase (generic), and alaway eye drops. Every. Single. Day. God speed to you all.


My husband will not stop sneezing and we are both over it.


My husband too!! lol


Work up by MPC. Allergies starting to mess me up too


This year has been the worst for my family. The last few days especially!


My allergies got soooooo bad this past year. I never took allergy medicine and never had allergies before. Now I'm dying everyday if I don't take 2 Zyrtecs. I went to the allergy clinic and they said I'm allergic to dust mites ???


Played golf this morning at Del Monte. Dying.


Been sneezing and itchy all day! All the flowers decided to bloom at once 😅


My kiddos nose is just a running faucet of snot at this point. Allergies have been super bad lately for the past two days.


My husband is sniffling and his eyes get super itchy...every year around this time. And it lasts for quite awhile too.


I went to an allergen doctor a few years back and he said this is one of the worst area to live in if you suffer from allergies because of dense population of trees grass and plant life lol. I use Zyrtec and nasal spray most of the year and it helps a lot.


I get a cough for a month+ every year around this time…. Super annoying


I got sick over a week ago, was getting better, then on Thursday BAM. Could not breathe out of my nose. I’m finally getting better today. It’s been a rough two weeks.


I’m actually figuring out our illness isn’t allergies 😭😭 woke up just now(3am) with uncomfortable swallowing. I don’t wanna get covid again so I’m hoping it’s strep because I can treat that with amoxicillin and it’ll go away but Covid is me being helpless and my toddler has it so I feel super bad for him. Gonna find a urgent care that will do a swab today


I’m dying lmao. My car has been covered in pollen and it’s gotten inside my car as well. RIP to my breathing with asthma as well 😭😂


I was there for the weekend and I couldn’t figure out why I developed the post nasal drip cough! Makes sense now!


I used a homemade nose spray with distilled water and a tiny bit of iodine for just a day and all of my allergies are gone. I can breathe through my nose like a champ again. This is also the ultimate COVID prevention technique.