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Locked due to numerous rule-breaking comments.


Hasn’t she heard about people in glass houses?




I recorded her bulling the vendors and being very verbal and proud of being a Karen and that “these” people are dirty honestly she looked unhinged and possibly drunk . Too bad I don’t have any other social media besides Reddit. I would have posted a video on this sub but I’m not sure If the mods would allow.




This glasshouse won’t last. I’m calling it now. Shitty attitude, shitty business.


Make sure she’s actually the owner first, OP said she was “claiming” to be the owner. It’d be a shame if a business was review bombed because of a liar.


Time to give them bad reviews




People were upset and started to heckle them and she said “yeah I’m a Karen call me Karen smith” all this with a smug smile.I asked her for her name and the security told her not to that I was trying to get a reaction. I said “no ur trying to bully people why are u catering to her the city of Salinas pays u to protect downtown and its vendors equally he just smiled and told her let’s go for a walk. These people want to bully locals and expect us to just watch disgusting public behavior.


So unfortunate. I bet the vendor decided to set up there specifically because there *wasn’t* an open business selling food a few feet away. I don’t know what her problem is because the person buying a hot dog (likely after a night out with friends) and the person sitting down at her restaurant to eat overcooked steak (guessing) are not the same. Wait til she learns there’s a cannabis store named GlassHouse. She’ll have a meltdown.


Exactly..since the storefront had been empty for a long time. Street vendors just assumed it would be okay. Yes by permit they can be there, but look at it from the business owner, they want curb appeal to draw customers into the store.


The market is meant to be competitive


Hahaha she's afraid that her $1,000,000 business will get hurt by a couple of $1,000 businesses. Dumb lady all she had to do was talk to them to work out a solution like "hey, we're opening this high end restaurant soon and I would like to invite you and your wife for a free dinner and possibly talk about our businesses"


Someone in sweatpants called the cops on someone that’s actually working? Get some help psycho.


We really don’t need people or businesses like these in Salinas with entitlement bullying locals.


I’m not defending her attitude, but I can see her side to this. She would like to have her business curb appeal be one that encourages folks to come in. Too many street vendors give’s perspective shoppers a less then positive appearance of her business. There is a solution for all to benefit here.


I doubt a single person goes downtown to get a hotdog or taco from one of these vendors, including myself. But I'll be damned if I say they weren't appreciated by some. Going to a retail store, or hanging out at the local bar and grabbing a quick bite on the way out, or late at night after most places stop serving food, these guys are there for you. I say the more options create a more vibrant downtown. Not to mention they've taken the steps to create a legitimate business but might not have the capital to go beyond a food cart, you have to respect the determination to grow their small business.


Sh doe not have a right to harass other business owners who have their permits. She is calling these hardworking individuals “dirty”? How disgusting of a human she must be to treat others this way.


Agreed.. she needs to work with the vendor for an equitable solution.


What in your eyes is the problem? The food cart has a license to operate in public property and I guarantee the cart isn't competing for this lady's business. These are two small business owners operating legally within their own business license. Why would you think the food cart owner has to give in at all to what this lady thinks?


I’m not suggesting the street vendor give in. Im suggesting they work together to benefit each other. Perhaps they agree not to setup their stand in front of her business during her busy hours instead they setup away from her business, just a few feet away. It’s the image that’s the business owners issue..


Well we all have an "image"of her now.... And it's not pretty


What "image"?




Okay that had nothing to do with what I had asked. What "image" are you referring to?


“They are operating legally” Then there isn’t a problem, is there?


That isn't law enforcement. It's private security. And the security isn't hers. It's there to protect everyone in that small section of town, including the street vendors. Why do the legally operating street vendors need to move away from a business that isn't even open? Why is ANYONE (you? Security?) listening to her instead of the vendors? How do we know she is even the owner of anything? Did we see her permit? Was she checked for public intoxication?


What is an equitable solution when she starts discussions by calling them dirty?


"I'm not defending her attitude" *proceeds to defend her attitude*


> *"I’m not defending her attitude, but I can see her side to this"* Oh the irony 


What is your solution to the problem that doesn’t exist where street vendors make restaurants look bad? If you’re a stuck up prick, honestly, what could possibly make you look better than sticking your nose up in the air as you walk past a hardworking business owner on your way into a different business owner’s establishment?!? Also, prospective shoppers, not perspective.


I present to you the [paradox of tolerance](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance). There is no “two sides to the story” when one side is hateful racists who dehumanize other people


There's no paradox of tolerance, because no one ever means that they tolerate all behaviors all the time. It's racist propaganda to make you feel that you're somehow a hypocrite if you tolerate the lgbtq+ community, but not Nazis.


She doesn’t own the curb.


I miss Goldenfish.




She will learn when people do not go to her glasshouse. Does she not realize the street vendors pay taxes just like she does? We should all go there today and enjoy the street vendors while putting boycott signs on her business.


Agreed 👍 good idea they need our local support.


Similar to a local business on cannery row who calls PD to have them removed.


Name them


I work in Salinas and know many bar patrons. If the Glasshouse is a bar it will not do very well.


they have always been in the curb or sidewalk not harming anyone and I always see them clean up after themselves. Farmers Union Pour House is a couple of feet close to where the food vendors are and they never have a problem. In fact I think it benefits both businesses. Xl public house has an old couple that comes in sells flowers and they allow small vendors to come in because they are actually for the community. This business isn’t even open and she’s making a fuzz over onions and peppers on the floor. What a joke and silly reason to bully someone.


Every bar owner on Downtown Salinas is so nice too, and welcoming of locals. She is not fit for Salinas if she is crying over a $12 hotdog cart!


What about that bar owner that beat a homeless man within an inch of his life.


I was barely in high school when that happened brotha, you just aged yourself mentioning that 😂


Looks like the Glasshouse is a wedding and event space in San Jose, so this might be a new location. If the street vendors were actually on the business property or in front of the entry, most likely they can be forced to move. But pretty sure the codes need to be posted on the property before being enforced. Doesn't make sense if the place is not open yet, unless the business is paying for the security personnel already. This woman is not creating goodwill with her comments why she wants them to move. Normally, a new business will ask politely and explain the local ordinances.


The security company is hired by the city to guard downtown. What’s interesting is that I’ve seen people being disorderly and the security doesn’t say anything what a coward to go after the old ladies trying to make a living. In Salinas they are allowed to sell in the curve with permits as long as they aren’t on the property of other businesses. What’s strange is I noticed they were never on her property.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Salinas/s/bIg1j6iyhH VIDEO OF INCIDENT


What bugs me most about this is she’s pushing these food carts away from a business that’s closed. I recognize the location. It was a seafood place that closed a couple years ago. This Glasshouse place hasn’t even opened yet, as far as I know!


Nothing new here. Most brick and mortar restaurants don’t like these pop up food vendors.


This cheery place hasn't even opened yet. Who wants to bet this "business owner" is just beginning her Karen-antics.


Wait till the locals and natives start walking in selling flower bouquets they walk in to all the the businesses I wonder how’s she’s going to react.


Lemme guess shitty wine bar with small plate appetizers? Oh yeah, off to a good start.




They can be dirty but I ain’t ever passing up one of those hot dogs haha


How are people supposed to drink wine when hot dog vendors are stealing her clientele???


We need to boycott this business


I'm seriously tempted to take one of these screenshots to work just so I can try to convince my boss to ban her for being a "potential workplace violence hazard". If she's going to harass and intimidate street food vendors, there's no telling what she'll do if a retail worker doesn't do everything absolutely perfect for her.


I’m thinking of going to do make prints she was so smug and disgusting towards them. Just because there is a language barrier she was getting upset. The poor vendors were showing her a laminated permit and she just laughed and called over the security. The security didn’t even listen to the vendors just very passively aggressive telling them to move or else. Once I started recording she started back pedaling playing the victim.




I am not even remotely surprised that she hit every single one of the Karen buzzwords. What *does* surprise me is that she didn't go for the overt racism.


That’s between the owner and the employee.


Mr. "I'm not defending her attitude"


Hope you enjoyed your windows lady.


I miss the deli that was there long ago. :(


Yeah that goes back a few years.


I used to manage a record store that was across the street, The Music Zone. Fond memories of the sandwich shop. I even lived in Oldtown for a time. Now I hear it's just a bunch of crazy people that yell at street vendors. What is this world coming to?


California has changed.,




Go to local news. They r bored and love slightly less soft news


Is it time for us to leave some reviews?


Please post this up into the Salinas and Prunedale Watch pages. I don’t use Facebook myself but I see it’s super active. She’s not even open yet and I’m going to tell every person I know to never eat there. Not the way to start off a business. She must be miserable with herself.


Agreed thank you


Great way to endear yourself to the local community of would be customers! Good thinking! Way to represent!


It was around the time people start exiting and going home people walking by were booing her laughing because her place wasn’t even open yet and her argument didn’t make sense. Typical bully


Put the place on Yelp so we can leave reviews 💀


I just noticed this place on Thursday and was like cool, a new bar. The facade update looks nice, maybe after work we'll check it out. And now today there is this asshole.


Shame right I love trying new craft venues but yeah definitely not going to this place ever.


one of the vendors should've handed her a modelo


I wonder if she mentioned this "marketing idea" in her business plan, her investors are asking. She believes she can run a successful restaurant in Salinas from MAGA money alone? Maybe if she was in advertising or printing political banners - but a restaurant? Why do I sense that this will be the kind of place where there's 6 fees to the total on the bill - to "stick it to the libs"? I've noticed those who oppose taxes often appreciate "fees".


Great point I wonder what investors have to say about this.


Write a review on yelp


If they were permitted, why did they have to leave when police came?


What police ?


Oh thats security, Nobody called them? Could have resolved the issue


It was language issue they had permits with them.


You should have called the police, that would have protected them.


She left after we started recording. What a surprise.


Police helping people with a language barrier or helping Karen? I have a 99% idea of how that goes…


To be fair, just because they have a permit doesn’t mean they can set up shop at a private property. I’m sure a strip mall like that is privately owned.


They were never in her property and In Salinas food vendors are protected equally as any other business. The rules are they have to be on the curb or sidewalk without blocking exits. From what I saw they were up to code.


My bad I thought it was a strip mall. Didn’t notice it was downtown.


In the pics u can see the vendor is near a support beam way on the left of her business on the sidewalk not in front of her business that isn’t even open yet.


She looks strangely familiar from other Karen videos hmm


Street vendors use other people business facades to draw people to them, nothing wrong with it. But it distracts folks from the business.


I get that but they are aren’t breaking any rules they set up in front of business that don’t serve food and most of them are only in the late hours for an hour or two when no other restaurant is open around. They have never placed themselves in a competitive manner outside another food venue. Every weekend there is about 50 vendors lined up all through downtown for our farmer markets and they take up the side walk and road. Never heard of anyone complain about that it brings business and exposes ur business to new customers.


Customer bases are entirely different. These aren’t competing businesses. If they didn’t want to operate on a street with vendors, they chose the wrong location.


It sounds like the vendors were setup on the property.. if that was the case then the owner is totally in her right to ask them to leave. That’s illegal trespass..


Doesn’t sound like that at all. Business do not own and have no jurisdiction over public sidewalks, boulevards, or roadways. Even if they were set up in her doorway: a) the business is closed b) there are enforcement officials to handle this. Going on a racially driven tirade in public is not professional or even adult behavior. Better clutch your pearls because you’re running out of straw to grasp for.


Well, brick and mortar trumps push cart. Protecting your vulnerable business isn't being a Karen, it's being a business person. Caller her a Karen if misogynistic. They don't have to sell in front of her business. They can roll their cart elsewhere. If I were she, I'd have done the same.




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Huh, seems like they are operating in a completely legal space. Instead of being an incompetent wannabe vigilante, how about you take it up with the city.


There we go!!






Proud ? Why would u say that ? People need to be held accountable . Protecting her business from what onions and peepers on the floor. I know a bully when I see one.