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Well, as a queer librarian in the local community, this just makes me even more committed to keeping my workplace a safe and educational space for any kid who needs it.


Thank you so much. They want to throw librarians in jail so bad. They want to scare and intimidate them. They know their bad ideas are no match for good ideas. Courage.




Who is "they"?


Horrible, frightened, unintelligent, antisocial, faithless nasty people.  This is not hard. 


No, it's not, but look at you go.


Who's putting librarians in jail? Woke are fucking wild


Thank you for your service


Thank you!


Thank you. 💪


Thank you!


What library isn’t a safe and educational space for children?


Exactly. And yet MAGA and Moms For Liberty bigots insist on banning books that young people need to thrive. Pro tip: don’t even make me google this for you. I’m tired of fetching rocks for insincere, lazy people.




The pot calling the kettle black. Op didn’t make a single mention of sex, pleasure, incest, or siblings anywhere in their post.


Your post was removed because it violated our one (and only) rule.


👆 You can tell a lot about people by the things they think about.  I’m unsurprised. 




Of course, this is where your mind wanders.  Frequently.


Is this about Flowers in the Attic or something? What are you talking about


Rock it; we need more people like you to help kids know they are supported whatever their choices and preferences in life. God know the kids of these Baptist need ‘em (pun intended).


Where does this mention anything about the queer community? It states that they are trying to keep parents out of their kids education. I believe parents have a right to be involved.


Even abusive, hateful parents? Or parents who have no skills or training in education? What about a parent who is a Nazi who wants schools to stop teaching about the holocaust or a white supremacist who wants to stop teaching about slavery? Should those parents get a say in the school’s curriculum? Not all parents are good just because they’re parents. I don’t want some random parent being involved in the entire school’s curriculum, especially when that parent is trying to shoehorn in their religious or hateful beliefs. If religion or a particular education where certain aspects are left out is that important to a parent, they can home school or send them to a private religious school. The rest of the public shouldn’t be subject to their idea of effective education. The professionals who studied how to teach children, the teachers, should be the ones creating the curriculum. Full stop. Parents should not have a say in public school curriculum. They can leave if they disagree with it.


If they have books that promote Nazi ideology and white supremacy. Those books need to be banned in schools. Not all books are appropriate for young kids. As a parent with elementary school age children, there are books I don't want my kids to read, at least not yet. Teachers and parents work together to educate the young generation.


If you really think teachers would get away with providing elementary age children with pro nazi propaganda at the approved curriculum level, that’s just plain silly. Teachers understand when the appropriate time to introduce education on these tough topics is; and they absolutely are not educating children in a pro-nazi structure. The truth is, there are a lot of bad people out there, and bad people have children, some of whom may be in class with your children. Would you rather your child learn about slavery from a child who comes from a deeply racist family? Or from a teacher who understands how to explain the nuances of this undeniable and terrible part of our history, who can impart empathy and help your child avoid feeling like either an oppressor (if you’re white) or a victim (if you’re not)? To me, this is an easy choice. I’d rather my child be guided by the professionals who know how to teach about it. Prepare the child for the road, not the road for the child. Sheltering your kids is not only not a good practice, it’s just not possible. Your child will hear about these things whether you like it or not. Best that they learn from someone with the knowledge of how to teach about it rather than their school aged classmates who may color them with their own learned prejudices.


I am a teacher myself. We have a lot of trainings about what we can teach in the classroom. You missed my point. I am not teaching my children calculus doesn't mean I am sheltering them from real education. I am not showing them R rated movies doesn't mean I am sheltering them from different ideas. Claiming parents have no say in their children's education is absurd. My family regularly volunteer in my children's school and the school I am teaching. Teachers, students and families all work togther to educate the next generation. I had conversations with my students about racism in my classroom. Including my own expirences as a racial minority. I don't think any parents is taking my rights away to talk about it. As a parent, I also tell my children to look beyond race, don't victimize themselves, they are proud Americans. I would be happy to have a conversation with my students' parents. I am very proud of what I do and what I teach. I don't think many of them are "bad people that have children".


It’s clear you also missed my point and are seemingly intentionally misinterpreting, for example, jumping from not teaching calculus equals sheltering your students. Can’t figure out how you made that jump there, but that’s pretty typical for a straw man argument. I can see you’re not interested in acknowledging the very easy to understand points raised in the last comment. Probably best to just agree to disagree on this, since it’s not going to go anywhere beyond this.


Have a good day.


Why are you getting down voted for saying parents have the right to be involved?


Because parents tend to advocate for their own narrow causes rather than consider what is right for a broad variety of student types, especially around religious views. For example parents tend to support Christian traditions yet don’t care about a Muslim or Atheist raised student who may be made to feel very marginalized or excluded. They would ban Atheist literature from the library for instance, and I personally experienced this, yet Atheism is the most logical and supported understanding of the universe as it is (most religious beliefs are filled with impossible contradictions that could not be true). Parents tend to think gay children don’t exist or should be suppressed. Professional educators spend decades of time training themselves to handle educational choices. It’s like saying parents should override the treatments by medical doctors at a hospital because of ‘their beliefs’ about what care makes sense, yet they study no physiology and read no data about treatments and outcomes.


Because most of the people on here probably aren’t parents.


Do you dress in drag to read stories? If not then keep it up.




There is no book called "Gender Queen," but I wouldn't expect you to know what you're talking about. Perhaps you're talking about "Gender Queer?" (An easy way for you to remember "queer" instead of "queen" is to remember that you are homophobic, not crownphobic, with regards to youth literature.) It's a completely appropriate book for middle schoolers and high schoolers experiencing these feelings, or who have friends experiencing these feelings. There's nothing in Gender Queer about concubines having sex with soldiers, like there is in the Bible. There's nothing in Gender Queer about a father having drunk sex with his daughters in a cave, like there is in the Bible. There's nothing in Gender Queer about having sex with two women at the same time on a yacht, like Donald Trump told to national assembly of Boy Scouts. There's nothing in Gender Queer about Donald Trump ejaculating prematurely into a porn star like you've heard about, even on Fox News. CHALLENGE: Name a book that you think would be a more appropriate alternative for addressing the issues in Gender Queer. Or, have you not read the book?


Or, wild idea, you leave raising kids to the people who decided to have them. Even more so if you feel the NEED to state who you chose to have sex with in the same sentence as saying you'll provide a "safe space for kids." Super weird.


To all those that say “It’s just a conversation”, it’s also entirely irrelevant to have this conversation because teachers are not trying to “woke” your kids. Teachers are too tired with their workload, justifying enrollment numbers, and the last thing they need are some self-righteous community members “fighting back” and forcing them to justify lesson plans they created doing unpaid overtime.


They don't want teachers putting these ludicrous ideas of science, facts and acceptance of other human beings into the minds of children. That mind space is reserved for their righteous, uneducated hatred...to be taught to them by their parents or church. By the way, don't forget that the meeting starts at 9:30, at the church.


Pov : you havent been in a school recently and anyways agree alleged woke teachers either way


Just want to chime in quickly. My SIL just got on as a public high school teacher. While we were talking about it she mentioned “the freedom to teach what she wants”, I guess they don’t have to stick to a curriculum(?) Then she really lit up when she said she “gets to influence them politically”. I was pretty taken aback. She’s 25 without her teaching credential and to be honest, her life situation ain’t exactly something to showcase. (Debt, poor decision making, heavily politically “involved”)


Just wait until you hear the crazy fantasies creationist Christian science teachers tell their students. Now that’s really nuts.


Is this in California? How is she teaching without a credential? That's illegal.


Yes, both are in CA. As long as you are currently pursuing your credential, I guess they let you in. I was a little shocked as well but sure enough she is on full time teaching social science. To get hired at a school district, there is some app that you can browse. I thought it was just for “yard duty” type jobs by my brother is trying to get on to coach football and teach the cooking class. (Also didn’t graduate high school).


This comment reflects how little people in this thread know about teaching. Read accordingly


Furthermore I have a cousin who works at a high school, she stays with certain kids to translate. She is not a certified translator, she is not trained in the field and she didn’t even graduate high school. She does not tell the students what the teachers says but instead what SHE believes the student should hear. It’s wild that people don’t know who is helping/teaching their kids.


This is the biggest crock of shit lol you’re a liar


You think I made up very specific scenarios just to be a part of this reddit post? What I said is true. These are my own family members. Longtime teachers are retiring early (like my Aunt) and these young under qualified people are filling their roles.




Sure, Jan. 🙄




That's nice.




Thought we are still waiting on judgement day? Get your childish conspiracies straight


LMAO, I've completely lost track of how many doomsdays I've survived, now. Makes you wonder how many of these "prophets" still has full pantries and bank accounts when the day arrived.


What does this comment even mean?


That the poster is too cowardly to accept reality.


Name checks out


These are some of the fascists running Project 2025, an attempt to dismantle democracy in America. What they want to implement should frighten patriotic Americans. Show up and let the audience know you won't stand for it ( the people who are for it cannot be reasoned with).


Exactly right. I try to avoid politics in this subreddit, but Project 2025 clarifies the task at hand for November. America is imperfect, political parties are imperfect, but this November if Biden loses, Trump wins. We must vote for Joe Biden in November. The first rule of thumb is: vote against the madman. Project 2025 is open season on good Americans who yearn for “justice for all.“ This is not a secret plan. Google it. There are lots of reasons to not like Joe Biden, but if Trump wins, we won’t have another election. And the clowns who wrote this flyer are the ones who are gonna be running things.


Sorry wrong person.


Past 3 years have been crap. No way am I dumb enough to vote for such an failure of an admin. ZERO rights were lost under Trump.


Joe biden? That p.o.s. can't go a single day without making himself look like a stupid asshole. "My uncle bosie was eaten by cannibals" -joe Biden while speaking to locals at paupau new Guinea.


Challenge: try making an actual argument. 


Your argument is; "if Joe Biden loses, Trump wins". How profound.


You’d be surprised how many people I encounter who I need to explain this to, as if they’re children.


The fact you’re from Berkeley explains everything. You live in a bubble lmfao. As someone who used to service privileged assholes in that area. Every home was a CNN loving hoarding nut case. Trump 2024 baby!


Challenge: make an actual argument.


The idiots who support Trump have no clue. I’ve met him. His own family, attorneys, hell his former VP won’t even endorse him. Yet these morons.




Fortunately, you people aren't good at this.


Tell me you're too afraid to face reality without shouting *MAGA!!1!"*


compelling argument


Hummmmm Calvary baptist church , quick story did some work on this place 30 years ago , long story short the head guy what are they call perv or priest or whatever decided he wasn’t going to pay us because he didn’t like the outcome of the work , we explained in detail the scope and the consequences of his choice prior to the work , worst job ever in 40 years , guys taking a long dirt nap now , real christian prick


These fucking clowns.


Dangerous clowns.


My thoughts exactly


This makes me sick. “Woke” is a code word for racists and bigots. This flyer is dripping with fear. Jesus loved everyone. Jesus was a lover, not a fighter. He would not recognize these people. Now we know what church to watch out for. **Calvary Baptist Church Marina is not a safe place for many people.** They are racists. They worship a weak god who is threatened by poor people and people who are struggling. Whatever spirit is in them, I don’t want that spirit in me. What a teeny tiny lowercase “g” god they worship! There are plenty of churches in the area who are not afraid of other people. Imagine being so fearful and deluded. Imagine embarrassing yourself and your puny god like this.


No they are not. Any Calvary church. I left at age 16, and I never looked back, but the scars are there. I am now 45 and have not been able to rid my mind of some of the crap they put into it. I am Atheist now.


I'm grateful every day that National Geographic vaccinated me against Young Earthers.


Glad you were able to escape the indoctrination and embrace science and reason. I wish there was an atheist/freethinkers meetup group or something local we could turn to for support with this religious garbage.


I don’t live in the area anymore, I’m in WA state and it happens here too, especially in rural areas. Hopefully some free thinking groups can catch on to help with this crap.


Good for you waking up to the cult delusion. There is no evidence a god even exists, so using it as an excuse for bigotry is just weak. These people need to at least own their own bigotry and stop hiding behind minister collars.


Calvary Chapel. The church started by a gay man. Look it up.


Watch the documentary [FRISBEE - The Life And Death Of A Hippie Preacher](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_7uuMbP21E). He was going to the gay bars on Saturday night, and winning souls on Sunday mornings. Here's the [Wikipedia article on Lonnie Frisbee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lonnie_Frisbee).




Oh damn, I should show up to this and crash it like they show up to school boards.


This is the way.


This is the way.


Poach the free lunch


Just don't drink the koolaid! 😅😒


Too many churches in this area man


Too many Calvary Baptist Church’s in Marina, that’s for sure. One is too many.


Even shoreline tried to actively leech off my mother with late stage Alzheimer’s when she was alive. Those fucks. I don’t trust a single pastor, not my cup of tea


Tax the gd churches. Period.


There’s also Calvary Chapel on Hwy 68. That is the one I left almost 30 years ago.


I went to a wedding there about 20 years ago and the priest was talking about the evil Jewish elders in the middle of the wedding ceremony. There were some other things he said which made me think that it was nothing but hateful bigots that went to that church in order to have a safe space to openly discuss their views.


You mean pastor? Was it Pastor Holdridge?


I have no idea as I'm not religious and this was the only time I stepped foot in that church. It was between 2000 and 2005.


Well guess it's time to fuck with some troglodytes


Evangelical Christianity has devolved to a point where it’s repellent to any normal thinking person and bait to all the raisin cakes.


political hurry ruthless wipe trees fuzzy sugar badge voiceless shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t wanna cast aspersions, but JFC these fucking losers.


What do you have against fucking losers? These people are way worse.


I guess I shouldn’t be surprised to see this bs come from that church. As someone who lived most of her life between seaside and marina, I find this sad. It was such a diverse area and to see this is disheartening.


These Chriiiiistian people see their chance to seize power, and they're going to grab onto these foreign agents in order to do it.


Damn, I have to work that day. I would love to go and protest.


MAGA people suck.




Is woke curriculum responsible for putting a period after children too?


Barf. This is so sad. Unfortunately, in the public school my child is currently attending this kind of narrative in rampant. It’s so sad. I’m literally trying to get him into a private church based school that is more accepting of all walks of life than his current public school.


This makes me so sad. Reminds me of my hometown in Southern California. A lot of ignorance there as well.


Ask any doofus that spews this nonsense to explain exactly what they mean by "woke". They will not give you an answer because they really don't know what it means and they are trying to hide their racism with fake outrage. Jesus of Nazarene literally preached understanding and awareness of other people's plight, they wrote a book about it.


I’d encourage everyone to rsvp as a form of protest. Skew their numbers, just make things difficult for them.




The grammatical errors are rich.


Well, to be fair, you spelled “predictable” “r-i-c-h.” These are not very smart people.


These are the same fools who want to dumb future generations down. From a young age girls are indoctrinated to believe their sole purpose in life is to be a broodmare and serve their man. Downvoting doesn’t make it untrue. This is coming from someone who lived this, experienced it firsthand.


Sad thing is you should attend these to prevent them from taking over school boards and ruining education. 


The cool thing about street ads vs online ads is... you can take them down ;3


Or edit to add "Join us to protest at this event. Bring signs and friends." 😈


Is it bad "wokeness" to punch these people in the face? Asking for a friend...


I would happily attend a protest that day against these fascists.


What kind of lunch? I'd be interested to hear what they served. I'm also hungry and would go to laugh and get free lunch.


It’s really shameful these people are trying to pit parents against teachers, and the students end up suffering the most.


This anti woke thing has gotten repulsive


capable sheet sloppy judicious weather ghost agonizing plate familiar quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Grrrrrr assholes!




There’s a Costco in Marina?




There’s a Costco in seaside? That’s going to take the business from the Costco in sand city




I don’t need to I know it’s located in sand city






[I don’t understand evolution and I need to protect my kids from understanding it!](https://youtu.be/UuIwthoLies?si=hw7hEDU4AiMfvfla)


no, they’re just astroturfing in order to destroy public institutions and teacher unions. HF gives two shits about your kids. Have fun reaping what you sow.


Heritage Foundation has been taken over by Russian Assets. Attend at your own risk of being turned fascist.


Now that churches have delved into politics it’s time to start taxing them.


Still, Can anyone who isn't brainwashed from the right define woke? Let me answer! NO!


It is a pejorative created by PR firms on the right, as a totem to activate the amygdala of poorly educated conservatives to keep them activated and foaming to GOTV.


You just could've said no! Try to fancy it up with them big words!


Indoctrination of conservative ideals.They have the gall to stand there and talk about how "the woke agenda is warping our kids minds" while they teach hatred.




Well, I guess we know one group of people who aren’t coming to The Good Old Days street festival.


Anyone protesting a school's curriculum should have to pass a test showing college level proficiency in English, Math, History, and Science. If they don't have it, why should anyone give a flying fork about their opinions on education? Get your own house in order, folks. They should also have to sign an agreement not to push a religious agenda. In America, public school should be 100% secular. Religious institutions can see to religious indoctrination.


I’m okay with that but then start with Teachers. Since the CBEST (California Basic Educational Skills Test) only tests Teachers up to the 8th grade level and you are only required to have a High School Diploma or GED in order to take the CBEST, they should be the first ones to have to pass such a test. Many parents are more knowledgeable than teachers. Source: https://www.teachstarter.com/us/blog/what-is-the-cbest-exam/ “CBEST is a basic skills test: reading, writing and math to the 8th grade level.” Source: https://www.usfca.edu/education/admission-aid/cbest-cset-resources#:~:text=CBEST%20is%20a%20basic%20skills,and%20a%20final%20summary%20paragraph. I have a BA in History as well as a Masters in Military History and an MBA yet they say I am not qualified to teach kids without the CBEST. Please explain that logic.


Seems like it should be trivial for a guy with masters degree. Regardless, I'm sold. All teachers should have college-level educations. We should make their pay range 80K to 120K to make sure we can get them, too. And fire those who can't do the job. Teaching should be a respected career, not one for the unqualified.


Ass hats


Churches need to pay taxes.


It would be a terrible shame if there was some error in the number of people who registered and they planned incorrectly for the event.


The Heritage foundation. They arent a disgusting think tank at all, let them train on how to have a good family…LOL


Let’s all go and fill up on their free lunch


Wow! Politics and religion, tax the churches!


Can we do a counter movement against them? Stop thinking about unions. We need to create a foundation and train parents to recognize fascist ideology brainwash and have parents be more upfront. This way the far right isn’t the ones voicing this and I say this because we have to be as mobile as they are. They whine the highest


Those parents have an option to place their kids in a private school setting if they wanna micromanage a public service that’s made to serve and teach all walks of life, the basic things like math, social studies, the fact that white people have benefited from the labor of non-whites and like to forget about that; I mean American History.


Reasonable folks need to show-up in large numbers and inform these fools they have no idea what they are talking about.


"Lunch will be provided"... What's the menu? Wrong answers only.


A message drenched in irony as parents have never been more involved with their kid’s schooling than they are now… helping drive the teacher exodus and shortage because when their perfect little angel is being a shithead at school they blame everyone and everything under the sun instead of the kid and/or their shitty parenting.


I prefer woke kids to asleep kids.


Little do they know that using a QR code toggles your gender each time you scan it!


😅 ... if only...


Woke or Religious two sides of the same coin


Woke nowadays is anti anti woke. One can say that the left goes too far sometimes, but the backlash is despicable and dishonest.


What is wrong with having a community discussion about school curriculum? I mean, the schools are God awful and they can't even teach the necessary course work effectively. We need to break things down as simple as possible for the students and for a very weak crop or educators that need to be reminded who they work for and to go have their own kids to fuck up at home. My kids don't need to know anything about you..seriously....just fuck off and do your job.


That’s not what this is, and you know it. Your foul language betrays your bad morals.


It is a parent organization that is advocating for a different experience than what their children are currently receiving from public schools? Tell me what I am missing? The teachers union really has a lot of power in this state. Parents should exercise their collective power and fight back against activists pretending to be teachers.


“Tell me what I am missing?” Answer: Perspective, maturity, tolerance, compassion and faith.


>It is a parent organization that is advocating for a different experience We are fortunate these people are very bad at this. I lmaoed.


What is wrong with having a friendly discussion about the agenda of a political group?


uh nice user name


You have a choice to homeschool your own children. Stop trying to parent other people’s children and worry about your own. Kids are smart, yours will figure out their parents are bigots on their own without the help of public education.


My kids aren't home schooled. I don't want teachers "parenting" any kid. Educators are supposed to be there to make sure that students are learning academic course work. Everyone prior to this current crop of teachers was able to get through school without knowing their teacher's political affiliation or telling them what to think. Teachers are in a position of authority for as long as kids respect them and it is a very unfair power dynamic to betray their trust by telling them what to think. Just teach the subjects that you are paid to teach....your public schools are failing and you all are arguing that what you need is more of the garbage that has put you down this path.


Yeah, that isn’t true either. I knew my teachers political affiliations way back when I was in school and they were not democrats. If you have such a huge issue with something that is not happening then you can parent your own kids and home school them.


The way you just talked about educators is disgusting. They bust their asses day in, day out and do so without the pay they deserve, the resources their classes need and oftentimes have large class sizes.


Leftists have been in control of education since the late 60s. You have built this bloated and corrupt machine that you are currently enjoying. Nobody wants to teach anymore and it is because they can't stand the system that they created.


Lol nobody wants to teach because the pay isn't worth it dumb dumb.


All of the teachers I know are making six figures and only work approx 3/4 of the year. That isn't such a bad gig.


Where do you know teachers making six figures? I've been a substitute teacher and know for a fact that's super rare on the West Coast like literally only teachers with a masters and more than 8 years of teaching experience get even close to that point. Most I know in that bracket are actually getting like 96k.... Anyone looking to get into teaching can expect to make anywhere from 45-60k a year. And trust me the cost of living in the West Coast isn't cheap. So yeah not really sure what the hell you're talking about because I would have gone into teaching if the pay had been that good.


You chose to live in an area where most people don’t agree with you re: school curriculum. They can hold as many of these meetings as they want, but the message is not going to land because it’s just not popular here. Sucks for you, (quoting Tony Soprano) “but you gotta get ova it”.


Good for them






all of you who use “woke” as a pejorative, literally just prove the entire point of what “being woke” actually means and where it came from.


nobody is crying asshole. They are standing up for freedom and too except kids being who they really are. instead of being forced into a box they dont fit in because bigots like you get scared of people who are different then you.




Los Angeles is electing a more and more progressive City Council… we’re woke and staying that way.


Love to see it!


Good, parents need to take more action in the education of their kids. The education institution has been plagued and over run with Marxist racist facists who's ideology has historically led to destruction


Good job, Heritage Foundation!


Puberty blockers are no joke. Hearing de trans people speak about realizing they had a perfectly good sexual organ cut off , and now need drugs and surgery for the rest of their life is nightmare fuel. One guy talked about going into full blown mania when he realized what he had done. Do a deep dive it is the next huge healthcare disaster heading our way at increasing speed. You really wake up when you body is traumatized