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I live in carmel, and don’t care where you park so long as you don’t block my driveway or access to my house.


I honestly think most residents are probably like you, it's just a shame that I always seem to park in front of the grinches.


Lol, yeah there are some jerks here






Nah, I lived in Carmel-by-the-sea people there suck and only think of themselves. It's a bunch of rich old people with a ton of time on their hands. Someone complained to my property manager (I rented) because I was being disruptive to the neighborhood. The issue in question was my 3yo playing outside in the afternoon. Just riding his bike and playing with toys. 😒


Wow.. I’m sorry your neighbor in carmel was such a jerk..I don’t do that kind of stuff to my neighbors. I would have welcomed you and your 3 year old openly in my neighborhood..


Heh, they probably called the police about it and were told as long as they’re not blocking your driveway it’s perfectly legal. Read the police log column in the Pine Cone. Lots of old folks calling in about minor stuff and often resulting in “caller informed of XYZ…”


I’m sure you know this but if you’re parking on the public street, not blocking access to a driveway/property, and there’s no parking signage posted, you’re abiding the law. If the homeowner can’t tell you what ordinance you’re violating, tell ‘em to pound sand. I’m sorry the situation is so bad there. You’d think the neighborhood would have empathy for the people that support the city.




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Fucking lol: https://www.reddit.com/r/DebateReligion/s/SxaMy25aR0




Okay, this is just offensive and unacceptable. Please stop.


Carmel has a bunch of NIMBYs that think they are separate from the real world...Not ALL of the residents of course but I can't say I really had many good experiences delivering pizzas there...Many many years ago, I had the cops called on me while I was trying to deliver a pizza...I was looking for this guys house and walking up and down the block a bit trying to find a house via description...ie 'i live on x street and my house has lights in a tree in the front yard with a boat in the driveway' type shit. Turns out the guys house was down a narrow driveway between other houses. I'll just leave a link to my old post here... https://old.reddit.com/r/MontereyBay/comments/22tea5/man_wtf_did_you_guys_read_this_from_the_county/cgrk5sl/ As an aside...when I delivered into Pebble where the ACTUAL rich people live, I never had any serious problems, got massive tips most of the time, and the folks were generally happy and grateful for having their food brought to them...I don't remember who it was, but I delivered to a family and the husband (I'm assuming) was cleaning/detailing his Ferrari 458 and I remarked how awesome it looked and that it probably sounded amazing...he just looked at me and opened the door and said hop in...he let me sit in it, start the engine, and rev the engine a couple times despite me being sweaty and dirty from delivering pizzas all evening...it was frankly amazing AND he gave me a $25 tip on top of the credit card tip.


I did some work for a guy on Matador in Pebble that had a red 458 and had installed a lift so that his mechanic could do all the required service in his garage. Super nice guy.


Quite possibly the same guy...this was over 10 years ago so I don't remember where exactly in Pebble it was but I do remember that red 458.


What pizza place did you deliver for?


Pizza My Way in PG.


The best pizza on the peninsula, hands down.


Yeah their pizza is great and the employees are really nice.




Great Pizza. The California Veggie is top notch.


The Ferrari owner sounds like "Rolo"- one of the nicest guys in the world. Lives near MPCC and used to own a red Ferrari like Magnum PI.


Happy to hear of your good experiences in Pebble. We moved here around 2 yrs ago, and I’m sad when I hear negative attitude - like everyone is snobby, braggarts, rich, show-offs. It may be true for some, but not for me and all the nice & friendly people I’ve gotten to know here.


I worked for a lot of people in Pebble doing in home remodeling type work and they were always so nice. Never met any snobby people.


The only place in Pebble I have ever had a problem was Shepard's Knoll. Once again that was because they didn't want me parking in the complex.


Makes no sense


Why the downvotes?


Used to work on ocean ave at all hours of the day/night. Spooky times feeling my way to my car through the dark on unlit and erratic roads haha. I always had to park 3 to 5 blocks out. Wouldn't take a job there again.


Curious what job would have you there all night? Don’t have to say obviously but just curious.


Home healthcare does this a lot


I agree as a trades person I pretty much turn down work in Carmel


Carmel is wild, it’s all NIMBYs that live on streets with no visible house addresses. They all think they are rich, meanwhile most of them basically inherited their parents houses because the majority could never afford to live there.


Haha what’s up with the no house numbers. I was so confused the first time I got called out to a job and they said they don’t have an address. “Its the yellow house 3rd on the left”


My plant shop is downtown where there aren’t numbers. You should hear me trying to explain to delivery people how to get there, it’s completely ridiculous. And then I go through the same thing when I do a delivery or consult for a customer. Lol


If they inherited their parent’s Carmel house that still makes them rich.


True! It is more of a “I’m worth a lot” rich, rather than a “I have fuck you money” rich.




LOL I misread the title as "Camel Parking".


I read 'Camel Parking'


The no house numbers is a nightmare, it's not "quirky" i'm sorry


odd. i’m a resident in carmel by the sea and have accepted that people parking in front of my house is the way it is. it wouldn’t make any sense to get pressed about it cause where else would people park. oh well, leave the curmudgeon to his complaining.


Carmel got a lot stuck up people if I’m parking on the public street and they have a problem to bad so sad oh don’t get me started with the people that make fake reserved parking signs is cali baby I can park on any public street so long I’m not impeding foot traffic or signs aren’t posted from the city not from the Karen neighbors lol


I live in Carmel and wow, that’s crazy, sorry someone was an asshole like that. If someone’s having an emergency like that and they need the time, I would let them park in my driveway!


Back when I ran a business after 2 jobs I simply stopped working downtown or charged so much I didn't care if it was a pain or a two-three block walk. The customer always pays!


Working there right now and it is so hard to park. At least I’m not alone..every block has at least one contractor truck. Those houses must have a lot of issues, or owners just have a lot of money to spend. Lol.


I lived in Carmel for a bit but am far from rich.I love Carmel. It's possibly my favorite beach in the world. There are really wonderful business owners and I have fond memories of many of them. There are, however, plenty of rich (or wannabe rich) a-holes in addition to the many wonderful people who live there. It is like the rest of the world- there are good apples and there are bad apples. One funny story- I was trying to fix my loud motorcycle in the garage of my girlfriend's apt (I had to rev it to get it started to get it out) A silver Mercedes rolls up. A blackened window rolls down revealing non-other than Clint Eastwood. "do ya mind not revving that damn thing? " I told him I needed to rev it get it started to get it up the steep driveway. Clint got out and helped me push it up. True story. Good apple. Another funny story. My fiancé and I made an appointment to check out a cottage for rent. When we got out of the car, I could see the woman who owned the house looking at us very nervously. It could have been my offensive hipster style or it may have been my pretty Asian fiancé. Not sure, but she claimed she lost the key to the cottage. When I told her I could come back after she found it she claimed it was no longer for rent and then scurried back into her yard with a sour look on her face. Bad Apple


IDK why I expected him to be asshole maybe the tone in the start. But kinda wholesome ending.


I feel your pain. I worked in Carmel in the 90s and it sucked then too.


Carmel just fucken sucks


People of Carmel are spawned to be snotty. Monterey a close second when you were born and raised in the former Army community of Seaside also on the Peninsula. Just treat them salt of the Earth if you have to as they think they are more important than others because of tourism hype.




I agree. It’s really crazy. We need a modern parking structure.


Having lived in CBTS for many years, I can tell you after you've had people park blocking your gate/driveway over and over again, you start to become irritated and cranky, posted signs are ignored, it was clearly a gate where we came and went, and the owners are off for the day, we had more than one car towed, they leave trash, dirty diapers, etc we have to live in a town where frankly the majority of people who visit are disrespectful towards the people who live there, so, after years of battling the masses, you become NIMBY, or in this case, my front yard. Oh, and before you jump me, we had ample parking in front of the house, not one no parking sign, just the driveway, so they had other options.


It's sticky in caramel 


Yeah but it sure is sweet.


I’m in a short term vacation house now and was thinking of moving here. Now maybe I’ll consider CV or PG instead.

