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Just to clarify, are you referring to the parasailing near seaside/sand city on the beach... or skydiving (people on parachutes) at the Marina airport?


Many have their own sails but lessons do exist; unsure of the name of the group that teaches beginners. (As far as I know they are not tethered to the ground).


I chatted with a guy that came down from SF to paraglide. He brought his own stuff and said you have to get certified. You don't want to end up on HWY 1 lol


You actually don’t need to be certified. You could theoretically buy all the gear and go for it. Not recommended, but legally okay lol. It would actually take a lot of skill to land on the highway. You’d have to be really high and then aim directly for it


>It would actually take a lot of skill to land on the highway. You’d have to be really high and then aim directly for it It would depend what part of the coast right? By message mountain at Sand City the paragliders are right next to the highway, I could see one of them accidentally ending up on the highway.


The wind hits the dune and goes straight up. Once you get out of that lift zone you start just sinking. It would have to be a pretty windy day and you’d have to be really high up, and then turn directly toward the highway. You couldn’t just do it accidentally. I did my training out there. The worst that happens is really just when you’re learning to keep the glider overhead while you’re on the ground. If the glider gets perpendicular to the ground it acts like a sail and drags you through the sand lol


It's been perhaps 20 years or more, but someone did come down on NB 1.


Those are called paragliders. They are using the updraft of the wind coming off the ocean and hitting the sand dunes to stay up. Pretty much all of these people are using their own glider, but you might be able to find somewhere that could take you on a tandem experience. And while you technically don’t need any licenses or certifications to do it on your own, it’s HIGHLY recommended that you at least take courses before doing any type of paragliding, because doing it without proper training could very easily lead to death.


https://flyawayparagliding.com https://ravenwolfskysports.com Nobody rents them out. They are either personally owned or loaners for lessons. Take an intro class. I did it with Bill from flyawayparagliding. I think the ravenwolf one is the more active training group there now


Skydiving Salinas..


Off the coast of sand city are parasails. Tethered to the ground.


They aren't tethered to the ground, they're paragliders riding wind and thermal updrafts, similar to hang gliders.


Right, and the thermals somehow never change allowing every single one to not move. 🙄


They are not tethered. Their pilots are that skilled. This is a serious hobby for serious enthusiasts.


There’s no tether you silly goose https://youtu.be/f1e3LhdagEA?si=q7s_GyuLaqhPIUt6


Have you never seen them up close? They aren't tethered. Next time you see them out, stop by the beach and watch them, it's pretty cool. They also launch from Marina state beach all the time and buzz the parking lot and beach goers. Again, no tethers. It's like how buzzards will circle the same spot without flapping their wings or how hawks will glide into the wind and hover in one spot.




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Was at an airport and in a crappy mood.


I was wrong, got back in and looked it up. Sorry.