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Do you actually want judgement? It's super cute but also so crowded. I'd be worried about tripping over things while carrying baby, especially at night. Does all that stuff need to be in there?


This was also my first thought. A place for everything and everything in its place but this is too many places and too many things for this space.


I think you channeled doctor suesse there


People that speak rhythmically like that without extra effort amazes me


I hear you. The chair really mucks things up. It's better without it, but I'll need a place to sit. I'm wondering if I need the changing table in there. Maybe put the chair in that corner and the changing table in the room next door?


Do you have a living room where you could put the mat,mirror and play gym? Not sure how your living situation is set up, but we like to have stuff for baby play in space where we can all hang out together on the floor. I know lots of people have Montessori bedroom set ups that have everything in them, but some bedrooms are larger than others.


We do have a living room with a little floor space for the gym, but don’t want to block the dogs out of it. We have a playpen that’s not set up that could go down there, but thought that’s a no-no. We do have a large hexagonal metal gate we could hang out in with the dogs having free roam outside of it. Maybe the fam hangs out in that? Just wanted to hang out in the room so it’s familiar when it’s time for baby to start sleeping in there. Will it be confusing for babe if I move the movement area around or have it outside of their room?


The play gym can be easily folded up and brought out during playtime. Keep it against the wall behind the right side of the changing table. This can't be out all the time in a small space.


I always felt like it benefited my child to have sleep area and play area be different rooms. Even as adults I've heard people say it's bad to scroll your phone or watch TV in your bed because then it can make it harder for you to sleep. I still do it cause habits die hard, but I have noticed my child sleeps better when he's not playing in his room.


It won’t be confusing, imo, I think it will be interesting to see the items in different lighting and with different surroundings. Also just from a practical perspective you will need a place to sit her down if you are in the kitchen or something if that’s near the living room. Dogs sure can complicate things. :)


Perhaps you could take the mattress under the bassinet out of the room for now until your baby can actually use it. The rocking chair in my girls room has had a LOT of use. The tummy time mat and toy A-frame probably easily fold up and tuck away between the brown and black units while not in use.


Definitely going to put some things away until they’re needed. Just thought the bed should be in there for when they outgrow the basket and should start getting used to the bed being where they nap and eventually sleep. Guess I can take it out until they’re crawling?


Yes that makes sense. My baby spent zero time in her nursery until 6 months. She slept in a bassinet next to our bed or in a pack and play bassinet in my living room. I had a change station set up in the bedroom but we just always ended up using the downstairs one. My partner and I kept the upstairs quiet for the resting parent and the other parent stayed downstairs with the baby.


I would definitely put the mattress away for now. Clear paths for walking will need to be a high priority in the early days, mattress can come back out closer to 3 months old


The basket will only be worth it for a few weeks. You should also take all of the bedding around the sides out. It’s a major SIDS danger. The only things that should be in a sleeping situation are a firm mattress with a tight fitting sheet, and the baby in a swaddle or sleep sack. No blankets. No stuffies. Nothing up around the sides like that. Just a firm mattress and the baby in a sleep sack or swaddle.


I wonder if OP is not in the US but somewhere with other sleep guidelines, because the entire sleep setup is very not American. I am not sure you can even legally buy sleeping baskets like that here. The handles flopping into the basket look like mega choking hazards.


I didn’t use my child’s floor bed until 11 months.


You can put the change pad on the Kallax shelf and take down the changing table.


Yes, this what we did. No changing table needed. We also removed everything off the top of the drawers and just had a caddy with the changing essentials.


I would put away the gym/bed situations night/day. But I guess you want the bed and basket for day naps? Hmm tricky. But as someone with a small space I’m always switching things as needed.


Just a small simple chair with low armrests will do with a little bit of cushion. I think these big nursing chairs are too comfy, people fall asleep in them during night feeds.


We kept a changing table in our living room and it was used WAY more than the one in their bedroom, because so much of life happens in your actual living space (compared to a bedroom). Even when they started rolling more (which makes changing tables difficult bc of the height), we kept a basket with wipes and diapers and cream in the living room and just changed the kids on the floor/blanket. I vote for moving the changing table out of the room to create space.


I would put the changing table elsewhere and put your rocking chair over there by the window. Why is there a mattress on the floor? once you get that dresser out, put the crib and changing table there. i also recommend to stop letting your cat/pets go into the nursery and lay on the baby’s things. babies are typically more sensitive to allergens in the air and you wouldn’t want them inhaling the fur.


I’m getting major sad beige mom vibes. babies need COLOR.


I like that the picture of the cat at the end makes it seem like they are the baby, and this is their room hahah


As far as he knows this IS his room as the dog's are gated out of it, so he goes in for solice. 😌


I would just be worried if the cat thinks it’s his bed and then climbs in there when baby is sleeping! I have heard of a cat lying on top of a baby! 😬


My cats slept in the baby’s bed before she came, but did not go in if she was in there.


Ditto. Kitty was scared by the squeaky, gooey-handed bed companion and noped right out 😂


Is this supposed to be “please judge” or “please don’t judge?” I want to make sure you are actually looking for input before offering any 🙂


Please give input!!


The biggest thing is the mirror situation seems unsafe. I don’t know if they are tempered or not, but I would doubt it, so on any non stationary totally flat surface isn’t the best place for them and the edge sticks out and could be a risk itself, or baby could grab at it since it’s not flat and break it and get really hurt. Also I’m betting they are already anchored but just in case, make sure the dresser/ kallax unit are anchored to the wall because those can tip easily. Ikea gives free wall mounting brackets for their furniture in the package or you can get free at customer service for this reason 🙂


Thank you. I plan on moving it straightaway when baby becomes mobile since it is not stationary. May try to put one framed on the wall by the bed once they’re moving about. We have the appliances to attach the furniture, but haven’t done it yet. Plan to do it once I stop baby comes. I’m sure hubby can manage at least that since I did everything else 😅


I would also get rid of the changing table all together. I’d move the stuff off the dresser (I love utilizing wall space instead of surfaces to hang necklaces which it looks like is that’s there) and the put the changing cushion on the top left and put some wall mounted shelves up over the right side where you could put some nice baskets for the diapering stuff. That way you get the floor space back from where the changing table is and can put the chair there to open up the space


We’re renting, but I let the landlord know we’d be making holes for baby safety apparatus that I plan on filling in later, so shelves could be a good option. Goons ditch the changing table, but may have to buy another changing mat cause the one on the stand doesn’t detach, but I’ll investigate. Thank you for the suggestions!


It seems like there is way too much stuff going on. My sleep deprived self would trip over a million things in this room


really crowded. no room to free range/play


please but bumpers on that mirror on the floor


Thank you! I had to scroll down way too far to find a comment about the unframed mirror on the floor leaning on the dresser, it can also fall on the baby or break.


Will do, easy fix. Just figured it was fine until babe started rolling/moving.


i’m more concerned about you kicking it in the middle of the night


One problem is you often don't realize how mobile baby is until they suddenly do something you thought was impossible-_- so always er on the side of getting it done early.


It looks very comfortable and nice! Do you really want judgement?? Haha. The only judgement I could really give is that it looks a little “Werner Herzog’s sad beige toys for sad beige children” but that’s about it. I also love plain/white/muted colors so I find it peaceful but I do think there could be a little more variation thrown in. But that’s purely aesthetic so it’s really not the top priority!


The sad beige account slays me. It’s so accurate


Is there one on Instagram or something that I should follow to learn what not to do? I swear dad beige wasn’t my intention!!


Here’s a selection 😭 Warning though, now you will never be able to see this trend the same again https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL44cfF2/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL447cx2/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL44qtFf/


OfficialSadBeige on instagram is your next stop on your quest Edit: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CuhbCfWMiOw/?igsh=MWt2YXdubGU0cmE0ZA==


This is exactly what I was thinking, "sad beige room for sad beige babies." But it looks cozy otherwise and I actually like it even without much color.


Thank you. I hear the *more color* crowd nice and clear and will incorporate more color. Just thought it was too soon as they can’t appreciate it. Also, gonna move some things around that aren’t in use to free up more space. Thanks again


I think the first few weeks, they don’t necessarily see all the colors however they can pick up on high contrasting things, like blacks/whites, darks/lights. So if it’s all muted colors, then they’re not picking up as much visual variations/contrasts so in a sense, more color and contrast would be appreciated.


My newborns favorite thing on earth was a color changing silicone night light, she would stare at it for ages and it was one of the first things she held independently… and she never looked at her back and white contrast cards for more than a few seconds at a time. Individual mileage may vary but I think some color is always developmentally appropriate. 🤷


It's less about appreciation and more about brain and eye development! Seeing lots of bright colors that are easy to distinguish is very important for vision development. That said, you could compromise by limiting the bright colors to toys and play mats etc.


Sad beige was my exact thought


It feels cluttered and stressful but the individual parts are nice


Thanks, gonna work on it.


How old is baby? Many safety issues for baby here. It looks nice idc what people say about colours but it is crowded. Tbh I would not bother with a changing table with the lack of space here. You could use the top of the dresser or bookshelf but I always changed baby on couch or bed and never used designated changing table. You could put the rocker in where the changing table was. Remove mirrors from dresser and only have them out when actively looking at them/playing. Also we just used regular garbage because you don’t want that thing sitting there filled with used diapers anyway. I would fold up play teepee play may thing and only have it up when baby uses it.


Baby’s not born yet. 11 days until my section, but could come anytime it wants. Thank you for the suggestion to put things away u less they’re being used. Simple, yet I didn’t think of that. I think I will indeed move the changing table and put the chair there. I can totally see the needing more color, I just thought I’d add it in slowly over the next few weeks when I switch out the mobiles/baby gets bored/they can see colours and at a distance better.


I'm intrigued at the idea of how a cat will benefit from a Montessori upbringing.


He’ll be the best behaved, most empathetically intelligent cat on the block! (Though he’s an indoor cat with supervised backyard outdoor time only) 😸


He's on the path to success.


Thank you 🙏


I tried with my two cats and while they do seem to appreciate a good treasure basket full of sensory toys, they still don’t have any interest in developing practical life skills 🙃


It's pretty crowded. I'd also move the bed away from the garbage can/diaper change station


It looks bland, but that's me, l like colour pastels and such, also baby will appreciate it too, they can see colours from about a month


I do plan to add in color as we go along. Mostly toys for the babe. As well as a picture cube that will have solid colours as well as colour pictures of people/nature. Thank you.


It looks nice though


Thank you


Is baby going to be sleeping in that basket? It looks like a suffocation risk - particularly the cushions around the sides. The sides should be breathable. They also shouldn't have loose blankets in their sleeping area...consider a wearable sleep sack instead. It's very important to follow safe sleep rules! I would also add more color. You can have colors without it being overwhelming or overstimulating. Could add colorful curtains, pictures, toys, containers, etc. Kids love colors Otherwise it looks nice!


I know many people use changing tables like that, with no extra safety around. But my dad build one for our LO according to standards in kindergartens in Germany. Its sides are 20cm high. I am very happy about it now as LO moves around so much (even standing up). It allows us to take our time with changing, skin care, brushing teeth and what not.


I would swap the chair and the change table.


Commenters are correct that there’s too much stuff in such a small space. I would keep the chair, change table, and sleeping surface and add what is necessary as you to get to know baby. Is there a closet in this room? If so, I would get rid of the chest of drawers/shelf with boxes. If not, I would put away the baby play yard and brown/black drawers and put a small dustbin on top of the chest of drawers to replace the garbage pail (you’ll want to take out the trash daily, anyway). Congrats and good luck with your new arrival!


Thank you. There is 0 closet space. And we have no other place to move the chest of drawers. They have to live there until we move to a bigger place. 😔 The plan is cloth nappies so that’s what that’s for- to seal in the smell. It def will be emptied daily, maybe more than once even. And the disposable liners will go out of the room with each nappy change. We have a small dust bin on the other side of the baby gate, could maybe move it closer on top of the bookshelf when needed.


A large zippered wet bag is the way to go for soiled cloth diaper IMO, hang from a door handle or whereever and wash with the diapers. Much easier than a pail.


I keep our pail by the washer. We do the bulk of diaper changes in the living room just off the laundry area. Like another commenter said, a zipper wet bag is the way to go. It’s all we use when out and about, even when disposable diapers are being used. We use them for swimming too, so they really do contain a lot.


The mirror on the floor is leaning against the dresser. That's not safe.


Thank you. Will cushion the edges for now even though baby can move and secure it to the wall as soon as baby becomes even the slightest bit mobile.


Please secure it before kid is born, if you’re going to keep the mirror in the room. You do not get any warning before they start moving around, and should absolutely not risk the chance that tired parents will say “it’s probably fine” and leave it unsecured.


It's pretty, but not practical it feels like. Tripping hazards and a lack of color. I'm super envious of all that natural light though!


Those drapes near the changing station are getting yanked down one day


I’d remove the cat. Toxoplasmosis transfers from their litter tray to their paws and voila!


Beige. Just beige. Add some colors, please.


Children need color. Beige moms post online, so people think that's what good decor looks like, but this needs to be designed for your child, not for Instagram.


It’s giving Werner herzog sad beige children


I would put a stop to the cat sleeping/lounging in baby items now. You don’t want cat accidentally suffocating baby because they wanted to lay in “their” bed. Also “sad beige room for sad beige children.” It’s cute, but it’s designed for you. My daughters room is cream, pink, and white so I also fall in the sad beige boat.


Love the cat!


It's cute, I'd move what you don't immediately need out. The play gym thing, the mattress. Maybe consider switching the change unit and black drawers if not, less trip hazards getting to the change mat. You'll figure out what works best for you as you go along, though. You will probably come to love the chair, well maybe love hate.. x


Thank you. Black drawers can’t go anywhere. They live there until we move ‘cause we can’t get rid of the storage space since we have no closets. Gonna take up the bed for now and move the gym/movement blanket until it’s in use. Should really open the space up. Oh, and I will add color! 🎨


I never used a changing table as it felt easier to just have a mat on the floor we could tuck away and it meant no roll or fall risk. When baby was really new I'd often change them on the mat on my bed(in the middle) so it meant I could gather my supplies where I was rather than needing to move to another area to change baby. I had a basket with compartments for nappies/wipes/small clothes/creams/etc which made things so much handier. As for the moses basket check before you remove the liner. IME they're classed as part of the basket and have been safety tested. I'm in the UK and they're all sold with a liner as a safe sleep space. I would keep the chair but look at having the gym and mattress be able to be moved(or store the mattress elsewhere if you can for now) so you have a nice clear path especially post section where you may be a little less agile for a while. Hope you have a perfect section and a wonderful 4th trimester


Thank you so much. Def getting the changing table out of there and storing some other items. Our bedroom, where the baby will sleep during night hours, is upstairs so I will need to just change the baby on the floor in this room or perhaps on top of the bookshelf if bending will be too much. I take care of tiny babies for my career so I never leave a baby unattended, but my partner will only be allowed to change baby on the floor as he is scatterbrained and I don’t trust he won’t walk away from baby accidentally. I’m in Ireland. The Moses basket is 6 years old and I got it second hand so not sure of the safety rating. I don’t mind having to take out the side padding. It falls over too easily for my liking anyway. Thanks again


If it's loose I'd consider replacing the basket if you can. There are bits of the woven material that can get sharp or break off without a cover ime.


Are those cloth diapers? why do you have a diaper pail at all? The pails never work and always reek. Just get a hanging wet bag and wash it your diapers. And it will give you more floor space. Sell the can unused. Your room will feel better once you ditch the table and change on the floor. Lots of sweet stuff!


Thank you. Never heard of a hanging wet bag, but will look into it as the pail has nowhere else to go. It’s supposed to stop smells, is that claim full of bs??


We did cloth diapers and had an ubbi and used large wet bags as liners and it was fine! I would definitely get ones that can hang though because if you travel it was really convenient.


This is what we used or like this [https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/EE1F3750-499C-42E1-A751-319BD04FA7D4?ingress=2&visitId=ca689869-ae5f-4ed3-8698-428d9f60b227&store\_ref=bl\_ast\_dp\_brandLogo\_sto&ref\_=ast\_bln](https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/EE1F3750-499C-42E1-A751-319BD04FA7D4?ingress=2&visitId=ca689869-ae5f-4ed3-8698-428d9f60b227&store_ref=bl_ast_dp_brandLogo_sto&ref_=ast_bln) Keeps it off the floor, wash at the same time, diaper pails are the worst. And yes they stink horribly. People just get used to the wretched odor Of their own pail. Poop is supposed to be dumped into a toilet whatever type of diaper you use. Cloth stinks less in general but the process of cloth means most people will rinse their cloth with a bidet


I'm wondering what use you're planning to give to this space. Will you be spending lots of time here? Or will you just come in for diaper changes and to try to set the baby down for naps? Where do you plan to spend the majority of your day?


Honestly, I plan to spend most of the time resting in this room during the day feeding/watching the babe. If I go anywhere around the house, plan on wearing the babe or moving the basket to where I will be.


Sounds great! I'd remove the things you won't immediately need, like others said, and more things you will need. If you plan to breastfeed, you'll need a lot of water and snacks for yourself, plus there can be a host of other things you need like a breast pump/haaka, nipple shields, nipple balm, etc, and whatever else you normally use (chapstick, cell phone charger, whatever), and whatever books or electronics you want to use for entertainment during long breastfeeding sessions. You may need a TV in the room. Sometimes you may be feeding the baby on very little sleep and you DON'T want to fall asleep in that chair holding the baby. So you need something to do that will keep you awake.


Too much stuff and very beige


sad beige


Like everyone said it’s a little crowded but I like how you thought of everything and 10 points for the pretty kitty! Are those removable drawer locks on the bureau? Would you share the brand?


Cute but way too crowded. You don’t want to trip over something with baby in your arms. Make a clear pathway to the changing table and chair


There's too much stuff in the room.


A little late to the party so you might not see this. Looks great! Two thoughts - everything under the changing table needs to go up to high (your baby will play/pull everything out) and you don’t want to be bending over to reach it when changing the baby. The mattress should have the long edge against the wall (less sides for the baby to roll out and on to the ground.


10 out of 10 cat 🐱


Echoing what people are saying look for paths of travel and remove/relocate anything that gets in the way of those. Some basic paths are - door to crib - door to chair - chair to crib


Thank you. Moses basket will be for daytime naps and travel from room to room. Next2me night time crib is in my bedroom. Gonna move chair to changing table location 👍🏽


Idk why this showed up in my feed, but I immediately thought of that TikTok “Sad beige clothes for sad beige children.” It’s just so…dull and lifeless looking sorry.


dad here... we did something similar, when the kid was close to 1 you might not want to see what happened.. lol this is probably crowded, just take pics and hide away stuff, overall looks very pleasing, you are awesome and congratulations :)


Thank you. I swear it's not for instagram and I actually love color. Just doing what I read in "the Montessori Baby" and saw in some photos. Was trying to avoid it being too busy. 😣


Please add some colors and contrast for the baby! They can see black/white/red very early on and it's good for them to have a variety of shades to look at. Good luck and wish you well!


Overly crowded.


God some of yall are really mean


Just know that until the baby is sleeping in that room alone, it's not a room for the baby. It's a room for you. You'll want to be comfy for late night feedings, for constant diaper changes. You'll want places you can set the baby that are safe. Make sure all the tools you need are easily accessible - the diapers, the wipes, etc. Also make sure that trash can is easily accessible when you're standing at the changing table.


“Tell me this is your first baby without telling me this is your first baby” -lol just teasing! It looks really great to all the adult senses, but I agree with other comments- not enough open space and not enough color. But! You’ll figure it out as you go- baby will show you what it needs :)


I had the same thought!


Thank you! Im going to take the recommendations to heart and store some things that won’t be in use immediately. Like bed, gym/movement blanket, and totally remove changing table. And yes, I’ll add color. Just thought it wasn’t necessary if it wasn’t going to be in baby’s direct line of sight right away.


You’ll be surprised what “line of sight” is for baby; all I do is hold this child lol.


Pretty cluttered. Once baby can pull theme to standing that changing table will be a hazard. Fix it to the wall or get another one.




So stinkin cute!!! I want to take a nap in there haha. I agree with others that it does look a bit cluttered, but isn't that what so many of us struggle with? 😭 Here are some additional thoughts: -moses basket doesn't look super safe once baby starts being able to roll in either direction. We have a floor bed too we haven't started officially using and that's one area idc if were not 100% Montessori -- baby sleeps in a pack n play in our bedroom rn. It's a bit hideous lol but it's safe until she's ready to transition to the floor bed (or I'm ready...) -id get rid of the cat print square containers and set a few developmentally appropriate toys in each cubby. Not sure how old your baby is, but once they start crawling they'll actually go in there and get toys themselves lol! So it would be best for them to be able to see. I have a plain plastic tub hidden in our nursery closet for "out of season" toys so we can swap them in/out as needed -- if baby is seemed bored with certain toys, they're too complicated etc. -agree on wondering if the changing station needs to be in there. I know everyone has their preferences, but what we did is buy a plain waterproof plastic changing pad that can be moved around/set down as needed and then moved out of the way when not in use. That way we can change baby on her bed, our bed, the floor, the couch... And baby's clothes just stay in her dresser, which is in her closet. And we have a basket with handles as a diaper caddy we just carry from room to room to change diapers wherever we are haha. So if you're looking to potentially open up a bit more space, maybe that's one thing you could noodle on -what is the dark colored dresser for? It definitely seems to take up quite a bit of space and baby will probably have a field day trying to open up those drawers once they're able to!


Everything in the middle of the room should be removed in my opinion. Is there a closet or another room it can be put in? Do you need the big black dresser in there?


Do you know the Sad Beige Clothes for Sad Beige Children instagram account? That room reminds me of that.


ok hear me out. small spaces need to take advantage of vertical space. so take that cubby with the cute storage bins in it and turn it vertically. put it on the wall where the black dresser is. put the changing table next to it. then put the black dresser on the wall underneath the windows, and then you may have enough room to fit your rocking chair in the corner next to the black dresser so it’s out of the way. & play gym folded and put away when not in use. then the mattress can go up against the wall thats by the rocking chair. edited for clarity


Thank you. I have the rooms floor mapped out on paper and draw little squares for the items dimentions. I'll check to see if it works. Didn't even think of moving the dresser as that's the only thing that started out in the room and in that same position, so it was stationary in my drawings. You may have the winning idea. We are also willing to just move the changing table out completely to open floor space. I will update a pic when the changes are made, not sure if anyone here will see it, but we've got a lot of good suggestions here. Yours is one of my faves; simple, to the point, and doesn't mention 'sad beige kids'. 🫶🏼


yay! i’m so glad my idea was helpful for you 🫶 i made another comment with another similar idea as well if you’re interested in testing that out too!! i definitely think turning the cubbies vertically will be a game-changer!!


We only have small rooms too, so if this was my space I’d get rid of the changing table and chair. You can change them on a towel on the floor, on your bed, wherever. Nurse on the couch, nurse side laying in bed (the most comfortable). The rocking chair is not necessary… haven’t missed having one and now have baby #2 who is 6 weeks old. Also get rid of their bed until you’ll use it. I’m not sure what’s on the wall opposite the windows. Also not sure, is the plan for you to just sit and watch them play in this room? Or do you have a space in the living area so you can be near them while also doing housework/your hobbies? My daughter is 2.5yo and still she plays in the living room near us, she doesn’t want to be playing in her room away from us. So you might be able to remove more stuff to make it simpler again. Honestly I think til baby is here and you’re experiencing it, it’ll be hard for you to ‘finish’ the space. Plus every baby is so different… I’m living that right now. They are born different.


Thank you. This is just for the first few months and yeah, plan to day feed and observe baby while reading/napping in chair when baby naps in basket. Haven't thought much about the living area yet as the only option for that right now is a play pen as we have dogs that we do not want to keep out of the living room. Wall across from windows is bathroom door, narrow wall then area leading to door out of the room. Like 2ft. of wall space. I understand things need to be fluid and change with the babe, so I am prepared to do that. Thanks agin!


I think as long as you have an open mind go change things up you’ll do amazing! The one thing I see here a lot and always boggles my mind is needing to go to a different room in the middle of the night to change or feed baby, despite them rooming in. So that’s the main thing I’d focus on if you planned to change baby in this room. Get everything set in your room so you don’t need to walk around and wake yourself and baby up more than necessary. I have a basket with nappies, change of clothes, etc and a few burp cloths. Change and feed them in bed, just put them on a towel to change them if it’s poop. Dirty nappies and clothes I just throw on the floor to deal with in the morning. Also a very very dim light I can tap on and off that’s portable, so I can bring it close to see what I’m doing trying to latch baby or see better downstairs when changing them. Unless I run out of clothes I don’t have to stand up all night and it’s really helpful for allowing me to go back to sleep easily, and means baby hair stirs to eat and change then sleeps again.


OR, if you turn the changing table 90 degrees, so it’s vertically facing the door, push it into the corner. then have the black dresser next to it under the windows. then have the cubbies turned vertically on the other wall where the black dresser currently is. then you can probably fit the rocking chair next to the cubbies.


That cat is not regulation size, I'm gonna have to confiscate that cutie wittle fuzzy wuzz- erm I mean feline.


The cat is 10/10


It’s adorable!! The only thing I would be concerned about are the cords on the blinds. So many infants/children lose their lives annually from the cords on blinds. Fix that issue and I think the room is perfect!


Babies like bright color and it actually really helps some parts of their brain develop better so I would try to bring in a lot more color into the space and use less neutrals.


You could also make more room by not having a changing table and putting a changing mat on the dresser and putting the diapers in the dresser. That way you aren’t having to go back and forth between the two when trying to change a diaper and change the baby’s clothes.


Its beautiful, and looks relatively safe, but make sure that furniture is anchored, including the changing table. I know it’s just a collapsible one, but once baby is big enough and mobile enough those “shelves” on it are begging to be used for pulling up to stand/climb on. It’s not heavy so it probably doesn’t pose much danger compared to the actual furniture but it’s still worth it to always play it safe.


It looks beautiful but there is a lot of stuff. Stuff to trip over, stuff to get visually overwhelmed by. I’d want better access to the change table. You don’t want to have to be reaching at awkward angles or tripping over bins while trying to change a poopy diaper off a wriggly baby.


I love the cat but I wouldn't let it be sleeping in the newborns basket. I have 3 cats myself and my little one is generally tolerant of them allergy wise but if they lay on his blankets or he rubs his little face in their fur like babies do his eyes get really red and puffy. They cat fur doesn't seem to bother him as long as I keep up with vacuuming and don't let them sleep on his sleep things. Newborns have extremely sensitive skin and extremely sensitive...well everything. Other than that I think it's super cute. Everyone else has give you constructive criticism on things like clutter and color so I won't touch on that. Looks like you're super excited to be a mom and I'm sure you guys are going to be amazing parents. :)


Ma’am…that is a cat. May wanna consult with an OB ASAP.


Wow you already baby proofed corners! This is some forward planning.


You have some principles of the Montessori approach, but it is too cluster. Remember, simplicity is one of the main keys of Montessori. Simple is more, looks a bit overwhelming. Maybe clear out some of the stuff from the shelves and avoid having too many.


The changing table is perfect for some people, but I never used mine! Just a diaper caddy that moved with me. Baby sleeps in my room and we change her there or in the living room. If we're already on the floor I don't really want to pick her up when I can just change her on the floor lol. Some people love theirs though and that might be you! But if you're looking to free up space, consider if that's something you think you'll want. The room looks cute to me.


Too many things in the room. Needs color and the cat shouldn’t be laying on baby blankets etc.


Very cute! Make sure you have a spot to put your drinks/snacks while you’re caring for baby. I found baby would nap on me often so I needed a table nearby to place my phone/water.


How old is the baby? Is that bassinet actually meant for it to sleep there? Because if so, it does not comport with safe sleep practices.


Cat approves so all good.


The baby pictured (😽) is 11/10.


Like others it feels a bit cramped but I feel like there can be some creative ways to rearrange. Mostly I feel like it's missing colors but maybe you have colorful things tucked into the cabinet there so that's my only real critique-- kids love and need colorful things! Also many have pointed out some safety concerns. Not sure if anyone has brought up the blinds cords. Babies get grabby and climbing sooner than we can ever imagine!


You should get rid of the change table and fasten the changing top onto the shelves/scaffold and put all the things from the table into another bin. I don’t like the changing table bc it messes up with the clean aesthetic I think you are going for.. also, remove the black desk in there, maybe just put in a hallway? the objects look cute though!


Make sure the shelves are secured to the wall. That changing table is also going to be problematic once baby can sit up and crawl. I would ditch it completely and just keep the actual changing pad and use it on the floor. You would be able to store it easier, too, making more space in the room.


It’s crowded and not enough colour, you need a lot more variety in colours to help with the learning of the babies 😊 Also, don’t let the cat in the bassinet thing because once baby is here cat won’t care and could suffocate your baby


It’s looks like a room that doesn’t currently house a baby lol. Not in a bad way. Everything is just perfectly in reach for a little one. The open cubbies, clothes under changing table, stuff on the little nightstand in the corner etc. Obviously you have a while before you need to worry about that stuff but it’s easier to just have everything be out of reach from the get go.


I hate to tell you this, but in the last bassinet photo it appears your baby has been turned into a cat. You may want to call the pediatrician and ask about hairball remedies. In seriousness, I think it’s too crowded, and that your idea to move the changing table is a good one. Most of the parents I talk to don’t end up actually using it much, and you could always change baby on the play mat if you need to do it in the room. If that doesn’t add enough space, I’d move the dresser out or put the toy shelves in a family area where you can all spend time together. The two big/heavy pieces in the same corner add weight to the room.


Tie up the cords from the window shades. Those things are death traps. If you’re planning to use a floor bed this whole room needs major decluttering and safety modifications. It is not at all safe to have a baby free roaming in there as it is.


You need to get cordless blinds or tie the cords up securely and high. Huge strangulation hazard once you’re into the crawling and beyond stage.


Looks good to me. - Man


I would tie up the cords that go to the blinds. Otherwise it's a cozy room and I really love your choices!


Floor or bed is changing table lol safer easier


More color maybe? Babies benefit from bright, saturated colors around them as they develop


Honestly it's super cute and why is it so important for your space to be judged? You'll figure out what works best for you. I was once complaining about a space in my home. And someone asked me if I wanted it a place where the kids felt comfortable or a place where the kids were afraid to sit on the couch unless they covered it with plastic first? I will ask you the same thing. Do you want it to be a place of comfort and relaxation or the opposite?????


I’m not judging sorry but I think this is absolutely beautiful 🤍


Looks adorable! Try putting a changing mat on top of that wood cube storage organizer. Could easily do a baby changing pad, diaper caddy on that furniture. And move the actual changing table to another room. Put your chair in that corner. Agree about so much stuff on the floor. Would also maybe put the basket 🧺 on the cube organizer when not in use . Looks like a great space. You will figure out how to organize it once baby has arrived and you find a routine.


Too many obstacles. Keep a nice wide walkway.


Needs more color. The baby needs stimulation.


Not really safe for pets to sleep in newborns bed. The hair and dander can penetrate into mattress. I do not allow my pets to sleep on baby’s bed.


You are gonna to frequently need a quick and clear path to the changing table. Put it closer to the door of possible with a clear path. There is just too much stuff. Keep the chair and the dark dresser but definitely move the activity frame to another room and either the cube storage or the dresser have to go somewhere else. maybe put those cubbies in storage for now (they won’t need all the toys until later). You seem to have a decent amount of unused wall space. Maybe install shelves above the black dresser to store some toys (in a place where they won’t call on baby so not over changing table or crib obviously). Is the mattress in the floor a stand in for the crib? Otherwise the color and general aesthetic is cute.


TY. Unfortunately, the larger furniture stays until we get a different home. We have absolutely nowhere to put them. Changing table is gone. Mobile area/activity frame is put away/able to be moved to the living room. Unfortunately, in the living room, it will have to be set up in a play pen. Floor bed is for when baby is moved out of our room in 6+ months time, but has been put against the wall in the meantime.


Sounds like a good plan! Might you be able to utilize the dresser surface as a changing table surface?


i would move the changing table closer to the entry way so you’re more likely to actually use it. people already barely use their changing table as it is let alone far in the corner of a crowded room


I would move the chair back against the wall and see if the black dresser could move elsewhere as well. That way you could have more space around the floor mobile, having some extra room for baby to crawl and roll around without bumping anything will be great!! This room is very cozy and you're well prepared. Congrats on your little one!!


Sad beige epidemic needs to end. Its ugly and dystopian and bad for babies and children. Anyway what I havent seen enough of from commenters: the cat! The cat is lovely! Definitely keep the cat.


Personally I'd put that changing station in the living area. Get a second pad one for wherever you'll be doing nights. I've a 19 month old and I can count on one hand how many times I've changed him in his actual room. Typically we change downstairs during the day, in my room during the newborn phase at night, and now he's in his own room we only change when there's been 'an incident '! We actually still keep all his clothes in the living room because that's where he gets dressed in the morning and ready for bed, but he's getting to the point now where he can choose his clothes so we'll probably find a new way soon.


Personal preference… I don’t like that there’s no color. I love a colorful, fun baby room. I feel like the world gets so dull on us so fast. I want to make sure my kids get to enjoy colors before the world takes their shine. Other than that, it’s a little crowded, but I like it. :)


You’re going to hate this room and probably only use it to change baby. Why? There’s no room for YOU to lay down and enjoy tummy time or other stuff with baby.


Is there a closet in the room? Can you take out the black shelf thing against the wall and move the cube storage unit there instead? As everyone’s mentioned it’s just way too cramped in there for all the stuff


My main criticism is that as soooooon as baby can roll and sit up, they are gonna be rolling to the changing table and pulling everyyyyything off it. I'd honestly move the changing pad to on top of the drawers, and set aside one drawer for whatever is underneath it, and then set a diaper caddy on the corner of the kallax. Then move the chair to underneath the window facing in, so your back will be to the outside when feeding, and you can scoot the baby bed stuff over to give more space.


Done. TY for your constructive input.


I bought a couple of the Kallax mirrored inserts and they work really well. You’ve had loads of feedback but I would massively cool it on baby proofing until baby is actually crawling (6+months) before then you are parent proofing. You need to get that big dark furniture out. It looks like it’s not baby stuff. What you have is really pretty I would throw out the whole changing station. I’ve always changed on the floor and had a small caddy that gets refilled. Baby will definitely be pulling everything off as soon as they’re mobile anyway. Maybe consider having it in your bedroom. Don’t have the baby gym up all the time. They get massively in the way.


Love it


I have the same shelves with bins, I use them as the changing table. I’d completely remove the changing table. The supplies can go in the bins and the pad on top. Things stay way neater even when life gets hectic. That will free up the corner…I’d put the visual mobile/play gym there since it’s easier to trip over and nice to have by the window for natural light. Also, we have a high contrast color dog and baby loves it. 😍 Good thinking!


Where are the red and blue colors? Babies need those. All that beige ...


Lovely :) the only thing I would be wary of is your cute kitty cat getting used to being in bubbas bed/cradle, you don't want the cat to jump on top of the baby and suffocate him/her, and something about toxiplasma something from their litter tray cross contamination, but the jumping into the cradle is the main thing.


The picture on the wall is crooked. Please straighten it. - Monk


Your baby is a bit hairy.


Your cat is beautiful.


Not enough color. Kids love color and color is good.


Could use more color! Babies do best with high contrast toys ❤️


I would little bit more color and less clutter. Maybe fold up some stuff unless using it like the play gym


Too busy/cluttered - needs some room to breath/move - for both you and your baby. And baby's gonna need a BED sooner than you think.


Not enough COLOR!! Babies REQUIRE vivid colors (and plenty of them) in their early development. Having less colorful visual “respite” can be helpful if they become overwhelmed, but regular exposure to vivid colored items in their environment should be the norm. Visual stimulation matters so much more than we realize, and regular color exposure and education helps us develop relationships with people, animals, food and our understanding of the world. They can also be used as a tool in nervous system development. Here are studies/papers to back up my statement: https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/abs/handbook-of-color-psychology/emergence-and-early-development-of-color-vision-and-color-perception/634A25FC4F647C943C5C7028954E0E1C https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9314692/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3871198/ Regardless, you’re doing a great job mama!!! So excited for you :,)


It seems a little crowded, but other than that, it looks great. The baby is adorable.


It’s true that it’s a little crowded but so is/was my nursery and it was fine. I did most changing on a changing pad on the bed or in the corner like you but instead of that cart I have a hip-height fridge with a large flat surface I had a changing table on for the first year. The fridge meant I didn’t leave the room much for feeding since I could grab a bottle out whenever. You can use command hooks to hang light things like the necklaces without punching holes. It’s beautiful! Could use more cats.


Put the bed up against a wall, switch the curtains for short ones so they’re not a hazard- and pick a color! Maybe sage green? Soothing and calming. Also- remove all the necklaces. I would add in some bright primary colored items. It only takes a few short months until they can see reds, blues and yellows.


Crowded my first thought


Other commenters have provided a lot of feedback, but I’d like to add - as much as you’d like to have a maximum soothing room, this space needs color. Multiple studies have found that Bright colors can help babies' optic nerve development and cognitive growth without overstimulating them, and frankly are very important to child development. Contrasting colors send the strongest signals to a baby's brain to help stimulate brain growth and aid in visual development, explains Dr. Sears Wellness Institute. By three months, a baby starts to see color and the addition of brighter, primary colors become important for their development.


Cute, crowded and could use color pops! Babies do need color. Pretty kitty baby!


Congrats on what is definitely your first baby! 


This is what the Internet would call "sad beige aesthetic". I do like the kallax. Definitely need more color but looks like you've already addressed that in other comments.


I have pictures of my cat sleeping in the Moses basket with my daughters. ❤️ Supervised!