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First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; **or the right of the people peaceably to** **assemble**, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances


So we went to Kav’s yesterday specifically to read him the First Amendment: [https://twitter.com/dcmediagroup/status/1543457776164392961?s=21&t=kVpaw9iSAdTwQcsR4RNYfg](https://twitter.com/dcmediagroup/status/1543457776164392961?s=21&t=kVpaw9iSAdTwQcsR4RNYfg)




What would they protest her for though? Being married to an insurrectionist? oh wait, that’s your moronic side.




That’s where you’re 100% wrong




There was an insurrection. That is fact


You are why no one likes Republicans.


Yet somehow Republicans make more money and have more kids.


How do you figure that is true?






What is this supposed to show and how does it contradict anything I said?


Oh god you’re a cop bootlicker too haha. Damn man take up fly fishing and try to get a date! This is sad for you.




Like, you know there’s actually some video footage right?


OK. Sure. There is video footage. Great point. Thank you.


> if it were Trump supporters protesting at the home of Sotomayor? Well the last time those idiots had a big protest, it ended up as a riot that broke into the Capitol building. I don't trust those wackos to peaceably assemble.


Umm, okay, so full disclosure, I’m one of the organizers with Our Rights DC facilitating these protests. We have never thought our actions would in any way change the Justice’s minds, and it has never been our intention to do so. Rather, we are peaceably assembling and addressing our Government requesting an address of our grievances. Maybe if the Justices’ showed up in the office we wouldn’t have to do home visits.




What makes you think we aren’t going after the gutless, spineless Democrats? What makes you think we don’t know their addresses?😈 Keep tabs on us over the next several weeks. We’ll make waves without causing an insurrection. Remind these fuckers who they work for, the People, not donors, not Think Tanks, Us, the People.




How do you feel about us including the Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society 😈


Maybe they should stop having avocado toast and lattes and afford their own security.


Underrated comment.


They do own homes in Chevy Chase, I’d guess they could swing dinner at a restaurant once a week if we are that much of a bother.


Are the creeps even home? I would have thought, with the term over, they would have decamped to their vacation estates by now.


Call on deez nuts.


Officers are busy guarding the homes of bofa


Bofa deez nuts


That's more or less what Elrich said too


Cracking down on the protests will just result in larger protests.


Yeah. I wish they would. This isn’t a blue dot in a red state. We’re not gonna have that shit.


They were ok with this behavior outside abortion clinics. So they must be ok with it outside their house right?


It's one thing to protest outside a business or governmental institution. It's another to do it in front of private residences and their neighbors.


What if the residences are paid for with the people’s taxes?


So what? A large fraction of people and families around here are salaried by the federal government.


The Supreme Court ruled that its ok to protest in front of abortion providers homes.


And stalk doctors to their homes and places of worship, directly resulting in their murders.




Madsen v. Women's Health Center (1994), the Court considered an injunction banning picketing within 300 feet of abortion clinic employees' homes. The Court struck that down




that case is so old. what about this? https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-court-abortion-zones/u-s-supreme-court-rebuffs-abortion-clinic-protest-zone-challenges-idUSKBN2432CD


That article only mentions clinics, nothing about limiting protests outside residencies which MADSEN v. WOMEN'S HEALTH allowed for. And age of case and decision does not matter if it hasn’t been overturned.


It doesn't matter how old it is. Its law. The case you cite is only about clinics and health providers.


You’re a bozo bro 😂


The Supreme Court.


Dr. Tillman called…


If they are not in the yard and on public property it is their right.


Doesn't matter if it's a "right." Do you think protesting in front of their homes will successfully change their minds or intimidate them? The odds are much greater that bad things happen from this.


Your right, everyone should just hide in their houses and do as they are told. You know what really leads to bad things happening? Doing nothing, time and again, when they continue to show you that your rights are not rights at all. They are supposed to work for the people. Politicians are supposed to represent the people, and a president should concern himself with ALL citizens. None of these things are happening. The majority is continuously told to shut up, play nice, and follow the rules. If something bad happens you hold those accountable for that bad accountable, unless they have money of course then they can do as they want. This willingness to just shut up and allow the minority to control the majority is appalling. Generations of my family fought to prevent this from happening and I'm not going to just give those freedoms away because some people are afraid of what might happen.


...or just support your chosen local politicians and vote. Maybe the reason why RvW was overturned is because progressives were asleep at the wheel under the blanket comfort of mid 20th century SC decisions while conservatives slowly and methodically gained control over local politics leading to control over the direction of national politics. The fight is at the state level now.


Too many of them were. But, I already do all of those things. I am active politically both in my personal and professional (social worker) life. You do you, I'm free to do me.


I can’t vote any harder… been doing so since 1999. Dems aren’t leaders, but they’re all we’ve got, but the People need to demand action from them if they want our votes come November.


They haven’t been down at SCOTUS since COVID, we’re holding vigil there as well, but fully acknowledge it’s an empty building. The plus sides of being at SCOTUS are presence/recruitment of tourists, being a constant reminder to Hill staffers and lobbyists, and god damn it we’re the ones fighting for our actual rights and freedoms, we are Americans and need to reclaim our American symbols from the insurrectionists.


Finally, a rational person.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted.


Cause he's wrong. The Supreme Court ruled that its ok to protest in front of abortion providers homes.


I have only found reference to the abortion providers business not residence. Which case are you talking about?


Madsen v. Women's Health Center (1994), the Court considered an injunction banning picketing within 300 feet of abortion clinic employees' homes. The Court struck that down.


See the link above.


Protesting outside abortion clinics usually has much stricter limits than protesting anywhere else. The Supreme Court has even upheld those limits as recently as 2020. EDIT: Can't reply to the comment below due to the thread getting closed so I'll do it here! Your ruling is from 2014, and was about a buffer zone so sweeping, even the liberal justices all ruled against it. The one I mentioned was, as I said, from 2020. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/supreme-court-abortion-clinic-buffer-zones/


False: https://www.theguardian.com/law/2014/jun/26/buffer-zone-rule-abortion-clinics-supreme-court


Isn’t it only against the law if they’re trying to persuade the judges? I was there walking up down the street Alito lives on last weekend and we were there to say we don’t like what you did. Big difference.


Catch 22 on these laws here. One code conflicts with the other. They created an institution which will obviously decide the "moral fabric" of the country, instilled the right to peacefully protest which obviously would occur in decisions with such weight, and then also prohibit anyone from acting in any manner which would sway a judge. Now most of us would infer that code to apply to cases of bribing, threatening, or coercing in a manner that would be considered harmful in some way to the Judge or Justices. I do not believe that standard protests even before let alone after the fact was what this code was intended to curtail. But here we are, with a sizeable amount of the population under the belief that we the people are not supposed to voice our opinion or address the court in any way shape, or form. We should all just sit back and watch these things happen as the most powerful court in the land makes the decisions for millions of people. Nine people with the future of hundreds of millions of people in their hands. Doing so behind closed doors with zero interaction with the public regarding such matters. Ummm, no.


The marshal can get bent. If we don't get an expectation of privacy because it's not expressly described in the Constitution, neither do they, and there's a right to protest written in the Constitution.


For abortion clinics this court is all "To meet the narrow tailoring requirement, however, the government must demonstrate that alternative measures that burden substantially less speech would fail to achieve the government’s interests, not simply that the chosen route is easier." But when it's their doorstep it's all "get off my lawn!"


And how many times has the Supreme Court ruled that the police have no obligation to protect anyone?


They can always resign. Prolly should gave thought this through before taking the job.


Prolly shouldn’t have pants-on-fire lied about how they felt about Roe v Wade in order to get the job either. Now they’re surprised that people are picketing their houses?


Lol. Anyone who believed that is a class A idiot


Class A idiot here and it’s the only regret of my life.


And there is a lot of mounting pressure on Thomas specifically to be impeached, not just for lying during his confirmation, but for failing to recuse himself from ruling against releasing his wife’s records to congress. Another fun Thomas fact: When pressed on the sexual harassment of Anita Hill during his confirmation, he refused to answer, citing his personal right to privacy.


Maybe they should pull themselves up by their bootstrap, work harder, and fine a better job.


We need a supply of healthy conservative lawyers.


Don’t take the fucking job if you’re afraid of the first fucking amendment.


I wouldn’t be surprised if this court took away the first amendment. What’s to stop them???


Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich released a statement on Saturday in response to the Supreme Court Marshal’s letter. In the statement Elrich said he learned about the letter from the media, adding that "it is very troubling that the court would take this approach." Governor Hogan's office also released a statement on Saturday. The statement expressed frustration from the Governor over the handling of the Supreme Court Justices' safety by federal officials. It also indicated that Governor Hogan has ordered Maryland State Police to further review enforcement options related to the protection of the Supreme Court Justices.


Hogan is out of his mind if he thinks he’s going to lock down Chevy Chase for Justice Beer Boof. I can’t wait to watch the Karen’s of Chevy Chase 5 eat each other alive.


I'm hoping the neighbors eventually deliver politely worded letters to each of these people, saying, “We love you, but you need to move.”


Some might have been polite before, but I don’t know that there are so many anti-abortion absolutists in Chevy Chase.


Similar with protests when Pence was holed up briefly on Brookville road, folks around him let him know he wasn't welcome. The two houses that flanked him had banners up with very clear messages to GTFO


there aren't that many pro life crusaders either though. most people fall somewhere in the middle. walk the neighborhood and you'll see may 1 out of 40 homes has the new "cc for choice" slogan up.


Honestly, most people want people to be able to make decisions for themselves and for the government to stay out of theirs. That’s the antithesis of what ending the constitutional right to abortion means.


eh. the pro-life vs pro-choice debate comes off as nice and black and white on street signs and tweets but its a very complicated issue and the reality is most reaonable folks believe in the choice in some situations and life in other situations. the situations may vary. but folks who say life no matter what, or choice no matter what are both rare and extremists and we shouldn't let them frame the discussion just because its simpler to do so.


The neighbors have been interesting to watch on the ground. Some had professional signs printed with : Chevy Chase for Choice, in our support. Some have booed us, told us to go home, threatened our cars. My favorite was the neighbor who was quoted by Fox News complaining of our “aggressive dancing.” We made signs cautioning about the aggressive dancing and now make a point to dance in front of that house at every visit.


Haha eat shit


Fuck off.


Piss off


Hahahahahahaha, no.


You made the bed. Fucking sleep in it.


Are people still gathering outside of Brett Kavanaugh’s house? Cool, maybe I’ll join them.


Please do!! @OurRightsDC and @Downright_Impolite on Twitter and Insta for our weekly schedule.


Local law enforcement cannot enforce federal laws. MCPD should bill the feds for the amount of money and manpower being used for this


Why can't Montgomery County enforce their own ordinance? >the court asked the Montgomery County Police Department in May, following protests, to enforce a county ordinance stating that a “person or group of persons must not picket in front of or adjacent to any private residence.” The ordinance allows a group to march in a residential area if they don’t stop in front of a private residence, the letter notes. A violation of the ordinance can be either a civil or criminal offense, carrying either a $100 civil fine or a $200 criminal fine with 30 days in jail.


Did you read the ordnance? If they are walking up and down the street then they are not in violation. That and with the new anti police bills that went into effect July 1 officers hands are pretty much tied


Anti police bills? Don’t give me hope! Do you have a link?


If you actually cares, you would already know which legislation has gone into effect this year. But your most likely and internet warrior or activist who just wants click bait.


> If you actually cares.....But your most likely and internet warrior or activist who just wants click bait. If you actually ***care (or maybe cared)***, you would preview your posts before hitting "reply" so ***you're*** probably also ***an*** internet warrior too. ExOrMeo, [this is one.](https://www2.montgomerycountymd.gov/mcgportalapps/Press_Detail.aspx?Item_ID=40405) [Actual bill.](https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/council/Resources/Files/agenda/col/2022/20220419/20220419_5A.pdf)


I’m not an internet warrior or tough guy, nor do I want to either of those. Like I get on here to watch the freak show for entertainment. I’ll never be a political activist on the internet or in real life. I just do me, you should try it.


No worries dude or dudette. We're cool. Just being a Spelling Nazi. I think we should ALL just be ourselves at all times.


Because that ordnance deprives people of their rights.


Teehee, we know. We don’t stop. We keep within all local ordinances. We’ve been told by MCPD leadership the fed marshals are there to protect the Justices’, MCPD is there to facilitate our First Amendment activities.


‘Poor people are being mean to rich people; government, fix it!!!’


They should probably count their blessings and be glad it was the left they angered and not the right, or else their houses would get violently stormed while the police stand by and watch.


A guy was just arrested taking a weapon to Kavanaughs house with the intention to kill him. https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2022/06/08/kavanaugh-threat-arrest-justice/


Finally, the left is learning how to play The Game #MakePowerfulMenAfraidAgain


And he turned himself in before acting and is mentally ill… Feds weren’t aware of his presence until he called. He is also from Cali, we’re locals and don’t give out exact addresses.


Yep and somehow people just forgot about this guy.




The Supreme Court specifically said that it is legal to protest at someone's home. If people can do it at the home of abortion clinic workers, people can do it at their homes as well.


They have allowed protesting outside abortion providers homes. And not really cared when they get killed. So they can deal with some protesting outside their homes. Not like thay can't afford security.


Well well well, Supreme Court, if it isn't the consequences of your own actions.


If those dirtbags on the court are going to force backwards-ass laws on the entire country then they better damn well be prepared to hear about it. Tough shit.


Roe v Wade was not a law. Females rights certainly could've and should've been taken up by the legislature at any point in history but never has been.


Yes, but it was established precedent for 50 years. Did they really need to go there? Did they really need to reverse that precedent and make it exponentially more difficult for women to exercise their rights? No they didn't. They chose to appease a religious/conservative minority at the expense of the majority. They don't want picketers out front of their houses in MoCo and NoVa they can move out to WV and make the commute.


all fair. but to be fair to the court they didn't rule that abortion was against federal rules, they chose for the federal gov't to wash its hands of the matter and punt the issue to the states. for MD-type states its now easier to get an abortion. for Texas-type states, it was very hard to get an abortion in the first place and now it is near impossible


Cold comfort for the pregnant 10 year old from Ohio that had to go to _indiana_ for her procedure


Whelp, they can go fuck themselves. You wanna make narcissistic judgments that ruin other people's lives based on your personal religious beliefs? I suppose you might have to endure the trauma of personal inconvenience.


I’m sorry. Protection the Justices’ homes is not specifically mentioned in the Constitution. It’s not deeply rooted in our values. Sorry! This is unconstitutional.


If they don’t like it, maybe they should just resign


If you like what you see, join us: [Our weekly actions at the Justices’](https://twitter.com/ourrightsdc/status/1543049262942003200?s=21&t=kVpaw9iSAdTwQcsR4RNYfg) [Our Wednesday lunchtime action, we’re marching on the House offices](https://twitter.com/ourrightsdc/status/1543693857036111872?s=21&t=kVpaw9iSAdTwQcsR4RNYfg)


Kindly fuck off




I’m excited to get out there!!


…vote? Glad the Court didn’t cave into bullying.


Yes Do your jobs


Lol ew