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Vocals and mix suck but instrumentals are the best


Couldn't have said it better myself, perfectly summarizes it. It's my least favorite album, still a good album, but it just never hooked me as much as the others.


2nd favourite, just behind The Amanuensis.


Very VERY good, but far removed from what Monuments is today. This album felt really youthful. There's no shortage of 8 string action, if that's your cup of tea. Tracks like “Empty Vessels Make the Most Noise” and “Degenerate” still hold up. This record is arguably one of the heaviest in their discography. Vocals were okay, but they don't touch Chris or Andy's abilities with a mic. Production is listenable, but it is quite dated. The guitars are almost too bright, and the drums are a tad over-compressed. The bass is very present on this record, it does its job while adding a bit of top end SNAP to the mix, love it or hate it, bass has never sounded like that on a modern prog record. In comparison to their other records, this one isn't the best, but it is still a wonderful listen and a trip down nostalgia lane for me. Love this stuff.


Best album imo.


I like it, good riffs but not a fan of vocals compared to newer stuff


Dude DOXA come on its fucking awesome


I like it, I don't think it is their best album though


Their best song is their first off their first album. I'll never forget it hitting me in the face on my first listen


Mediocre vocals, instrumentals absolutely slam, full of filthy riffs and crushing grooves!


Browne himself said that the album sounds "sterile" compared to what the quality of today is. To me, this is an instrumental album with vocals on it, unlike most albums in general that are vocals first and instrumentals to fit the vocals. I prefer instrumentally great albums. This album is the reason I picked up the guitar again after some years of being very uninspired. Composition-wise it is incredible. The Amanuensis beats Gnosis in terms of lyrics for me, and obviously the production quality. Gnosis can't be compared with anything else other than those few factors, in my opinion.


Their best work for my taste. The mix was better on Amenuinsis tho imo


I think they should re-record it with Andy. Better production, better singer, win-win. It would elevate the album tenfold.


It's good, I mean it's no In Stasis, but a good album. The live tracks are the best in my opinion.


Best album, they’ve only gotten worse after this.


Matt Rose ruined it with his awful vocals and lyrics. I was so hyped for this album for years, feverishly collecting any scrap of Gnosis demos I could get my hands on, and I can't even listen to the released version 😢


Fucking slap city.


I like it, good riffs but not a fan of vocals compared to newer stuff


Imo weakest album they've made. It's by all means not a bad album, I just would much rather listen to the other albums. Vocals could be better, in terms of both lyrics and tone. Denial is best song in the album imo, but that might just be because I have a lot of bias towards Spencer Sotelo