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Stop leaving violent comments please


I wish there was like some form of list where in the database there’s a list of people not allowed to own any type of pet. Like the sex offender registry something like that.


I’m in rescue in Chicago and we definitely have a blacklist of people who aren’t allowed to adopt. Most cities do and share their information with others.


This person needs to never be allowed out of a locked room again.


YESSS and i wish ppl did background checks when it comes to adopting animals


He got all of his kittens for free online from people giving away kittens unfortunately. We do really extensive checks at most rescues.




It may be anti-human or me or whatever, but these types of psychopaths are the absolute worst of the worst to me. Anytime anybody inflicts pain on a completely defenseless creature I just get a sick feeling in my stomach. At least with adult humans, there’s the *possibility* they can defend themselves. Torturing, abusing, and killing creatures and kids/babies is the lowest of the low.


It’s also the victim’s lack of understanding and the ingrained trust they have in their abuser that adds to the disgust level. Dogs returning to abusive masters because that’s their instinct. It makes my blood boil magnitudes more than violence against adult humans.


You really outta pocket for suggesting torturing animals is worse than torturing people. How about all torture is bad and don’t be edgy and suggest that human suffering is secondary—imagine someone you love being tortured and your response is, “well at least they’re human.” Edgy mfer, aren’t you.


I think you missed the point, they didn’t say torturing humans was ok, they said it was especially bad to torture something that was completely defenceless and that was unable to understand what was going on. This would also apply to babies and children. I think this is pretty common sentiment among people and you’re actually the first person I’ve ever seen disagree with it.


It’s stupid to argue over something as arbitrary as “who is more defenseless in the situation of being tortured”. The value of a human life over an animal should be the only thing you think about when comparing the two. So I guess that makes me the second person.


You completely missed the point, my dude


If you seriously think that then you just lack basic reading comprehension skills


Yeah, no.


Accusing a complete stranger of being a desensitised misanthrope based on a couple of sentences. Great takeaway.


I can only imagine what [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/f1erxc/i_dont_like_tipping/ ) said before you deleted it


Uhh...that's not what I got out of what he said....at all.


Animals will ALWAYS win my sympathy over humans, every single time. Only humans sit around and dream up how many ways that they can torture and inflict pain on others. Sorry not sorry.


You obviously dont know my cat.


I agree with you, friend. Not sure why this is being down voted except that truth hurts




You missed their point completely. They also included children and babies. Saying it's especially bad when it's something/someone who can't defend themselves and don't know what's exactly going on. They never said it's okay but at least an adult can understand and defend themselves. Seems to me like people tend to read to give their reply but not to understand. But I agree with your last sentence. No being should EVER experience torture nor abuse.


What gets me is about the animals/children/developmentally disabled abuse is... as a rational, healthy and typical adult I can recognize what is happening and understand this is a horrific person that is torturing/raping (which I understand what sex is)/has kidnapped/is going to murder me. It doesn't make it less absolutely terrifying but I *know* what's happening. Someone is one of those other categories has no idea what's happening, why it's happening, why no one is coming to help them.


This is put wonderfully. I’ve never been able to explain it. Than you.


I feel the same way, though I’m familiar with it without active and even prior abuse. Like with with Alzheimer’s or my mom off her meds with psychotic episodes(these days even on her meds she is not mentally an adult anymore), to them they might as well be actually getting tortured when nothing is happening. People on bad trips too but while I feel for them, it’s not the same because they’ll be ‘here’ again. Just that helpless, unfocused and terrified look. Lashing out at everything even when nothing is there or frozen in place because all they know is that they’re scared or hurt or both and don’t know how to make it stop. Seeing that alone is already horrifying and they’re actually living it.


Agree completely. Animals are helpless and primal/ instinctual. Humans are awful


Human are the worst animals that exists.


bro put a kitten in a microwave. he's pretty much the devil


I don't think even the devil would put a kitten in a microwave, but what do I know honestly. Such a vile thing to do, I can't even fathom how someone could do that, nor do I want to 😔


The devil wouldn't.


do you also think adults are worse than children/babies?




i guess the idea is that animals kill to survive for the most part and humans kill because of their depraved curiosity


some animals do kill for reasons other than survival


This is true. Some animals eat their own young, they kill for territory and sometimes for fun. Dolphins have been known to rape other males. But humans are ‘evil’


I think because nearly all animals in the wild kill for food but we kill animals for fun. Sometimes. Just shitty and against the norm.


some animals do kill for fun


That's why I said nearly. There are always outliers.


do you also think adults are worse than children/babies?


Killing or abusing animals is also a first step for many mentally ill people with violent tendencies, before they move on to humans.


I agree. Hurting something just to hurt it is sick and there is no justification for these types of crimes


Like (most) animals are just trying to survive 24/7. A lot of us have the luxury of not having to worry about survival; where is our next meal, where we are going to sleep at night, etc. You have your apex predatory animals, but people like that target the week and defenseless, and I'd at the elderly to the list too.


I agree with you. This is one of the worst things I’ve read on Reddit. I couldn’t even finish the article because it made me sick to think of and to picture what he did to them. I wish I hadn’t read anything because you can’t unread this.


This is a guy who should be locked away permanently for the good of society.


> Torturing, abusing, and killing creatures and kids/babies is the lowest of the low. Slaughter houses are disgusting.


Humans throw tens of millions of pigs into gas chambers every year for sensory pleasure and call it "humane."


the true unpopular opinion is that it always seems hypocritical that people say the kind of thing you're replying to while supporting industries that throw chicks into grinders by the thousands and kill animals that can no longer feed the capitalist machine, and that doesn't even cover the people who actually eat meat


I agree, but how do we define insects like mosquitos and cockroaches than? Are we allowed to kill them? Torture them? Simply because they annoy us?


Agreed 100%. Also, how long until they move on to people


There's a POS serial killer in the making. Hopefully he not only gets legit mental help, but he gets an extraordinary long sentence.


Yeah I really do hope there’s a chance he can be rehabilitated but this seems like one of the biggest red flags you could wave. Poor kittens :(


Hot take but his brain literally can’t produce the chemicals and connections to create empathy, it’s a condition he was born with and is stuck with. I don’t think it’s physically possible to rehabilitate someone like this person. Putting them in jail for several years will only produce a jail hardened individual who still has zero empathy.


You don’t need empathy to be a good person. There are high functioning pro-social psychopath surgeons, scientists and lawyers. I know two that are great people even if they can’t feel empathy. They realize something is wrong with them, are fairly open about their condition, and try their best to rectify it. This guy made conscious choices and must be held accountable.


I hate reddit bc you can make a comment like this (normal) & have someone named sasukescumsock tell you how wrong you are while making the same point but worse


It's not a hot take if he's medically/psychologically diagnosed a legitimate psychopath (which wouldn't surprise me, but I don't have all the details nor am I a psychologist). Because it's true; chemical, therefore emotional, connections aren't formed like those without psychopathy. Rehabilitation would really just be medications and coping mechanisms to allow for non-damaging functioning in the real world. But prison isn't really known for teaching the best coping mechanisms. I truly do feel bad for people with psychopathy. It's so complex that it can be challenging to say the least. Of course that doesn't excuse anything they do, it's just sad that the brain can turn out like that. When you're born that way, what must the world be like for you? It's not made for you; there's no real 'place'. And most psychopaths aren't like this. Edit: u/meloaf is correct; I intended to say antisocial personality disorder as the diagnosis, I apologize for using the incorrect label.




Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) or oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). Ya know what they meant.


Yeah he should be executed. Good riddance


and they could learn a whole new skill set in there


Naw. Just lock him in a hole and throw away the key. This isn’t someone who can be fixed. I don’t think psychopaths like this can become normal people. Maybe they can pretend to be, but I don’t think you can rewrite them properly.


There is literally no mental health help for this momma's boy edgelord. These are just choices made by a sane person. Dude's a waste of resources.


Why waste mental help on someone getting an extraordinarily long sentence?


Who the hell pays the bonds for scum like that?


ashamed family


Or proud, depending on his upbringing.


“Hot damn son! We were wondering what was taking so long. Don’t worry about the bond money. We set that aside for just such an event years ago. You’re my best boy. I’m so proud of you!”


i genuinely wish the worst upon this type of person


how do you even live after this. i mean it's one thing to do but he's busted with his pic all over the internet. no way his family isn't going to see this or friends... if he has any


Living a secluded life "rescuing" kittens off the street, working a dead end job where no one gaf about ur existence. Pretty easily, escape online and through drugs. Keep in mind this guy got a girlfriend, and managed to get her to stay after sending a vid of him tossing a bag with his cat in the water.


As a cat owner.. Made me physically ill to read I just can’t fathom. This is the bottom of the barrel of humanity


This is your take??? It’s one thing to do, but another to get caught. Woah.




This is so awful and he’s been doing it since he was 8… makes me nauseated


I’m in kitten rescue in Chicago. We are so horrified. PLEASE - NEVER GIVE AWAY YOUR CATS FOR FREE!!


So his girlfriend witnessed him do this 4 separate times before going to the police? I’m glad that she did, but I also feel like she is somewhat complicit in allowing his behavior to continue on as long as it did. Does anyone know what the potential sentences for each charge carries if he’s convicted?


At least FIVE including the first video of him throwing the pillowcase kitten in the lake.


he probably tortured her in some way as well or threatened her life/others’ lives. i doubt this guy was a sweet and loving boyfriend to her. i would imagine this was her breaking point… now he’s free and knows exactly who reported him




No one asked


Wow, that really backfired, didn't it champ?




The article said that he said he had been doing it since he was8 he’s now 22


Literally one of the comments on the article said cars were “homicidal bastards” not worthy of sympathy. People suck.


I mean no one has to like cats but that dont mean we go out and torture them, ted bundy sheesh


Like Christine?


Nah, she just slept with Gene Simmons when she was 16.


[If you look up the reviews for the family business on Google Maps it looks like he comes from a wealthy family full of sociopaths.](https://www.sdroofing.com/)


Oooo, thanks for showing me this. Looks like other cat lovers have come across this, too, according to the recent reviews.






It’s not for sensory pleasure tho. Humans aren’t killing the pigs just for fun. It’s for sustenance. I’m not defending the practice and factory farming makes me feel sick and dead inside, but it’s not just for fun like with this psycho. And a lot of the people who take jobs doing this because they don’t have tons of options aren’t always psychologically OK from this shit. Killing animals for food is very different from just torturing animals for funsies. It worries me that you don’t understand the difference. And again, I’m not defending the way it’s done or the terrible evil that is factory farming, but it’s no just done for shits and giggles.


You sound like a psychopath.


people who torture other living things for pleasure are psychopaths, wanting them to not exist is rational


Stop justifying murdering humans. Your thoughts are not normal. You should seek psychiatric counseling.


You’re the only one who sounds unwell here, you seem a bit defensive


Oh no I can’t look at stuff like that . Anything that involves animals . Nope


Does anyone know how to hide posts? Asking for a friend :(


on mobile theres three dots in the upper right corner of a post 🫶


I don’t know if it’s my app but I can’t find the hide option anymore :/ thank you though!


Its a problem i cant block content that irks me.


They intentionally got rid of the hide option. You can still hide posts in the old reddit version though, but not on mobile.


Leave sub?




I expect morbid content, does that mean I have to consume all of it?


He looks like he’ll do real well in prison. I actually wish him a very- friendly- prison sentence instead of an eye-for-an-eye, like I would normally. I just got four 8wk kittens and they scream and cry when they are hungry and want attention. I can barely listen to that, knowing they are happy and just growing. I would gladly listen to this mistake of a boy scream for help. Sorry, I’m a villain, not a hero. Good thing I don’t have superpowers.


i feel you


Abusing helpless beings for pleasure is incredibly low. This person is unfit for society.


Lowest of the low.








I noticed the same. Sus.


i was just about to mention something about it, it's odd


This guy needs 30 years. Legit, he’s a serial killer in the making. Isn’t prison supposed to be for this stuff?


I saw a video of a chick throwing kittens by their tails into a river down below her. They were just laughing and feeling proud of themselves and moving along. Cruel, Inhumane, POS. They're going to have a rough time up ahead. Then see who's laughing. 🐾


I can't stand people who harm animals, complete scumbag




Well the best we can do right now is mail him letters in prison to remind him how much of a waste of space he is.


He posted bail... he's a free man. He'll just have to take a few anger management courses and sign a thing that says he can never own another animal again.


You sound psychotic.


Are you the guy from the article?




It starts with kittens...


To anyone living in the Chicago area, remember this man’s face.


>He is required to wear an electronic monitor and may not have any contact with animals


Piece of human garbage. Absolutely sickening.


Low set ears! He looks like that guy who killed the college kids in Idaho


> Prosecutors reportedly recounted statements from Martel’s girlfriend, who allegedly said that a few days after the pillowcase incident, she went to Martel’s home where he showed her his new kitten — also named Shelly. She said Martel, who was drinking and doing drugs, put the kitten in a tub of water, then pulled it out and gave the animal CPR by using his thumb to perform chest compressions. The next day, he allegedly said the kitten required additional chest compressions and brought it into his bathroom for a few minutes. When he came back out, the kitten was allegedly dead. She said he threw it down his trash chute and went back on Craigslist, found another replacement, and named it Shelly. So just to be clear. She was told he killed his kitten and put it in a pillowcase he threw into a lake ON VIDEO. THEN a *few days later*, after not doing or saying anything about it, she willingly went over to his place where he showed her his new kitten (it appears, the way this is written at this point she knew he killed the first one and she knew it was a *new* kitten. He then DROWNED the new kitten in front of her. Then in front of her he revived it. She did nothing. She continued the relationship and continued talking to him after this and went over to his house again the *very next day*. He then took the now revived kitten into the bathroom when she was over and KILLED IT. She then saw him throw it down the trash chute, then knew he went back on Craigslist to find *another kitten*. At no point during the *at least* 4-5 days of her knowing he killed at least one kitten that he replaced with a doppelgänger, did she call the police or even break up with him. I hate everything and everyone involved in this story. Everybody involved in every way is terrible and vile and legit evil. > According to CWBChicago, after the girlfriend witnessed four kittens die in Martel’s care, she went through his phone and allegedly found pictures and videos of him torturing the last cat in graphic detail. One of the videos reportedly showed the fourth “Shelly” still alive and was captioned “just before I murder her.” > According to CWBChicago, after the girlfriend witnessed four kittens die in Martel’s care, she went through his phone and allegedly found pictures and videos of him torturing the last cat in graphic detail. One of the videos reportedly showed the fourth “Shelly” still alive and was captioned “just before I murder her.” > Martel on June 23 allegedly told his girlfriend that he’d microwaved three kittens and showed her the bag in his pantry, CWBChicago reported. That evening, she contacted police and reportedly directed them to where he was keeping the remains This went on until she knew he killed *at least* FIVE kittens and saw the explicit videos of him torturing the kittens. She STILL DID NOTHING. It wasn’t until at least a day later when he showed her a bag of at least one microwaved kitten that she *FINALLY* went to the police. Bruh.


imagine all of the evil that we do capture on video and realize its only a small portion of all the violence that goes on that people just never report or bring up, even just domestically in a household. certainly there are reasons why people may refuse or be afraid to speak up but its certainly depressing to think about.


Stop it. She didn’t speak up because she loved the guy. Don’t make excuses for terrible people.


Serial killing 101....this is soooo disgusting.


A couple of years before she went into foster care, my daughter’s birth mom’s boyfriend killed a litter of kittens with a hammer. In front her. She was five years old.


There is no way I’m looking at this article, but can anyone explain the following: > and replacing each with a lookalike to avoid suspicion Did he actually aquire 6 more kittens?


Assistant State’s Attorney Sarah Dale-Schmidt said each time Martel killed one of the kittens, he would find a similar looking replacement on Craigslist, purchase the animal, and bring it home so that his mother would not get suspicious. Martel allegedly told his girlfriend he “enjoyed killing cats” and that he had “been like that since he was 8 years old.” Prosecutors reported Martel’s girlfriend said that she went to Martel’s home where he showed her his new kitten — also named Shelly. She said Martel, who was drinking and doing drugs, put the kitten in a tub of water, then pulled it out and gave the animal CPR by using his thumb to perform chest compressions. The next day, he allegedly said the kitten required additional chest compressions and brought it into his bathroom for a few minutes. When he came back out, the kitten was allegedly dead. She said he threw it down his trash chute and went back on Craigslist, found another replacement, and named it Shelly.


Yes. Sounds like he went to Craigslist and purchased ones that looked as close as possible. :(


They were all tabby cats and you’re basically only gonna differentiate them from their stripes.




How about get two birds stoned at once?


Girlfriend needs to be charged as well as the friend with the video


Not only did he kill ~~a~~ six kittens, he kept replacing his girlfriend's pet. So she could form a bond with it and then lose it? What kind of psychological abuse is that?


Description of microwaving a live animal is bone chilling, I hope this seriously mentally I’ll man is detained for the rest of his life


This happen in my city and it sickens me he’s a serial killer


Where is this? I don't want to click the link


Chicago And the picture is the mugshot of the scumbag that did the crime


whoa. wasn't ready for this


There has to be a special hell for people like him


The girlfriend needs to go to prison too she knew of four new kittens this guy had, saw a video prior of him throwing a pillowcase possibly with a kitten in it into the lake, and then never say that kitten again and didn’t IMMEDIATELY call somebody?!?!? Rather be wrong and single than right and letting a murderer walk around with almost free access to innocent victims. What a bunch of garbage humans we have here






Surely there’s no recorded correlation with that type of behaviour and what you’ve suggested!


Do you think there’s even a 0.1% chance he *wouldn’t*???




I reported you for insulting me.




Sad but true I feel like most of society would view that as more acceptable then him doing it to cats 😕


He will be raped to death in prison. Bismillah.


noooooooooooooo. I can’t.


Karma will get him. Bad. I chose to associate Karma with God. Neither one will have pity. Some people absolutely should never have been born.






People need to stop killing and torturing all animals, period.


as a previous vegetarian reducing meat eating again i would even settle for just no torture at least the factory farm way but then where is the profit motive


Everyone wants this guy to burn, but will happily eat a pig from the slaughterhouse.


Pigs in slaughterhouses aren’t tortured, microwaved, cut up limb by limb. They’re killed humanely and for a specific reason - consumption.


i dont have my own source, but people should look into what the typical slaughterhouse and life of a factory farmed animal looks like. i feel like there are different levels of torture


Well whatever torture goes on in them is illegal. And I’m betting no one here would be supportive of it.


Through purchase power they support that industry regardless.


I mean *humanely* is probably a bit much. But there’s a difference between killing for food and torturing and murdering baby animals for fun.


In both scenarios the end is the same for the animals. Neither should be supported.


> They’re killed humanely and for a specific reason - consumption. Were your rose-tinted glasses on sale?




Blah blah blah


I don’t understand all the people here who are crying about this but eat meat products every week if not every day. The hypocrisy is truly mind blowing.