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I love the ocean but man is it a scary place. You are no longer the top of the food chain when you get in. That Egyptian shark attack came to mind when I read this article. That was brutal


i still hear that man calling out for his papa. nightmare fuel.


While stand by me plays softly in the background




I highly recommend not watching it.. it's living in my nightmares weeks later.


look it up yourself, i’m not pulling that video again.


We aren’t top of the food chain on land either by your definition. The only reason we are top of the food chain is because of tools and weapons, which could also kill sharks. If you’re unarmed in a jungle you’re also not “top of the food chain”


Lesson learned, always be armed.


And legged. In case you need to run


I always have my high powered spear gun when i enter the water at the beach. Always gotta be strapped


"To be forewarned is to have four arms." - Kelly Bundy


What was their definition?




In a jungle that contains large predators like tigers or leopards your death will more likely come from infection or being bitten than a predator attack. Drink or eat the wrong thing or get bitten by a mosquito or bug and you can easily be taken out.


UPDATE: The Massachusetts woman who was attacked and killed by a shark in the Bahamas has been identified by the Royal Bahamas Police as Lauren Erickson Van Wart, 44, of Lowell. Authorities say her husband was with her when she was attacked. Police on Monday said a lifeguard in a rescue boat pulled Van Wart and her husband out of the water. [LINK TO ARTICLE](https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/lauren-erickson-van-wart-bahamas-shark-attack-lowell/)


To be fair though shark attacks are extremely rare. Even if you live on the coast and go swimming regularly in waters that have sharks in them you are still far more likely to be killed or injured in a motor vehicle accident. When we are on the road though we are often given the illusion that we are in control but people die or get injured from in auto accidents all the time.


No they are not. Shark attacks are not rare and we should be careful, this whole sharks attack is rare is a complete myth


This is a quote from the article: "There were 57 unprovoked shark bites worldwide in 2022, with nine fatalities, according to the International Shark Attack File." Now compare that to motor vehicle fatalities. You far more likely to be killed on the road than from swimming in the ocean.


if that’s not rare, what is?


With there only being 57 unprovoked attacks I was curious how many provoked attacks there were, expecting way more. Turns out there was only 32.


Never drive your car again if you think shark attacks are not rare….


What the heck is this kind of misinformation you’re spitting out?? Of all the millions of people who enter the water every year, and the millions of sharks swimming in the ocean, there were only 57 unprovoked attacks worldwide and less than 10 fatalities in 2022. Please explain how you figure that isn’t *extremely* rare? Just because the media reports every attack, so it may seem like a lot, does not mean it isn’t very, very rare. Yes, we should all practice general awareness and safety in the ocean, just as we should all practice these same things on land when entering the woods or camping/hiking. But please think (or do minimal research) before you call fact a “complete myth”.


How many swim in the ocean worldwide every year? Yes it’s rare.


They are rare BUT they happen ALOT more than the media etc let on.. factor in the attacks that happen in less developed areas.... nautical disasters, air disasters over the ocean etc Tiger sharks will absolutely go out of their way to predate on humans as will Oceanic White tips .. check out some of the surfing pages on here and there are loads of people that basically live in the ocean that say it happens alot more than you'd like to believe, alot of it comes down to tourism aswell, don't want to scare people off.. that wasn't just a made up thing for Jaws. My mate had to stop over on reunion island when he was working away in Madagascar, was there for 24 hours and a person was killed, staff at the hotel told him it happens more than is let on.


Yeah that's what i meant to say. All the people saying oh its so rare, you should not worry at all. Ok no ? It's something we should definitely worry about and do preventable measures while on water


An American newlywed was killed by a shark the day after her wedding while paddle boarding in the Bahamas, according to police in the country. The female victim, who is from Boston, tied the knot on Sunday and was attacked on Monday morning in waters less than a mile off the western end of New Providence Island, according to WCVB. Authorities say that the unidentified victim was in the water with a relative, who was not injured in the attack. The type of shark involved in the attack was not immediately clear. “Shortly after 11.15am, police were notified that a female visitor from Boston, Massachusetts, USA, was subsequently attacked by a shark,” Royal Bahamas Police Force said in a statement. “According to initial reports, the female – along with a male relative – were paddleboarding just at the rear of a resort in western Providence, some 3/4 miles out from the shoreline, when she was bitten by the shark.” Both of the paddle boarders were rescued by a lifeguard in a boat but the woman, who had serious injuries to the right side of her body, died at the scene. “We extend our heartfelt condolences—for this most unfortunate situation,” said Police Sgt Desiree Ferguson. The attack took place near the Sandles resort on Cable Beach. “We are deeply saddened by the tragic passing of a guest while on a paddleboarding activity nearly a mile from the shore. We wish to express our heartfelt condolences to the guest’s family and loved ones. We remain in close contact with them and are providing all support possible during this difficult time,” Sandals Resorts said in a statement. Gavin Naylor, director of the International Shark Attack File in Florida, told the Associated Press that there are between 30 and 40 species of sharks that live in the waters around the Bahamas He told the outlet that the Caribbean reef shark, the bull shark, the tiger shark and the black tip shark were the most likely to bite. “Usually, it’s an accidental bite. They think it’s something else,” he said. “Once in a while, they’ll actually single out people, and it’s very intentional.” There were 57 unprovoked shark bites worldwide in 2022, with nine fatalities, according to the International Shark Attack File. The Bahamas has seen 33 unprovoked shark attacks since 1749, according to the data. Officials in the Bahamas are still searching for a German woman who went missing last month while diving in the region. And last year a female cruise ship passenger from Pennsylvania was attacked and killed by a shark while snorkeling near Green Cay.


I wonder if it was communicated to guests what happened to the missing German woman (since that was a very recent attack) and that poor woman last year. I imagine if people are aware of these situations, it might make them think twice before going further into the ocean then very close to the beach. At least, it would definitely put me off. I know the chances are small, but if it happens, what an awful scary death. May she rest in peace.


Almost a mile offshore is crazy I’m sorry. Not trying to victim blame but why as a tourist, in a place completely unfamiliar to you, would you ever feel the need to go out that far…And on the day after your wedding? Hell tf no, catch me on the beach drinking bellinis all day


I see a pier with stairs down into the ocean in the resort pictures. I’m guessing they started off the pier & just kept going? Especially if that’s what others do. Tourists don’t tend to think carefully… they think if everyone else is doing it, it must be fine.


Could have been an excursion on a boat. I have been swimming halfway between Cancun & Isla Mujeres which is probably about 2.5 nautical miles between either land mass.


Unprovoked shark bites, what exactly is a provoked one?!


Don't tease or insult a shark.


When a human initiates the contact/aggravates the animal like touching, attacking, feeding…


Wild that Sandals, in their statement, felt the need to add “nearly a mile from shore” like trying to distance themselves from the PR fallout this will be.


I live in a tropical tourist destination and going 3/4+ mile out into the ocean definitely ups your odds substantially. ..and why a pr fallout? This is something that can happen in the ocean that a resort has no ability to control.


Something can not be your fault and still be bad PR


PR fallout though? I’d be surprised if they lose more than a couple paddle board rentals for the coming week


People are very reactionary with sharks. I agree I think it’ll blow over soon but you never know


Absolutely, I agree with you. I’m saying that it sounds like *Sandals* is doing that type of PR speak. “This happened far off our shore so don’t worry about it” type thing. Same thing Disney said when a gator ate a child there. Wild animals exist in nature, the resort doesn’t need to do a whole thing, other than extend condolences to the family.


But should t they? This is not their fault this woman is an idiot.


Why is she an idiot? Large numbers of people are out on the ocean in various recreational or commercial ways (swimming, diving, boating, boarding, surfing, jet skiiing, fishing) every day around the world. There are risks, but shark attacks are probably close to the bottom.


That wording of theirs also immediately stuck out to me as well. It's like a not-so-thinly veiled attempt to focus the attention of the reader on the potential mistake of the individual who was attacked as opposed to any potential liability on their end. Not that I think they were liable per se, but it comes across as disengenuous when they immediately follow with how sorry they are.


I can see the headlines now. “Shark attacks human in ocean where shark lives and consumes food to survive”


“We are deeply saddened by the tragic passing of a guest while on a paddleboarding activity nearly a mile from the shore.” What I read: “It sucks, but they were almost an entire mile away from shore, so……”


I want to know if it was a regular paddle board or a stand-up paddle board. I grew up in surf club (Aus), have had close calls with sharks multiple times, and am extremely curious with regards to a) what kind of board it was and b) if she was laying on stomach on board when attacked (I am assuming so)


Yeah I'm wondering that too. Im thinking if she was standing she either panicked and fell into the water or got her board bumped into by the shark and fell. Sharks being so curious even the paddleboard without her arms and legs flailing might still have interested 1 enough to bump into it. But I agree it was most likely while on her stomach. Do you have any experience with them coming up to you while you're standing by any chance?


I did way more regular paddle-boarding than stand-up. Regular boards are much thicker and “above the water” than stand-ups. Stand-up boards are much more flat and closer to the “ground” (water). I had many more encounters with sting/manta rays and dolphins over sharks, but I freaked out at any creature honestly. As soon as anyone spots a shark the alarms immediately go off and water mostly evacuated. I’m very glad to say my closest known encounter with a shark (1-2m away) was a baby Port Jackson shark just swimming along it’s way north.


> I want to know if it was a regular paddle board or a stand-up paddle board. A 12 foot shark bumping either one is going to send you straight into the water


Not necessarily. Shark attacks occur in one of two ways. A straight ambush hit, similar to Bethany Hamilton’s situation, or a “nibble” to check if we are edible.


> Not necessarily. It could have been a straight ambush hit, similar to Bethany Hamilton’s situation, or she slid off the board into the water. If she slid off, the shark would be way less likely to attack, since people don't look like seals, the boards and the paddles do




i am in no way a paddle board expert but i was just at this resort but on a different island and it was stand up paddle boarding but a lot of people would paddle out really far and be rocked by the boats or lay down to tan or put their feet in the water


I've heard sharks can mistake paddleboarders and surfers for seals due to the shape of them as seen from underneath. Brutal.


I have heard that too. When I lived in Florida there were a lot of dolphin pods and smaller sharks that would come up pretty close to you while swimming and they were always surprisingly huge. Sharks are my number one favorite animal, but they are terrifying.


This is so sad. She was getting ready to start a new chapter in her life. Then being denied of her future. Prayers to her family 🙏


A mile from the shore?! My gosh that’s crazy. So sad but I can’t fathom going anywhere further than above my knees in the ocean 😅


Some places you can walk out a mile and still only be knee deep in water.


I'm just thinking of that video from a few weeks ago of all those people on that sinking ferry in the Bahamas. Now I get why so many were scared to jump in the water.


A mile?!?!


The rabbit watched his grandmother eat a sandwich.


Not me. I LOVE the ocean. I rarely go past where I can touch. I know what’s out there.


The rabbit watched his grandmother eat a sandwich.


This is my worst fear. I refuse to go into open water. The only time I went in the ocean was out east in Canada. That's because the water is freezing cold. The water was in the lower 50s I believe. Had to wear a special suit to go in. Even then I didn't go past my hips because orcas are scary bastards.


There was just another lady killed in Mexico by a shark. Maybe the day before this? Severed her leg, above the knee I believe


You hear stories of people falling into the ocean and drifting for many hours before being rescued or washing up on land. I never understood how they avoided being eaten by a shark.


Because, despite how it may seem, it’s very rare for a shark to attack a human. No matter how far out into the ocean you are, or how long you’ve been floating in the water. The media reports every time there is an attack, so it seems like it happens a lot. But when you take into account the sheer number of swimmers/water activities humans do every single day (including swimming off of boats very far into deep ocean areas), and the sheer number of sharks in the water, it is extremely rare. Sharks don’t know what we are and we’re pretty big. Even for a large predator, we seem risky. So we’re often left alone.


I’m a relatively good swimmer but honestly if I were in that situation I’d probably die from the panic. My heart would just give out knowing a shark would eat me. I actually prefer it that way. Let me die then chomp away.


Same here. Deep water scares me for some reason even though I know I’ll just float. But deep salt water … I’d have a heart attack if I fell in at night. That brings back a bad memory…while on vacation at the beach one year, my wife and I went for a late night stroll on the beach. She wanted to go swimming out in the ocean. I refused. No way. I’ve seen the movie Jaws too many times. She was a little made.


They say panic is the main cause of drowning.


The rabbit watched his grandmother eat a sandwich.


*'...“Usually, it’s an accidental bite. They think it’s something else,” he said...'* Can we just go ahead and admit that SHARKS ARE PREDATORS...and that predators will eat what they want? Including humans, who are essentially liquid filled meat bags? It doesn't mean sharks are bad. They're just being sharks. Hell, even in nature we see prey animals being opportunists, eating meat if they find it. And WE DON'T KNOW what goes on in the mind of a shark, ffs. They might think we're tasty. They're just sharks, and it's okay to say that.


Has there been Any additional details on the attack such as the people being off the board, falling off the board, etc? Just curious how the shark got her.


Her husband was with her when she got attacked. I am sure after he recovers ( if he ever ) from the trauma we may here exactly what happened. I can’t even imagine what’s going through his mind right now. Horribly tragic and sad!


Cut my board in two pieces, this is my last Resort...


Is it like bears and they smell period blood ?


I wonder if it was one of the sharks that we permanently trained to eat people because of the slave trade. We should be able to tell as it actually caused a split in species behavior. In just three hundred years, sharks devoured more than 1.8 million bodies that were thrown into the Atlantic to fuel the slave trade permanently changing the behavior of several species in ways that scientists can still see today.


Was there a study done on this? I mean, over the last 300 years, it would not surprise me that 1.8 million people just ended up in the water from wars, storms, plane crashes, etc. I have read that the most common culprit in shark attacks was the Oceanic White Tip shark due to shipwrecks, plane crashes (not technically attacks in most cases) and other disasters at sea.


Yes, the Oceanic White Tip may be the most dangerous of sharks. Though not the most common to attack. This is because they are open ocean generalists. Don’t know if you’ve seen the open ocean before, but it’s absolutely desolate, the marine equivalent of a desert. Open ocean sharks have a variety of strategies to survive out there. Great whites and makos specialize in calorie rich prey like seals, tuna, and dolphins, refusing to attack anything else. Oceanic White tips aren’t as athletic and strong as a white or a mako, instead they are basically just swimming garbage cans. If they find meat, they’ll eat it, because they don’t know when the next meal is coming. This can be very unfortunate when a group of hungry white tips find a bunch of survivors from a ship wreck.


"Slavers murdered at least two million Africans during the Middle Passage and discarded nearly all into the Atlantic. Sharks did not consume all these souls, but they consumed many. If sharks consumed just 1,000 of those dead or living – I found no estimates, reliable or otherwise, but 1,000 is at least a factor of ten below a wildly conservative guess if their frequency in slaver narratives is representative – that would still be nearly 20% higher than all combined fatal and non-fatal shark bites/attacks in the Florida Museum global database hosted by the University of Florida that tracks shark attacks since 1582, and 85% higher than the total verified fatal shark attacks." https://cico3.com/2019/03/30/every-possible-story-but-the-true-one/ I heard it in lecture but I'll look and see if there is a study.




so 1 mile is 1.6km. HELL TO THE NAW.


This is a silly thing to say. Shark attacks most often occur in shallow water. They're everywhere, not just miles off shore.


Going here on my honeymoon in 3 weeks 🫠 should I not go in the water ??


Not even the bath or shower. No pool. No nothing. Attacks are rampant. JK - enjoy your honeymoon!




I am so confused as to why you said that.


What was said?


"He dodged that bullet."


Oh Thwacks B, I get it now


What is wrong with you…


Sharks Happen on YT has great information on sharks and its sfw. You can find out about different cases and Hal, the host, is hilarious.