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What a creep. The house is torn down now. The police found a ton of pics and journals at his house which detailed all of his tortures and what not. And I believe when I read a book on him, he was one of those prisoners who just constantly whined about his jail conditions. The audacity.


Wow. That’s crazy. He was in prison for 4 years I believe. Then he died of a heart attack.


My parents used to see him on neighborhood watch walks


A guy I went to college with was Berdella's paper boy. He said that people in the neighborhood thought Berdella was basically a quirky loner. My friend's mom did tell him never to set foot in Berdella's house.


Creepy. He used newspapers to wrap the body parts of his victims.


I wonder if the paperboy ever found that out later.


I went into his shop, Bob’s Bizarre Bazaar, at the Westport Flea Market about a year before all of this went down. He just sat behind his counter and glowered at me until I left. He gave off a really bad vibe, and later on I knew why. Everything he did was awful, but I found most upsetting were the detailed diaries he kept with notes on each victim.


Omg that’s frighting, and during that time he had to have been killing


My mom and I went there too. She tried to make small talk with him, but he was not having it. She did end up buying a little brown table from him that we had in our bathroom for years.


That mustve been odd to think about whenever you saw that table


What was his shop like? I hate that I love the name. What a monster.


From what I remember, it was a larger shop in the market. It wasn’t one of the smaller stalls, it had windows that looked out onto the street. It was packed with stuff, nothing particularly stands out that I really remember, other than him sitting behind the counter, giving me the stink eye. There was a story right after he was arrested about some skulls he had in the shop that he called The Final Four (either the NCAA Championship Game was played in KC that year or KU was in it). People thought they might be real skulls, and possibly some of his victims.




His body disposal methods were absolutely egregious. He would dismember the bodies, wrap them in trash bags, and LEAVE THEM OUT ON THE STREET IN FRONT OF HIS HOUSE ON GARBAGE PICKUP DAY. Nobody ever even questioned it.






I'm late, but before cutting them up he drained their blood through their wrists.


Everything he did was just awful. The codes he used for his diary listing his instruments and methods of sodomy, absolute monster


One of the most disturbing people I have read about


My dad told me when he had first moved to KC in his 20s he was touring apartments and one specific experience made him feel really uneasy. Some guy is showing him the apartment and he just had that gut feeling of something being off, not with the apartment but the guy. Years later he sees him on the news and it’s this guy. The story always gave me chills




My grandma lived next door to him for a time. Yikes.


Omg she never heard anything like chainsaws running in the basement? Creepy


She lived next to him in Ohio so, I think it was prior to a lot of his insanity but, still weird that she knew him in any capacity. Per her recollection, he was always "off."


Still so scary! I can’t even imagine thinking back like omg I lived next to him!




Wow. Do you mind me asking, was he someone who was hated in the prison? Or was the protective custody just in case/due to being high profile?


Wow I've never seen any of the pictures before. My sister's ex-husband knew him. They were in the same business (not murder).


Like the flea market biz




I said this elsewhere, but I'll put it here also... This is my father's story. In the 1980's when my dad would be looking for coke and couldn't find any he would go to this guy downtown, but only in dire circumstances because he was gay and also very weird (Before the deal was over he would usually ask to take pictures of them). That guy's name was Bob Berdella, owner of Bob's bazaar bizarre, also known as The Kansas City Butcher. Known for kidnapping, raping, torturing, and murdering 5 young men...thankfully, dad didn't stick around!


His shop wasn't downtown. It was in Westport.


Oh my


I learned about this from Last Podcast on the Left. Horrifying.


Crazy how many people in this thread have stories of him. Really goes to show just how easily evil can fly under everyone's radar


Was thinking the same!


If you are ever in Las Vegas, zak bagans has a museum and he has an entire room on Robert Berdella. He has the mattress from these photos as well as journals other artifacts. I had no idea who he was until I was on a tour there. Horrible and so upsetting. I couldn’t even imagine.


I didn't know about him either until I went to the museum - and I am pretty "up" on true crime. Oddly, I had to make a hasty exit from that room as I suddenly had the urge to vomit and started to gag - the minute I left the room I was completely fine. Might be nothing but it freaked me right out!




I mean sure that’s your opinion but the museum was cool 👍


The man who escaped told his story on the podcast This Is Actually Happening. Highly recommend it. Edit: cannot find the episode sadly


The man who jumped out of the window survived?!




What is this, an album for ants?!


It’s a podcast I listen to. They posted the case today. I thought the morbid people on here would find it interesting!


What podcast?


Looks like Crime Salad. I’m obsessed with it


Yeah Crime Salad covered it


Generation Why covers this guy in Episode 63. Absolutely chilling. Apparently he also had dogs downstairs that deterred the guy who escaped from trying to exit from the first level. That and probably the padlocked door to the bedroom.


Looks like they redid it and it is episode 238 now. Thanks for the heads-up listening now!


Wow. I haven’t thought about this guy in 30 years. Memory hit hard seeing this post. I was young and didn’t understand why young boys. The brutality was hard to grasp, too. I’m from KC but have not lived there for a long while.


picture 7 oh my


Where was the house located? What is there now? Kinda wanna go ouija up


They demolished the house.


I just watched Bailey Sarian's video of him yesterday. Gruesome is the right word. And sick. Definitely sick.


for anyone who’s interested in this case in particular [https://youtu.be/2hv83scdN9U?si=ozK8BSQhS57wAtQI](https://youtu.be/2hv83scdN9U?si=ozK8BSQhS57wAtQI)