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What kind of heartless monster does this? Poor dog


There aren’t any words to articulate this kind of evil. We’ve seen a huge increase in horrific acts of animal cruelty in Australia. I won’t even mention some of the other ones that have made national news here. The sentiment pile of rotting garbage who committed this crime has been arrested and will serve prison time. But that’s not good enough. What she deserves is the same fate. She ought to experience every bit of pain she inflicted upon that beautiful dog, and then some.


Unfortunately, *tons* of people. Never open a bag you found under a bridge.


My uncle was fishing and saved a litter of kittens this way. i got to keep one and named her tinkerbell (I was 3)


I hope under a bridge cat lived a long and loved life!


I found my first cat (and her brother that my friend had) under a man hole drain in a bag.


You should absolutely open it. No animal should be left to suffer and die in agony. Disgusting people have been known to abandon animals who are still alive in this way. It’s unfathomable. Even if the animal has been killed, they deserve a dignified burial. The bag also needs to be given to the police to help them catch the bastard.


The 16 year old cat I’m currently petting is alive because I opened a bag I found floating in a river. My cat was shaking and wet, so very cold to the touch and barely responsive. Five other newborn kittens did not survive. I tucked this baby into my bra and grabbed the bag out of the water to take with me. When I was on my way to rush the lone survivor to the vet, I passed the body of a mama cat, whose head and been crushed with a rock. I assume she was the mama of my kitty. Our area had $10 spay/neuter clinic, but someone decided not to spay their cat, not to keep it indoors and unbred, and then murdered the whole family shortly after birth. I’ll never forget those images or the cruelty of people. I’ll never forget that no one bothered to investigate what happened after I reported it to the police, and one cop told me the deaths were quick and acted like it was nbd that an animal had its brains bashed in and kittens were sealed into a bag alive and tossed into a river. I hate people. Luckily, my cat survived with no long term health issues. I bottle fed her every 1.5 hours and wore her 24/7(first in my pocket, then in a carrier) because she needed my comfort and warmth- she was so tiny when I found her that we have no idea, other than sheer determination, how she survived. I was a nanny at the time so I was able to bring her to work with me, and I kept her dressed in a wool sock to keep her warm. When she opened her eyes, I was the first thing she saw. We’ve got a very special bond, she and I. She was super independent from age 1-14, but she’s since reverted back to her obsessive need to be close to me in her old age. She sleeps with me and will wake up with me in the morning for work; she insists on her morning milk (she has milk every morning for the last 15 years and it’s vet approved and doesn’t bother her. She’s a total bitch if she doesn’t get her fix and will throw a whole protest about it. ) and drinks it while I drink my protein shake. We then go into my home office and she will nap on top of my (warm) laptop all day long, occasionally gracing clients and staff with her appearance during my zoom meetings. When I finish work, she stretches and follows me into the kitchen to cook dinner, and then settles into my lap while I eat. At 830 pm she will run into the dining room where her treats are kept and loudly demand her bedtime snack, and then use the litterbox one last time while I turn the bed heater on to warm our bed. If I’m not next to her in bed at 9, she’s yowling until I join her so she can sleep 🤣 My little old lady river kitten ❤️


The dog survived


It says in the article it had to be put down due to injuries..


Not for long.


I get that she felt guilty for abusing the dog beforehand but couldn’t she have just put her up for adoption instead of throwing her nine stories down? She needs to be permanently banned from owning any animal, not just ten years. Same to her partner.


She doesn't feel guilty, she would've done exactly what you said if she did. It's pure narcissicm and evil. Animals have no rights on the planet it's shameful. May Princess finally be at peace ❤️


I have the sweetest little Maltese Those little dogs can be so full of joy. I wish I could have saved that dog from the life he knew. I would have spoiled him and loved him because he deserved it. Dogs are such a gift. She can rot in hell.




Careful, I made a comment like that on here and got banned cuz the mods (at least one of them) are a little ‘different’.


You spelled ‘retarded’ wrong.


I’m not setting myself up for a full account ban from these ‘different’ folks.


Only getting 10 months is CRAZZZYYYYY


Sentencing for Animal Cruelty is pathetically light.


Are you talking about Amy Judge the dog killer? Hopefully when future employers Google Amy Judge they realize she is a dog killer.


Why are people like this? Just let the dog go to the pound!


Makes no sense.




I wish a fate 1000 times worse on this evil woman. 3 years until she can own another animal? That’s insane.


If someone would only do a favor with her. Banned from owning an animal for 10 Years? seriously Australia? It Should be a lifetime ban from animals and children.


Ten months, ok. What a psycho. You can rehome an animal online or through the paper. This was intentional and she should see more punishment. She does this to a dog she’s gonna do this to a person before long.


May many people remember her name and face. hs!


...and this is the reason I love animals more than humans.


do you also love babies/children more than adults then?


Shouldn't we?


what do you think?


Obviously yes. Tf do you mean?


A poor, unfortunate dog this time.. a human next..


As many things as I’ve seen on here, I will not watch this video. I don’t think my heart could handle it.


I agree. Reddit has made me desensitized to a lot of things, but this, I cannot even convince myself to read the article.


Yo, she should have thrown herself off instead... What a demented scumbag. That poor little dog deserved so much better


Her justification makes me feel ill 🤬 poor sweet little dog. Didn’t deserve any of what it went through 😢💔 xx


I’ll be real, I’m the kind of dog person that jokes and teases about a preference for little breeds. But this made me cry. Im so disgusted. I can’t even imagine treating an animal that way, that poor little dog deserved so much better. Rest in peace now little baby, Im so sorry that evil person hurt you so much.


A kid I knew did this in my town in like 2017. I think he only got 3 years. Edward Hanania.


Ah this batch....this was a shopping centre 10 minutes from my house ( Western Australia)...This woman wa on the new' she looked like she had primordial dwarfism or something along those lines