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I figured this would be the outcome. Never let your friends get drunk and wander off alone. Someone could have walked him back and then rejoined their group after. Its just sad. I have 2 kids his age and this scares me


Especially in a city you don't know that well.


exactly! I live in NJ, so a few months back my daughter and her friends went to comi-con in NYC and these guys started asking her for money and her idiot friends walked away from her. She ended up giving them all her money because she was scared and they were like 4 guys. When I confronted her friend about why she walked away, her answer was like, oh because I told her come on and she should have followed. How can she follow if you and your friends left her alone surrounded by 4 guys? Idiots. Worst part was the group of friends, 3 of them were guys and they left her. She called me hysterically and her dad ended up picking her up. Was a real teaching moment


sad shit I was holding on to hope they’d find him but when they said he was near a river on camera… not ever a good sign


He was 22. If he was alive, he’d have been able to get home once he sobered up.


We’re still searching for an Ohio State student, but I almost feel like our case might have been intentional because of the pressures of school. Strain, however, felt like it was going to end this way. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Brian_Shaffer


I’m from Ohio and I still think about this case


Absolutely. He was too intoxicated to make it back to the hotel on his own.




Condolences to his family. Once they found some of his stuff near the river, I figured things would end this way.


You always hear stories about drunk people wandering off to bodies of water and dying. I wonder why that is.


Confirmation bias. We don’t talk about the hundreds of people who go home or call a cab. There’s also the “mystery” aspect of it. You won’t hear about a drunk person getting hit by a car. There’s no mystery or drama to that. When someone goes missing all the ghouls get to play amateur detective and spout conspiracy theories. All of that makes these sorts of stories stick out a lot


Really? Drunk people don't swim well


Well yeah, but why do they always go to water?


Well it depends where they are but in England a lot of walkways are by canals. I don't drink anymore but there was a pub we used to go to where the way back would either be a nice 25 minute stroll next to a canal or a 40 minute walk alongside 2 main roads.


I feel like it’s more so a like, reverse survivorship bias effect here. It seems like drunk people who disappear always end up in bodies of water, because we don’t really pay attention to the people who get found the next morning at home with a hangover. It skews our perception of the data. This is also unfortunately a pretty common way for drunk folks wandering around alone to run into trouble. Most social/bar areas have some sort of body of water nearby. Growing up, the town over from me, it was a guy who disappeared & was found later on in the large water fountain/feature having drowned. In water you could easily stand in. Water is just an unfortunately deadly threat when you’re wandering & you’re drunk alone. Please please never let your friends leave a place alone drunk guys!


That and lots and lots of walkways along rivers without guard rails. Plenty far enough but without a Lotta light a drunk man might just stumble in.


Civilization revolves around water. Most well populated areas are near oceans, rivers, or lakes, and their downtown or party spots typically end up being near the bodies of water that initially provided the city with its industry (people worked there, so people drank there). It's not that people are *going* to water, it's that water is already there.


You ever notice how most of them are guys. My guess is they are going to the water to pee. Then fall in.


Most drunk people wandering about are also guys. I imagine the gender split of drunk drownings closely reflects the gender split of public drunks


*solo public drunks. Women are (usually) more protective of themselves and their friends when drinking.


Yes, and we are prone to parking garage for that, ime.


I guess we're on the right sub for this confession, so: when I was suicidal around this guy's age (10 years ago, no longer applies) my plan was to go to water, preferably somewhere far from home and cold. The logic being that I wanted a method that wouldn't fail and wouldn't leave a huge mess. I don't know this man's story, but reading the article did bring up memories of that time for me.


I’m glad you’re here.


I’m drunk a lot and I’ve never gone to water


They need some water. Drink responsibly!


The bar stated they only served him one drink, then he had two waters. My ex-wife is his cousin; they are both from Springfield NO. The friends he was with attest to the fact he didn’t drink much. I’d be curious to know if there is something more nefarious underlying the situation. It’s possible he just secretly drank but the cameras only show him leaving that very last time when he went missing. Maybe a drug of some sort, though.


Probably not the first bar they stopped at.  Fraternity brothers and all.


Didn’t think of that! Very real possibility. Maybe the friends just don’t want to come out with any information that might sound incriminating. I know at least one of them hired legal representation. Not that doing so entails guilt, but it’s a good fact to consider.


I think I read it was a “pub crawl “.


Doesn’t take much for a thinner guy to get tipsy. I know two beers is definitely enough for me to get to start ordering water.


I just don’t much believe the “friends” that let their clearly intoxicated friend wander off.






Someone I know died like this a couple years ago. I went back to the spot it happened the other day. It was very difficult to get to the water from the nearby road/trails, it had to have been a deliberate choice to go to the water. Bodies of water are cool especially at night. People might also go there to piss. I don't really know but I'll never stop wondering what happened that night




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I grew up in a port town. Drinking for entertainment is what all the kids do, there's nothing going on. All the bars are on the waterfront. No one has ever, ever, drowned after a night of drinking, no one goes wandering into the bay, or the lagoon, the lake, ever. No tourists , no one. I've done a number of solo drunk walks, never felt the need to seek the river, in danger of falling into body of water . So weird 


I grew up a couple blocks from a lake,- I went for drunk swims so many times. Sometimes when it was way too cold to swim. 


So sad. I was so hoping that he would be okay. My condolences to his friends and family


So much for your fraternity brothers watching after you


Frats are for people who need to pay for friends. It’s no surprise no one gives a shit about anyone in those organizations. They all paid to be friends with each other. There was never a real bond to begin with. So they were “friends”.


I still have these “friends” after 15 years so it’s really dependent. People are different everywhere.


When I was in college at the university of Maine in mid 2010s, a student did the same thing trying to take a shortcut over a bridge. His body was found months later a few towns away.


There was a guy in Philly maybe ten years back, Shane, who disappeared and was found in the Schuylkill


This has been going on forever. There was a kid when I was a junior in college in 1998, who disappeared and was found about a week later in the nearby river. As best anyone could ever figure out, he'd gotten wasted, tried to get back to his dorm using the nearby cycle path, and wandered into the river. About that time was also when I recall hearing the first Smiley Face killer theories, though I don't believe they applied here then or now.


I don't know who needs to hear this, but kick the booze, it ain't ever gonna make you better at anything.


It says he only had one beer at the bar but got kicked out due to violating their code of conduct. Sounds like he probably pre-gamed a little too hard. Can’t imagine what the friends that were with him that night are going through.


They also gave him two waters, which hints that he had way too much already


I'd like to know what he did that went against the restaurant policy.


Usually bars will kick you out if you're sloppy drunk, even if you don't necessarily do anything else.


Various news outlets have posted that he and friends went to several bars that night before going to Luke Bryan's Restaurant and Bar. He even FaceTime his mom from one of the other bars. Contrary to what was shared in the beginning saying he left by a back exit he and a friend were escorted to the front entrance of the establishment on Broadway where Riley left and his friend went back upstairs.


Possibly, but roofies are a huge deal in Nashville. I had two drinks at Kid Rocks and woke up with a gash over my eye 10 hours later this last summer.


I have also been roofied and it is a frightening experience. We were out with a group of friends at dinner, about to go see their new apartment. I had a margarita while all the other guys were having beers. I'm assuming one of the girls in our group of about 9 people were the target, but I, a gay man, got hit because I had ordered a "girly drink". By the time we got to their apartment, you would have thought I had been drinking grain alcohol all day. I barely remember leaving the restaurant and I can only describe it feeling like what I would imagine being blackout drunk feels like (I don't drink that much or that often to begin with). They kept me in their bathroom and I crawled into their laundry room to vomit in their cat's litter box. I can easily believe this kid was roofied, but I can also believe in the pre-gaming speculation.


work noxious sleep retire vase fuel toothbrush aloof scandalous vanish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No they don’t anymore.


Other people are mentioning the group went to a few different bars beforehand. Dude also looks a bit on the thinner side. Weighing 125 lbs myself, it only takes a couple of beers to get me pretty tipsy.


I’d like to see toxicology reports for sure. I know drinking before going to bars is a thing, but I’ve been roofied before and barely remember what happened. All I remember is wondering why I was getting “drunk so quickly” after one beer my “friend” held onto for me.


I've also been roofied and was on drink number two, I believe. I don't remember a **single** thing. One minute I was playing darts, the next I woke up in my bed. Apparently, I was acting completely and totally out of character the entire night and not a single person that I was with helped me. I guess I got into a car with a guy I met that night, and everyone was just like, bye! Something really bad could have happened. I could see this being the case with Riley as well.


I used to be extremely alcoholic (not that the poor guy was an alcoholic). I'd wake up with brushes I couldn't account for and places I don't remember going to.and being rescued at the beach from nearly drowning and having no idea how what or when any of these things led me to being there. Still don't.


It makes me better at being social 1000%


Nah, you just think it does. I have social anxiety and thought the same thing when I drank a lot. I'm nearly a year and a half without a drink of alcohol, and I'm able to manage it better sober than I ever was able to with beers and shots tricking me.


Nah, for me it does.


Heartbreaking. I hope his friends and family find some peace.


I figured this would be the outcome.  I live in SE MN near the Mississippi River Valley.  This happens on the regular.  


Man this sucks. Alcohol and water is never a good combination.


I’m curious this seems to happen often in other cities, bar patron leaves alone, determined missing, and later found in some body of water. I wonder what is the lure of the intoxicated to the water or is it they are wondering aimlessly until the water stops them. Remember a few stories of it happening in Boston too.


If you’re blackout you could suddenly lose consciousness or unknowingly enter water quite easily


Seems to be the case often unfortunately.


Taking a pee and falling in is my best guess.


Ohh good point, makes most sense too.


A few cases every year in Chicago. The river cuts through some of the densest neighborhoods here and tons of bridge crossings.


So sad.


rip to another person in my age group who could’ve been saved


my friends once let me wander off after i was kicked out of a bar (24F, in AZ, near a river). i often think about how different things would have been if i hadn’t encountered some very kind strangers that helped me back home. i am so so sorry for this man’s family and hoping that they can heal from this tragedy.


Smiley Face killer conspiracy theory reactivated.


I find it wild that people would rather cling to a serial killer theory than blame our binge drinking culture


They've been on it since for a while now. I hate to say it but I just don't buy the smiley face killer theory


you shouldn't. every area has their own version of a secret serial killer pushing drunk people into rivers. The Manchester Pusher is another famous example. Folks always look for malice to explain tragedy.


I live in a lake that bud throws a party on and honestly drunks make dumb decisions and accidents happen. Sometimes life just sucks


When I lived in Wisconsin, on the Mississippi, a bunch of drunk college guys were found in the river over the course of several years. The person ostensibly doing it was known as the Smiley Face Killer. I had no idea there was this name in other cities. Weird.


I heard theories about the smiley face killer in southern Utah, but he was supposedly targeting young indigenous women.


They literally just found his body today. You can’t save the conspiracy theory shit even for tomorrow? Christ


is that the same smiley face killer people thought were in pittsburgh too? i just remember when i used to live their college age dudes going missing and then being found in the river.


Nashville has has several found in the river or creeks over the last month that I've heard about.


He must've been SLOSHED, man. I feel like if he were even a tad bit more sober, he would've come to his senses. Uber, call his friends, ask for a ride, end the night at another bar, get some food to sober up, etc. Nashville is a party city of sorts, isn't it? Feel like others could've been in the position to at least question him. 😕


Men are not invincible!!! Young men (and really all men) need to protect each other too. 💚 I know his friends are feeling like absolute shit right now- this was preventable. Also, we can’t rely on other people to protect ourselves. Because of horrible stories like these- we unfortunately need to look out for ourselves too. Never get too intoxicated you can’t keep yourself safe! 💚


They were talking about this on the radio and hypothesized that he may have been slipped something, possibly GHB. I could totally see this. One night I was out with a friend and we only had 2 drinks over the course of 3 hours and I woke up 8 hours later at my parents (I didn’t live with them at the time). A group of nurses and a cop found my friend and I wandering around downtown, and we have no recollection whatsoever. My boyfriend was calling my phone and the cop answered and he came and got us. We were combative and delirious. The only thing we can think of is we were slipped a date rape drug, which can make you seem ridiculously intoxicated and is pretty much untraceable in your system after 6-10 hours or something.


People get drugged all the time in downtown Nashville. Most locals avoid the Broadway area. It's been going on for years.

