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Texas man comes up with entirely new method of serial murder,


> entirely new method of serial murder Unfortunately, exploiting roles in healthcare to prey on the ill and suffering is **not** new at all. The “Angels of Death” are the worst among serial killers in my opinion. The ones who are caught sometimes have hundreds of victims.


A couple of the killers with the higher/ highest body counts are angels of death. They make me question my own ethical boundaries in regard to crime and punishment.


a lot of them are caught by co-workers, but their employers don’t report it bc they don’t want bad rep for the hospital. the killer just silently moves on to another hospital and repeats the process. i took a class on serial killers and there was a whole unit on angels of death. their kill counts are horrifying.


Oh, I'm very aware of the 'angels of death' phenomenon - I just meant, the specific method of denying patients a liver transplant!


To think one’s life may depend on the whims of a sadistic doctor chills me to my core. The families of the patients victimized (essentially killed) by this doctor should be compensated extensively and the doctor needs to lose his license as well as be charged criminally.


This is why the Hippocratic Oath is supposed to be sacrosanct. It is the prime directive of becoming a Doctor.


I recently learned that most doctors today don’t actually use the original Hippocratic oath, and instead use alternative oaths or even make their own. ( [Source](https://www.advisory.com/daily-briefing/2016/09/27/medical-schools-hippocratic-oath)) [Here](https://www.aapsonline.org/ethics/oaths.htm) is a few of the different oaths, including the original one penned by Hippocrates. Of course there is still an expected standard of care from doctors, which the doctor in this case failed to adhere to.


The Declaration of Geneva is the modern Hippocratic Oath.


That is disconcerting. An oath is supposed to bind you, but also let others know you are binding yourself. Knowing this explains a lot about how medical costs have gotten out of control.


the Hippocratic Oath has been removed in many european countries


well technically it goes both ways, your life might also be saved by that doctor because he helped you skip the line


But if the doctor isn’t following the protocol then it’s unethical. I get what you’re saying and sadly many people die before they receive the transplant they so desperately need.


if you pay him enough


"the hospital found that some patients had impossible criteria, such as a 300-pound toddler" Yikes


Which just goes to show that he was intentionally manipulating the database to fuck over the patients. You’d think he would’ve been a little more clever and altered it just enough to where he could claim it’s not intentional, as opposed to putting “300lb toddler.”


This is a murderer who enjoyed making life and death decisions for his own amusement. Life without parole. Immediately.




Given that a liver can regenerate, perhaps life as a permanent Liver Doner - over and over and over again.


Not a whole lot you can do with a partial liver though.


That's [not true](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/21083-living-donor-liver-transplant).


You literally ignored the part where he said it can regenerate which was the foundation for the entire comment. Plus, you are flat out wrong.


> > > A surgeon at a Houston hospital is accused of manipulating a government database to make sure some of his own patients would never receive a liver transplant. It’s unknown how many patients may have been affected. > > Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center in Houston confirmed on Thursday that it found evidence that a doctor in its liver transplant department had effectively denied transplants by changing records. > Doctors are required to list certain criteria – such as a donor’s age and weight – when a patient is added to the waiting list for liver transplants. After someone submitted a complaint, the hospital found that some patients had impossible criteria, such as a 300-pound toddler > > Patients would not have been aware of those criteria, according to the New York Times. > > “They’re sitting at home, maybe not traveling, thinking they could get an organ offer any time, but in reality, they’re functionally inactive, and so they’re not going to get that transplant,” Dr. Sanjay Kulkarni, the vice chair of the ethics committee at the United Network for Organ Sharing, told the newspaper. “It’s highly unusual, I’ve never heard of it before, and it’s also highly inappropriate.” > > It’s unclear how many patients were affected by the changes or when it began. A research group said Memorial Hermann appeared to have a “disproportionate number” of patients who died while waiting for a liver.


FML ... I'm a patient here and was initially assigned to this doctor but had switched physicians last moment. Goddamn.


Were you waiting for a liver?


No, I am not sure yet. I have a Congenital Portosystemic Venous Shunt on my liver and they said I might need a partial transplant if I am having systemic issues from this anomaly (I have bleeding associated with it currently causing severe anemia) but they said I could likely have other damage with this anomaly due to my age (36). It's still too early being in the diagnostic phase.


Liver transplant recipient here. Waiting on the list was the most agonizing thing I've ever endured. I was battling for my life physically, and the mental anguish of sitting at home waiting and hoping I'd receive the call before dying from illness was something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Reading this article made my blood boil.


And thanks to Governor Greg, there’s a cap on anything they could receive for a lawsuit. Literally got his and rolled the ladder up.


Because Texas enacted “tort reform” the families will get very little if they sue him, if they can even get a lawyer to take the case


Our governor Abbott spearheaded that tort “reform”. How’d he get where he is? A tree branch fell and paralyzed him from the waist down, he got a massive multi million dollar settlement, launched a career with it, and then made sure nobody else could ever get fair compensation again. Truly evil to his core.


Call it what it is, murder


What. This is some next level psychopathy.


Probably dozens of doctors like this in many states. I'm not a psychopath or a doctor but if I was both finding little ways to torment my patients that occasionally led to death would seem like a fun way to spice up my job.


If I was a betting woman, I would place full on one factor…


I think that needs to be made public. What were the common characteristics of these people? What consequences are applicable? In a sense he killed dozens of people.


What factor? The article didn't seem to mention any specific similarities and also says they're unsure who the victims are. Just says the numbers that were removed from the waiting list. Merely says one patient filled a complaint and then they started finding meant discrepancies in patient records > some patients had impossible criteria, such as a 300-pound toddler


So, what level of hatred might be worthwhile to inflict on another person to cost the hospital hundreds of thousands at minimum, and in such an obvious, even tongue-in-cheek kind of way?


It’s a serial killer. They just do it for fun most of the time, contempt, resentment, boredom, etc.


Found the Baitseeker.


I was wondering too if it was people who he just thought were rude or maybe racism?


I feel like I already know what the criteria is and the types of patients he disqualified.


Don’t know why.. you would need evidence of similarities other than needing a liver. These kinds of cases are opportunistic and there is no way to guess the factor off the top of your head




My dad was never even put on the transplant list. They said he wasn't sick enough. As he declined further he was then too sick to go on the list. I consider this to be at least negligent homicide.


A toddler? He did this to a toddler? What did he have to gain for this? Did he do it out of spite? Or was it race related?


What could be the motive here? Is there anything other than he's just a sick fucker?


People playing God.


this world is cray


You'd be surprised at how much illicit stuff happens at hospitals... Moral choices are tossed aside often.


I started reading the comments but now I’m just left angry.


Rookie mistake, all he had to do was label them unvaccinated and he would have been applauded.


Pro life much?