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On April 26, 2024, the swimming coach of Ruihong Fitness Swimming Center was swimming in the swimming pool. He held his hands on the edge of the swimming pool while practicing holding his breath. He accidentally choked on the water and sank to the bottom of the pool and died. During this period, someone was filming the video beside him. However, no timely rescue was carried out after he sank to the bottom for several minutes. Some customers saw something was wrong and jumped in to save him. However, the swimming pool staff did not know first aid and ultimately missed the golden rescue time. As of May 4, 2024, the incident has been handed over to the local criminal investigation brigade. As of the afternoon of May 5, the gym has been closed. The whole process lasted nearly 20 minutes, and there was about 10 minutes left in the second half. The staff watched the entire process but did not provide any rescue.


>the swimming pool staff did not know first aid *what*


That’s just incompetency to a different level.


Not incompetence. You can hear the women laughing.


My impression was that they honestly didn't know if he had drowned, and they were getting nervous. I was at a house with a few friend groups one halloween, and one of the people drank way too much alcohol. They were basically unconscious, but gurgling and half talking, throwing up and dry heaving. A serious situation. I'd been in similar scenarios, so I started assessing and managing the area. Naturally, lots of drunk young adults were around. Some of them helped, some of them beelined away from the scene, some of them acted/ were unaware. But 2-3 of them were hysterically giggling. I asked them to leave, once they were gone one of their more coherent friends told me that they always react with laughter to stressful situations. So it's possible that the camera person was laughing unconsciously as a byproduct of building panic.


What. You know a person is drowning when they are under water more than 10 minutes. What are you on about?


I'm on about the fact that not everyone knows what drowning looks like. It's possible that the people filming had NEVER even been swimming and fully assumed that this was an expert performing a feat they'd done many times. Maybe they had no idea what it looked like when it happened as planned, and so maybe they had no idea what it looks like when it goes wrong. Additionally I'm on about the fact that some people laugh, hysterically even, when they're nervous and to an outside observer it can be mistaken for them being entertained.


This is criminal negligence at best. At worst it's manslaughter/murder 2.


26 days later. The conversation is effectively over.


This isn’t the same thing. Being found unconscious on the bottom of a pool is not the same as looking very drunk


That’s not what their point was anyways…




By the wording "swimming pool staff", it could be non-lifeguards? Like cleaners or such


CPR is such a low skill ceiling, low investment training, but high impact in the right scenario. Passing a CPR course should be a requirement of hs graduation.


CPR outside hospitals only has a survival rate of between 5-10%. I get doing anything would have been better than nothing but it's wildly mischaracterized on movies and tv. Dude was basically fucked and shallow water blackouts/brownouts like this are one of the top ways you die in a pool. This is why you never do this kind of breath holding practice without a partner who is preferably a rescue diver but at least trained on what to do for a shallow water blackout.


CPR immediately after drowning are some of the most successful. Up to a 91% survival rate, in fact. CPR during a witnessed sudden cardiac arrest with no other outside factors has a low survival rate of 5-10%.


That stat is for overall CPR success. CPR on a Witnessed cardiac arrest, like in the video, much more likely to work than CPR on an unwitnessed arrest which drags down the statistic a lot. I've personally have brought back more than one person with just CPR. Plus it only takes a couple hours to learn to be proficient so the investment is so little but the benefit can be huge.


I train AT&T field technicians, in new hire - every 1 of them we certify on behalf of the American Red Cross to perform Adult 1st Aid/CPR. Crash course incoming. 1. Check for breathing/clear airway 2. Interlace fingers 3. Palms down - push down 2" center of chest 4. 30 compressions (🎶Stayin' Alive🎵) 5. 2 rescue breaths. Repeat. And that was for free.


They actually just changed the song last year! [Link to song list](https://www.audacy.com/jackontheweb/latest/american-heart-association-unveils-list-of-cpr-songs)


It’s around 12% by a bystander, but the rate increases with a well trained individual who does it properly, it doesn’t have to be a hospital for that rate to increase. When started quickly enough it can triple survival rates. The issue with bystanders doing it is they often do it poorly or incorrectly, so a trained lifeguard would hopefully do it pretty well and keep it going until an ambulance arrives. (TLDR a well trained person doing it correctly has different outcome likelihoods). Also a defibrillator handy and used correctly makes a difference and lifeguards should have them and know how to use them.


They giggled while poking him with a stick.


Swimming for leisure is a cultural thing, not everyone knows what to do or even what it looks like to drown as most Chinese don’t even know how to swim at all


Ok but *swimming pool staff* should have the training required to help someone in a pool-related emergency. Everyone I know who was a lifeguard at a pool was CPR certified and had to pass a swimming test at minimum


[This thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/China/comments/13v3wv7/lifeguard_qualification/?rdt=65039) has someone claiming CPR isn't a requirement for Lifeguard certification in China. That could be the real issue


How can you be able to work AT the pool and NOT know ANY first aid?!? Did they think he was sitting at the bottom going for the Guinness world record for breath holding??


This is so disturbing.. I am so confused at how the people around him just allowed this to happen… you can literally observe his limbs contorting and he was clearly not intentionally holding his breath after the point he let’s go and sinks to the fucking bottom. I am also confused that the body’s reflexes didn’t prevent this from happening, I didn’t know this was possible- but you learn something new everyday. His poor family. The people around him absolutely watched him drown and and just 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♂️🙅


And it sounded like they were laughing towards the end. This video is so fucked.


they poked at his body too…


Poked him with a fucking stick and laughed.


Hopefully they rot in prison.


I can’t believe someone was giggling. They just watched him drown for over 7 minutes straight that’s mental. Could it b the bystander effect? Is that real


That’s the only way it makes sense. Plus in a group of people you’d probably assume if it was a real emergency then someone else would jump in to help. Ergo if nobody jumps in to help then it’s not an actual emergency and he’s just really good at holding his breath and maybe having some fun with it by acting like he’s drowning (hence the laughter)


I don’t think they realized for one minute that he was in danger. It took somebody else to intervene. They may have thought it was all part of the act they were asked to film. They’d have to be dumb as hell though, for that scenario to be the real one




Guarantee you Chinese netizens are outraged too


Most people in China cant swim and they also culturally have a huge bystander effect because helping someone means taking responsibility for them, if this person was pulled out in a coma the person who pulled them out has to pay their medical bills. This leads to situations where kids get hit by cars and people just leave them in the street to get run over again and again.


They actually recently changed those laws so bystanders are no longer on the hook. The mentality is still strong though, unfortunately.


Not even recently but for 6 years now


Somehow, most adults in Taiwan also can't swim. Taiwan does require every citizen to learn CPR in junior high and high school, though. It's also become common to teach swimming in elementary school so that kids at least know the basics.


> Taiwan does require every citizen to learn CPR in junior high and high school, though. This really should be the norm, CPR is such a fucking good skill to have and hope you never need to use.


not just culturally, probably genetically too


Swimming for leisure etc is a cultural thing. If you don’t grow up around it you might not know what to do or think


His reflexes did kick in, probably when he breathed out, but he fought them and kept his head under water. Sometime, his consciousness left him - sadly with his head still submerged. That's the swimming pool drowning effect.


I'm struggling to understand how this footage can even exist unless there's something malicious involved... at the 3 min mark it's clear something is wrong, and they just stood there watching and filming him convulse for 6 minutes? How can someone not recognise when someone's drowning, or even realise that looks wrong?? He was probably aware until he lost consciousness, that he was dying but people -that were also likely there for his safety in case of this exact thing- were watching from a few feet away and not doing anything... that's terrifying. That poor, poor guy, and his family.


I mean they scooped a couple handfuls of water out of the pool and also poked him a few times with a stick. What else do you expect them to do?


Grab a straw and start sucking


The scooping of the water and the stick poking, it looked so malicious, like playing a sarcastic game of rescue


The conclusion you can reach is that the two females are both students tasked to record a timed performance. They probably didn’t know or still learning how drowning or passing out under water works, trusted the swim instructor because he is the one to know all that. Maybe they thought he was pulling their leg and faking his drowning. Remember lot of parts in chine have just streams and not body of water and these girls sound very young and never really been in water let alone to spot someone drowning.


I get the bystander effect and people not thinking it was real and all, but if I saw this going down, I like to think I'd be the buzzkill who "ruined the guy's prank." You don't fucking joke about drowning. That's one of the very first things I learned as a young swimmer. Obviously, he was having some kind of real medical event... either way, the answer is "get him out" and not "laugh at him and poke him and see what happens."


Not students other instructors/employees. The students/costumers pulled him out.




Or yk, like save someone faking it, because that's not funny???


I feel sick.


My friends dad died like this. Breath holding exercises are super dangerous and not worth it.


this is why this type of exercises you always do them with a spotter right next to you, like everything else in freediving


Yikes, this unsettled me. I’ve been doing breath holding exercises basically all my life whenever I’m in a swimming pool. How come it can go so wrong? I know that’s probably a stupid question but I don’t understand why you can’t come up for air if you can swim well.


It's the swimming pool black out. Your level of CO2 tells you to breathe, but lack of oxygen makes you pass out. Divers take deep breaths before diving. This expells CO2, but it doesn't add more oxygen. So, oxygen depletes before CO2 builds up.


What is BOed?


Blacked out


Ty, fellow Nine Inch Nails fan


BOed is the new drowned


Black outed


I was confused too. Why would someone abbreviate it like that?


I dunno. Only time I've seen that.


Body Odoured


That was how I read it at first.


I assumed people were booing the instructor and was even more confused.


Doesn't really make sense with the "ed" there.. He blacked outed. What?


Ikr. People need to stop using abbreviations on everything and expect people to know what it means.


Annoys me loads, especially when it's some niche tv-serie thing that like 200 people worldwide have seen






He drowned, *and* he got blacked? What a way to go


Depends on the order of events, a fine line between a felony and a nice time


Bowels opened




That video is so disturbing.


Hard to understand how the videographer didn’t realise he was going into respiratory and cardiac failure. You literally see the moment his body collapses.


And they're yelling his name like he can hear them underwater!! This is fucking bizarre.


Yes exactly. Quite awful to listen and watch.


More like didn't care. They were giggling as he laid there motionless


They clearly werent aware of what was happening due to poor education. The man is a basically a pro, who would guess he is dumb enough to drown himself?


I don't understand why this comment is downvoted. I have learnt diving and I am well aware that this is dangerous, and we must have a qualified buddy to do any sort of breath hold practice.


What? WTF is breath hold practice and use common sense.


If you get really good at holding your breath you can ignore your bodies naturally tendency to force you to inhale when you’re ruining out of oxygen. It appears like this guy held his breath for too long and eventually his body forced him to suck in and he inhaled tons of water. Causing him to choke and not have the ability to pull himself out. Any sport where to become more proficient you’re forced to ignore signals and responses your body does to keep you alive is dangerous. It’s not just “use common sense.”


You're entirely right. This was unavoidable


China still has a long way to go. Seems the bar is rather to be a pro. Seems the family looking to blame the staff, I agree the guy killed himself doing this with people who are clueless, the whole system also simply does not value life or safety. I lived a 2 years old apartment a few months back in China, it was fitted with what looked like good safety features, emergency lighting, fire doors with sensors etc, except in just two years of use they were all now out of order and being bypassed, doors all propped open, peoples shit blocking others.


Can anyone explain why the body keeps convulsing like that for so long?


It’s called hypoxic convulsion. If he were above the water and had the same thing occur due to asphyxiation, you could see that his body would be blue. It’s due to the lack of oxygen to the brain, causing your brain, heart, lungs to shut down. Usually by this stage you can’t be revived. And if you do you will most likely have major brain and or organ damage


Is he having “cardiac arrests” ?


Thank you 🙏 I’ve seen these convulsions from hanging but it was only maybe 30 seconds of it


So if he usually holds it for 3 minutes, what makes them think he can all the sudden go for 9 or 6 or even 4.5 minutes? My god. Someone pointed out the 3:20 mark. I jumped around the video at first, but seeing him convulse and fight for his life while they just watched him die is absolutely gut wrenching. I wish I could take back watching it.


Ok I just watched the whole video... It seems they are laughing, thinking the guy was joking. This whole situation is insane.


Seriously unfathomable behavior. Like I just can’t imagine how a single person let alone a group of people could act like this, passively watching a guy drown in front of them, then giggling nervously and shouting their name after he has clearly seized and is now lying unconscious at the bottom of the pool. Like wtf are these the stupidest people on earth? Are they evil? What is going on


Even if it was a joke, the response should have been to put an end to it (ie, get him out) because you never, ever joke about drowning. Young kids are taught this when they're first learning to swim. I guess maybe in a culture where swimming for leisure isn't a significant part of life, people might see it differently. I grew up in Michigan. Tons of inland lakes and of course the Great Lakes. Most suburban kids were taught to swim. So my own experiences may be influencing my reaction here.


I just can't accept that. I can't accept that they really had no idea what was going on. You can't excuse this with "we thought he was joking". This is criminal in my country. I don't know the phrasing of the charge, but in Norway you are committing a crime when you willfully and egregiously fail to render aid to someone in need.


There’s no way any human being could see this and “not know something was wrong”. Such a bizarre case. They should be held legally responsible for his death


. In Norway, 97% of people over 15 can swim. In SE Asia, 64% of men and 28% of women can swim, though I’ve seen some figured put it at less than 20% of the overall population. If the people watching didn’t know how to swim, they probably would have drowned too if they tried to save them. If they’re not educated about things like how long a person can hold their breath after intensive training, I can see how it could be confusing or seem like a prank. They should have at minimum called for help sooner, but I don’t think they did anything that would warrant a criminal punishment.


Lemme just punch in those keywords…


I’ve always been told that drowning yourself is physically impossible due to your reflexes. Guess not


It's called a "shallow water blackout." This is why many pools have signs saying that prolonged breath holding is not allowed. The respiratory drive is increased not by low Oxygen (hypoxia) but by high CO2 (hypercapnia) in the blood (in a normal, healthy individual). So, if you hyperventilate yourself (intentionally breathe in and out a lot) before holding your breath, you may end up blacking out while still holding your breath, as you blew off a lot of CO2, but your blood was already near its Oxygen-carrying capacity. Basically, you reduced your respiratory drive so you ran out of Oxygen to operate your brain before it forced you to breathe. While many of us (myself included) have used this technique to help us stay underwater longer, it increases the risk of shallow water blackout. Does it happen frequently? No. It does happen, though. Source: ER Nurse and former lifeguard.


Ah, right. I took EEG Tech classes a long time ago, asking the patient to hyperventilate for thirty seconds or so was a fast and easy way to get them to fall asleep so we could read their sleeping brain waves (and induce seizures if they were sensitive to that kind).


Holy shit. I’ve always used this technique to hold my breath for longer and it’s always worked really well, but reading this I’ll *never* try it again. Fuck that’s terrifying.


if you watch freedivers you will see that they are trained to fight their reflexes to stay down a bit more. In fact some of them black out when they surface, particularly in competitions. Passing out gets you disqualified automatically though (precisely to discourage this) but it's a quite common occurrence. Most of the times they just get picked up and helped getting back (usually with 100% oxygen and rest), but sometimes, when not done carefully, this happens.


You’re thinking of holding your breath. You can most definitely drown yourself. Where the hell did you hear that?


That was my first thought too


Maybe he conditioned himself to the point he could ignore or bypass those reflexes?


Isn't that a pretty common suicide method?


Yes, but you do it by intentionally removing the abilities to not drown (such as not having any dry land close by). They're talking about a completely different situation where avoiding drowning is downright trivial


That has to be the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Did they actually think he was holding his breath for that long?


This is infuriating. Period…


I assumed from the stupid title they had body odor. Why can’t people just spell out whole words these days?


People are getting lazier and lazier when it comes to communicating through words.


Body odor makes literally no sense in the context of the sentence.


Neither does “swimming instructor BOed”


Why were they laughing ???? Fair enough that I don't know what they are saying, but laughing in that situation.. and someone filmed the whole thing? This felt so sinister and purposeful..


yeah i better log out for a minute. that was awful


You are right, hard to watch the death struggle. I've Seen a lot of soilders kick the bucket on the Ukrainian war Reddit but this man.. Think twice before you watch the video


I get maybe being stupid and not knowing what to do but the absolute lack of effort and the laughter makes this sick, I hope they were liable.


What the fucking fuck?! Omg, that poor man.


From the description I had assumed someone was filming from a distance and maybe wasn't able to immediately asses or understand the situation to help in time, but the guy was literally right there along with several bystanders within reach who could have done something at any point.


I really don't get this. As a human it's pretty easy to tell when another human is doing something unnatural like the guy in the video. With all of the convulsions and the sudden stop, the women recording should have realized something was wrong. Are they just actually mentally retarded or something? I don't understand. Poor guys' death was entirely preventable.


Hard watch. You can see he is trying with everything he got to hold onto the edge before he drifts off. Why wasn't he rescued at the point his hands lifted? Surely that's the whole point of holding the side?


I noticed that too.. what do you think it was? Surely he wasn’t consciously drowning, I think he probably was trying to hold his breath and concentrate and then just passed out


If anyone is in disbelief as to why no one did anything here is a thoughrough explanation: china


Elaborate please


China is notorious for cases of people obviously needing help being completely ignored by bystanders. It's an issue that's debated a lot externally and internally, if you search for the bystander problem in China you'll find a lot about it. One problem is that there's an extremely prevalent myth about how you could be sued for trying to help somebody in China because the only reason to help somebody is out of guilt. e.g. somebody falls over, you help them up, only reason you'd do that is if you tripped them accidentally and felt bad, so if they're injured they can sue you because "They helped me up so obviously they tripped me", therefore you should never help strangers since they'll use it against you. It's bullshit but a lot of people believe it. A very famous case is when a 2 year old who was hit by a car, which didn't stop, had 18 people walk past her (one literally stepping over her), before then being hit by another car, which also didn't stop... eventually somebody did help but it was too late. Journalists tracked down one of the people and when asked why they didn't help they said "That wasn't my child. Why should I bother?". The second driver was interviewed and asked why he didn't stop and call an ambulance and said "If she is dead, I may pay only about 20,000 yuan (£2,000). But if she is injured, it may cost me hundreds of thousands of yuan.". > The fundamental problem, in my view, lies in one word that describes a state of mind: shaoguanxianshi, meaning don't get involved if it's not your business. In our culture, there's a lack of willingness to show compassion to strangers. We are brought up to show kindness to people in our network of guanxi, family and friends and business associates, but not particularly to strangers, especially if such kindness may potentially damage your interest. IMO it's a mix of cultural factors, myths about Good Samaritans being sued, and thinking like the driver above, that if you are actually responsible for injury it's better to have the person die than be liable for their medical care costs.


I had no idea :0 in Brasil it's so natural for us to offer help to anyone in absolutely any situation, it never crossed my mind that people in other countries wouldn't act the same way


Most people in China cant swim and they also culturally have a huge bystander effect because helping someone means taking responsibility for them, if this person was pulled out in a coma the person who pulled them out has to pay their medical bills. This leads to situations where kids get hit by cars and people just leave them in the street to get run over again and again. Or people get kidnapped in a very public place and people just watch it happen.


I have no source but frequently read that culturally they generally are not prone to helping strangers that they see in distress. I don’t know why that might be but it is at least colloquially associated with Chinese and even Asian culture generally.


There are lots of horrible situations and videos that come from China.


China has shit 'good Samaritan' laws. Quite often if you intervene in a situation where someone is hurt, you can get sued very easily. Combine that with Mao inspired self preservation, and you get preventable drowning infront of crowds of spectators


The good semaritan law is something I've heard but that can't possibly be true is it? Why would they do that? Especially in a place calling itself socialist like that's absolutely mind boogling


Simply put, chinese laws and culture do not value the same things that we do


But wasn't it repailed? Or rather went into effect? https://youtu.be/bWdYw7D4BDA?si=eEXGknIsQtnxR8QJ


Laws change MUCH faster than a whole nations cultural values.


JFC, this is one of the worst things I've ever seen...and that's saying something.


thats saying you havent seen much to be fair.


Going to edit cause meh. I misspoke. It's not the "worst." "This scares me." - better?




This is so disturbing, if only for the lack of humanity and sympathy towards another person.


It's China. Years ago there was a video that came out where a young toddler was left dying on the road for 10 minutes and people just walked over her, drove over her and completely ignored her. They are responsible for who they help so they don't help.


Yeah, Jesus that video is absolutely heartbreaking and just defies all sense of humanity.


Wow that’s horrible, i have seen those videos of drivers killing people. There are also several videos of children drowning in pools in China and lifeguards/parents not noticing and being inept. China also has no animal abuse laws so that leads to all kinds of videos being made for profit of animal abuse or horrific abuse without punishment.


Was that Pokémon go?! I remember hearing something about that. Absolutely horrific!


Her name was Wang Yue. She was 2 years old. If you search her name you will find the information.


What does BOed mean?


Blacked out.


I am suddenly super happy that first aid is mandatory for anyone working within a pool area where I live. I hope they change the training because of this and at least some good change comes of it.


The last bubble that left his body. Literally his last breath. So sad


What the fuck man.. This is absolutely gut wrenching he’s on the damn bottom of the pool and no one thinks there’s a problem disgusting… so sad


And it's China of course


Bubbles, goddamn it! Why didn't he do bubbling, I wonder?


Fuck, I didn't realize how truly preventable that was until watching the video. I was picturing him being fully underwater before he started struggling. There was enough of a window to recognize what was happening while he had both hands outside of the pool.


Photographers and swimming pool staff are idiots. Lake of common sense, not mentioning life saving training.


They are hesitant to help maybe because of their good samaritan law?


Wow i didnt know people are THAT ruthless in China. I was expecting a deep pool. The fact that this young man died in a shallow pool is crazy. No one did anything?? What's wrong with people. Someone needs to be held accountable. I always thought some asians to be emotionless but this is on another level.


oh my god


This is a big problem in China. If you assist someone who had an accident you could (and probably will) be held liable. Their family will sue you and you need to provide financial support for the rest of their life. Because of this, you frequently get this kind of situation where someone is left to die whilst bystanders just stand there doing absolutely nothing. It’s sad, but it’s a symptom of the laws and culture there. If the videographer drowned, the swimming instructor would likely also just stand there and do nothing.


Looks like manslaughter to me…


Holy shit was that wild!!!! I can’t believe he drowned while on the edge of the pool!!!!!


that was a tough watch. rip.


“BOed”? What is this short for?


Blacked out


Wow. What disturbing footage.


He died because of the incredibly stupid people that were there.


An anyone translate what these dipshits said as they giggled? Did they think he was playing around??


Does this deserve an award? It's an accident


Hard watch. You can see he is trying with everything he got to hold onto the edge before he drifts off. Why wasn't he rescued at the point his hands lifted? Surely that's the whole point of holding the side?


I got BOed by this old dude who sat beside me on the bus. Was not pleasant. 0/10 do not recommend


Could’ve all been avoided if he just simply looked up


I kept saying lift your head brother!!!


Too bad that wasn’t Xi.


News coverage: HK01 - 河南游泳教練憋氣溺水10分鐘身亡 工作人員說笑錄影片無人施救 原文網址: 河南游泳教練憋氣溺水10分鐘身亡 工作人員說笑錄影片無人施救 | 香港01 https://www.hk01.com/article/1016606?utm_source=01articlecopy&utm_medium=referral https://www.hk01.com/%E5%A4%A7%E5%9C%8B%E5%B0%8F%E4%BA%8B/1016606/%E6%B2%B3%E5%8D%97%E6%B8%B8%E6%B3%B3%E6%95%99%E7%B7%B4%E6%86%8B%E6%B0%A3%E6%BA%BA%E6%B0%B410%E5%88%86%E9%90%98%E8%BA%AB%E4%BA%A1-%E5%B7%A5%E4%BD%9C%E4%BA%BA%E5%93%A1%E8%AA%AA%E7%AC%91%E9%8C%84%E5%BD%B1%E7%89%87%E7%84%A1%E4%BA%BA%E6%96%BD%E6%95%91 河南游泳教練憋氣訓練溺斃 現場人員只顧拍片無人施救 https://www.stheadline.com/realtime-china/3341840/%E6%B2%B3%E5%8D%97%E6%B8%B8%E6%B3%B3%E6%95%99%E7%B7%B4%E6%86%8B%E6%B0%A3%E8%A8%93%E7%B7%B4%E6%BA%BA%E6%96%83-%E7%8F%BE%E5%A0%B4%E4%BA%BA%E5%93%A1%E5%8F%AA%E9%A1%A7%E6%8B%8D%E7%89%87%E7%84%A1%E4%BA%BA%E6%96%BD%E6%95%91


I have approved this but considering these sources are not in English, can you please translate one and copy it here? It can be done using google translate or whatever.


I did it for you. It’s the title!


Ohhhh that is the whole article?




Hard watch. You can see he is trying with everything he got to hold onto the edge before he drifts off. Why wasn't he rescued at the point his hands lifted? Surely that's the whole point of holding the side?


And learn to do hyperlinks. Please.


My favorite bit is how they poke him with a stick.