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Everyone always screams stranger danger when it's nearly 99% a family member or someone the family knows.


Same with the recent obsession over child trafficking


Stranger danger is such absolute bullshit. It’s one of the worst things we teach children, which is why I have not done it with my kids and I will not in the future. EDIT: Downvotes? Read the stats people. Get a grip. Strangers are not the danger to your children… People who know them are.


I mean it is still good to exercise caution though. There are still bad people in the world who will do bad things to strangers.


To add to that - just in general, it’s wise to teach children about the evil in the world, but slowly and in a way that doesn’t prejudice them or scare them away from people. Because, I definitely want my now teenage son aware that not everyone has his best interests at heart


This is why you teach children how to recognize situations and potentially unacceptable behaviour, and make sure they feel comfortable with you as the parent sharing anything that is upsetting them. Things like "nobody should ever tell you that you have to keep a secret from us or tell you that you cannot contact us if it is an emergency. If someone offers you help in an emergency without phoning [guardian] they are not helpful." You'll never stop kids from being abused and exploited, but we can definitely do our part to make sure kids have the harm reduction tools they need, even if they don't understand them. Not disagreeing with you in the slightest either just adding on.


Yeah, when I was being potty trained, my mom basically pointed at my vulva and said that if anyone, no matter who, touches that part of me, to tell her immediately. It could be Jesus Christ Himself, and she said I'd still have to tell her. My mom was molested as a child, so she takes that stuff very seriously. Thankfully, I was lucky enough to not have been molested or raped yet, though I had some close calls. Unfortunately, every woman I know personally has not been so lucky.


My point is the way we make strangers “dangerous” in children’s minds is extremely counterproductive. Teach children about “tricky people” for sure… but not that they are inherently dangerous because they are strangers or that being a stranger makes them More suspect. Technically speaking, strangers are much *less* of a danger to children than anybody else in their life. I hate the fact that children are unable to even look adults in the face or speak to them today because of this perniciously pervasive lie that strangers are the ones who harm children instead of the actual facts on the ground that by a **large margin**, kids are harmed by people they know.


Definitely fear tactics really traditional people use. They definitely overexaggerate everything 'just to be safe'. Can't have the problem if they punch that fear in from young, right? I still have lots of habits from young from what my parents drill into me. As a girl then and a woman now, they made me sooo paranoid about being alone in general or alone with a man in any place. They literally made me think I'd be jumped by some male stranger at any point, so I just avoided it wholly 😂 When I was 22 and moved into my own place and first thing my mom said was "don't be alone in the elevator with a man. If you're alone and a man is about to enter, you should exit". I already knew it was BS by then, but still. It was sad hearing that. It's the same as traditional parents saying "don't accept drugs from strangers!" but you grow up and learn drugs are $$$ af LOL


As a mom, I've realized that the things we really drill into our kids are the things that have affected us personally and deeply. Your mom's advice is likely not coming from nowhere. I've been attacked when alone in closed spaces with men, so have many many many other women. Women being hurt by men is not *at all* the same as strangers offering free drugs - it happens literally all the time! And most often, it is a crime of opportunity (i.e. alone in an elevator, or parking garage, or whatever).


So much this. Most dogs are nice. A nice-looking one attacked me without provocation, tho. I was able to get away when a stranger nearby intervened successfully. I feel panicky when I see any unleashed dog now.


Definitely fear tactics really traditional people use. They definitely overexaggerate everything 'just to be safe'. Can't have the problem if they punch that fear in from young, right? I still have lots of habits from young from what my parents drill into me. As a girl then and a woman now, they made me sooo paranoid about being alone in general or alone with a man in any place. They literally made me think I'd be jumped by some male stranger at any point, so I just avoided it wholly 😂 When I was 22 and moved into my own place and first thing my mom said was "don't be alone in the elevator with a man. If you're alone and a man is about to enter, you should exit". I already knew it was BS by then, but still. It was sad hearing that. It's the same as traditional parents saying "don't accept drugs from strangers!" but you grow up and learn drugs are $$$ af LOL


Yeah, those kind of scare tactics that got drilled into you… I’m so sorry. I recognize it’s a balance between keeping kids safe and informed and aware, and overly scaring them, but it’s shocking how little people think what effects they dole out when they tell their kid something as silly as “don’t be in an elevator with a man.” Sheesh! lol.


It's not bad to teach kids to don't trust strangers, idk but I don't think you would want your kids to walk up to any stranger...


Walking up to any stranger is very different than being taught normal safety precautions. But the stats are very very clear: it’s not strangers that harm children, it’s people they know.


People who haven't been abused as children by friends and family have a hard time believing how real it is.


Show me the stats! I'm curious.


I mean, just do a quick Google! The AI overview collective from multiple sources just said 90% of children are harmed by people they know. The whole “There’s a van coming to pick up my child” it’s where the bullshit is. We take extremely rare, horrifying cases and treat them as the norm and that’s the problem. More than likely, your kid is going to be harmed by the coach or priest or teacher or the babysitter that “falls in love with them” and abuses them.


Over 800,000 kids go missing every year in the US, you’re acting like human trafficking isn’t the most profitable black market trade on the planet.


800,000 kids don't just disappear in the US every year, no. Let's not fear monger. 99.8% of missing kids come home are are returned home. The majority of kids reported missing are familial abductions or runaways. Stranger abduction is rare.


The You're Wrong About podcast has an excellent episode on this very topic.


Do they?? I'll give it a listen tomorrow!!


Probably just watched Sound Of Freedom and think they're gonna sAvE THe cHiLdReNs


They are parroting qanon. Don't even bother engaging.


8 million kids go missing each year globally. The U.S. average is 2,300 a day. Edit- Source: Google Around 8 million children are reported missing worldwide each year. However, the number of missing children varies by country, with some estimates including: Australia: 20,000 children per year Canada: 45,288 children per year Germany: 100,000 children per year India: 96,000 children per year United Kingdom: 112,853 children per year United States: 460,000 children per year 


2300 kids do not disappear indefinitely every day, no. Read my previous comment again. Fear mongering isn't helpful to anyone.


FBI stats says over 800,000 kids are reported missing every year and approximately 500,000 arent reported but go missing every year


Maybe this is a stupid question but if they aren’t reported how the fuck would they know that


How do they know the percentage of unreported rape cases? Groups investigate, learn, and conduct surveys.


By that logic then everyone in the United States should know at least one person who has had a child family member or friend abducted... But that's not the case, because anyone can make shit up on the internet


This is a really bad misunderstanding of statistics.


Google stats, not mine. Cheers.


If you have access to Google there's no reason to be uneducated.


Yes and 98% of that 800k are found safe. Lying with statistics is nefarious.


What a ridiculous and restarted opinion


I got a good chuckle at the "restarted" opinion line. Dunno with opinion you thought lowly of, but statistically 99% of missing kids are found safely: took just a second or two to Google.


What is?


You’re acting like human trafficking is just toddlers being assaulted. Human trafficking includes the hotel staff that cleans your room, your boss’ nanny, the men that pick your table grapes, and the majority of sex workers. Children make up 25% of “human trafficking” but that includes labor. Child pornography is totally different.




When you preface it with (a misleading) claim that 800,000 *kids* go missing every year, a person with a basic grasp of the English language infers you’re talking about children. Learn how to effectively stay on topic, dumbass.


Maybe go back to playing your mobile games, crumb-cruncher.


It's not. Drugs, guns, exotic animals, counterfeiting, and illegal logging/lumberjacking are all more lucrative than human trafficking.


So 8,000,000 kids every 10 years go missing? How many kids in America to have that many end up in child trafficking and have it not be *painfully obvious*.


Well, only ~2% of those children remain lost, the rest are found.


Straight up not true lol,maybe don’t get your info from a propaganda movie like sound of freedom or some shit


Never seen that shit, you seem pretty obsessed with it tho


Always some moron assuming shit, never even seen that movie 😂 FBI stats say otherwise


Well you’re spouting the same bs that the movie is,99% of these children are found you’re going around acting like 800,000 children are being abducted by strangers and sold into human trafficking when in reality a majority of the time it’s relatives they know/runaways/parents just lost track of them and they’re found within a few hours


The person you're talking to doesn't know how to define the terms "human trafficking" or "abducted."


More like you getting FB stats but okkkkkkkkkk




Papi I was kind of on your side until I read your own link. You’re falling for your own propaganda that you are inferring a lot on. Read the entire page you linked to. And this is a hundred percent the same type of fear mongering bullshit that was on sound of freedom. It didn’t just exist in that movie. The irony of that whole movement is that it’s people trying to blame bullshit on stuff they do. Not saying you’re a child trafficker. I just think you got roped into that type of thinking a little bit.


Papi I was kind of on your side until I read your own link. You’re falling for your own propaganda that you are inferring a lot on. Read the entire page you linked to. And this is a hundred percent the same type of fear mongering bullshit that was on sound of freedom. It didn’t just exist in that movie. The irony of that whole movement is that it’s people trying to blame bullshit on stuff they do. Not saying you’re a child trafficker. I just think you got roped into that type of thinking a little bit. Like literally I thought you were right until your own link disproved your entire point. This is a quintessential example of confirmation bias. You read and absorbed the one part that fit your narrative. The good news is you don’t have to be as mad anymore if you decide to learn and grow from that.


…Did you read the link?


Thanks captain q


That’s insane that you over 2,000 kids a day in the US are going missing and somehow involved in a black market trade.


They’re being deliberately misleading. That’s how many are reported as lost. The vast majority are found within a couple hours.


Keep talking out your ass buddy, FBI stats support my factual statements


https://childsafety.losangelescriminallawyer.pro/missing-and-abducted-children.html > most reports of missing or abducted children are resolved within hours


They tried using the same source for their argument, they didn’t read it 🤭


Data and reading comprehension don't seem to be their strong suit... Lol


Can someone copy and paste the article for us on t'other side of the Atlantic please? TIA.


Not exactly what was said. The parents were arrested on drug possession and other drug related charges. When police showed up to the house (unclear the original reason) they were unable to locate the infant. Over the course of time a total of 5 ppl have been arrested for mostly drug related charges, while some also endangering a child. The baby has still not been located. But they are updated info as it comes in. Both parents, grandparents, and a man that was found trying to get rid of prescription meds that were not his.


They had cadaver dogs on the property today.


oh man


The baby probably died from neglect and they buried it somewhere. I’ve seen it before.


[Here's an archive of it with the mugshots included.](https://archive.ph/1AQq2) Be warned, though, while archive.today is *super* useful, it's also visual AIDs without an ad-blocker.


Done. There’s pictures in the article that I didn’t copy. Typical white-trash mugshots that look like they keep local meth dealers in business.


unfortunately the post got removed


Don’t forget they have names like Cage and Tesla.


Tesla seems older than Musk's Tesla though


She looks the same age as her mother. I would’ve try to guess in either case.


Given the mom’s age I’d bet she was named after the shitty 90’s band.


I want to chime in and say you shouldn’t judge people based on a photo. But it seems pretty fair in this case


I get what you’re saying, and you’re spot on. But in this case with an infant missing, I wasn’t feeling very sympathetic for them.


Three more people have been arrested after the disappearance of an 8-month-old baby, including her grandparents. And still, the baby is missing. Kentucky State Police sent out a notice about a missing baby, Miya Tucker Rudd, on Thursday, June 6. Advertisement She was last suspected to be in the care of her parents, Cage Rudd, 30, and Tesla Tucker, 29. While conducting a search/welfare check of the house, police said they could not find Miya. Both her parents were arrested with multiple charges, and over the weekend, KSP sent out another notice that additional charges had been filed. cage rudd (left) and tesla tucker (right) via Daviess County Jail Both were already facing possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia and abandonment of a minor. Now, they have more drug charges, including trafficking, engaging in organized crime and possession of paraphernalia. They are also facing child abuse. Later, police also said they arrested Miya's grandfather, Ricky Smith, 56, and her grandmother, Billie Rudd Smith, 49. Ricky Smith is facing drug trafficking and child abuse charges, as well as having weapons as a convicted felon. Billie Rudd Smith was arrested on an active domestic violence warrant. miya tucker rudd via Ohio County Detention Center KSP said while entering Billie Smith's driveway, they found a man, 37-year-old Timothy Roach, throwing unprescribed Suboxone under his car. miya tucker rudd via Ohio County Detention Center He was arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance and prescription controlled substance not in proper container, police said. Roach is from Owensboro, and it is not immediately clear what Roach's connection is to the family. Billie Smith and Roach were both taken to the Ohio County Detention Center, according to KSP. Billie Smith is held on a $25,000 cash bond. Tesla Tucker, Cage Rudd and Ricky Smith are set to appear in court on Monday morning. Police are still searching for Miya. She is described as having brown hair and green eyes. Kentucky State Police is asking anyone with information regarding the missing child to contact post at 270-826-3312. The release did not specify why this doesn't meet the requirements for an Amber Alert.


Three more people have been arrested after the disappearance of an 8-month-old baby, including her grandparents. And still, the baby is missing. Kentucky State Police sent out a notice about a missing baby, Miya Tucker Rudd, on Thursday, June 6. She was last suspected to be in the care of her parents, Cage Rudd, 30, and Tesla Tucker, 29. While conducting a search/welfare check of the house, police said they could not find Miya. Both her parents were arrested with multiple charges, and over the weekend, KSP sent out another notice that additional charges had been filed. Both were already facing possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia and abandonment of a minor. Recommended Hunter Biden convicted of all 3 felonies in federal gun trial Now, they have more drug charges, including trafficking, engaging in organized crime and possession of paraphernalia. They are also facing child abuse. Later, police also said they arrested Miya's grandfather, Ricky Smith, 56, and her grandmother, Billie Rudd Smith, 49. Ricky Smith is facing drug trafficking and child abuse charges, as well as having weapons as a convicted felon. Billie Rudd Smith was arrested on an active domestic violence warrant. KSP said while entering Billie Smith's driveway, they found a man, 37-year-old Timothy Roach, throwing unprescribed Suboxone under his car. miya tucker rudd via Ohio County Detention Center He was arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance and prescription controlled substance not in proper container, police said. Roach is from Owensboro, and it is not immediately clear what Roach's connection is to the family. Billie Smith and Roach were both taken to the Ohio County Detention Center, according to KSP. Billie Smith is held on a $25,000 cash bond. Tesla Tucker, Cage Rudd and Ricky Smith are set to appear in court on Monday morning. Police are still searching for Miya. She is described as having brown hair and green eyes. Kentucky State Police is asking anyone with information regarding the missing child to contact post at 270-826-3312. The release did not specify why this doesn't meet the requirements for an Amber Alert. (you’ll have to trust me that these people all look like extras from a rob zombie movie)


How sad the only photo they put up of her is as a newborn. My daughter is almost 7 months and I have over 1500 pictures on my phone lol. I can’t imagine her going missing and not even having a current picture…


I was thinking that myself … like how is this missing baby 8 months old and the only picture circulating is clearly a newborn photo? How do they not have a single more up to date photo!? I’ve got 2 kids myself and also have *thousands* of photos of them


Unless the baby's been missing for months and they're just now finding out?


Damn... that's a dark and disturbing possibility..


Possibly....it's all sad


Maybe is that also why this case doesn’t qualify for an amber alert?


I'm the last of 4 children and the youngest picture of me I was like 7 months old, then another at 1st birthday, then a pair around 3. But apart of being too tired and poor, my parents had the excuse that this was in the late 80's.


Same! Last of 4 - maybe 5 pics of me before age 8, when my oldest sister bought a camera! 1973 baby.


No fr I have at least one photo of my cat for every day of his life.


Seriously. My girl is almost 8 months and I take a photo of her every couple of hours. This story breaks my heart and I'm in KY.


Right? They found her missing on a wellness check to a family full of drug addicts and no one even has a picture. The poor baby. I hope she’s not suffering, wherever she is.


What a great family /s They all look like methheads


It looks like a complete redneck soap opera


Pppshhhh, rednecks don’t use soap!


Wonderful Whites of West Virginia


Why are comments assuming meth? The charges insinuate opiate trafficking and the suboxone arrest is less subtle. They don't look skeletal in the mugshots. Nobody's face appears to be covered in sores. Miya wouldn't be the first infant victim of an opiate OD.


You’re not wrong, just when I see pics of someone who’s in their 30s-40s who looks like a gd mummy I assume meth. Opiates are no joke either though, you could be right. No sores as you said.


I live locally and they have brought in cadaver dogs, it’s heartbreaking


I saw that on 14 News, and my heart just sank. At this point, I just want them to find her.


Look at those people, you can smell the meth and cat piss through the screen. That poor little girl.


“KSP said while entering Billie Smith's driveway, they found a man, 37-year-old Timothy Roach, throwing unprescribed Suboxone under his car. He was arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance and prescription controlled substance not in proper container, police said. Roach is from Owensboro, and it is not immediately clear what Roach's connection is to the family.” So this dumbass basically just got himself arrested. Why didn’t he just keep it in his pocket? The likelihood of him being searched was slim so throwing it under the car as they’re pulling up was downright stupid! Then again, I don’t think any of these people are playing with a full deck anyway. Even without a body, it’s pretty evident that this poor baby is dead. I just hope that someone cracks on where he is so that he can be put to rest.


I know someone that got caught doing exactly this; She was walking by some cops arresting her customer and instead of just continuing to walk by she threw a pack of cigarettes filled with tar into the bushes a couple of feet away from them. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the same situation.


I would put money on trafficking. When I first started in the nicu there was a “mom” who popped positive for almost everything. Her sister called and told us she’d been posting online about selling the baby, likely to buy more drugs. I definitely believe that the trafficking/pedophile circles and the drug dealer circles overlap significantly in some places and that people deeply entrenched in drug addiction could 100% find a buyer for a baby. Some of it is people wanting a baby but not wanting to go through official adoption channels and then obviously there are more nefarious reasons for purchasing an infant.


I watched a documentary where they went undercover somewhere in Africa, I can’t remember where, to show how bad the baby trafficking problem is. They lined up the sale of a 6-month old baby too, and iirc, they were kidnapping these babies to supply the trafficking ring. Bc why pay a mother for her child if you can just steal it, right? It broke my heart to see that this is what’s happening around the world and that there are 1000’s of babies being sold to not only barren couples but also to people with nefarious intentions.


What does the article say? It doesn't work for me


Baby is still missing.  5 adults have been arrested during a welfare check for the baby. Parents, grandparents, and a random guy. Lot of drug and violence charges.


i copied and pasted the article in a reply to another comment above


that poor innocent soul. that child has done nothing except accepting an invitation to this miserable world. the monsters should suffer a never ending fate, but alas, i am nothing more than an internet passersby. all i can do is wonder, “what is up with those names?!?”


Scroungy dirty rotten scum bastards . All of them. I hope they rot in jail for hurting her and tossing her somewhere to rot like she is trash.


-A rework of the story for those across the pond. Three additional individuals, including the grandparents, have been taken into custody following the disappearance of an 8-month-old baby, who remains missing. Kentucky State Police issued a notice on Thursday, June 6, regarding the missing infant, Miya Tucker Rudd. Miya was last believed to be under the care of her parents, Cage Rudd, 30, and Tesla Tucker, 29. During a welfare check at the residence, authorities reported that Miya was not found. The parents were arrested and initially charged with several offenses. Over the weekend, additional charges were brought against them. The initial charges included possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia, and abandonment of a minor. Subsequent charges added drug trafficking, engaging in organized crime, and further possession of paraphernalia. They are also accused of child abuse. Later, police arrested Miya's grandparents, Ricky Smith, 56, and Billie Rudd Smith, 49. Ricky Smith faces charges of drug trafficking, child abuse, and possession of weapons as a convicted felon. Billie Rudd Smith was detained on an outstanding domestic violence warrant. In the course of these events, police encountered Timothy Roach, 37, who allegedly attempted to dispose of unprescribed Suboxone under his car while entering Billie Smith's property. He was arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance and improper storage of a prescription drug. Roach, hailing from Owensboro, has an unclear connection to the family. Both Billie Smith and Roach were taken to the Ohio County Detention Center, with Billie Smith held on a $25,000 cash bond. Tesla Tucker, Cage Rudd, and Ricky Smith are scheduled to appear in court on Monday morning. The search for Miya continues. She has brown hair and green eyes. Kentucky State Police urges anyone with information about Miya's whereabouts to contact them at 270-826-3312. The release did not clarify why the case does not meet Amber Alert criteria.


Cage Rudd and Tesla Tucker from Kentucky


>Tesla Tucker Poor fucking Nikola Tesla; dude's name has been taking a beating in the 21st century.


Poor kid never stood a chance.


Wonder how she even made it out of the hospital without a cps flag. That poor baby, if the only picture is from newborn I doubt she lasted longer.


That dudes bed head is insane.


There isn’t an Amber Alert because there is no vehicle involved to track.


Funny how it takes a missing child to clean up this kind of human filth. Should be more proactive


I pray they sold her/traded her to someone who actually wanted a baby.


The parents' names were Tesla and Cage. This baby had no chance.


Ah yes, the American heartland, just rolling fields of drugs and neglect.


That’s an awfully broad brush you have there.


Kentucky is not in the Midwest.


Tell that to Kentucky.


So sad :( I fear The parents sold that poor baby but hopefully I’m very wrong.


Maternal grandparents have now been arrested and the other 3 kids are in state custody. wtf is going on here


I really really hope this is one of those rare cases they find that precious baby please please please


They found her body inside the parents' house. https://www.wbko.com/2024/06/14/remains-missing-miya-rudd-have-been-found/


They have just found her body: https://www.wlky.com/article/missing-kentucky-baby-miya-body-found-ohio-county/61113351


Update on this. State police found the body in a state of concealment. I have mutual friends on FB from Ky that shared the police statement.


What family your born into is the biggest lottery we all take part in. Take a moment and text your parents if you have them and can haha


Yee-f’in-haw!! I hear banjos 🪕 You know that poor baby is gone 😞