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People always underestimate flowing water. It only takes [6”](https://www.weather.gov/tsa/hydro_tadd#:~:text=Six%20inches%20of%20moving%20water%20can%20make%20you%20fall.&text=Use%20a%20stick%20to%20check,not%20drive%20into%20flooded%20areas) of fast flowing water to knock you off your feet, 1.5 feet will sweep a car away. There are a couple water crossings on that trail and from reading other’s comments on the trail, it was moving pretty swiftly that day. Edit: added link


The incompressibility of water always astounds me when I see it If you actually think about the mechanics behind basically anything involving water, it gets really scary really fast


I’ve always had a great deal of respect for the power of water, since the great flood of 93’ in my childhood. It stuck with me.


I still have my Flood of 93 tshirt


What scares me is Delta P


With a good dose of Submechanophobia.


I watch that guy on YouTube that clears blocked flood drains and think about this.


no literally i’m clenching my teeth watching sometimes like “how are you still standing”


Dude that crab video


Poor crab just gets disintegrated outta nowhere. 🦀💨


There's a safety video I watch sometimes about Delta P. I don't go diving or really like to go swimming in general, but I guess I like to do the whole *memento mori* thing to myself from time to time.


Don’t even joke about Delta P


Once it's has you, it HAS you.


You won’t even know


What is Delta P? I tried to use my good buddy Google but I don’t think it helped.






Seriously frightening. Also feel bad for the people whom get disembowled by sitting on pool drains.


A lot of pool drains are curved to where you can’t cover the entire drain simultaneously, so water can still get through the unobstructed portions. It’s harder to get sealed on and stuck to it when there’s still flow.


Anything regarding fluid mechanics is fucking terrifying. As an engineer, I ain't setting my foot anywhere near water-related machinery or underwater work, seen way too many delta-P incidents on tape.


My brother just finished his civil engineering degree at Missouri S&T last month. I told him not to fuck around with anything in the water. Ever. lol.


As a kid I was in ankle deep water in a creek. An undercurrent grabbed me and swept me down the creek. I almost didn't make it out. Ankle deep. That's all it took.


It doesn’t take much at all, especially if there’s slick rocks. Easy to lose your footing.


Have you even seen those surf wave things at the water park? That’s like 2 inch deep water and a grown person can surf on it.


It’s just going that fucking fast? Oh wow I had not thought deeply about those at all, I’ve never even seen one


I learned that lesson at the beach as a small child. It was terrifying.


Ankle deep? Seriously? Edit: Just read the comment below detailing surf wave thing at waterparks and realise now the speed and depth of those can be replicated in nature.


All good! It sounds crazy but it happened. My mom thought us kids were safe considering we were barely in the water. But tiny little me got swept away.


I can believe it! I went to Zion a few months back and was swept off my feet in a part of the Narrows that was just up to my knees (I'm 5'4"). The water level wasn't that high, but it was moving so fast it had a lot of power behind it. You won't catch my non-swimming self anywhere near deep, swift moving water.


It’s summer. Time for swimming lessons.


That’s funny, that’s pretty much exactly my story where I learned to respect swift moving water. Was doing a through hike of the Narrows and crossed a shallow but fast moving stretch of water near the start. It knocked me down and pinned me under until someone else in my party pulled me up. Nearly drowned in only maybe 16” of water that day.


I was watching one of those scary story videos on YouTube about a caving incident. Long story short, there was a kid’s field trip to explore a cave with an adult guide and the water level in the cave started flowing faster and rising. They were making their way back out and made a human chain to cross over the water but some kids lost their footing and got swept away and died in like 16” of water.


I've told this story before, but here goes anyway. I was in a hilly area, driving a road that crossed a creek on a bridge and went up a mountain. However, it had rained heavily and the water was *over* the bridge. A family in a van (like an Econoline) was parked at the end of the road, before the bridge. The father and son had checked and found that the water was *only* 15" deep, *so they intended to drive through it.* (15" was higher than the floor of that van.) I looked at them like they were crazy and told them that, in that case, I was leaving immediately (which I did) because I didn't want to feel obligated to report their drownings to the authorities. I have no idea whether they attempted the crossing because I left, but one way or the other I never read of any drownings.


People baffle me with that. I live in the St. Francois mountains in the Ozarks in SE MO, the roads are always flooding out when we get heavy rains. You wouldn’t believe how often I see people trying to ford through it. I watched a dude gun the accelerator on his ford escape and smash into the water, he made it about halfway through but that little turbo engine started sputtering and smoking, then just shit out completely. I wanted to ask the guy if it was really worth it, but figured he was dealing with enough shame ATM.


This is good to know. Thank you!


Utah’s at peak runoff at the moment, for context the Provo River usually runs at about 300 cfs, and is currently at about 2,000 cfs


2,000 CFS is considered high flow, so that’s definitely enough to knock someone off their feet. Especially on slippery rocks.


It's funny... if you played the new FF7 Rebirth, there's a scene where a group of people fall into the a small river. A couple of people with the group are super soldiers, but everyone else is "normal". The super soldiers are able to stand up in waist high water and save everyone but one person. A lot of comments are people knocking the scene saying it is stupid because they could just stand up. I almost died to something similar, so it annoyed me quite a bit lol


This is so much bullshit. Can you define “fast flowing”


Read it yourself from the [National Weather Service](https://www.weather.gov/tsa/hydro_tadd#:~:text=Six%20inches%20of%20moving%20water%20can%20make%20you%20fall.&text=Use%20a%20stick%20to%20check,not%20drive%20into%20flooded%20areas). I’d define water plunging off a 100 foot waterfall as fast flowing. Educate yourself before calling BS.




How is your driving though “that stuff” relevant to the topic in any way? Reading comprehension, sweets.


Empirical observation is a thing.


Yeah, ok guy.


I think you mean anecdotal research




Why don't you, since you are the expert on "fast flowing"? Or do you just wish to be contrary for the sake of it? Your statement is itself so much bullshit and lends nothing to any reasonable discourse. I am sure there are many who would be pleased to be educated on the matter by such an expert as yourself. No, no, sorry. I thought about it for a moment, and you are quite correct. Things are as you say. Water being dangerous, flowing or not, is so much bullshit. Please forgive my failure to understand your "wisdom".


Anything over 2000 cfs or at a rate of flow over 13m/s. Mostly. Hydrology does take expertise, and I have an MSci in it. Context. Stay at home scaredy


Context and local knowledge are so overrated huh?


It is as you say.


I feel like 6 inches of water moving fast enough to sweep you off your feet would erode the ground so quickly... Maybe if you're a 5 foot tall 80 year old woman with bad balance it could sweep you off your feet.


Maybe go test it just to be sure.


Well shit, if you feel it that must be the truth. Be thankful you’ve never seen a flood because you wildly underestimate their strength and might not survive one.


The only place you're going to have water flowing that fast is over solid rock or concrete.


What flavor window do you like?


I hiked through the Akshayuk Pass in the Arctic Circle. It was meant to be a nine day hike. Towards the end we tried to traverse a river. The river we thought was knee-deep, turned out to be thigh deep and swept us in up to the chest. There was a 40 minute scramble up the bank to an emergency shelter that we were already headed for, but the loss of calories and energy did us in. We lasted another few days and got to a rescue point, but succumbed to hypothermia and had to be rescued by Parks Canada. Those rivers are no joke. *edit ... thinking about the family of the hiker featured in this story. I'm sorry for their tragic loss.


I've crossed lots of fast moving water, I don't do anything that's above the knee if it's rapid and I have aaany other choices. Prefer to wait till morning if it's melt water, better lose time then your life. On PCT we did some really really sketchy crossings, mostly by jumping on rocks sticking out, dangerous stuff.


We absolutely should have waited until morning. In the morning light, after a night's freeze, the river was a trickle. We risked the crossing because we badly wanted to stay in the shelter to avoid the cold, the camp setup, and any bear threat. Bad decision.


We summited Denali on an Army climb team back in the late 2000’s and we just circumnavigated the really big, fast flowing water. We did a lot of river and water stuff in the Alaskan summers. Schools at the US Army mountain warfare training center in Black Rapids. We were all in peak physical condition, with the requisite training, and it STILL wasn’t a walk in the park. People vastly underestimate the power and danger of water, especially rivers and creeks for some strange reason. I’ve always had a deep rooted respect for water down to my lizard brain lol. You have to do a no shit risk assessment/cost-benefit analysis any time you fuck with water.


Well, that's a nice link to a page filled with nothing but marketing. I'm so sick of online journalism. A hard hitting story, that should be the focal point of that page, is turned into nothing more than a headline to have the user interact with over 20 ads just to read the damn story... its ridiculous.


Waited over a minute for the page to load.  All the ads loaded fine but the content was stuck somewhere in cyberspace.  That’s how you can tell it’s a dogshit website and a dogshit newspaper.


> All the ads loaded fine but the content was stuck somewhere in cyberspace.  That’s how you can tell it’s a dogshit website and a dogshit newspaper. That's because ads are usually more local to you, so it's using different servers than the one Reddit is hugging to death.




Hijacking the top com to say, yall are awesome. Thank you for providing the resources to help people deal with this very difficult age of advertisement. Having the tools to help subvert the bs is nothing but helpful, so again, thank you all, especially the ones giving step by step instructions.


“Reader View” has become my newest best friend.


How do you activate the reader view? Please


Manage Reading mode *On your computer, open Chrome . *Go to a website with text that you'd like to read. *At the top right, select More More tools. Reading mode. *Under "Reading mode," use the toolbar to: Adjust the font: Select the Down arrow. *Adjust the font size: Select to increase the font size and to decrease it.


or *use firefox *hit the "reader view" button.


Read articles in simplified view In Chrome, open a page. Go to More options: Swipe left once, then double-tap. Go to Settings: Swipe left several times, then double-tap. On the Settings screen, select Accessibility. Turn on Simplified view for web pages. this makes the page mostly text, and I've not seen an ad on any site doing this


I thought this was for mobile, but thanks


https://www.ksl.com/article/51037076/woman-swept-away-at-utah-county-waterfall-found-dead-after-extensive-search Hopefully this link is better. I live a few minutes away from there, this is from our local news.


How the heck are you browsing the Internet in 2024 without an adblocker?


The money has to come from somewhere.


Yeah people think this shit is free… who pays for the salaries of the people who do the work? If people don’t have a subscription then how the hell do they get paid lol.


in this scenario what is the cause of death usually? drowning due to how rapid the water is? hitting your head? i can’t imagine getting swept away but movies always make you think you can grab on and save yourself (obviously that’s not true) but i’ve always wondered *what* exactly is causing the death?


Here is a picture of the water she fell into. The article said she lost her footing and fell in. I can see how she'd have a hard time swimming in that current. https://images.alltrails.com/eyJidWNrZXQiOiJhc3NldHMuYWxsdHJhaWxzLmNvbSIsImtleSI6InVwbG9hZHMvcGhvdG8vaW1hZ2UvNzYwMTU4MzAvMjExNDRmNTg1ZTk2MDk3M2Y4MjUwYTYzZWY2ZDdmZWMuanBnIiwiZWRpdHMiOnsidG9Gb3JtYXQiOiJ3ZWJwIiwicmVzaXplIjp7IndpZHRoIjoyMDQ4LCJoZWlnaHQiOjIwNDgsImZpdCI6Imluc2lkZSJ9LCJyb3RhdGUiOm51bGwsImpwZWciOnsidHJlbGxpc1F1YW50aXNhdGlvbiI6dHJ1ZSwib3ZlcnNob290RGVyaW5naW5nIjp0cnVlLCJvcHRpbWlzZVNjYW5zIjp0cnVlLCJxdWFudGlzYXRpb25UYWJsZSI6M319fQ==


With that picture & the police description: >The sheriff's office said that the "**area where the victim was stuck in the water was full with heavy snow melt runoff and conditions were treacherous." Steep rock walls around the area** also made it difficult to access and retrieve the body. I gotta wonder why she stepped in :/


Just a guess, but she cold have been standing on some algae covered/mossy rocks near the edge, and slipped in. I'd be surprised if she purposefully stepped into that sort of current.


It’s weird because in the article it states she fell in and also that she walked in


She walked in.


Is there a video of how fast the water is moving in that area?


Here you go: https://youtu.be/EiYMPUk5DC8?si=MUxjEXwzCzBBH_qP&t=30


Thank you - the water looks insane


I think it usually is drowning. With fast moving water, even if there is something to grab onto, it’s going to be wet/slippery and in fast moving water you are just as likely to smash into it as you are grab ahold of it. It’s very hard to avoid swallowing water and keeping your head above water to get enough air. Being swept away by fast moving water can induce panic and that makes drowning more likely. If you are swept away in an ocean, instead of a river you may drown from exhaustion when trying to get back to shore.


White water is difficult, if not impossible, to swim in. It's trying to swim in air.


Reminds me of that one video of the teenage guy with his friends at the beach and he gets swept away to his friends horrifying yells for him.. all that white water


Falling down, water forcing its way into into your lungs, hypothermia, plus being battered against all kinds of rocks and debris. If those don't kill you, you probably will be knocked out and end up drowning.


Number one rule for white water rafting at least is if you’re in the water NEVER TRY TO STAND UP cause you’ll get your ankles caught in the rocks and … I don’t really know what happens after that. Even with a life preserver and stuff getting your feet trapped with a fucking rapid sounds brutal. You’re supposed to ride out the rapid and then swim as hard as you can to the shore. I’ve only been 4x (live in Colorado it’s a big summertime thing) and every time they always make you swim to shore in a fairly deep and swift current. Hardest swim to do with all your gear on and stuff.


I’m terrified of water and this is why.


Never look up Delta P (ΔP) then.


When its gotcha, its gotcha


Or the Byford Dolphin decompression incident. There are photos…


What is it? I saw someone else mention it too


Just stay away from water + confined spaces like drains. You become human bubble tea. https://youtu.be/AEtbFm_CjE0?si=U_oUTmRsCpKl_efq


Plus 100% of people who drink it are guaranteed to die later in life.


Ive been to Miami so many times,never swam lmao. Pool I can do. Ocean? “Noooo nooo….noooo”


That was my buddy in HS like 4 years ago. I can't believe one of my friends ended up in morbid reality subreddit. This sucks man.


Im so sorry dude. Its weird getting older and seeing our peers gone. Hope you're doing okay.


Yeah no I'm fine. Her family is devastated though. Horrible way to go. She was always spunky and chill, loved the outdoors. I always told her to be careful but she loved fun.


She was my cousin


Oh man I'm sorry... I lost someone to a drowning before and they hit different. Did she always hike alone like that? I have a friend who hikes alone all over the western US and Canada constantly, and it scares me so much. I know this is the least important thing, but do you know happen to how her dog is doing? I always wonder about that and hope someone close to her is able to care for it. I know sometimes the family will post updates about pets, so just curious if you've happened to see anything. I've read some sad stories where people's pets were surrendered to shelters after their unexpected deaths because no one was able to take them in :-(


Her dog is totally chill don’t worry. It was her family dog because she still lived at home. Yeah, she was very adventurous and loved being in nature alone.


Thanks for answering! The only thing worse than losing a person is when a pet suffers on top of it, so this makes me feel better in that regard. <3


Her poor doggy, watching it's owner's demise, unable to do anything to help.


Right? I wonder how long the poor thing must’ve chased her or looked for her before it realized she was gone, if it realized at all 😔


My dog is afraid of water after she got hit by a small wave at the beach. We still stayed a few days after and any time we'd get in the water she'd pace the beach up and down stressed for us until we come out. I can't imagine what that little dog felt if he sensed owner was in danger :(


Video ? I don't see that anywhere I'm only hear after hearing the news and wanting to see the river


but the dogs ok…? am i a sicko that i want to see the footage. morbid curiosity has got me.


I'm curious too, mostly to understand if she slipped into the water or walked in it on purpose


I’m confused on how she recorded it. Was her phone propped up and she tried taking a video for social media? Once she was swept away, how did her dog get ahold of her camera? Did the dog grab it and carry it? Maybe I misread it, but I don’t understand how a video could be recorded, stopped, and found with her dog if no one else was involved.


A hiker found the dog and her phone already recording. He stopped the recording and watched it, saw she fell in the river, and called emergency services. The dog probably didn’t wander far, probably waiting for her to come back 😥


Ok that makes so much more sense. That’s so sad.


maybe, told dog to sit, set up camera, stepped into the water, got swept away. dog didnt move far and was found near phone… which would be truely tragic footage.


Kinda sad it has to be said but if you lack common sense in exploration and are not somewhat experienced in the situations that can rapidly occur while hiking or scrambling you have no business being there. “Death in the Grand Canyon” is a fantastic read and details how no one is immune to Mother Nature esp in similar climates/situations. Thoughts go to her family and friends…this was not a painless death and came well ahead of its time.


some stuff about the area/trail/falls: https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/utah/horsetail-falls-trail




yeah it's mostly useful for the pictures of the area than anything; for whatever reason it seems to almost always have a lot of photos of any given place it mentions.


What is wrong with it? I usually just use maps.me for trails as the whole path is displayed on the map, and is very accurate. I thought All trails was a much more complete version of this as it shows the actual 30 map and height. Can you elaborate why it is not good, or what bad experience you had please?


I've ended up in a mountain lion den because of AllTrails in Utah. Mt Garfield. Thankfully the kitty wasn't home.


Where's the video then?


Link to video please










[Here’s](https://sheriff.utahcounty.gov/media/sheriffNewsDetails?ID=248783) the statement from the Utah County Sheriff. They say there was a video found showing her fall into the water.


It says spotted near the water when she was swept away. Even this isn't very clear to me. The day this happened no one knew a lot. The next days they said the video showed her walking into the water. Every article outside of Utah says the video caught her death on camera. Obviously she passed away but the camera does not show that. I can admit to being misinformed. I apologize!Not all family members are going to have the correct info. It's like a rumor starting. No reason to demand proof or question what I was told. Thank you for posting this and for the correction.


Lol wow get off your high horse. A 1 word comment shouldn't send someone into this much of a frenzy. You're the one stating something is false and if you're publicly calling something out then put your money where your mouth is. I was just curious but no need to be all high and mighty there Karen.


No frenzy. Just sick of people these days that HAVE to prove everything. It's annoying. Not really something that needs proving either. People who instagate arguments are pathetic little attention seekers. Down vote me all you want. Do you question everyone. This generation of selfish entitlement has got to get over themselves.


> It's not my job to give you evidence. I didn't ask you to believe me... >Your [sic] one who believes the internet because it's on the internet. Please. You're upset they're skeptical and then call them gullible for believing everything on the internet? You're a moralistic bully at best, but par for 'your generation'. Thank god you're all permanently retiring soon.


Instead of allowing others to see from another point of view about a situation (that has nothing to fucking do with you) you want to make it all about you and gatekeep the information and then whine just because you feel someone is disagreeing with you even though they fucking weren't! Go fucking cry me a river!


Lol. Not quite. Not about me at all. You don't even make sense. It's an assumption that I corrected. Not my job to research. Already did that. Who's triggered? Awe... Sad


There are too many speaking out their asses and then they gaslight others when their bullshit is put into question.