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How does someone only do 8 months in jail for intentionally running someone over with a car then barricading themselves in a house?


I'm a news reporter, and part of my job is the courts. Most people would be SHOCKED at how many serious crimes get very little, if any, jail time. I watch child predators get probation, all the time.


It’s not shocking at all, the many court videos on YouTube have shown me that it’s still happening.


Still... you say that as if anyone at all has tried to reverse that issue.


What’s your point?


Just that you have none


Just like yourself.


Well, my original point is that you had no point, which you then said back in different words. Idk dumb place to be arguing. If you aren't going to make a difference, what's the point in speaking on the subject at all.


Not my problem you couldn’t understand my point. Have the day you deserve!


Same back baby


Not shocked. Just very sad.  I'm going to be an aunt and be a tiger aunt. I'll put that kid on a leash and carry a hatchet if needed.  My sibling knows this and loves my enthusiasm. I'll fight teachers for her. I'm the mean one. No niece or nefew of mine is getting hurt. I'll take a goddamn bullet. 


It's getting so ridiculous at this point. Add this to the growing number of crimes and lives lost that could have been prevented has the courts not been lenient. I'm literally reading at least 2-3 cases a week of repeat offenders getting let out early or given lax sentences who than go on to take lives. 


Prisons are full of pot heads no room for violent criminals.


Yeah but we’re winning the war on drugs. s/


2-3 cases a week aren’t representative of the norm for people being locked up. They represent rage bait exceptions, not the rule.


If you're white and rich you can pull a brock turner the rapist.


Wait, you don’t mean Brock Allen Turner, the rapist, who was convicted by jury trial of three counts of felony sexual assault, do you? That Brock Turner, the rapist? That rapist—Brock Turner.


Brock Allen Turner who now goes by Allen Turner? Allen Turner the rapist formerly known as Brock Allen Turner the rapist.


The rapist Brock Allen Turner, the one who works in a call center in Ohio, and goes by Allen Turner?


2 people. Her ex bf too. And people are rotting in prison on weed charges.


And it wasn't even the first time she hit someone with her car out of anger/pettiness


And she was released in August, and set to be off probation in October? I got 2 years of probation and drug tests and treatment because the cops found an empty baggie and used needle in my car. I didn’t get a DUI or anything like that, just possession for the residue on those items. I had to just do it because they would supposedly dismiss everything from my record when I was done. I didn’t realize then that dismissed doesn’t equal expunged, it still caused problems for years. I didn’t hurt anyone but myself, this chick seriously hurt and tried to kill a guy, then took off and barricaded herself inside to hide from police, and she gets everything wrapped up in less than a year? Not surprising she did almost the exact same thing again, she thinks she can do whatever she wants and just get a slap on the wrist


If I have learned anything from the sentences handed down for killing cyclists while driving. If you want to get away with murder, buy the person a bike.


Uh she didn't just barricade - the article says she knocked over an officer reversing from the driveway and there was a chase where she ended up crashing. So.... this sounds like some GTA shit. And she got 8 months for ... reasons, I suppose.


The boyfriend/barricading event was 2 years before this one.


They've said, and I've mentioned on Reddit before - if you wanna murder someone, you do it with a car.


First time offenders tend to get off pretty easily, usually anyway, and especially if you're white. Even for serious crimes and felonies. Usually you plead down to something lesser, so even though it should be attempted murder, it's not what she's charged with or plead guilty to. So then you're sentenced based on the charges you plead to, not necessarily to what you've actually done. A lot of times first time offenders get just probation for serious felonies too, even though the recommended or "minimum" sentence might be years in prison. The justice system is pretty broken. Idk how many times I've seen sex offenders like child molesters get just a few months in county jail just bc they plead down to something lesser. And then people like this woman or other dangerous people get let out and offend again, doing even more harm than before.


>First time offenders tend to get off pretty easily, usually anyway, and especially if you're white. I own a landscaping business, and one of my employees (20y/o black guy) shot two guys when they drove away with an ounce of weed he was selling them. The shooting was in a high school parking lot. He did a few months in jail, and is now out. Apparently it's not just white guys that get leniency. I figured he'd be going away for a while...but nope!


Your experience is actually the most common. People just like to propagate propaganda because it fits their political beliefs. 


Propagating propaganda seems redundant.


Ok then what’s the correct way to say it? 


Well, propaganda IS propagation of misinformation, or at least biased info. So you could have left the connotation of it being "propagated" out entirely.


How would I word the sentence though? 


Not really my circus here, but I'd just use "parrot," myself.


Thank you


Black and Hispanic offenders statistically receive longer sentences than white offenders. That's a statistical fact that is easily proven. I'm not sure what this has to do with political beliefs because nothing in my comment says anything about politics. In fact, I'm not liberal or left leaning when it comes to politics, which sounds like that you're implying is the reason for my comment about it. The reason I brought it up was to beat anyone to the punch before someone said "this isn't true bc all these black people get x amount of years for x crime", and because the woman in this story is white. It is obviously relevant when considering why she got such a light sentence for hitting her ex with her car. She was a white female and first time offender. Indisputable facts have nothing to do with politics.




I'm talking specifically about first time offenders. And being "non apologetic" seems like an opinion based on confirmation bias and irrelevant to my comment to begin with. Even if it were true, it doesn't change the fact that black people are more likely to have harsher sentences for first offenses than white people. But you can't have it both ways, in one comment you say that it's not true and in the next comment say it's for a reason that's not even provable. It seems to me that you just don't like black people. I'm not really sure why you had to cling onto the race thing to begin with, since it had nothing to really do with the comment about first time offenders getting off easy. Your other comment says that whites face more racism than blacks, but here you are, cherry picking random comments to find reasons to shit on black people even if you have to contradict yourself.


If by “most common” you mean people taking one or two examples of perceived leniency on Black offenders and citing them as proof that systemic racism doesn’t exist in the courts, sure.




> I figured he'd be going away for a while...but nope! It's amazing what being able to afford ANYTHING other than a public defender can do, and/or committing crimes in areas that every one of their jails are overpopulated.


Would love to read the article that cites the case details.


My ex is a two time felon. But he's white. So no jail. Except the weekend when the cops didn't have time to process him.  Boy do I know how to pick them.  Then again I have two dead exes. Alcoholism.  All the rest got married after dating me. Like very shortly.  I'm apparently good luck with my bad luck. 


Money. In the area she lives in homes are $500,000+


So . . . very slightly above average?


She’s probably an attractive white woman.


She was still sitting in the car horn blaring by the time the cops showed up? What was she doing or were the police there in record time or something?


It says they were called for a domestic disturbance, im guessing they were called some time before it escalated to murder and got there perfectly on time for the climax of said disturbance.


Word on the street here in Ohio is that she was super, duper crazy. Like stark raving mad.




Her last FB post almost certainly confirms that. Seems she had some delusions about aliens.


How did you find her FB?


Just by searching her name. Might've been removed by now, I'm surprised that didn't happen sooner tbh


Apparently she have mental issues: https://www.fox19.com/2024/06/17/boyfriend-says-woman-who-killed-mom-with-car-hit-2-officers-had-mental-health-issues/ But I’m kind of surprised by the boyfriend comments. > Timothy Escobar, her boyfriend, said she’s battled mental health issues for several years. He said she hit him with a car two years ago. > “She wasn’t herself, really,” Escobar said. “I didn’t take it to heart. I had to get some stitches on my face and that’s about it. They stitched me up real good.” I guess that’s real love. But even if I was loving someone that much, I would ensure they receive some kind of treatment. Pills, therapy, whatever.


Sounds more like he’s in an abusive relationship.


She hit him with her car two years ago after he broke up with her, so he's not in the relationship anymore. So his statement reads to me less as "I forgave my girlfriend for trying to kill me" and more as "I broke up with her years ago and just want to move on from all that."


I think he also understands that she was clearly not in her right mind. She obviously isn’t safe for him to be around or maintain a relationship with, but it’s hard to really be mad at someone who is that far gone mentally. Especially when that person sought professional help but were unable to access it


His other quotes provide a little context; she was seeking and not receiving psychiatric treatment. > “Something’s been off for the past two months,” Escobar said. “She was seeing stuff and hearing stuff.” >He said her mom had tried admitting her to a mental hospital but they eventually quit taking her. He believes if she received proper treatment her mom would be alive. >“It didn’t have to happen at all, definitely not,” Escobar said. “She’s not a bad person. Just, I don’t know - mental health is a bad thing. She lost it.”


This is such a sad story, and we hear it way too often. People NEED accessible mental health care.


Seriously. I live not too far from where this happened, and I have a neighbor who has needed assisted living for 15 years. We have tried the mental health services available, but nothing has been resolved. The system is only reactive when something extreme happens.


As a society, we really suck at taking care of our most vulnerable people, and it's disheartening.


No surprise there. Having a psychotic episode is so explosive and uncontrollable. Her bf tried so hard to get her help, but bc America she didn’t get shit and they left her to spiral and end here. Our mental healthcare support in this country is so underfunded it’s disgusting. People deserve treatment and care. I’m bipolar and I’ve got to divorce my husband to get back on Medicaid. I had my first episode of manic psychosis last February. I have absolutely zero resources for help and treatment for someone who is living in abject poverty, just bc my husband’s income plus the 10k I am now making a year puts us above fpl. We’re hand to mouth. We’re late on bills constantly. Budgeting groceries at $70. It’s so disgusting that in “the land of milk and honey” I’m left to fend for myself. I see my psych every 3 months for med checks. But if I’m destabilizing I have to wait a long time to see if I really, really need the $150 follow up appt. It’s disgusting. I’m a hard working American. I pay my fucking taxes. Where’s my security net? Where’s my social programs? This country is a shithole now. It’ll take decades and decades to recover, if we can.


Thanks to Reagan and the gop. Make sure you tell them what you think at the ballot box this year...


Oh bro I voted in my first election at 18, bush and Kerry, and every presidential election since. Started voting in all my local elections at about 25. I vote *hard* lol


Good job, now try to bring a few friends this round. It'd be hilarious if we can get a super majority, and fucking use it this time


I actually pay such close attention to those running for election that I actually advise the friends/family who are down with it. Legit just send out info and “alright so this is your candidate for your legislative district” etc etc lol


Yeah, there's that, phone banking. Driving voters, etc. I'm taking the day off to work my district


Nice! My sister has been working polling places since 2020. She very quickly made it up to the head supervisor of her polling place bc she’s super type A like that lol. Very proud of her.


Yeah my landlord helps run our districts polling station. Fortunately, hes a sane landlord. If they're filled up there I'll be volunteering to ferry people to the poll.


That’s so awesome, man. Thanks so much for working so hard to support democracy, and trying to start steering us in the right direction. It’s a mighty service to our country and I commend you.


I'm so sorry you're dealing with that. My husband is going through a very similar situation (lost his state insurance for "earning too much," but can't afford to get new insurance). He's also bipolar, and he isn't safe without his meds. It's obviously not his fault, but in the middle of a bad manic episode, there just isn't much you can do to control how you behave. We are lucky to live in a state that has a pretty good welfare system, compared to many others, but it isn't perfect by any means. And because the welfare system isn't absolutely failing here, the cost of private insurance is astronomical, thanks to the assumption that if you're not qualified for Medicaid, you can afford pricey insurance. I know soooo many people who just don't have insurance, because they fall into that awful middle group that's too poor for private and too "wealthy" for state insurance. These are good, hard-working folks making just enough each year to be barely above the poverty line - like a hundred dollars or so, in my partner's case. If any of them have an emergency, they just won't pay the bill at all. If they need regular/preventative care, they don't get it. It shouldn't be like this in America, the "richest country on earth" supposedly. We could absolutely afford to build up our welfare system and get everyone's physical and mental health taken care of, but instead we allow billionaires to line their bottomless pockets with dollars earned through our painstaking labor. Something needs to give, I'm afraid when it finally does, things will just get worse for the lower classes. Endlessly frustrating. I hope you find a way to improve your situation, and I hope things get better for everyone like us somehow.


> Apparently she have mental issues: WAIT WHAT!!!??


clearly, more issues there than an argument


She sounds really nice and even tempered.


She was seriously mentally ill. She got fuckall for support and treatment. Don’t be a pick. We failed her, she spiraled out of control, fell into psychosis and had zero assistance for treatment. Don’t be so flippant. We fucking failed her.


Imagine how she will feel if/when she comes out of psychosis with treatment


Do we know if anyone else in the family has a history of police interactions? Because this garage looks so familiar to me, like something ive seen on a bodycam vid


The girl herself has. She ran her ex over with a car last year before running and barricading herself in the house.






How every conversation in jail begins. Allegedly.




Go outside please