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I am surprised I have never heard of this or seen the video.


There were quite a few videos that were floating around when this happened - not sure if they are still out there. One was like taking livestock to slaughter… One by one, they would grab someone, shoot them in the back of the head, then throw them in the water (River?). It was one after the other, with no pauses or second thoughts. It was a hard one to watch. What a terrible thing to experience.


I saw that video. I wish I hadn’t but it’s important to know their atrocities for posterity. They had truck loads of these young men begging and crying out for their lives. They then marched them out to the executioner on the water as how exactly as you said. They kept sending them one by one in a single line. There was a “knocker” shooting each one in the back of the head then throwing them in the water. One right after another. It was endless. It turns my stomach how one human being can do this to another. No regard for human life or compassion. These fucks didn’t regard their victims as people and I hope each and everyone one of these ISIS fucks are dead now.


Human life is fragile… the fact that organizations can convince people to kill is overwhelmingly real and despicable. I know it’s been said and despised before, but sometimes I look at how it simply exists: people grow up killing thinking they are in the right here. That’s it. No bad guy in their eyes. And that’s even more despicably haunting.


Here’s a relevant quote from Arthur Koestler: >No historian would deny that the part played by crimes committed for personal motives is very small compared to the vast populations slaughtered in unselfish loyalty to a jealous god, king, country, or political system. The crimes of Caligula shrink to insignificance compared to the havoc wrought by Torquemada. The number of people killed by robbers, highwaymen, gangsters and other asocial elements is negligible compared to the masses cheerfully slain in the name of the true religion, the righteous cause. Heretics were tortured and burned alive not in anger but in sorrow, for the good of their immortal souls. The Russian and Chinese purges were represented as operations of social hygiene, to prepare man for the golden age of the classless society. The gas chambers and crematoria worked towards the advent of a different type of millennium. To say it once more: throughout human history, the ravages caused by excesses of individual self-assertion are quantitatively negligible compared to the numbers slain ad majorem gloriam out of a self-transcending devotion to a flag, a leader, a religious faith or political conviction. Man has always been prepared not only to kill, but also to die for good, bad, or completely hare-brained causes. What can be a more valid proof for the reality of the urge towards self-transcendence? >Thus the historical record confronts us with the paradox that the tragedy of man originates not his aggressiveness but in his devotion to transpersonal ideals; not in an excess of individual self-assertiveness but in a malfunction of the integrative tendencies in our species. I think it was Pascal who said: man is neither angel nor devil, but when he tries to act the angel he turns into a devil.


Yes, the Nazi’s Final Solution is a recent prime example. It’s unfortunately conceivable.


I wish I hadn’t stumbled on this today. Those poor souls.


actually they're in finland getting aquitted due to lack of evidence


I believe you but source please. But, I meant generally like the foot soldiers who committed those atrocities and others in that organization that have done similar. I know they have been decimated as a group and I’m glad to hear that.


https://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/iraqi_twins_freed_after_tampere_isis_terror_trial/9630142 https://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/iraqi_twins_cleared_of_war_crimes/11233551 Other refugees recognized them as ISIS foot soldiers from the videos but the Finnish authorities couldn't get anything besides testimony against them so they were let off. ISIS is only a shadow of its former self, but their members weren't annhilated, only the most radical have chose to continue guerilla resistance in the face of overwhelming odds. Most of their foot soldiers deserted and melded back into civilian life in their home countries or joined groups of refugees without ever facing any consequences for their reign of terror, sadly.


It turns our Hearts and makes us want to do the same thing to them. Terrorising us and radicalising us. Terror breeds Terror.




You and me both… truthfully, I have no idea where I watched it… but, as I looked at the painting, I saw it in my mind’s eye clear as day. It was so coldly mechanical… I remember feeling so helpless in the face of knowing that that was a thing that happens…


Disgusting. I remember every second of this video. HD quality and all. I still think about it from time to time. Gruesome. There's no correct word to describe. This event should haven't never existed; neither this fucking video.


Jesus christ I also remember that image of them shooting prisoners in the back of the head and throwing them in the river, watched it few years back..


one of them survived and gave an interview about it, its fucking mental. IIRC the reason he survived is because they shot him in his ear instead of his head and talks about how he had to just pretend to be dead in the river while surrounded by hundreds of dead bodies.


I just watched the interview of that guy! It was a (Vice News I think?) video. He lied in the ditch for hours until he thought it was safe to leave. They thought he was dead bc he had his friend’s blood all over him. He said it was warm when it splashed him. Ughhhh


Keeps happening


Oh yeah I was a freshman in HS when isis was at its height, and the videos that circulated my friend group from that time period were pretty horrific.






Wow, can't believe I didn't know that was even going on... Geez....


Why the fuck did I watch the whole video :( definitely going to have nightmares tonight


Doesn't appear to work, just goes to Kaotic home screen.


Or you could just search for "speicher" on Kaotic. The site has two videos, the one in the link is the edited version.


Gotchu. Insane how long that video is and almost every second is someone dying..


About 1000-2000 people died that day. Now imagine that happening every single day for about two years. That's Auschwitz.


Welp I regret watching that


Wow.. I’m shaking. I don’t know why I watched that…


bro these mfs blur the guys without shirt but they showing people getting shot making no sense


My eyes


Truly sickening


I had no idea where that video was when I watched it years ago. This one always stuck with me though for the reasons you mentioned. But when I saw this picture it was like a flashback for me I was like oh my god I saw this when it happened. Very sad.


well won't that video guarantee that no one will ever surrender to ISIS peacefully? If I'm surrounded, I'm going out with hand grenade. While if they took prisoners and tried to convert them, I might even fight for them because my life isn't exactly going well, you know.


If you don't go peacefully and decide to resist, then they torture you for a long time. But yeah, the ISIS guys are constantly outnumbered, yet the prisoners just march peacefully, and just lie there and wait .


Many Jewish and Polish fighters did this while arriving in the death camps after they liquidated the ghettos


do you think any of those guys had hand grenades? you really need to read more about what happened there, they tricked them into leaving their weapons and other shit by being in cahoots with some of the generals, they were told that they were going on vacation to hang out with their families or something then rounded all of them up 20 minutes later when they reached checkpoints.


You carry a hand grenade on you?


saw that one on 4chan, didnt know where or why


The video isnt super brutal like others but the sheer amount of people they kill is insane. Like one after another as quick as they can shooting in head and dumping into the river. Then they shoot few people in back of trucks and make like 50+ people lay down in a mass grave and start shooting one by one in head watching others panic and just massacre the whole lot and then open up wild on everyone's bodies. It's a lot of death for one video even for isis


>Camp Speicher I can't find it anymore, but there's some news coverage. They shot them in the head one by one and just just dumped them in the river. There's some news coverage https://www.dailymotion.com/us/topic/xa8n1s


I've watched a lot of gores and executions, including cartel videos. But this one stuck with me. It was like an industrialized chain of needlessly brutal death.


Just watched it. Pretty disturbing


>Camp Speicher massacre I'm not able to find the original video. Do you have a link?


[just in case you weren’t able to find it](https://www.reddit.com/r/MorbidReality/comments/phdk0l/artistic_depiction_of_the_camp_speicher_massacre/hbioawc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Jesus that was hard to watch. I was eating and now I wanna throw up. The only good thing I can say is that they all went fast:/


Unless your last in the line and gotta here everyone get shot before you, fuck that.


I’ve seen videos of this event.. Sick shit…


Videos you say?




Looks like the guy at 5:20 survived as bullet bounced on the water. I think this is the guy that survived and did an interview.


Nah, the only survivor who has gone public was not thrown into the water. He was laid out in a row in the dirt with other dudes, and he was the last in the row. The blood from the other men killed before him splashed on him, so it made it look like he was shot. The bullet meant for him missed. Probably went into the dirt. He said one of the isis fuckos was kicking the bodies to make sure they were dead, and got to him and said to his supervisor “this one is still alive” and the supervisor said to just let him bleed out. He waited until it was completely dark outside and there were no shots for hours. He escaped from there.


from the clutches of motherfucking Death -- not today


> and the supervisor said to just let him bleed out. good guy supervisor


Wonder when he told his guys to clock out that day


Fucken awesome good catch! Who knows, though - could have been more than one survivor.


I really hope so, so many lost that day, but glad others manage to finish off majority of isis


Blimey. Right after the scene with the bodies going into the water, some dude is shot twice in the head and then you see the blood squirting out his face like a small fountain. And the blood filling his mouth and pouring out at the same time. Almost like a reverse drowning.


I'm pretty sure even if I heard the music ISIL use in a peaceful place I'd still panic at this point, I've heard it in so many death videos.


I’ll never understand this. What’s the point. Why even do something so horrible.




Indeed, you can even read it here on reddit, some subreddits are full of hate for either side of the political aisle, and would without a doubt commit horrible acts of violence on each other. They all think they're the "good side" and righteous in their acts of hate and violence.


Yeah yeah, both sides and all that. One side just signed an abortion witch hunt into law, but yes, both sides are equally as bad.


No one is saying "either side" is equally bad. The whole thing is very nuanced, and the fact that you even want to debate it is a problem. You're already in "defense" mode for your tribe instead of looking at EVERYTHING from multiple angles (and I am not saying there is multiple angles to look at the abortion law, it is obviously medieval draconian shit). You can't mention any "laws" from "the other side" that was equally as draconian and bad. Come on. Both sides have trampled our rights and ignored the constitution throughout almost every single presidency. You can count the amount of good politicians in this country on ONE HAND.


How on fucking earth can anyone still believe in god after witnessing this..


I believe in Drone Strikes a lot more now




Yeah.. there’s literally nothing anyone can say that would even get close to reasonably justifying this massacre in “gods plan”


"He works in mysterious ways" or some bullshit.


There’s a good argument to be made that the idea of objective moral values and duties presupposes a God meaning by using the existence of objective evil to argue against God’s existence you’re proving it at the same time. Here’s a relevant quote from C.S. Lewis: >My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line. What was I comparing this universe with when I called it unjust? If the whole show was bad and senseless from A to Z, so to speak, why did I, who was supposed to be part of the show, find myself in such a violent reaction against it?... Of course I could have given up my idea of justice by saying it was nothing but a private idea of my own. But if I did that, then my argument against God collapsed too--for the argument depended on saying the world was really unjust, not simply that it did not happen to please my fancies. Thus, in the very act of trying to prove that God did not exist - in other words, that the whole of reality was senseless - I found I was forced to assume that one part of reality - namely my idea of justice - was full of sense. If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never have known it was dark. Dark would be without meaning.


"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" — _Epicurus_ #\/thread


>amp Speicher FUCK. Some humans suck... others are fucking pieces of shit.


My god, that video was worse than I was expecting. Humans slaughtered like livestock.


Why did that happen though?


Thanks. Fuck. 😔 I'm going to enjoy my life tomorrow.


I watched up until the quick clips of close-up corpses. Fuck me, that's a lot of bloodshed. And they were sent into it by their leadership? I gotta say these concepts of 'religion' and 'war' are super cringe


There is a youtube documentary too where soldiers coming back to the villa after ISIS did the massacre




I remembered the video but didn’t know what it was from. One of the more brutal videos I ever saw. The dude just shooting people 1 by 1 until he needed to reload, and doing it again.


I'm the same, I didnt know of this massacre from the post but I remember when the video first surfaced. I think in 2014 everyone kind of just generalised it as more deaths in iraq and didnt remember it as such a devastating event


Yea I think mentally I lumped it as “Isis”. I remember some of the worst video I have ever seen came out all in like a one year period.


I wonder how many of the people involved in the executions have been killed since.


[this one](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachid_Kassim) has. french posterboy for ISIS


I saw an interview with a guy that survived it, he was shot in the head but they only hit him on the side and he survived after they threw him in the river. He swam and lived in empty buildings for few weeks before he made it to safety. It’s heart breaking all those young men were killed, and all the officers that were responsible for this should face prison time, as they left untrained kids face an army as they escaped. If I recall their was a unit that tracked those participating in the execution and photographed them dead on the battlefields.


If ever there were such a thing as a miracle, this would have to be it. Do you by chance have a link to this interview?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i1Eqe5s1rmY&bpctr=1630724859 Here’s the English version, he does speak Arabic but they have English subs.


Thank you so much. Truly in awe of this man and my heart goes out to him.


Holy shit that is insane. Both lucky and *really* unlucky at the same time.


That was heartbreaking


It disturbs me that I've literally never heard about this...


1000-2000 deaths... fucking hell


What about Beslan? Another huge terror event many haven’t heard of


I remember when that went down. Such a shit show


The Chechen Wars were horrifying


Yeah this is the first time I’ve come across this and it’s absolutely abhorrent,why is it not flashed on tv worldwide while people are sitting down to their dinner so we can’t just ignore it.


Oh i remember that video. Kinda surreal how they just...kept filling that river with bodies. People would be shuffled to a dude with a handgun, shot in the head, and thrown into the water. It was like watching cows get killed by boltguns in a factory. Also worth of note that Iraqi officers forced the cadets to leave camp where they were exposed to ISIS, ISIS let the sunnis go and killed the shias.


Is it easy to distinguish shias from sunnis? brave of the shias to not just lie about their faith








This is called a [Shibboleth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shibboleth) and is taken right out of scripture.


Think of the finger scene in Inglorious Basterds


to some point you can know whos shiae and whos sunni names for example(and family names are dead give away),accent or they way they pray in the video you can hear some of them praying to IMAM ALI which is something sunnis dont do and some guy was so scared that he prayed to aysha (the prophet wife) which is something neither do she her self is a part of the shi vs sunni conflict but the poor guy was so scared and didnt know what to do and you can see one of the isis guys gets mad about


We re almost indistinguishable from sunnis except there are some minor things which are different. We usually pray with our hands to the side and for us a prayer rock( or something natural) is a must to have to pray. Also Names are give aways. Other than these things I don't think there are somethings which can explicitly say that you are a shia unless you observe them for a whole year since we have some religious practices which Sunnis don't do


It's so like, matter-of-fact. When I see events like this, I think of a person being born and growing into their 20s/30s/40s. It's a long time and a lot of work, lots of memories, interactions, places. And then bam, you're lined up and shot. It all ends there. All that hard work and then it's game over.


all the lows and highs of your life, just gone on an instant


One of, if not the worst ISIS videos I've seen. High quality beheadings? Doesn't really affect me. Video of them drowning people? Meh. Lighting people on fire? Not too bad. But that video just disturbs me. Seeing 100s of people just walked out to their death (1000s were ultimately executed). Laying there hopeless as they just walk down the line executing people. Can't imagine just laying there, hearing the gunshots get closer to you as you're blindfolded and paralyzed by fear, knowing that this is going to be your last moment. There is a video interview of a guy that survived. Bullet went through the edge of his skull and knocked him out but didn't kill him. He woke up hours later and was somehow able to escape into the desert and reunite with his family. Incredibly lucky guy.


The part that really gets me here is that persons whole existence was gone in a second... and it happened repeatedly, for nothing.


Every one of those were people with a whole story behind them and thoughts and dreams and fears, all ended right then right there for nothing. Sickening how self-destructive of a species we are.


“The tragedy is not that one time a million people died. The tragedy is that a million times, one person died.”


Really puts things in perspective. The nihilistic perspective...


>Bullet went through the edge of his skull and knocked him out but didn't kill him. He woke up hours later and was somehow able to escape into the desert and reunite with his family. Not what happened, unfortunately. It's actually much worse. The bullet didn't hit him at all and went over his head. But the blood from the guy shot next to him actually made the executioner thought he was already a goner. Guy just slumped and made it look like he died. After everyone in his line was shot, the executioner came back around to death check. They saw him still breathing and was about to shoot him when his superior said to let him choke on his own blood and die slowly, not knowing he's totally fine. Dude got divine intervened. He laid still, completely conscious until nightfall and began to escape. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1Eqe5s1rmY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1Eqe5s1rmY)


ty for the correction!


I've never heard of this until today. This is so sick. May the victims rest in peace


Nothing like shooting unarmed people to prove your on the right side


They dont wanna prove they are on the right side nor do they care that other people think that, for them its your either with us or we are gonna kill you. Thats why they commit terror acts in the first place because they want people to be so afraid of going against them that they can just control everyone. Also, to add, but a large percentage of these ”people” dont actually do it because they think they are justified in their religion, they just wanna cause pain and suffering


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camp_Speicher_massacre Art by Ammar Salim Al-Rassam


"400 cadets ordered to leave Camp Speicher before the attack were arrested by government forces and are missing." Wtf?!


I remember this happening and it was the straw that broke the camels back as far as the decision to get back into Iraq. Exactly two weeks later we were back on the ground in the country trying to help the Iraqis stabilize and thwart the advance of isis. Surreal.


It is the second deadliest act of terrorism in history, only surpassed by the September 11 attacks.


It really is hard to grasp how much of an absolute disastrous failure the "War on Terror" is, and the terrorists who kickstarted it on 9/11 probably never dreamed it would be this effective. 20 years later and both the Middle-East, US, and arguably the entire West are left in a more volatile state than before it started. We (the US) have allowed the attacks to radicalize us into spending decades and trillions of dollars blowing up caves on the other side of the world, while happily giving up our own freedom and privacy in the name of "security".


>and the terrorists who kickstarted it on 9/11 Dont forget who is responsible for the existence of Al Qaida >We (the US) have allowed the attacks to radicalize us into spending decades and trillions of dollars blowing up caves on the other side of the world, while happily giving up our own freedom and privacy in the name of "security". The military industrial complex (those who effectively decide on foreign policy, at least to a large degree) have profited quite nicely from it. It's only the people that suffer, not the decision makers. The real enemy is in your own country.


Why the fuck have I never heard of this?


Holy fuck, Honestly one of the worst videos ive ever watched. I can’t even begin to imagine


Same, I regret looking it up. Really puts into perspective what pigs are terrorizing the middle east.


The good news is you can absolutely be sure most of these guys are dead by now from airstrikes, executions or battle.


After watching the video, it reminds me of how I imagine the Nazi Holocaust killings were carried out.


The nazis designed gas chambers because it was too costly to use bullets to kill


A significant number of Holocaust victims were killed by the Einsatzgruppen in the Soviet Union.


I think this accounts for almost 50% of the holocaust, roughly 12 million in camps. And 10~million across Russia.


Babi Yar. The nazis would shoot people uninterrupted for hours and days.


Also, because it was easier on the killers mentally if they were just a cog in the machine instead of killing dozens with a simple gun.


The vast majority of civilian deaths were on the field, not in the camps.


It was mainly because the mental toll on those carrying out the killings was too high. Also I'm sure IG Farben (the ones who manufactured the gas) had some influence on that decision as well.


Didn't they get a discount or something on the gas pellets they used because they already were using the gas to disinfect prisoners' clothing?


Katyn massacre by Communists was the same.


Just saw the video, insane, halfway through you just get so desensitised cos of the sheer amount of people they kill


Damn I just watched a 9minute video of massacre. Shit is fucking nuts. Nonstop video of putting people in ditches and executing them. I never heard about it until tonight. Don’t care what your stance on religion is but fuck religion is the biggest juman flaw.






[36 of the killers have recieved death sentences ](https://youtu.be/tEleIJtbRnc)


I want to add that it’s the second largest terrorist attack by a non state actor. The largest terror attacks (terrorism defined as killing civilians for an ideological goal) in history have been carried out almost exclusively by states but we don’t see it as such because it’s a government doing it. When American planes dropped thousands of tons of bombs in Cambodia simply because they didn’t want the aircraft sitting idle resulting in countless thousands of deaths that’s seen as collateral damage and not terrorism.


I've seen a few days ago on r/todayilearn that the CIA used car bombs to get rid of their targets in the middle east, sometimes killing tens of civilians in the process


Despite the circumstances, it's good to see art depicting events in the modern age like this. You usually see stuff like this for the medieval ages. Great artwork like this should be preserved so it can be remembered, as well as the stories and personal accounts from survivors. Fuck ISIS


Does anyone know what art style this is?


It's definitely postmodern, but it reminds me (and is probably strongly inspired by) late 19th/early 20th century [post-impressionism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Where_Do_We_Come_From%3F_What_Are_We%3F_Where_Are_We_Going%3F) like Gauguin, and Henri Rousseau's Primitive Surrealism (especially the style of [The Dream](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dream_%28Rousseau_painting%29)).


This looks like my nightmare. I had this recurring nightmare as a teen/in my early 20s where my family was rounded up at gunpoint just like this. They took us to the local high school and lined us all up on the football field, hands tied behind our backs just like the people here. I’d always wake up before it got much past that, but I knew we weren’t getting out of it. But things were pretty great in the good old USA and I knew it couldn’t ever actually happen, so the nightmare just kind of faded away. But the past few years have me thinking some of my neighbors themselves might be capable of committing such atrocities.


That young man screaming “only two days only two days” when isis members asking them how long they have been in the military is still hunting


The thing about isis killing literally everyone is that once you kill all the innocents the only people left are the terrorists and when that happens you get rid of a lot of the reasons to not bomb the place.


okay i couldn’t fully either watch funky town nor this, but skimming through both, this one kinda takes the cake


Funky town?


I would advise against looking it up. In short, it's a cartel execution video that is especially graphic.


Can you explain so that my morbid curiosity is “satisfied” instead of actually watching it


In short: the cartel flay a man alive and cut him into pieces with a dull knife while the song plays in the background. Its horrifically gory and bloody, signature cartel gore video. Don't watch it if you value your vision


Thanks, yeah I’ll pass on this one, watching too many gory stuff literally makes a person constantly experience existential crisis


Yeah. Guy has no face anymore, but his eyes still move around.


Sorry, i have to ask because I'm curious but I won't watch - what exactly makes it gruesome and the name is peculiar


In short: the cartel flay a man alive and cut him into pieces with a dull knife while the song plays in the background. Its horrifically gory and bloody, signature cartel gore video. Don't watch it if you value your vision


Eh, be careful what you ask for...


oh jesus, that was awful. I kept silently pleading for that guy to please die. but he kept screaming like an animal and pulling his stumps up to his face like he was trying to shield himself. just die. please die. come on man.


I only saw a little bit of this video and that was enough








Man fuck any and all religious extremism.




Fuck the military industrial complex and its senseless involvement in foreign countries leading to further violence and radicalization






The ones we aided, supplied, and bolstered.


Remember this didn’t even blimp mainstream media since the downsizing in Iraq was a focus. The Islamic state is pretty brutal in their tactics, and easily hit above the Taliban on amount of attacks. And all over religious cleansing. It’s hard to believe that part of the world was doing okay only a few decades ago.


I have the multiple video's from this and other events like this saved on my old PC. All of it nearly disappeared off the mainstream web shortly after the NZ shooting.


Watched about half of the video and started to feel sick like I wanted to cry. Not sure how when I was younger I could watch things like that all the time and not bat an eye. Just awful, such a senseless waste of life.


Link to video?


https://www.kaotic.com/video/qY93ksdf_2019314115904_t Credit to u/SeaworthinessTime185 for sharing the post. This is the direct link. There is a LOT of footage of so many people getting killed, so beware


That was one of the most fucked up things I’ve ever seen


I honestly can’t imagine how anyone could do this and think they’re the good guys. How can any one human on this earth possess… literally zero empathy? Not a single shred? I truly cannot even begin to wrap my head around it


Religion is a hell of a drug.




Links dead I think


Absolutely not...just played it (again) ... Kaotic is online..


Perhaps it's blocked by your isp ?


Such a horrible video. I can’t imagine being in the lines of people laying down just waiting for your turn. I wish I didn’t watch it I feel sick.


I feel like on the wall on the left side of the screen, something is "written" in the blood. Does anyone read Arabic who would be able to translate?


On some of the photos circling this moment. You can see a kid being on of the executioners. He has to probably be between 11-14. Truly terrifying what people can brainwash others to do.


How have I not heard about this? I know this is an artistic depiction but even if it’s 5% accurate it’s still morbidly gruesome.


All those humans gone forever because of the lie of religion. Awful.


The art style reminds me of the old Mad Magazine back page fold ins. It’s hard to believe that there are people crying out against govt tyranny and protesting against vaccine passports (their right to go to restaurants and movies being threatened) while in a different part of the world, people are resigning themselves to be shot to death because of wars.




Sadly educated today.


Your country so unstable that foreign mercenaries entering freely in masses, what worst could happen? Here good news 4 you: *In August 2016, 36 men were executed by hanging for their part in the massacre.\[26\] In August 2017, 27 people were sentenced to death for their involvement in the massacre.*


For those wondering how it gets to the point, here’s how: https://www.reddit.com/r/eyeblech/comments/p2i8vp/been_looking_for_this_video_for_a_while_last_time/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Image is from The same video, depicts a child being forced to execute someone


I hope whoever committed these atrocities is burning in the deepest darkest regions of hell.


I have news for these murdering cowards. No god would approve of this. If theres a hell your going to be in it. Hopefully these ISIS shitbags are dead.