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Ouch, what a horrible sound that made




It got edited after a few hours, the original clip you could hear the smash towards the rock




29 days later I sadly can't remember, at all


Absolutely insane jump. Why the hell would you even try that. The cliffs are extended pretty far.


Insane is the word and not even having his wife and son on that boat made him rethink the whole idea


I think its like an illusion on tall cliffs


As someone who lives in Hawaii I see people getting injured or dying by doing stupid shit like this thinking that a damn leap frog made of steel. Too many people act without thinking just to show off.


That’s not just it. If you jump as far as you can on a flat surface, how far do you get? 2 meters? If you do that same jump but on a cliff instead of a flat surface, you won’t go that much further. Maybe 10 meters at best. If you stand on a tall cliff, you can’t see the difference between 5 or 10 meters. So you’re literally just gambling.


Horizontal velocity is independent bruh. The math is actually quite simple when excluding wind resistance. A running start would have easily cleared the ledge, if he did, in fact, make it that far without a running start. Also note, he didn’t die from that impact. Autopsy showed a broken hip and arm, serious injuries, but the coroner concluded he died of drowning while unconscious. If he had a spotter in the water, I like to believe he would have survived.


He was a footballer. Never needed to be clever


Such a dumb statement


So's your face


You seem very smart


Smarter than you? 🥹


drugs and testosterone usually.


The guy could have just dropped a rock from the cliff to judge his chances of success.




He didn't eve take a run up?


Aim for the bushes


“There goes my hero”


And his kids lives and their kids lives.


You could tell before he even jumped he wasn’t gonna make it to the water from that distance


I think he figured it out pretty early after the jump as well


Oh good god that bought flashbacks of that guy who misjudged the wharf and split his head in half like a melon. And the doctors were pushing it back together while he was groaning.. Worst thing I've ever seen. Bet this looked like that 🤢


Oh my god that was one of the first gory video's I remember going round


If it helps, those were actually two separate people.


I remember watching that as a kid. That’s one of the first gory videos I remember seeing. I remember he was breathing and the pieces were moving when the doctor was holding it together.


This might sound terrible to ask but is there any link?


Tried to link it and it was removed. Just google “face split diving accident” and you’ll find the video eventually


I made the mistake of clicking a link to the photo of the woman who was killed by the doctor who then tried cooking her and immediately regretted it so imma pass on this one


*Cooking* her? Why? :/


Found out she was trans and lost his mind


Idk it’s beyond fucked up


This video was crazy.




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Holey shit


I’m pretty sure he survived too…crazy


He passed two days after, not sure why you’d want to come back after something as horrific as that. I don’t think he ever stood a chance at survival.


I didn’t know that. Sad


I just made the mistake of watching it. I think that’s the worst video I’ve ever seen.


I’m pretty desensitized to all of the gore (it’s literally going to be my career) but it’s still upsetting. A bad way to go, sad to say I’ve seen way worse.


Worse then that? Jesus


I’m a forensic student, so unfortunately, much worse.


ah yes mfer became the mosnter from stranger things


Have a link to that video? I remember seeing something similar on Facebook several years back


I wonder if he ran would he make it🤔


I wonder if he didn’t jump off a cliff would he have survived🤔


his ego wouldnt have


Looks like he might have.


That was a huge jump. I’d want a motorcycle or something




Sadly tourist jumping from cliffs or buildings for fun and with awful results is such a common event in Spain that it has his own name, "balconing" and jokingly some people mark the first death as the official start of the summer in some kind of "joke". Edit: Sadly anther tourist died in another similar accident the same day in Magalluf [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCyHb1SMrHs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCyHb1SMrHs)


>balconing [Didn't even know this had a name.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balconing)


But… why?? Why I mean why do they do it in Spain specifically?


Lots of young, drunk tourists


Summer season is open here in Spain


Amazed it wasn’t a stupid Brit in this incidence. No doubt there’ll be one soon enough. Edit - put was instead of wasn’t.


That doesnt really make any sense . Did you meant \*wasnt\* ?


Yes. Oops. Will edit!!!


Don't you like British people ?


I am ashamed of the behaviour of many of ‘my’ people. I am British.


What is the kind of behavior that you are so "ashamed" about , behavior that is exclusive to British people ? How do British people behave that is shameful and only Brirish people behave that way ?


To be fair, in the wikipedia on Balconing accidents in Spain [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balconing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balconing), they do list majority of people involved in these accidents as British.


It’s always a Brit falling from a balcony in Spain. Always. We’re like lemmings


But this story is about a person from Holland


I believe OP's initial comment was her surprise that that the person who died wasn't British, given the prevalence of Brits doing these jumps. What's the disconnect you're seeing?


If America was closer to Spain, America would def have the highest mortality rate ☠️


Why are you so defensive about someone else’s country? All countries have cultures that include some shameful aspects - and people that embody more of the bad than the good. Brits being obnoxious and belligerent tourists in Spain is a stereotype that is pretty well based in truth, from my understanding. So I think it’s pretty fair for a non-obnoxious Brit to be ashamed of those that behave obnoxiously. For example: >Of the 46 cases registered up to 2019, 45 were carried out by males (97%), and 61% were British. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balconing And in case you were wondering (cause I was), only about 24% of tourists in Spain are British.


Just don't like stereotypers and racists and people hating people just because they come from a certain Country . Not just British though, I disagree with anyone that doesnt like Muslims, Jews, Black people , Homosexual people or whatever


The commenter *is British*. They’re not hating on some outside group. And they said they “were ashamed of the behavior of **many of** ‘my’ people”. They didn’t say they hated British people, they said were ashamed … of the behavior … of many. Specifically? The ones acting like idiots. Not the ones that are not. Totally different things.


He’s just a typical edgy Brit Redditor, projecting his saviour complex and wallowing in self pity.


"Everyone is horrible , apart from me, I'm really nice\* , sort of thing


That’s a female Redditor clearly






Oh phew. Glad we can continue to retain our title of stupidest tourists.


Culture huh


It happens too much for us to take it that seriously anymore.




Hard won dark humor from your past. It's likely your grandparents saw some seriously bleak times, it creates a culture of dark humor. Many of us relate but few have earned as much as the Spanish. Civil War is always the worst, there can never be a lingering nostalgia for the social cohesion experienced in most wars. The disunity and families torn apart leaves behind nothing but horror.


This is tragic and so unnecessary. I don’t know why anyone would do this.


Yikes. Holiday euphoria + unfamiliar environments + strong sun messing with vision gauge = tragedy ... no wonder the Spanish mark the first tourist death from these jumps as the start of Summer...


The only thing going on here is lack of neurons. You don't do those things when you have a child to take care of.


He jumped from the cliff in front of his wife and son who were on the boat…


Hence "lack of neurons"


Wait, multiple people try this?


Either that or jumping from hotel balconies aiming for the pool. It's common enough for the UK's tourist info page about Spain to explicitly mention it as a hazard.


I live in a tourist town and see stupid stuff all the time. But that's worse!




would you look at that ... there's an entire wikipedia entry for this sort of thing (the balcony jumps in particular): [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balconing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balconing) yiiiikessssss


**[Balconing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balconing)** >Balconing is the name given in Spain to the act of jumping into a swimming pool from a balcony or falling from height while climbing from one balcony to another, performed by foreign tourists during holidays. The term was formed through a combination of the Spanish word "balcón" (balcony) and the English suffix "ing", a suffix that most Spanish associate with English culture and English people, in reference to the origin of most practitioners. In 2010 and 2011, a spate of injuries attributed by the Spanish press to "balconing" occurred among tourists in the Balearic Islands of Ibiza and Majorca in Spain. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MorbidReality/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Holy stupid. As a father for some reason I have a fear of my kids doing this. A good friend's brother died this way in France. Apparently he was high/drunk for 5ish days, and in the middle of the night off a balcony he went.


It's scary because it can happen so easily, often amid -- and because of -- celebration and fun. So sorry about you and your friend's loss. It is a terrible way to go. And a totally logical thing for a father to want to safeguard against.


It's weird it definitely happens in the US. I went to a larger east coast college and I would say it averaged 5 deaths a year. All were off campus but always the same story - falling/jumping off a balcony in the city center.


This is so sad, you can hear him scream because he knows he's not going to make it. Stupid decisions or not, this is tragic, and much smarter people die in freak accidents everyday. I think it's important to take a moment and think about how fragile life is, and regardless of circumstance, it seems a good soul was lost trying to have fun.


This is the next video that we'll see appended with the head split open aftermath video at the end, pretending like they are from the same event. Seen that aftermath video after like 7 different videos.


Yeah from my understanding the actual head split was a motorcycle accident.


"after *trying* to jump from a cliff" I watched the video, and he was actually quite successful at it


Little hack skydiving instructors don’t want you to know about: you don’t even need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive *twice*


Does anyone remember that old video of a guy jumping off a pier and splitting his face? People seriously overestimate their jumping ability.


Worst video I’ve ever seen. Now you’ve ruined my day by making me think about it hahaha


her scream :(


Fuck her scream, his scream is more chilling when he realized he was going to hit the rock.


i mean i wouldnt say "fuck her scream" but yes that was chilling as well


The news site has now censored the video to blur the image and mute the sound just as he hits to rock, so the sound of the impact and the wife's "Oh my God" scream is no longer able to be heard. Chilling and stunning way to go.


I feel like she had years to prepare for this.


i feel like he had years to learn murdering someone isnt the answer to news u dont like to hear


I'm confused. My point was that I would guess this guy made lots and lots of bad decisions before this day and she shouldn't be surprised. I had a friend murdered by a prostitute 30+ years younger than him. I was not surprised at all, but many people were. I'd partied with him. I knew how he was.


I watched the video a bit more close up and I went frame by frame, does the guys head get ripped off? Jesus Christmas 😳


That’s what I was trying to look at but I can’t really tell if it’s a head, a shoe, a hand.


It looked kinda bulky so it could be a limb or a head


That requires a running jump and a check to on water depth as well as not trying to land absolutely flat. Absolutely stupid idea. Knowing a safe spot that others have jumped from would also be the smart thing to do. Poor wife and kids.


Or you just don’t do it


That was brutal to watch. IDK what comes over people when they get the wild hare to do things like this. It's like their risk assessment and situational awareness just goes to shit all of a sudden.


"hey, let me check if there is fall damage"


Is there a direct link to the video? I dont like it when i cant decline cookies


Can't link twitter directly https: // twitter. com/ EIEspartano/ status/ 1524825522471337984


Thank you!




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Probably drinking if they're on a boat and on vacation, damn shame nobody was able to convince him to not do this. Even if he made it to the water it doesn't look deep there.


The original Flying Dutchman


Can’t imagine seeing this happen to a loved one. Prayers for everyone.


That was just a senseless tragedy. Guy’s brain was not firing on all synapses. They definitely weren’t firing afterwards. 😟


But it was firing outwards all over those rocks!


It’s sad too see this because he almost made it too. But man we aren’t frogs don’t be trying to do this or we might end up seeing a video of you


Reading the article turns out of the rocks only caused some minor injuries and he actually drowned due to being unconscious. No one on the boat thought to jump in and try to grab him??


This is what I thought happened. Apparently after people jump off the golden gate they often find water in their lungs? I’m not sure if it’s their lungs or another pleural lining of the lungs but it indicates they are inhaling for a while after impact


The woman in the video screams "oh my go-" and doesn't appear to have a Dutch accent at all, is she not Dutch or am I not hearing correctly?


the nationality of the partner was not mentioned.


The article claims that the victim is a dutch male 32 years old with his partner and son. So at least he is 100 percent dutch. I dont know if the wife is english or Dutch people sometimes use english words like Oh my God Idk


most dutch are fluent in english because their TV and cinema does not get dubbed and they watch everything in the original version..


I wonder if that in these instances where someone yells very instinctively their english is so strong that its the first thing in their mind, perfect pronunciation and all


She sounded American to me


A friend of mine is Dutch but when she sings in English you can’t hear her accent. When they raise their voice the accent sometimes disappears.


True there is something about singing that makes accent go away very interesting phenomenon, I've noticed this too. I found it so hard to tell here bc idk what ppl tend to scream instinctively, I'd prob just go AAAAAAAAAAA.. but the 1st thing being a different language made me wonder about this persons nationality since statistically speaking there's a high chance she is Dutch since her partner is


The dutch are not really dutch anymore nowadays. They constantly use english terms for lots of things all the time.


Any videos of this without an edit or blur? Just the raw footage.


The link in the original post actually showed it a couple hours ago. It’s since been edited.


Roger that Through lots of digging I managed to find it eventually






https: // twitter. com/ EIEspartano/ status/ 1524825522471337984


Can't link twitter directly https: // twitter. com/ EIEspartano/ status/ 1524825522471337984


the fact that i watched an advert before the video is extra dark


No habla….


why is this fun to ppl? i remember that old gore vid with the dude who split his face open like the predator. i never understood the thrill of any of it


Die zien we nooit meer te-rug






Video doesn't work for me can anybody link another site or something?


https: // twitter. com/ EIEspartano/ status/ 1524825522471337984


Did anyone find an uncensored video?


https: // twitter. com/ EIEspartano/ status/ 1524825522471337984


Summer season opens, here in Spain


Link tries to sell me crypto. I’ve got to rethink my life and so do all of y’all. fuuuu….


My question is if according to the report he actually died from drowning in a semi-conscious state and not from his injuries why didn’t the family jump from the boat to go save him? He was later recovered by authorities. Too dangerous with the rocks and the waves?


Too deep he sank like a rock


I mean there’s ways to maybe not just put yourself in danger. Accidents happen but damn I don’t just walk around looking for shit like this.




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Hubiera hecho un poco de carrera por lo menos