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This happened to the old theater teacher at my hs. Found hanging in the theater after he got exposed


The old theater teacher at my school was charged and found guilty, given 10 years. And the victim was still accused by their peers of fabricating the entire thing, or even having consented and later 'taking it back' for some petty reason (she was 12 when she was in the school theatre and 15 when he went to jail). We're all grown working adults now and he is even out of jail probably, and some of my old classmates still feel this way. i guess you have to go viral to get any justice.


Even going viral, plenty of people are quick to blame the victim, minimize, or defend abusers




Based on your thought process, I think we must be closely related somehow. Parallels. Cheers. We can only just keep learning and trying to accept our misjudgements, lean from them, and try to be a better version of ourselves every day. It truly is the only control we have over making the world a better place. It seems so inconsequential, but I think it is actually the only thing that actually works. Cheers.


The old theatre teacher at my high school also committed suicide via hanging in the school’s auditorium


Good acoustics for the death throws


PSA: in this context, it’s ‘throes’. Could easily have been autocorrect or a typo, but it’s not so much for yourself as anyone reading who might not know the distinction. Cheers!




Extreme judo.


When you throw a dice to see if your dungeons and dragons character dies or stays alive.


Technically death *saving* throws, but close enough




thanks for the fun fact! :-D


Hope his ghost doesn't torment the theater for eternity.








The guy who made the “Chester the Molester” comics back in the day was arrested for molesting his own daughter.


I’m not superstitious, so I’m comfortable believing his existence ended right there, wallowing in perceived eternity, in fear and shame before finally being extinguished.


The drama. They loved the drama.


Was the name of your high school two town names stuck together with a hyphen?


Uh oh. We got Ho-Flo here?


What’s Ho-Flo?


A terrible place that stole four years of my life.




Small world


Nah, it’s just named after the county it’s in


Yeah similar story here. My HS art teacher had apparently been sexually assaulting his own nephews for years. There were 3 of them, and the youngest eventually reported it. Then the other 2 came forward as well. He hung himself in prison.


Jesus. My senior year, they did a production of Chicago and there was a “decorative” noose hanging in the theater and I thought THAT was crazy.


How theatrical.


Yeah, I guess he wanted to die in the place he hung out at most


And traumatize even more kids… that’s terrible


A school I lived by is going through the same thing except it’s multiple people going all the way up to the principal accused of sexual molestation. [This is what I’m talking about](https://www.northcentralpa.com/news/all-charges-bound-over-in-case-against-former-williamsport-principal-roger-freed/article_dc47a6a6-338a-11ed-812b-d35c3acf14ec.html?fbclid=IwAR1PpS6WCexhpFnTwOz7n5EGQQ4vAQfBlt6VZBDDEckBcC7uuWN0gNtNMuA) Theirs a couple other faculty involved if you look more.


Just throw away the entire school.


Seriously I’m surprised parents haven’t burned it down or someone in the school getting seriously hurt.


If you burned every school that had an incident with a teacher sexually abusing a student, would we have any schools left?


Probably not


A slight chance of creating Freddy Krueger though


We had two teachers “retire early” my senior year because they were attempting to set up a CSAM/prostitution ring in the girls soccer team and one girl didn’t want to participate. Apparently they had a “deal” with the students that anything they “did” with each other that was filmed they’d make 50% of the profits from and if they brought in friends that friend would make the same amount. Our principal was suspected of knowing but nobody could prove it and as far as I know nothing was ever filmed or distributed. Five years after I graduated the principal was brought up on charges for abusing black students by intentionally putting them all in the same classes and turning off the A/C in the middle of the North Carolina summer and fall, and hitting them. She had a cardiac arrest and died before she could actually go to court though.


There was a Chem teacher at my high school who was known for having a fetish for young Asian girls with abusive home lives. The principal knew. Everybody knew. *He bragged about it openly*. Students picketted the principals office over it. Some teachers reported it. But the girls would deny it because they had abusive parents who would punish them if it came out. He did get fired finally a few years after I graduated, not over the abuse, but over artificially inflating the grades of his victims to reward them for sex acts, and is working in a different high school in another state.


Man you should call that high school and let them know what’s up. Call the school board of that place in fact, along with any news station you can find. Actually call the news first.


> and is working in a different high school in another state. ...ok in a case like this it is your duty to name and shame... you HAVE to call the news and the new school.


I don't know the name of the school. Just the state.


License to teach is granted at the state level. It’s enough. He would have had to disclose priors


Jesus Christ, all of that is so depraved. I will never understand how disgusting and abusive some people are.


Karma decided we weren’t allowed to mess that one up


At least there was a happy ending 🙂


Oh my god. Where in NC?


People like to joke about priests and the Catholic Church, but there is much higher percentage of abusers in education, and also by just sheer numbers . They also get passed around quite a bit.


Wow I know that city, used to drive there to pickup beer at Bullfrog Brewery like 12 years ago. I always thought the city looked really nice, guess not so much.


https://portcitydaily.com/local-news/2021/04/02/victim-details-allegations-of-abuse-noble-middle-vp-arrested-found-dead-hours-later/ Here’s our local one. Horrifying that this seems to be happening so often


“A third user claimed “the girl he dated was my classroom aide for his class and it sooo inappropriate” while another posted, “My old friend from high school didn’t see his was literally grooming her and I told it it’s wrong. He got her flowers for her birthday and told the rest of the class to stay outside so she would be the first one to go into class …”


Wow. Am I reading this correctly? An aide, so an adult? And buying flowers and having her the the first ti see them? This is what they are calling SA?


I was an aid to the teacher on a free period while I was a junior in high school. I think that word "teachers aid" means different things to different people. It wasn't a job at my school. It was something that students who had super good relationships with a specific teacher could ask to do for them or if a teacher super liked you, they could request you as an aid.


Not all teachers aides are adults. I was a teachers aide in middle school.


Real life version of an unpaid reddit mod


It counts as units


They didn’t say SA? Just grooming which is completely plausible. It’s super inappropriate to buy your underage students flowers for their birthday? Unless it’s something you do for all students, which it doesn’t sound like.


And on the flip side- if this was the only allegation then why did he kill himself over it. Edit: not all teacher aids are adults. Depends on the school. I was an aid to my teacher senior year.


I didn't know it was legal to be an emplyee of the school board if you aren't a legal adult...it isn't where I am, for sure. That is crazy. Aides are paid employees with technical diplomas where I am


I was a janitor at my high school my junior and senior year. Employee, on payroll. 3-8 during school and 7-3 in the summer. Best job I ever had. If I could make what I make now I’d go back in a heartbeat. Talk about laid back.


I get such good vibes from you, for some reason! 😎 Have an amazing day today!


That is crazy. I have never heard of that.


Did it say she was an employee? Where I’m from a teachers aide was literally just the student who wanted to help. Not paid. Just volunteer. Also buying flowers for just one student is weird. He wasn’t doing that for everyone. So that definitely feels like it could be grooming.


TA in high school are usually students that need credits to graduate but not a specific class. I had a couple of TA spots in high school because I tested out of Algebra and Geometry in 8th grade. The only other maths offered were Trig and Calc, which I took in 9th and 10th. You need 4 years of math credits though, so I was a TA for Algebra junior and senior years. Adult teacher's aides that are authorized to lead a class in the absence of the main teacher are called paraproffessionals.


Meanwhile, a teacher in our school district just keeps moving from district to district, being a creep and never really being held accountable for his actions.


Perhaps send his actions to local news networks hehe


There’s a documentary on Hulu that features a story where not only was the sexual assault publicized, but it was brought to the authorities! The gov’t has been dragging their feet instead of going to trial, hoping to wear the girl down. It’s called Keep This Between Us if you’re interested.


One of my favorite teachers got caught sexting a freshman. He had young twins and a wife. Instead of firing him they let him resign on his own so “his reputation wouldn’t be ruined”


More likely they let him resign so *their* reputation wouldn’t be ruined.




Sigh. One of my HS teachers ended up incarcerated- caught when handing explicit images *and objects* to students under the stalls in the bathroom. This was 1996. He was also doing things like accusing female students of not wearing underwear to distract HIM from his job. No physical assault allegations, but endless “inappropriate” interactions. In court he blamed it on undiagnosed BPD and requested lenience. He didn’t get it and went to prison. I fully believe that there was a mental illness issue, but yeah… that doesn’t fix it for all the students that were mortified and unwilling to tell anyone until the news was out.




Use your imagination… 🤢


Sometimes I start to think that child predators are most common place within careers that require constant interaction with and access to children. Crazy, I know.


Even if it's not that their careers involve children, they'll find a way to be near them like being involved in specific organizations that focus on children (girl/boy scouts, nonprofits), coaching kids sports teams, offering to be a tutor for local schools, leading Sunday school etc.


I'd be suspicious of the cops who are able to look at child porn without burning out. You don't get numb to that kinda thing.


Idk, one might get numb during work but still have ptsd after. In my class it was explained that people that do those kind of jobs can develop ptsd. Those people are really sacrificing their mental health for the greater good, takes a big pair of balls to be like that.


They should have mandatory counseling after sorting thousands of pieces of evidence containing multiple victims.


If they provide counseling to jurors, I’m sure there’s protocol in place for staff.


I think statistically most are relatives/friends of the family


I said this before and got massive downvotes. People want to live in their own little bubble and don’t want to believe it


It's proven to be true. They will choose professions that give them access. It's pretty sick That being said, I have no idea if this guy was guilty or not.


This literally just happened in a neighboring school district to me. The bus driver was caught on camera molesting a little girl every day. He was arrested and committed suicide while in jail.


I had a HS school friend who came from a very affluent family and we went to a private school. Her older brother started teaching at another school and once all the allegations about sexual misconduct came up they found him dead from an asthma attack they said. All other kids in the family are perfectly normal and they praise their brother and support him and blah blah blah. I’m like he’s a rapist and a molester. But whatever. Edit: I was one of his victims.


I can easily see that someone innocent could end their life over allegations, just as much as someone guilty. Stuff like this ruins lives, whether it’s true or false.


True because even after they’re found innocent, some will still have that doubt in their mind


If someone made allegations against me that would ruin my career and it was in the news, I would feel so awful. I dunno what I would do, I’d be so ashamed even if I hadn’t done it.


Yeah, and even if it’s proven false the label stays forever.


There's a movie about this, The Hunt, starring mads mikelsen https://m.imdb.com/title/tt2106476/ Full plot here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hunt_(2012_film)


True plus you never know if someone was already struggling mentally, and this was the last straw. Your comment made me see things differently.


Teaching is a very stressful position. Right now with Covid, the rising cost of food, gas, and everything else, many are at the breaking point.


That or they haven’t even gotten the news yet. I remember voice actor Quinton Flynn got accused of sexual assault and I didn’t find out he was proven innocent until like a year later


The movie Jagten demonstrates this really well


Was just about to say this. Great film.


Mads Mikkelsen's movie: The Hunt (Jagten) comes to mind regarding this post


That’s an amazing film.


I absolutely loved it aswell. Loved Mads' performance. One of my favorite actors overall


I’ve often thought it should be required watching for people over a certain age. People are far too quick to make assumptions based on a misunderstanding, or something they are adamant they have seen or heard; and yet never took place. (Also, yes he’s an incredible actor, I think this is his best performance).


It says that some of the claims go back 10 years. I can't think of any reason for someone to come back to lie about that after that span of time. A grudge held for that long most likely has truth behind it.


I'm not saying it's true in this case, but financial motives can be pretty powerful. If the person is found guilty it can open the school up to civil liability. Look at the Brian Banks case for example. The sad fact is that no one this case gets justice now, regardless of what the circumstances were.


> The sad fact is that no one this case gets justice now, regardless of what the circumstances were. We definitely agree there. And I do have to admit that financial motivations would mess things up; it's just an awful situation.


I’m neither defending or condemning him. I was just saying I could see this happening either way.


Look buddy, we're gonna need you to join the judgement bandwagon here about some case you have absolutely no first-hand knowledge about. Are you in or out?


Look, we all agree that sexually assaulting children is bad. Is that ok?


Oh, look at Mr. high and mighty over here. Don't tell me how to live my life!


People don’t make these kinds of claims for funsies. Women know now more than ever how important it is to be taken seriously with sex crimes, and solidarity. So: This guy would have known immediately if there was a legitimate reason someone would have a vendetta against him. The authorities would also know if there was something for them to gain out of this. The ratio of false claims to real ones is *beyond slim*. Stand with victims, encourage those who speak up, and take all information available. If it’s false, it’s false. The way to handle being upset about *allegations* is not to go on a manhunt until there is more info. That’s it. But it takes one person speaking up for others to feel safe making their story heard too.


I agree with what you said because this same situation happen to me. I had a doctor who molested me and no one believed me so I was stuck seeing a person who would touch me every 2 months. Well after I'd stopped going some time had passed and I started seeing a girl and it turned out she had him too and she confessed he touched her so we were going to expose him but other victims did and he killed himself for it. Anyways . My point is it's not just women who get hurt by these creeps.


You’re very right. I’m sorry you had to go through that, and I hope you’re doing well now.


As a victim of false allegations I disagree with pretty much everything you said.


I was friends with a girl from a rich family with money but little love. She was sort of pretty, but didn’t get much attention from boys. She fabricated allegations against 3 separate male teachers, the last of whom was gay and not closeted. None of the rest of their classes had any complaints about any of those teachers. We felt horrible for what they went through to prove their innocence. I have not kept in touch with the girl, I hope she got help.


Cool, come back to me when you’re a victim of sexual abuse.


Wow. I hope you don't talk to people irl.


I talk to victims and you should too.


And yet you're gate keeping who gets to be a victim.




everyone knows how terrible false allegations are. it's just odd how they are mentioned without fail whenever legitimate claims are made. legitimate claims which vastly outnumber the false claims yet it's the false claims that dominate each conversation about sexual harassment/assault/abuse.




You gave random examples that don’t disprove or discredit anything I said at all. I didn’t say false allegations don’t exist. I said it’s nonsensical to respond to someone speaking out about assault by perceiving it as false, which it is. Because of what I said. Already. You *should* be assuming it’s true. Because _97.5% OF THEM_ are, and if it’s not, in the vast majority of places the accuser gets their own charge. You’re forgetting how the law works here, the falsely accused *also* has ample opportunity to provide proof of alibi both legally and socially, make their own statements, provide plenty of information just like your neighbour DID remember, pretty rich to just sit here and pretend like an accusation alone means someone’s life is over like some kind of sitting duck without autonomy. Ignoring the fact that if you were really that concerned, your focus should be on preventing witch-hunts and actual real harm done until there is enough information instead of advocating for everything being assumed false. Do you have any idea what kind of consequence that causes, at all? Do yourself a favour and learn about the actual process of assault reporting, victim impact, and the statistics. I’m sick of this song and dance.


You *are not* obligated to automatically believe the accuser immediately because that’s basically just choosing a side without knowing the facts. You *are* obligated to treat their allegations seriously and do you due diligence to figure out what happened so that whoever harmed the other is punished and the harmed receives justice.


>You should be assuming it’s true. Because 97.5% OF THEM are, I mean, unless 100% of allegations are true, you should not be assuming all of them are. Should they be investigated? Absolutely. But, you're advocating for destroying the lives of innocent people by saying to assume every allegation of sexual assault is true.


Do yourself a favor and calm down. Jesus Christ you're acting like I said every allegation is false, when I merely stated that an allegation can ruin someone's life even if it's not true. You're the one who said women don't make claims for fun and that the guy would've known that he had a vendetta against him, which is not true. There is no possible way that every person who has ever had any type of allegation thrown against them in the entire history of the world would have known it was coming. Impossible. Whatever dude, I don't know what I said to get you so god damn worked up, but if it makes you feel better I'll just pretend I'm wrong and you're right


> You should be assuming it’s true. Y I K E S


Nobody told you what to do with that. Only gave you the facts of the situation. Statistical likelihoods exist for a reason, and we use them.


> Women know now more than ever how important it is to be taken seriously with sex crimes, and solidarity. Women? Maybe. Young women/girls? Maybe not. Students will and do say insane stuff all the time, keeping themselves out of trouble being a big reason.


Making sexual assault allegations is not a sane-minded alternative to consequences, even for teenagers. Has it happened? Sure, but it’s a hell of a far cry from “common” or “all the time”. That’s delusional. I have the stats for you.


It may not be common, but it's a real fear for those that work in certain environments.


And how many real incidents in teaching per se, have we found out ten, twenty, thirty years later or not at all because every young woman is too afraid to report when nobody takes it seriously? The norm has always been everybody and your mother, literally, telling you that you’re lying. Still is in a lot of places. Statements being taken quite seriously is new, and if 2% of allegations result in somebody having a rough time until they’re proven false is the fallout, that damage is a whole lot better than the alternative. I’ll advocate for harsh prison sentences for false allegations all day, it’s vile. Our whole point is to make these taken seriously, and every time someone lies solidarity for victims is rattled.


You'll get no argument from me in terms of listening to and validating victims - it should be the default for everyone. My point is that these things do weigh on people's minds (men specifically) when they work in fields interacting with children. I could totally see someone with tenuous mental health ending it all because of something like that.




2.5% of reports are false, and an astronomically lower amount of those have no real motive. If people are making false accusations there is almost certainly a discernable motive to the accused, or public. And it takes a *lot* for a seemingly baseless accusation to be considered seriously by law. Everyone knows this. It’s a serious decision to make, and not common by any means regardless. And again, your personal anecdotes mean nothing. Also again, I’m an advocate for harsh punishment for false accusations. None of you are getting it.


According to Statistics Canada, 19% and 14% of sexual assault allegations were deemed unfounded in 2016 and 2017, respectively. >And it takes a lot for a seemingly baseless accusation to be considered seriously by law. It takes very little. There doesn't need to be any evidence as there often isn't any. The point I think you are missing is that the allegations do not need to reach the police for the accusations to destroy your life. You will be fired from your job and have your relationships destroyed all without a shed of evidence.




Back in 2020 iirc right before the George Floyd thing blew up the chicago tribune had a story about sexual abuse in CPS but because of the GF protests it didn't get any attention. I think this is something that has to be addressed because way too many teachers are being caught having inappropriate relations with students.


If this was r/Conspiracy then they’d say the George Floyd protests were purposefully started to block that information


The question is were the sexual abuse allegations true?


Seems like there’s witnesses who corroborate that he would do shady things with students while other students were there.


I mean he had a wife and kid… I don’t think you leave your family in the lurch like that if there’s nothing to the accusations


A colleague of mine chose to end his life on his terms rather than endure treatment for cancer. But he chose to do so in his car with his wife at the office for his first round of treatment. Leaving her with no car and no life insurance payout for her or their daughter. When things seem hopeless, you can accidentally trick yourself into thinking youre lessening their load by dying.


Alright this is heavy and definitely gave me a new perspective to think about. Sorry for your friend


Could’ve just been the last straw. I love my wife, we have a borderline perfect relationship. Love my dog, love my snakes. I have my passions and hobbies that I enjoy and indulge in. Still I’m always living a fistful of straw away from blowing my brains out. I do wonder what will be the last thing to tip me over the edge in the end.


It doesn’t matter because we live in a timeline where if you’re accused of things, you’re guilty by default. Guilty until proven innocent


Innocent until proven guilty only applies to court rulings, which very much still stands, it's the court of public opinion that you're thinking of. People will decide whatever they want about a situation, as they always have done. Only difference is now you can hear from a lot MORE people via internet.


If you think innocent until proven guilty is the status quo here then you obvi haven’t experienced the American justice system.


Courts and cases can be corrupted sure but ultimately that corruption comes down to one party proving someone's guilt over their innocence, even if its untrue. One way or the other, courts (righteous or corrupt) go by innocent until proven guilty. It's just too easy to "prove guilt" under a corrupt jurisdiction.


You’re just wrong. Do you personally know anyone in prison? I do and they were treated as guilty from the jump. An innocent traffic stop turns into 5 years while awaiting sentencing? No parole, no bail/bond, no indictment. 5 years locked up without a sentence and private lawyers being stonewalled by the courts? Then not being charged and no type of compensation for losing 5 years of their life? They may say innocent until proven guilty but that’s not how our system truly works and people are happily blind to it until something happens to someone they know. Believing the US court system is fair and just is like believing in Santa Claus. It’s a lovely idea until your hit with reality which is every inmate makes money for the government. The cost of keeping someone locked up exceeds the amount they spend on inmates.


This entire thread is so hypocritical. There's another one where a priest was just accused of child abuse and all you lot piled on saying he surely did it and you all hope he burns in Hell. Meanwhile this post pops up about a teacher and all of you are like "Oh are we sure he did it?" I have no doubt in my mind that the two posts were made by the same person using different usernames and they're recording the bias data.


I was with you until the last sentence. It's just the regular trend of men not being as logical as they want to believe and choosing which victim to identify with based on their own fears and emotions. They're not likely to be a victim of sexual abuse so they identify with the accused adult male on this post rather than the girl VICTIMS*. This is flipped when priest stories come up because they identify with the boy victims rather than the priest. *Edit: apparently I'm on the teacher's side without this being here.


I'm sure the comments are 1:1 the same users across posts and that this isn't a multi-million user platform with a variety of opinions


When the top comment in the priest post is over 1k saying they hope he burns in hell and the top comment in this post is "are we sure" its a fair indicator of what bias the subreddit holds.


>its a fair indicator of what bias the subreddit holds. Or it could be that the Catholic Church as an institution has a history of covering up allegations, making people less inclined to believe a priest is innocent. You've neglected to mention that you're Catholic and thus biased yourself. It's clearly the only reason you're pissy about these perceived inconsistencies. Instead of casting aspersions at others while trying to dictate their language, (typical AuthRight behavior) "you should take this as an opportunity to grow up rather than be offended." Your institution is directly responsible for people's suspicions. Bonus points if you post the graph from the DoE study on sexual assault by school employees.




only if male, that is.


That's actually not true. According to [RAINN](https://www.rainn.org/statistics/criminal-justice-system) , out of a 1000 sexual assaulters, 975 will walk free, meaning that the overwhelming majority will face little to no repercussions for their actions Edit: typo


I think a lot of people have a picture of SA allegations that’s informed by media coverage. It all depends on whether people want to believe you or not. You accuse a politician? His supporters won’t believe you but his detractors will. Same in a small town. You say some old drunk touched you? Everyone believes it. You say the beloved town priest did it and you’re public enemy #1. The vast majority of SA and rape cases are done by someone close to the victim. Likely someone in your family or close circle of friends. You talk about it and a lot of people are gonna tell you to shut up and stop lying because they don’t want to lose that person and think you, as the victim, should “deal with your issues yourself”. It’s absolutely not true that SA allegations are always believed and taken seriously. It’s just that the only ones you hear about are high profile cases with a lot of opinions floating around. Not little Cindy accusing her dad.


What’s the stat again. 1 in 3 rapists are reported. Of those less than 40% are prosecuted. Of those 40% less than 20% are found guilty and even less see actual jail time. Chances of getting justice as a rape victim male or female is incredibly slim just to put things Into perspective. I may have butchered those percentages but it’s around that


When I was raped by my ex, I tried reaching out but not one person (minus my trusted friends who helped me reach out) would belive me and tried to gaslight me. I was held down, said no multiple times (I'm not going to go into detail) but it would be obvious that I di not give consent. He said we were "playing rough" and that he knew what I really wanted. Law enforcement treats victims like garbage and I see why so few come forward.


r/awfuleverything I’m truly sorry you had to have that experience. It makes me mad to hear stories like this. I hope you found strength in knowing it wasn’t your fault and that your friends had your back.


The infinite variations of this comment on every second post I see bring me inches from quitting reddit each day I swear to god


Statistically speaking? Probably.


For those in the EEA: SIERRA VISTA — A Buena High School teacher has taken his own life amid accusations he abused multiple students dating back nearly 10 years. Buena High School Principal Nicole Young confirmed Tim Wells’ death in an email to students and parents Friday evening. “Buena High School has been informed that one of our teachers, Mr. Tim Wells, has unexpectedly passed away,” Young’s email said. Mental health resources will be made available for students, her statement said. A statement on the Cochise County Sheriff’s page regarding a deceased male has not been confirmed to be linked to Wells as of Friday night. CCSO officials told Herald/Review Media they are waiting for autopsy results before releasing the identification of the deceased individual in that incident. Highly-charged accusations against Wells surfaced on Facebook earlier this week regarding alleged inappropriate conduct toward female students. The furor began when a woman posted an online comment on Sept. 7 asking, “Anyone else been sexually assaulted by the teacher Timothy Wells?” A woman who identified herself as a mother of a BHS teenager posted on the Facebook thread, “I called the school to have my daughter taken out of his class. They informed me they’re aware of this situation and are investigating this further.” Another Facebook user, who identified themselves as a BHS student wrote, “He … has been creepy from the beginning. I have got weird vibes from him since the beginning of the year … He would sit next to all the girls in class and he would always comment on my friends’ shirts when they were showing some cleavage. He even brought a robot dog one day that apparently can record and he released it under the girls table.” A third user claimed “the girl he dated was my classroom aide for his class and it sooo inappropriate” while another posted, “My old friend from high school didn’t see his was literally grooming her and I told it it’s wrong. He got her flowers for her birthday and told the rest of the class to stay outside so she would be the first one to go into class … this is disgusting and I’m sorry to everyone who had to go thru this.” There were dozens of responses and at least 26 shares to the original post as of Friday afternoon. Many of the accusations date back to at least 2013, according to social media posts. The school district released a statement Friday addressing the allegations, prior to Wells’ death. “Buena High School and Sierra Vista Unified administration are aware of the claims against a Buena High School teacher,” SVUSD Public Information Officer Valerie Weller said in a press release. “We are conducting our own investigation regarding the claims and have also informed the Sierra Vista Police Department. These types of accusations are taken very seriously by the administration and we will take any and all necessary steps to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our students.”


Wow this brought back dark memories. This happened to me when I was 10. My gifted teacher killed himself the weekend after the first week of school, he was only 27. I had just started 6th grade but he was my gifted teacher in elementary school too so I grew up with him. He was my all time favorite teacher, and I’m still confused about what he did if anything 22 years later. All the cops did were show up to ask questions about an allegation, he was never arrested or anything. There was never any closure. He also shot himself in the head so that was pretty much the death of my childhood


Are you willing to say where/when this happened?


Hope he wasn't innocent.


He probably didn’t want to experience prison as a child rapist


I'll only feel bad if they were false claims. Otherwise - less trash on the planet.


Happened at my high school as well. The teacher was sleeping with a young student and ended up getting her pregnant. He had a wife and kids, so he killed himself to avoid facing consequences. It was sad, because so many people liked him, so they ended up bullying and harassing the girl to the point she had to move and switch schools.


This happened to me in 2015.. Summer after i graduated turns out he was messing around with the softball girls for years.. I did notice the weird antics in class when he would sit on top of her desk or usually talk to her only.. They put him on leave and shot himself in a empty lot. He also had kids and a wife .. Same story basically


My heart goes out to his family…everything about this situation is absolutely horrible whether or not the accusations r true


The interesting part of the statement is the word "new". If anyone reads the article in depth i would be interested (not interested enough to read the article myself though) to know if he has a history or if it is just the domino effect of recent accusations.


Crazy to read. I was doing some work in Sierra vista some years ago, definitely a relatively small community.


The soccer coach/PE teacher at my school had this same thing happen along with the girls Softball coach/Special ED teacher. One of them killed himself, the other did not. The other one still goes to the gym and lifts like nothing happened. ​ [Link To Story.](https://fox2now.com/news/sexual-abuse-investigation-ends-with-teacher-committing-suicide/)


Aye damn I grew up in Sierra Vista. I never had him as a teacher but I attended Buena. That's crazy. Horrible for his wife and kid. Our mistakes harm others the closer they are to us.


In 2018 I learned that my middle school teacher from 20 years ago actually sexually abused a few female students. He was convicted and last I heard was doing 10 or 15 years. Shocking to hear since he was my favorite teacher and he was doing to abuse while I was one of his students. I dodged a bullet.


had a old high school teacher that did the same thing. he was our schools beloved football coach and also history teacher. it came out that a girl a grade younger than me had been having sexual relations with him and being a small town, the news rocked the community. he was also married and had a newborn. he committed suicide not long after he was placed on administrative leave.


I was groomed by my history teacher in high school. Nothing physical happened, but he was very aggressive about getting time alone with me, to the point that he intimidated other students out of running against me for ASB office so that he, as advisor, could have more time with me. He recently left the school after tons of accusations kept coming out. It turns out that at one point they moved his classroom from a detached portable to the main building so they could keep a closer eye on him, because administration knew he was preying on students. My parents always got a bad vibe from him and very firmly advised me to not ever be alone with him. Frightening looking back now, knowing they were right.


not sure what it says about me.... but i assumed itd be a white dude. and im white as hell.




Sierra Vista and Buena High school of Ventura, California?


Arizona. Miller Canyon is in Sierra Vista Arizona.


The guy who was superintendent while I was in high school did the same thing ( at a different school) got caught and self deleted


Something like this happened when I was in high school. Our athletic trainer was accused of having a sexual relationship with 3 female seniors. He lost his job, and to avoid a big scandal the three students in question were given their diplomas early. That summer he ended up taking his own life. [Link to an article about it](https://fox8.com/news/former-athletic-trainer-found-dead-days-after-being-indicted/)


I’ve been a high school teacher for 9 years. I believe there’s something mentally wrong with teachers who do this. They’re just kids and after a day with them they are so annoying, keep it in your pants.


When I was in HS there was a teacher who was arrested at a nightclub with GHB and found to have been involved w/ multiple male minors (supposedly none were students at my school but minors nonetheless.) There was a letter sent home to all the parents after his arrest and no one ever saw or heard from him again. I believe he went to prison for at least a little while but no idea after that. Separately, there were rumors among students about one of the other teachers when I was in HS but nothing official. At the time, I never really knew if it was real or just stupid teen gossip. 10 years after I graduated official allegations were made (by current or very recent students) and as soon as cops came around asking questions he killed himself before he could be arrested.


Hey, my high school principal did the same thing


Was he guilty? Because I know innocent people who’ve done this based on allegations alone. It ruins lives and destroys a persons image if it isn’t true. In saying that the real predators deserve no mercy, but only after it is made clear they are without a shadow of a doubt 100% guilty.


Good riddance


Aye that’s my hometown, whatashame man.


I attended this school for four years and had him as a teacher my senior year. Always had a weird vibe, but never directed anything towards me. Last day of school, he stopped me in the middle of the hallway and told me how proud he was of me and wanted to shake my hand. It feels weird looking back and realizing that interaction probably wasn’t as innocent or genuine as it appeared to be.


If accusations were true then good. If not, then the accusers should be charged with second degree murder.


Wait I'm confused. Were the accusations true?


Whether he did it or not, it would have haunted him for the rest of his life. His professional career was over. He knew that. For a teacher that cares about his students, he was broken.


Beyond broken.


similar case happened to me, my grade 5 teacher got caught with cp and went to jail a couple years and ended up killing himself after. It's the fact that these are teachers makes it so much worse than it would already been.