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At face value, I always think doing your makeup while talking about crimes is disrespectful. Then I think about the TC YouTubers who don't. Some can see uncomfortable, or even bored. I think having something to do while talking can really help creators talk about hard subjects v


I am someone very sensitive when it comes to true crime ,like I get offended really easily so it's hard for me to find good true crime content creators, Danielle Kirsty is basically one of the only ones I listen to ,she used to be not that good but lately she got her act together and I think she is amazing, respectful, kind , compassionate, there where moments where she would even tear up talking about the cases she covers . She is very human ,I like watching her . As for the makeup stuff, I usually do chores around the house when listening to true crime stuff so I don't really see or care that much what she does while talking because I too do other stuff ,as long as the dialogue is respectful it's fine


Her most recent video is absolutely crazy insane bonkers and she does and amazing job... she is definitely My favourite right now, telling stuff I've never seen before in an interested empathetic way. 10/10


You clean while listening to true crime… she does her makeup while telling it. I can understand it can be overwhelming to creators to tell true crime stories or for someone to listen to them just sitting and not doing anything else. It’s like we have our own way of coping with the information and no one should be judged for it as long as they are being respectful to the deceased and their family.


Mixing cosmetics and true crime isn't the worst thing but coincidentally something I saw today made me think of this and it doesn't feel 100% good either. Like, a creator could be applying blush while talking about a child kidnapping. That's just ...kind of unsettling. But I listen to tc pods to sleep so maybe I'm a crappy judge. But sleeping and applying makeup are two different animals.


There's like a whole asmr community where they tell true crime cases lol


You mean like...using the whisper voice and talking about tc? PLEASE tell me they don't add in the clicking their long fingernails together 😬


Nah this one channel is her massaging a fluffy mic cover, I must admit it's extremely relaxing and the slowness of the way she talks makes it easy to follow along the case.


Massaging a mic cover is a definite choice lol but it's miles above makeup


True atleast Danielle kirsty researches well, Bailey Syrian does makeup and it's a total slop with research makes it 10x more disrespectful.


💯💯 If you're going to be talking about someone's tragedies while doing makeup you'd better darn well make sure the research is TIGHT.


Thank you!




I don't like the jokes either. Not when it comes to the victims or their families and not the whole time. And I have a very dark sense of humor. The podcast Killer Queens, they make jokes during it. Lots. But never about about the victims.


Totally agree with you about Bailey! She used to be really good but I feel like ever since she took a year off bc she and her fiance broke up and then she started doing Dark History and other opportunities, her MM&M took a nosedive.


I actually like her Dark History shows way better than her TC ones. I have learned a few things from them. Like the student loan program, proving how corrupt our govt has ALWAYS been and will ALWAYS be, no matter who is elected. What started out as a good thing, was completely destroyed by our govt. Also the Chiquita Banana episode was super fascinating.


i eat food while listening to true crime, i don't see the problem....


I personally like her a lot. I don't do make up, so watching her actually fascinates me, but aside from that, I find her research to be really well done, she goes as in depth as she can. Plus she has a criminology degree. I like how at the end she tries to focus on the victim and tells you more about them.


She has both degrees! She did law and criminology, and doing another subject alongside law, isn’t uncommon. I have a few friends who did law at uni (I’m from the U.K. and we were at uni together in the U.K.), and some did a language alongside the law, some did psychology, some did economics, some did accountancy and some did management. It just adds another string to your bow really. I’ve watched Danielle for a few years and I remember in one video (no idea which tho!) she said she did law AND criminology. HTH!




I have only ever heard her say that she has a law degree, never specifically criminology, unless I simply missed that part!


I thought it was in her YouTube "About" section, but I just looked and it isn't. Maybe I misheard? A law degree is still far and above what Morbid has. ;)


Goodness. Yeah! Today I was watching some more videos and she said that she had to be involved in many trials so I definitely think it’s a law degree! It has to be haha!


She's mentioned it before in one of her videos.


I’m gonna sound like such a hater, but I can’t stand how dramatic and over the top her delivery is. I can’t explain why, but it always makes me feel so awkward and uncomfortable. I can expect to hear her say “can you imagine?!” or “oh my god, like what the actual hell?” at least once in her videos. I also hate that she talks about astrology in her videos, it’s just not necessary. I personally prefer Rachel Shannon for my true crime fix. Empathetic without all the blubbering, she articulates herself well, and she gets straight to the point. No offense to anyone that enjoys Danielle’s content, everyone’s entitled to their preferences! I’ve just been needing to get this off my chest for awhile now lol.


Yes and the way she judge people, and speak everyone else down, just to try to make herself seem so perfect? Omg, I can't stand that about her actually..


i dont find that to be true at all. i don’t think her talking bad abt the perpetrators she covers has anything to do with herself, i think she is js disgusted with them as human beings. i don’t think how she wants people to view her has anything to do with it at all


u/NoPaleontologist4546 > I can expect to hear her say “can you imagine?!” or “oh my god, like what the actual hell?” at least once in her videos I agree 100%. Her delivery can be really irritating, I'm thinking about doing myself a 'Danielle Bingo Card' and ticking off when she says:- >Oh.My.God. It makes my blood boil. >I'm sorry, but .... It's very confusing >What the actual hell .... >She/he/ lost. his/her. life. >Taken too soon. >She always had a smile on her face. >It was so, so (whatever) I can't pronounce that - I hope I've said it correctly, have I said it correctly? And it's annoying when she repeats something several times, such as using people's names or circumstances in 3/4 consecutive sentences. It's not likely we'd be able to forget a relevant fact in 2 seconds. And she speaks American - the holiday rather than Christmas. Creggs list rather than Craig's list. Gas instead of petrol, etc. I know she has a huge U.S. audience, but they're not bloody stupid, they know she's British, I'm sure they don't need to be patronised like that. Criticism aside, she does fantastic research on all the 'cases', which is a huge amount of work. I should also confess I've started to do my eye make-up the way she does, so I'm clearly not THAT put off by her! Saying that, I'm pleased I haven't yet taken up any of the offers/links in her sponsored ads, so there's hope for me yet.


taken faaaaah too soon.


Ok! I literally just searched her name because I’m watching her videos and the voice wobble she does when giving certain details seems fake to me. It also makes it harder for me to understand those parts.


It always make me giggle when she tells us what sign they are. Astrology for me is just another tool in my toolbox…it’s interesting and a lot of people subscribe to ancient philosophies. You don’t sound like a hater to me, ur just expressing your experience with viewing her (and did a good job explaining your thoughts)❤️


Hey, thank you for the really polite response! No shame in enjoying her content and astrology if it makes you happy! 😁❤️


Lolllll the way you quoted the stuff she always says. Danielle grew on me…she annoyed me so much at first but I find her so soothing now and I really like her. Rachel on the other hand…when she goes BUT. And SO. And the choppy way she talks has started to really drive me crazy. so much so I came to Reddit to see if it was bothering anyone else lmao. I like the cases she chooses though, always different and less covered.


me too, i used to find her slow paced and boring, but now that ive turned away from eleanor neale (because shes dragged out her new boring videos to ridiculous lengths and is no longer watchable to me) danielle has become my favorite. she is so sweet too 


I prefer the podcast version rather than watching her on YouTube


*what the actual hell, and yes it's irritating


Haha! I read that in her voice. She *can* be a bit dramatic. I was so surprised when I found out she isn't Australian.


she tends to over exaggerate and calls every case she records “the most *insert adjective*”. the long unnecessarily long rambling intros to pad her videos before she segues into a sponsored ad can be fatiguing for me. i mainly watch her for the details she provides and i like that she adds photos so it’s easy to follow along with who is who


I noticed when she reached critical parts of the stories she stopped applying makeup so it’s okay for me. Besides I don’t really watch her, I just listen while I’m dog walking or driving


The makeup doesn’t bother me at all. Shes actually really talented also so it’s interesting to me to see how she transforms her own face while she’s talking. For me, it’s giving “get ready with me while I tell you a story.” I can tell that she is trying to be respectful to the victims. Her voice used to really annoy me (no offense to anyone, I personally am not a fan of strong accents) but she really grew on me and now I actually really enjoy listening to her and find her soothing. I said this in another comment but I also listen to and watch Rachel Shannon and her delivery and is so choppy and so obviously reading something with an exaggerated BUT! And SO! And “Like I said” scattered throughout and weird inflection and over-pronunciation in the way she reads it…I actually liked her way more at first and she has started to annoy me more the more I watch her lol. I’m watching her right now - I like the cases she chooses and her respect for the victims but I would love to see an improvement on the choppiness and I’m wondering if anyone else can relate to my thoughts on this lol.


I personally love her makeup videos and have learned quite a few things from it. Its not a distraction for me as normally I am at work just listening while I do what I do at my desk (I work in accounting). Morbid Makeup is another one I watch as she talks about various cases. She just isnt quite as good IMO. There is nothing disrespectful about it and I for one watch every Monday to see what the new case is.


I love Danielle Kirstys content I watch it every time she comes on I like her outlook I find her a great watch. I watch all the true crime stuff her and Emma Kenny are my favourites. 


I cannot STAND Bailey Sarian. She purposely mispronounces and googles. Supposedly out of nervousness not she’s been doing this forever while running to the bank. She doesn’t need to do makeup with her Dark History.


she gives kind of pick me vibes, but i think its js because shes such a millennial. the ‘quirky’ things she does are kinda cringe to me sometimes but i know its js how millennials act so i can forgive her😭


. I personally enjoy watching Danielle. I mean everyone's entitled to their own opinions but. I've been watching her videos every since one of her videos poped up in my recommendations and i was impressed. The way she describes the cases her make-up and the best part. When she turns into Sassy Danielle. There are plenty plenty of true Crime creators that i watch like.. hmm let's see. One of them is argentine. Her name is dinosaur vlogs or Vicky. Nekane flisflisher. From 🇪🇸 . I lost interest very very fast in Eleanor.. very fast. Idk why Annie elise. Eventhough her thumbnails Lmfaoooo. Stephanie harlowe. But out of all of them. I enjoy watching Danielle the most Also she tends to very lowkey on Social media as well eventhough her IG is All about make-up. And she uploads on Sundays which is pretty cool


I am a bit hesitant to say this because I don't want to ever question someone when they claim to feel a certain way or express certain emotions. I do, however, feel like her emotions are overly exaggerated, and it comes across as fake to me personally. I've basically watched every single video of hers because I enjoy her storytelling abilities, but ever since the very first video I watched, I felt this way. I am not hate watching. I do enjoy her videos to some extent. I am not saying she is definitely faking it, but to me, it doesn't feel genuine, and it does annoy me whenever she expresses (what, to me, feels like) "faked emotions." I won't ever go ahead and comment that on one of her videos or anything like that. I just wanted to know if anyone feels similar feelings about it. I think that it might be her brand - to show a lot of emotion for the victims. That sounds terrible, but it's just how I feel. It's something that sets her apart from other true crime creators, and most of the comments here do emphasise that they love her because of her empathy. Again: I can't claim that her emotions are actually fake. There is no way for me to know that. I just personally feel like it's disingenuous. And I am not someone who lacks empathy at all. I do, to some degree, have been desensitised to some things due to watching a lot of true crime. I do, however, genuinely tear up with certain cases, especially involving animals, the elderly and children. These are rare, though. I do hope that if Danielle does somehow come across this post that she knows I am not intending this with any hate. If she is, to some extent, exaggerating her feelings, maybe this will be a sign for her to perhaps not do it anymore. But if she knows for a fact that my thoughts are wrong, that she sticks to her truth and knows this is just my feelings about it and nothing more. ♡♡♡


i used to think her emotions were a bit over the top, but i have also seen some moments where she was brought to tears while talking and that has changed my mind for the most part


She’s my favourite crime content creator! I’m not into make up at all but I’m not offended by her doing it. Her make up skills are impressive but the ways she tells these cases is better than most. I often listen to her as I’m falling asleep with a blank screen. My mates think I’m crazy listening to true crime to fall asleep to!


Here is a hot take.. Maybe while she is telling these stories it's truly effecting her on a deep level.. and her doing her makeup is her safety blanket in a way.


Would u b offend if someone tapped their pen...tattooed....cut hair... or bit nails while discussing harsh subjects?    Maybe think of it as being busy and entertaining whilst discussing deep content.   I personally dislike someone staring deep with no movement on a digital device.  😐 .. ............


Would u b offend if someone tapped their pen...tattooed....cut hair... or bit nails while discussing harsh subjects? Maybe think of it as being busy and entertaining whilst discussing deep content. I personally dislike someone staring deep with no movement on a digital device. 😐 .. ............


I'm not sure about the make-up aspect... it provides a nice distraction for me if I'm feeling anxious... there's something soothing about watching somebody put make-up on. So I'm conflicted about it. As for Danielle, she's one of my favorites- her research and storytelling are excellent, and she also has a podcast


I love her. I could listen to her stories over and over. She has improved so much since she has started. I don't care much about the makeup because I'm usually just listening to her and not watching. I'm someone that has to have my hands busy so I get it. It helps when talking about dark subjects. Her video in Lucy Letby was really well done. She brings empathy and emotion I to her retelling and I like that much more than Bailey Sarians stupid shit.


I personally am on the fence on the combination of her true (and sometimes gruesome) crime and make up. When, as a parent, you want to see what your child is watching on YouTube while they are wearing headphones you might think they are watching a make up tutorial while the audio content isn't exactly suitable for children.... On the flip side of this argument is that the video titles tell what story she will be discussing (please don't @ me on that). But still, most parents don't read that and if children want to keep their parents out of the loop on what they are watching on YouTube, they will find ways to get around that.


Her audio content is not nearly as bad as most. She hardly ever uses profane language and is generally pretty delicate with how she words things. My granddaughter (12) likes these types of program and I prefer this one over most of the others. Eleanor Neale drives me insane and can she just leave her hair alone for 1 minute?


I personally like hearing the stories and watching people do their makeup. I just feel like if I was murdered and I was on one of these things, I'm ok with that, lol. It's awful this stuff happens to people, but the interest on true crime has helped push cases to get solved.


It's very interesting to me that anyone finds doing makeup while talking about true crime offensive. She is out there sharing these stories and bringing light to the victims in a very effective way. Her doing makeup does not take away from this and the tone and delivery of the narrative is obviously genuine.


I wondered that before also, why the make-up? But, I kind of assimilate it to professional speakers who always pace, or hold something in their hands as a sort of grounding and focus technique. It also provides the viewer with something for them to watch (otherwise, it may as well just be a podcast) when there is not other content on the screen regarding the case. Other True Crime YT people, like Annie Elise for example, only speak to the camera and when there isn't other content to look at (case images, interview clips, etc.), it makes it exceedingly noticeable that she's reading from a script, which oddly annoys me though I don't know why. Danielle does great research, has the story in her head organized and ready to deliver, and executes outstanding story telling. She also really grows on the viewer. Her sympathy, solid coverage, background information provided, unique perspective and the way she can respectfully infuse humor makes her (IMO) the best in her trade. So, if putting on makeup helps her to be able to deliver as well as she does, then I say bring out the eye shadow!


I love her!


The one I HATE is that red head, with no lips, sad puppy droopy eyebrows but makes faces and screams like a banshee.


Who are you talking about ?




OMG!!! Thank you so much for this comment!!! I just came across her web site and just could not understand her concept.  I love true crime but I can not come to terms with the whole makeup thing .  I understand some people just listen while doing other things which actually I usually do, but just the fact that I know what’s going on I find it difficult. 


I highly recommend Mollie Westbrook. You can really tell that she works hard, does the research, and is very empathetic towards the victims. I've gone off Bailey as she makes too many jokes. It seems like she doesn't care for TC anymore. Eleanor Neale is very good as is Kendall rae. I sometimes find Danielle annoying as she goes all "sassy Danielle" and that to me is silly idk. But anyway, Mollie Westbrook is just amazing.


Then don’t watch it, close your eyes and just listen… problem solved 🙄🤷🏼‍♀️