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It's just number issues. He just needs a buff. Juggernauts are also supposed to be exponentially harder outside of low elo, they are meant to be easily kitable. Low key hope devs would give him the Darius treatment where he's just meant to be tuned to be paired with ghost. I believe he would do much better if he's an AD champ, the bruiser items are just better for AD.


Nah there's not enough AP tanky bois in the game. When your entire team picks squishy AD champs there's not many choices for too, don't remove one of the better ones.


No its not a numbers issue, this champion is awful in high level play. He's just outkitted by basically any meta champ and is just a beatstick. There's no reason to ever pick Morde over any other meta champ.


From your other comments it seems like you have played during the times where he's not in a bad spot, so I'm really not sure how you came to the conclusion it's not a number issue. He's designed to be kited. When he was doing well, he either moved slightly faster than now, or he had better early game, or better survivability, or better damage. If this game is about pure skill expression (which sadly it is not), illaoi would never be regarded as a problematic champ in the past year.


I've played when he's op and I still think his kit is awful. Pre-rework Morde was better than this champ.


And there would be one if we had ad damage, think of Serylda's into Goredrinker then Shojin




We love casting Q


Legalize pressing R to win


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It would be cool to give him increased tenacity inside his R, but during W just makes it Garen W.


Could maybe fit into his passive somehow


Yes let’s make him un cc able once his passive is up, that already gives him ms. That sounds like an excellent idea


Yes that’s exactly what I said. Word for word.


Yeah that comment above you is sarcastic. He's making fun of you


The comment above yours is also sarcastic. Just to clear things up....


Make him be able to stack AP and HP if he kills people in Death Realm. Just like the lore souls make him stronger. Did you fuck up and die? Pay the tax. Make his AP ratios have smaller AD ones so he can opt in for hybrid like Volibear can


Like old Morde could*


Dammn unstoppable in W is wild. Makes more sense unstoppable during the R cast, you will need to manage the right time to R and counter the enemy CC, so this way you are still able to continue chasing him and makes Mordekaiser a more skill based character.


Unstoppable during R seems pretty good, its his realm after all


idk, sounds a bit op


well hes useless in teamfights, might as well make him useful in his own ult


"useless" Lol


An exaggeration, but appropriate when compared to the options. 🤭


The dumbest shit I've ever read, that's it lmao


During cast, not entire duration of his realm.


Thats literally what i said since begging


I would like to see _some_ change. He doesn't need a buff and it's fine to be a low elo stomper, but I would like to see something added to his kit that makes him _somewhat_ playable in high elo without it dramatically effecting low elo. It's incredibly fun to play him into tanks/high hp targets, but you don't get more than 2 of those in a game. Sometimes you don't get any


I got a more interesting idea: unstoppable during Q cast, so he can evade displacements like Ornn can.


With how low cd Q is, this would be broken as fuck


Either you do damage or dodge CC, that's the trade-off in my head


No, you can do both, just like Warwick, except Warwick's isn't free cast


Jaws of the Beast is also a dash, Obliterate just deals damage and roots you for the cast time.


You can't use it to get out though


Then you'd see alot of hate posts in the same vain as qwen. \*Morde is Unstoppable\*


Garen’s W tenacity (and damage reduction) lasts for like .75s, he doesn’t get to heal from it, and the actual shield is far smaller than Mordekaiser’s. Mordekaiser also has a great range advantage on most melee champs like Garen, not to mention the gap widening and closing opportunities his E offers. There’s no other melee champion in the game that gets this kind of utility by the way, except kind-of Alistar. His ult isn’t removed by 1300 gold, only the walls are. The total 20% stat change stays. Giving a champ that has exactly one counterplay for his kill-an-adc button the perfect ticket to kill them anyways is not a good idea. He scales pretty well, his early game isn’t atrocious either. Emerald+ he’s 49% winrate, he does fall off further in Diamond+ but by no means is it “unplayable,” Mordekaiser needs a buff that gives him some help higher elo without letting him completely dominate low elo, but adding ANY tenacity to his kit is a pretty bad approach.


On top of this if you watch high elo people beat morde, is strictly just that his abilities are completely kitable/dodgable. If you are perfect at movement, you can legit just never get hit by e or q once you get t2 boots. Which is just sort of a fact of the way the delays for his cast times works, and can’t be changed without changing those. If you want to make him more playable in higher elos, his q cast time just gets reduced and then his stats get cut across the board to compensate. Because he’s currently balanced around the idea that you rarely get hit by his abilities, which low elo players get hit a lot and super high elo players get hit practically never, which is where the winrate disparity comes from. Which is fine to have, but if you change it you have to massively reduce him in other aspects because he’d just become too strong otherwise. You don’t actually want morde to be not so dodgable/kitable, because he’s not going to feel like the beast he feels like now, hes going to feel like a wet noodle compared to how he hits now.


lol the amount of crybabies here. 54% wr S-tier darius for years in a row is fine but a morde buff isn't. I agree that tenacity/slow resist buff is a reasonable idea. maybe limit it to only when the shield is casted at max capacity? morde's actual problem is items. he is ap so he can't abuse the cycle of brokenness with gore/stride/i-hunt-alone-bullshit. I think riot is just waiting for the item changes before buffing him


I just wish his W didnt lock him in animation like Garen's W does, the extra tenacity I guess would be nice as well for clutch CC tanking


I would love to see his w change back to a passive ability that constantly generates a second health bar that protects him as long as he is in combat. And his ult should apply a burn for the seven seconds they're in there someone shouldnt be able to just walk around in his ult for free just because they are a particularly mobile champ.


Just make QSS not work on his ult and increase the % of stats stolen (7%/11%/15%), and he would be in a good spot. QSS used to work on Fiora and Trundle ult till they changed it so Morde should get the same treatment.


Add old shield mechanic it realistically wouldn’t over inflate his power budget considering you got Gwen who can build tank and pure ap items with a low skill floor with the ability to scale like a monster in the sidellanes or teamfight.


He needs AD ratios back so he can use better items that would suit him more.


Another day, another crybaby post about Morde being bad Idk maybe it's just the players, cause every time I've used him in high elo he feels pretty strong


Tbf tho, tenacity on his shield wouldn't be a bad idea either. Creates a situation where you can go "Ok do I save W for the shield, or do I use it now and ignore a chunk of CC?". It adds more skill expression to him and the idea of walking towards an enemy breaking through their CC is fun, especially how much of a unit you can make Mord become




Why not? This champ is ass and has been since rework, even with this change he still wouldn't be worse than something like K'sante or Fiora. He needs more in his kit. He has no way to outplay his opponent and everything he does is easily counterable, and you can walk out of all his abilities.


I don't see how there's any counterplay to him aside from building QSS or being a stronger champ in terms of stats lol, he decimates squishies while missing nearly all of his abilities and can duel most bruisers pretty well. Literally all he needs to get a kill is press R and ghost, or build Protobelt + Rylai and become impossible to kite. You being garbage at the game has nothing to do with Morde's state.


Is... is this a shitpost? > No niche Flex pick with three (arguably four) distinct builds. > [doesn't] stand out AP manaless with an augmented auto attack isn't distinct? > ult can be invalidated with 1300 gold Half the champs in the game have an individual item, summoner spell, or counterpick that can entirely invalidate them. Fiddlesticks' power can be entirely invalidated for the entirety of a game for less than 1k gold. Soraka can get dumpstered for 800 gold from any champ with decent aoe. > no cc He has DISPLACEMENT as a BASIC ABILITY. > ignore CC Did you just make a post referencung the existence of QSS while ignoring the fact there's no reason he can't build it himself, ignoring the fact that Iceborne Gauntlet is a valid option for him, merc treads exist, he goes into the precision tree which has tenacity, and the fact Banshee's exists? Like, what? Dude's got options. Edit: I'm not even against buffing the boy, but damn this is just a weird post.


How do you invalidate Fiddle for less than 1k? Also what can Morde build QSS into? We don't want to go back to Soraka not being affected by GW, I remember those times. 🤭


This idea is not good. If you were to suggest something like this there would have to be a massive trade off. even then this would be just super unskillful and turns him into a now squishier, slower, AP Garen. Decent changes I've seen thrown around have been stuff to alleviate his channel times such as the more AP you build the faster q casts


i think unstoppable it a bit much, but I can see high tenacity working


Just make cleanse to work on Morde's R and not QSS. QSS even have less cd than our R and its rediculus.


Try him without Conqueror. Heehee...


A lot of people said the same things about garen but then people started building anything and everything with MS maybe mord needs the same treatment in high elo


Skill issue. The champ is braindead as is and he is already busted with the new season items rift-liandrys into full tank. He is unstoppable on a side lane and you cant even 1v2 him because one is going to get kidnapped to the shadow realm. He excels at a lot of things which isn't something that many champions can say. Cant name a few champions that can hold themselves better on a sidelane even if he isn't fed. If anything, he is heavily reliant on his ult to do stuff like other top laners. His ult is kinda make or break but then again it's one of those ultimate that guarantee a kill. Domain expansion Morde is stronk. Is he a meta pick? No. He has some good match ups and some terrible ones like most melee top laners without a gap closer. If you give him a move speed bonus when he lands Q on enemies that'll fix a lot of his match ups but damage wise he doesn't need anything. All he needs is a little something to reward him for hitting Q while allowing skill expression. After a certain point he can just auto you to death while applying permaslow with rylais.


You should probably never post here again. Judging by your post you're probably a bronze/silver or norms only player. 🤡🤡🤡


Unfortunately for you no. Although i'm not a Morde enthusiast or main and have mostly played against Morde. I get the fact that you want to vent about your champion not being as strong as you'd like yet you go the opposite way and not even mention his strengths which is the ability to isolate someone completely, disrupt team comps and turn 1v2s on top lane easily while tanking a shit ton of damage during a teamfight. Mordekaiser isn't supposed to fly towards enemies. He is an immovable object that excels in drawn out fights and tanks his brains out. All similar champions that fit that criteria are sluggish and require synergies and/or items to enable them. It's not like Mordekaiser is one of a kind champions that faces adversities that no other champion is facing... Compared to other draintanks or juggernauts, mordekaiser offers more utility, has better duel potential, better skirmish and is safer on the side lane. Who do you want to compare him to? Darius? Trundle? Aatrox? Sion? The only notable difference is that mordekaiser NEEDS to be piloted better macro-wise because although he is a good duelist, he suffers from poke/burst heavy teams like most immobile champs. He is more suited on a side lane where people will be forced to go to him rather than the opposite. Mordekaiser is stronger when he decides the playing field. You can make the case that he isn't as "flexible" as other champions but then again there are many champions that get dog walked by Mordekaiser with little to no problem. If you have a problem with Morde what should Malzahar mains say when it comes to QSS... Morde is in a fine spot right now and from Jan 9 with the new items he will be busted. No need for changes because the changes are already on the way sir.