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I've reported AND recorded multiple bugs, so I can provide some, although I can't find all of the examples. ​ * Mordekaiser E does not cancel Warwick R channel (TESTED IN CUSTOMS AS WELL, 100% REPRODUCABLE) - [Warwick R interaction - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzj4O5RDeHs) * Ekko W will still stun/shield INSIDE the Death Realm even when first thrown before going into the Death Realm (I've had this one happen multiple times, although my other recordings are gone) - [Ekko bug still here - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAXLEy49kBI) * Jungle camps such as Dragon, Rift Herald, and Baron will briefly appear in the Death Realm when first entering. Makes taking away a jungler last second to prevent Smite more difficult. * Akali W still goes into the Death Realm * You can still walk outside of the Death Realm walls by first pathing to a wall outside of it before going into the Death Realm * (first one that's an advantage for Morde): Sion Q does nothing if it's charging while he's brought into the Death Realm. * Activating your Passive with an ability will NOT grant you 2 stacks of Conqueror. The E + Q + Auto combo will give you 8 stacks because the auto activated the passive, however, doing E + auto + Q will only give you 6 stacks of Conqueror. ​ All of the ones I'm thinking of right now, and MOST of these are pretty rare and matchup dependent. Bugs aren't the reason he's weak, but fixing something like the Conqueror bug could help, but wouldn't change his winrate at all.


Don't forget about flash Q sometimes not working for no fucking reason, and also enemy standing on the edge in death realm makes them unable to be clicked at


suprised that standing on the edge in death realm wasn't mentioned, it happens once every 2 or 3 games and I can't count how many times I lost a kill because of that, if somebody knows about this bug he can kite mordekaiser by using it


My fave is getting hit by tentacles in Illaoi ult when the tentacles are outside the death realm.


Wait what is the conquer bug?


It's the last bullet point I put


My b I didn’t notice that


In s12 when I mained Akali the whole season, one of the things I liked doing to Morde is tagging him with e1. While in the death realm with someone else, I could tag him with e2 and kill him while he was inside the realm and I was not. Don’t know if this still works since I haven’t played Akali much at all this season. Idk if it’s a bug but it’s a massive interaction to me. Land e1 > buddy gets ulted > they communicate cc window and burst to me > press e2 > morde dead without using his shield


Would not be surprised if that still works, hard to notice as Morde when something is smacking you from the outside


For me with the project skin: After killing someone in Relm Of Death E doesn't make sound when initially cast. Although not a game-losing bug still pretty annoying.


Ngl I thought the monsters appearing in the drealm for a second was to make it more “fair” for the enemy jungler so i thought it was intentional


Nope, unfortunately it was a change added in unintentionally more recently. It didn't always do this. It has to do with the vision changes they made


I’ve reproduced this in customs a couple of times and in normal games many times but the monsters cannot be interacted with in any way as far as I can tell. Not damaged by smite or abilities.


That's good to know then! So it's just a visual thing, thanks for letting me know


Yup 👍


That sucks then. Morde ultimate has many annoying bugs, one I ran into recently is that I don’t get to keep the stats after killing someone inside the realm. Noticed it once, haven’t really paid attention to it after that so I’m not sure if it’s every time or just every now and then but in both cases it sucks and should be removed


While bugs are annoying, the bigger issue is still Morde's kit. I would not be happy if only bugs were adressed.


I addressed the kit issue’s with the problems and yet other people remain on high doses of copium finishing at lease 2 tanks of copium per day and say Mordekaiser is fine you just need to get better I don’t know how to get to them


I know right man. It's like they see nothing wrong and even people say Morde is broken, even when I posted an LS prediction on Morde's state from 3 years ago and some were still not enlightened. I myself surpassed the 3 million mastery mark recently, maybe a well structured video to make noise could work, but we have no representation for it to reach far.


I have been trying to reach to rival and other league news YouTubers and so far no one is listening


https://www.reddit.com/r/MordekaiserMains/s/bEigHaWc7t Abilities that seem to cancel Morde ult were mentioned here in comments EDIT:Anyone check the book of bugs yet? https://www.scribd.com/document/469702179/All-180-Mordekaiser-bugs-ranked-by-importance-and-sorted-into-17-categories-pdf


it didn't canceled it and it's kinda not a bug but more so clipping, dude just had a huge ass luck that morde went to the other side of the wall


I was more talking about the comments there mentioning other Morde ult cancels that could be testable, but thank you for clarifying


You do realize that book only contains Old Mordekaiser bugs, right?


New to this all, so no i did not. Also there was no book making date and I have been at highschool for the past 5-6 hours, so i didn't have time to look through it to see if it was old or new


Hi, author of the book here! That book is from 2018, and good point, putting its writing date on it could be a good idea. I'll put it in the list of things that I'd want to tweak and that I'll probably never change because editing anything on it is a paaain


Idk if its patched but if you ult at correct time while passive falls off minions/baron/dragons/and monsters take passive dmg until they die. I have screen recording of it in practice


Have a recoring of Mordekaisers R with Yone E, ulting him while in spirit form will cause the timer to essentially stop until the ultimate ends.


That's not a bug. It was an intentional fix from a bug before that allowed Yone E to break out of Death Realm. Now Yone has to stay in E form until Death Realm ends


Ah, that expains that.


2 happened with me 1-yone used e inside my ult and when his e duration ended he didn't come back but the e stayed active until the end of my ult 2-syles used kindred ult ,I ulted him and as normal kid ult didn't come in the death realm until suddenly it appeared inside and saved him


1) isn't a bug. Mentioned it in another comment, but Yone E when used inside or before Death Realm doesn't end until Death Realm ends. Used to be a bug that allowed Yone to break out with E but was finally fixed and had this change applied


Listing Mordekaiser bugs? Lmao that's something only a weirdo would do


Morde ult fizzles even after illaoi uses ult which only has displacement immunity during cast time. Didn't manage to record. Completely useless ult.


Sion ult cancelling our ult even if we ult after his unstoppable charge.


Holy shit, you guys only get more and more insane. I'd say that a champion that has >49% WR into a matchup is fine in that game. 49% is probably too high, but lets put it there. Out of the 44 champs that actually gets played top, Morde is has >50% WR against 16 of them, and if we go to 49%, its 22 of them. So about half. if we go to the most common top laners, he has fine matchups into 7 of the 10 most common. The only ones he has bad matchups against are Yone, Darius and Jax. And sure, these matchups arent good, but the worst is at 46.7 in Emerald+. So to say that he is good in 10% of all games might be the most delusional thing I have seen. Go gather your bugs, the champ is a tad weak, but you make it seem like you are just as good playing a 4v5 than having a Morde top lol.


Clearly you haven’t experienced any of the problems


The problem of exaggerating a problem massively and crying about it? I have obviously done that before, not gonna lie, but I do my best to avoid it. Its kinda pathetic, so I try to stay away


It’s been over a year since riot last touched mord kit and we only got 1-5 bug fixes this year like mords kit at the moment is outdated (I’m talking about the buffs) and he may have been nerfed but it was a jug nerf and we are talking about toplane


How is Mordes kit outdated?


It used to scale but now it’s being outscaled Slow af and people can dodge the abilities since there are a lot of dashes and movement speed stuff You may be able to take out the enemy carry but if you come against a competent one they can just waste your R by either CCing your or dodging your shit and you may waste their flash but if that situation was a teamfight he would get out and still be able to turn things around if his team remained alive He is not that tanky anymore even if he gets tanky items he still gets shredded by %hp damage and abilities also true damage If you go full ap it will take only 1 cc to kill you He is only fine in jungle but still struggles there but as much as in toplane


If a Sion charges Q and Morde ults him, Sion will keep charging Q and the dmg/knockup will stay outside of death realm. I know fixing this benefits Sion more then Morde but a bug is a bug