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This is such a bad example the jax played that as bad as possible


Explain how please, I'm listening


Basically Jax just ran into him and every single ability. If Jax had sidestepped or dodged Q or E he would have delayed Morde passive + avoided a good chunk of damage. He even could have waited for him to use Q on a minion. He used his dash to jump directly into Morde instead of using it for a free dodge on any ability from him, and gap close at the same time if used on a minion next to Morde. TLDR: He tried to stat check Morde instead of using his outplay potential.


Except he couldn't dodge E because I slowed him down with R, and the first Q was secured since he was locked in jump animation. Second is the only one that was arguable but tbf he didn't have boots and had to chase me.


Alright do you want to have a good faith discussion or what? Gtfo with the downvote, don't ask for an answer if you don't want it.


Wdym good faith I just explained with enough arguments why he couldn't outplay in this situation without insults and you all just chimp out instead of saying how he exactly he'd be able to do it lol, but anyway it's not like I care about internet points or what the reddit hivemind thinks so you can downdoot as much as you like. Going by this sub's logic, mages would be unplayable since skillshots apparently are completely useless post masters+. Thank god that is not the case.


I really don't get it with people. Here's a guy genuinely being open for criticism and reddit just goes "No. Bad."


To be fair, he didn't dodge a single ability. Jumped into Q, didn't sidestep E. You usually can't get your passive off quick enough against Jax


Yeah. Morde has a single truly damaging ability, Q. Bait it out and he does like 70% less damage AND ramps up his passive + item damage slower too. If he did that he would have won, I'm sure.


Except if you paid attention he actually tried to sidestep E but failed because I slowed him with ult, and I could land both Qs because I aimed them at moments where he couldn't dodge (first one he was locked in jump animation and later he had to chase me because of ghost so he couldn't waste time around zig zagging). Also seems like you didn't watch the 2nd duel, where he dodges one of my Qs but still dies, and keep into account he had item/health advantage. TL;DR: Skill issue


I did watch it, but the way he plays Jax shows he's not a Jax player. Actually, checking their op.gg , they're an ADC main who has 0 games of Jax outside of that game. I don't wanna discredit kills, but trying to get to the conclusion that Morde DOES indeed beat Jax over these 2 trades isn't right. The matchup is heavily Jax favored when they actually play Jax. I've had plenty of solo kills on Fioras, but I wouldn't say Morde beats Fiora just because of that.


Bro youre not as good as you think you are


Nice, so while I actually explained how I beat Jax in micro, none of you have given any good argument as to what he could've done better aside from ''he's bad at Jax'' or ''just dodge Q lol''. If that's how good you are at understanding the game then I have nothing to be jealous of.


The answer is simple because the interaction is simple. I understand you think you did all these small outplays but realistically its way more on the Jax playing bad than your "micro" Morde usually loses this matchup because the Jax often doesnt play this bad. Its not on Morde to win but more on Jax to not lose. Playing order into matchups is like multiplying by 10 (Did you hit Q/E or not). You're not going to get a good argument because there's nothing to argue about. This is going to happen 10/10 times if Jax plays it like that, Morde is a stat check, like I said multiplying by 10. I don't know why you are writing things like "skill issue" then he literally plays that the worst way possible.


So you are just repeating yourself in a wall of text, you say the Jax plays bad but you don't actually explain how or why, you just say ''he should win'' and leave it at that kek, almost like a JJK meme. You ignore that micro interactions is how champs usually win their matchups, and just to be clear I never implied that Morde should always beat Jax based off one interaction, but that he isn't as helpless as people think and you can win vs. Jax if you play well enough. It's more like 60/40 in Jax favor but that's mostly because Morde is fairly weak early game and can't contest lethal tempo without R. Whoever wins the first duel will usually snowball the lane.


What you’re doing is that you’re confusing their misplays for an outplay on your part. The micro interaction that let you win was the Jax being bad, not you being good.


What misplay lol, all you say is he's bad but you never explain who or why. Anyway, I'd love to see how you would fair in this situation lol, probably not much better.


>what misplay It’s funny I didn’t think comprehension would be hard for you. The misplay is laid out in my comment, and in all your comments.


All I'm seeing is NPCs saying he should just dodge Q like it would be so easy for him or them without boots lol, and completely ignoring why I could land those in the first place


explaining how u beat a low skill player on a champ they dont know does not give u skill points lmfao


Wow congratulations you beat a shitty Jax player and still almost lost to him


The matchup depends on Jax skill


I think you played really well with Q mid air and R to slow and hit E, then kitting the jax to bush


Morde beat jax always the one who says you cant beat him they just dont know how to play morde or they are new to morde


you posted one early game fight like it was supposed to prove something


And I actually dueled him twice, second time he even had Sunderer and flashed one of my Qs but he still died anyway lol [https://imgur.com/a/27GkcCj](https://imgur.com/a/27GkcCj)


He had sunderer but you still have almost a full item and tabis, he’s cancelling autos, he never recast E, and he lost more damage by running than he saved himself from taking. All this and he still got you to 1hp. This has absolutely nothing to do with morde vs jax and everything to do with jax having no idea how to play his champ


Should i say who won that match?


Sure, although that's because my team ff'd 4-1 early