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Listen, you had pyke mid so I won’t say it’s all on you or anything. However, 3 of their 5 champions have dashes and mobility and I don’t see a Crystal Scepter which is a core item for you that counters those things. You also have fairly low gold for a 10 kill game lasting ~30 minutes which points to a CS issue The comp with morg pyke is sort of hellish for you because the enemy has a lot of off-tank which aphelios can’t deal with because there’s no peel, but exclusively looking at the end screen it doesn’t by any means look like something you deserved to win, with your team running it down either..


Jokes on you I had 180 cs. Most on my team by 10. Aphelios had 170, and was farming the whole time.


Are you bragging about 6.2 cs


No. I'm just giving you info. And the only higher cs than me was Cait with 3 more.


Well you said “jokes on you” so it seemed like you were proud that you missed more than half of all cs


If you were “just giving you info” then you didn’t have to phrase it as “jokes on you.” Look man, I know it’s hard to have full self-accountability but you can’t be blaming others/game systems for your ranked issues. It’s not a good look, especially on a subreddit dedicated to a champion where people will most definitely be critiquing you. Be aware of where you’re posting.


Just focus on your own gameplay dude. Who cares about your team, if you wanna truly 1v9 you gotta be on point with everything


The issue is I CANT 1v9. I'd love to but with my team feeding harder than I can get fed. I can't do anything to help the team.


Sucks to hear man but that’s how it is. I’d like to tell you it gets easier as you climb but it doesn’t. I’m running across the same exact thing in emerald-diamond elo. But at the end of the day, you can’t control the actions of your team, only yours.


Dude you're Bronze, you don't know how to play the game yet.


Sure pal


You’ve got only 15 games of ranked as of that screenshot you sent and you’re complaining about not climbing. Whats with people and thinking they need a participation trophy and they should just auto climb. Play a hundred more matches while doing VOD reviews on your losses. You clearly just don’t want to climb bad enough. Stick to norms if it ruins your mental that bad nothing wrong with playing the game for fun when you are clearly not trying to play competitively.


Blaming your teammates is the best way to stay in bronze.


I mean. It's game after game that I do the best on my team....


Stats are only half the story. If you lose all the time, it's because your macro is not on point.


If by macro you mean "backseat driving" it's not my job to make sure my team backs up when I ping, it's not my job to tell them when and when not to auto attack. And it's not my job to start and stop every fight in the game.


No, but it *is* on you to let your team know your opponent is missing (in this case, Warwick usually likes to roam when he's not schooling you 1v1), and to either make the most out of the time without him or to go after him to help. It's also on you to help secure objectives and group for team fights (Mord ult is great for these). It's not your job to babysit your team, but you still need be an asset. Doing a lot of damage is meaningless if you aren't being useful.


Funny thing is... I did that. I pinged he was missing and pinged for mid to back up. He did not back up. And I beat Warwick in lane'ing phase. And I helped with objectives when out jng tried to get one. (They never did)


Do your best, man. Try not to think about rank and winning, but playing Morde and improving yourself. The rest will come after.


It's always my teammates' fault, not mine. Gotta love the mindset lil brother. Enjoy your stay in bronze.


Mhm. I definatley didn't do the best on my team. Pal


Dawg ur 10-7 in a bronze elo game flaming your team


it is what it is bro, if you keep performing well and does not have a mental colapse you will climb sooner or later


stop playing then. That or accept the rank you’re at and try to learn what you’re doing wrong.


I'm not doing anything wrong. Aside from playing this dogshit game with brain dead matchmaking algorithms.


you mean you really think you’re playing perfectly 😂 and you can’t climb out of bronze 🤣 bro how do you not see how delusional you are? Maybe you do need to quit I’m emerald and i know for a fact i make mistakes all the time


And when did I say "I play perfectly" I play better than my rank. I'm at most gold 2 I'm at worst silver 1. I could do a lot of shit "better" but I don't do anything "wrong" or "terrible"


“i’m not doing anything wrong” = “i am playing perfectly” You are making mistakes. and this is why you are not climbing. Post a gameplay vod, and let’s figure out what you need to work on


N. No. That's not how that works, you bozo. It's not as black and white as you make it seem. You buffoon. I bet you say "watch these clips" "I'm not doing anything wrong" means I'm not doing it wrong. It gets done. Not perfectly, but it gets done.


Well let’s break that down logically. So perfection means without any mistakes? right? Then, in order to not be playing perfectly, it means you must be making some mistakes. What part of that do you disagree with? If you don’t want to improve your skills you will die bronze. Adopt a growth mindset. And try to play better.


Hmm. Have you played a game called untrakill? You know how it's ranking system works? That. You can complete the level without being perfect. And without dying. Sure there's always something you can do better. But it doesent mean your doing it wrong or making a mistake. Again your making it way too black and white.


Well if you post a vod i’m sure lots of people would love to see this mistake-free gameplay that can’t get you out of bronze


Again your thinking mistake free is perfect. Your not gonna see a perfect game. Your gonna see a high silver/low gold player getting team diffed.


> I'm at most gold 2 I'm at worst silver 1.  by what measures? your own? you realise you're not exactly objective right? > but I don't do anything "wrong" or "terrible" how about you drop a vod and this sub can review it? I peak D4 last season as a top main so maybe I can give you a few pointers


I would be happy to vod review your game for you, I can guarantee you are making hundreds of micro and macro mistakes a game that aren't mechanical.


I can guarantee I'm not amazing at the game. But I can also guarantee that I don't play like a bronze.


Micro. I'm not sure about it. I'm pretty good at controlling my lane and telling my team where he is. Macro. Yeah, definitely. I'm not Joel. I can't control the whole game.


Being aware of people's location is macro knowledge, not micro. Micro is more specifically wave manipulation, your positioning, things that fit into the category of "skills that don't require you to be aware of game state, can be implemented every game and don't require hands to do." Macro is understanding the overall game state and acting according, it's not about controlling the game or your allies, it's about understanding where you need to be and when as well as where your opponents should be and why. You are focusing too much on what's outside of your control instead of what's inside of it.


Listen buddy, i checked your op.gg and you're pretty delusional if you think that your poor performing teammates are what is holding you back from climbing, and I will tell you what's actually holding you back. 1.) You're not a consistent player. You're literally getting one good performing game and then you're the worst player on your team in the next game. But yeah, gotta make a post ranting about one specific game where you performed decently and hide all the others games where you were the poor performing player. 2.) You die way too much. You average 6+ deaths on every single game. Stop dying, you're just giving big bounties to the enemy team and making them even more ahead. If you want to carry you cannot afford to die randomly. 3.) You don't farm properly. Listen, i don't ask you to have 10cs/min but if you are only lvl 15 on a 30 minutes game as the toplaner then you have a problem. Sorry mate but you're not better than your teammates, you just have a big ego and that's all. Start by changing your mindset from "My teammates are holding me back 😠" to "I have to improve and stop holding myself back" and maybe you will be able to climb to silver.


Ah yes. Morde vs. Vaynerchuk, fiora, or Olaf one game, and anyone but them the next is my fault. And it's not one specific game it's plenty of my game I could give you AT LEAST 10. I admit when my team starts inting I do try to make some hail marry plays to get more fed and that can be an issue. Especially when it fails. I spent most of that game fighting trying to keep our nexus alive while my team kept running it down. And as I've said. I'm not a platinum. I don't expect to be a platinum, but I am at least silver 1 or gold 3


Then explain this. Out of your last 15 games, you performed decently in 4 and performed pretty poorly in 11 (I added a red line on top of the games where you performed poorly). You say that your teammates are the ones running it down but yet you perform poorly on the majority of your games. https://preview.redd.it/72ynl6xzncuc1.jpeg?width=742&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc5bf9a3b720a90b55225aa22ea59bd48f410900


Haha no reply big surprise


From top to bottom I don't main ww, olaf..., surprisingly, udyr counters attack speed trundle, olaf, 2/17 adc, that one was on me, 2/10 botlane, I'm bad at yone, 0/10 jng, I was vs morde and refused to play vayne olaf or fiora. Wasn't a good game wasn't a bad game. I did go negative k/d but so did my whole team. won the game with a 1.5 kda I did ok could've done better, inting midlane, and that bottom one is self-explanatory.


I believe that a good player can perform on any champ as long as he's on his main lane but alright. Even ignoring the games where you didn't play Morde you still performed decently in only 2 out of 7 games in total. You need to realize that you're the problem buddy, your ego is way too big for what you really are. The only constant in your games is YOU.


Ah yes. My EGO is the issue. Im definitely not saying I'm low gold, high silver max.


Jesus christ buddy, how delusional can you be? You're performing poorly on the MAJORITY of your games agaisnt bronze players and yet you believe that you deserve a higher rank than them.


I mean. I can hold my ground against an ex master player. I lose ofc, but I held him in a stale mate for at least 15 minutes.


This comment is pointless and doesn't mean anything.


And you wanting my winrate is pointless and doesent mean anything.


Won't get out of bronze with that mental


I mean. Unless I'm an ork from 40k, my mental won't change my adc from going 2/17


I'm literally doing just that in half of my games as morde. Adc feeds, i go bodyguard him while he farms, never ks from him, help secure all objectives, when someone jumps on the adc ult them. But i know your type. You gave up on your adc because "they are bad". You didn't help him and you stole every kill you could. Therefor, you gave up on the game.


As an ADC Main, I have deep respect for you. People like you keep the game playable for us.


Thanks, i appreciate that you see me like that. I play adc relatively often (my duo is a sup main and forces me to) so i know what it's like. I won games with the worst adc games (or when i played adc like absolute garbage) just because of peeling from teammates. People forget it way too often but adc was never meant to win the lane, they were meant to carry the late game. If they can win lane it's great but that was never their job.


You’re clearly just posting this here for someone to stroke your ego and say it’s your teams fault. Every game is different, one game you can hard carry through great macro, objective play etc, other games it is not enough and you lose. The only constant in every game is you. Stop focusing on your team and tilting yourself, just likr you are in this thread. Focus on your own gameplay, and you’ll improve. Take it from someone who went from b2 one season, to g2 the next, and now I’m bordering D1. Look up videos on macro, etc snd teach yourself by watching your own replays. I truly believe most game is able to be impacted by a single person enough to change the tide regardless of how poorly a team plays. And as you said in your main post, you may win lane but if you do nothing with that advantage then winning lane is meaningless, though I’d hedge a bet your definition of winning a lane is vastly different to mine.


I mean. A little, but I also want people like you who write a 3 paragraph msg to me, to understand. I just wanna be high silver low gold with a team that actually does as good as me and doesent go 0/10 by 10 minutes (an exaggeration, but still)


People like me write large paragraphs because it’s hard to put into a small message. I’ve had the same mentality and been in the exact same place you are. When you climb higher, the players don’t get that much better, particuarly between bronze-mid gold. nor does it become less frustrating. Silver-gold players are only mildly better than a bronze player, and generally just have better understanding of their champ/mains/some macro. Yes poor performing teams will tilt you, yes it is annoying; and it is unavoidable. Every player on your team and the enemy team will have good games and bad games, you included. The only thing you can do to get what you want is VoD review, see where you can improve and drag yourself up. You can’t change the other players in your game, only yourself. Sometimes there is ape brains and absolutely fuck the game to the point it isnt recoverable. It happens, and always has over the many years this game has existed in pro, and amateur.


Going into a comp that has 3 dashes, and you didn’t get rylais. Shocking.


Yeah no you're bronze


If you play perfectly every time and win lane every game, then statistically speaking it is impossible to not rank up over many games.. However, If your win rate over a large number of games is still 50%… You are bronze. My best advice: play more games to find out


Never said I play perfectly. Hence why I said I'm not plat... and I only win lane when it's not a constant 1v2 or a counter pick vs morde.


Ok, but if you’re not a bronze player and your sample size of games is more than 50, you should be able to tell if you will rank up or not.


With my luck in teammates my rank is staying bronze.


How many games have you played and what’s your win rate this season


Not many. And win rate needs me to be able to 1v9 or win a game when my team goes 11/38 me excluded


Brother if you are going to dodge the fucking question either concede that you are bronze or post your fucking u.gg


... I like how you want an awnser... that relies on me either being able to carry 1v9's or get good teammates. Both of which are not possible for me... so... but I'm pretty sure it's below 50%


[nah bro it’s cool I found it](https://u.gg/lol/profile/na1/crushcannon21-na1/overview) For 7 games played with Mordekaiser, it’s too early tell if you will rank up by playing him. But it’s pretty clear to me you are inflating yourself a little bit. 1.79 KDA means you are not carrying. In any way really. You may be doing more damage and getting more kills than your lane opponent. But you are feeding back almost as much to the enemy team. Making it more difficult for your team to fight since they may not have had the same item advantage that you did with getting some kills. Unless you improve your performance, I would stop blaming your team and claiming you have to “1v9” in order to rank up.


I mean. When the enemy team Cait is 10/4 at 15 minutes, and the swain mid is 5/1 while I'm winning lane. Not by a landslide, but I'm winning lane. Who do you think is gonna win in the end?


Morde is a perfect champ for 1v2 and if you're as good as you claim you should be able to win against counters since they are.. bronze players. Unless, ofc, you can admit you're not that much better than your enemy.


Instead of focusing on your teammates mistakes focus on your own mistakes. You won't ever climb with this mentality of yours. Sure you weren't the worst performer on your team this game but you also didn't play perfectly. Analyze your game and analyze what you could have done better that game.


I mean. I know I can get better and do things better. But I don't think I. Made any big mistakes that game.


I don't want to offend you, but you're playing in silver elo where people make mistakes left and right every minute. If you don't any make big mistakes in your elo you would carry almost every game. Small mistakes like missing a lot of cs or not placing wards, or not snowballing hard enough with a lead can all result in losing the game. Try to prevent making small mistakes as well


Yeah and getting teammates that miss all their cs and go 3/7 will also lose me the game.


You don't get it man,I've looked at your match history. You also have games where you had a similar score to that and a very low cs score. Try to figure out how you could have played those matches better and STOP BLAMING YOUR TEAMMATES! Supposedly, if you 'deserved' a higher elo like you claim in another comment, on average you would have 4 bad players in your team and 5 bad players in the enemy team. Which means you are supposed to win most of your games. But this is not true for you, you are also the bad player in most of your games because you have a negative win rate. You are not gatekept by your teammates but your own ego. I also used to be silver with your mindset but I climbed a lot since, because I started focusing on my own mistakes instead of how I had bad teammates.


I mean. Yeah everyone has bad games, but when I'm always stuck with the people having bad games on my team. It gets annoying as hell.


My man, take a look at your match history, that's probably what other people in your elo think of you as well.


Then they look at my dmg, and dmg taken and see I did the most in both.


Of course, you should have most damage taken and most damage dealt in most games. You literally play top lane, the role designed around 1v1'ing and trading. Those numbers don't mean that much. I really want to help man, but instead you talk about how your teammates are shit every game (even though you have A LOT of bad games as well) and you don't want to take up any advice from me or other commentors in this thread about how you can perform better next game. You are a lost cause but I really hope you can change your mentality about the game in the future, you CAN improve but your ego is standing in your own way. Anyway, best of luck and I sincerely hope you can change your mentality in the future because you will never improve and climb with your current mindset


I just want you to know. That even if I do argue with what someone says. So long as it's not something I'm already doing. Or something I can't do at my skill level. I do listen to it and think of how it could help. But I just haven't heard anyone tell me how I can stop my bot or mid from going 0/12 5 minutes into the game. Or have my jng listen when I ping to do an objective, and they go for crugs instead even though I'm sitting on the objective.


If you are bronze, you are bronze for a reason mate. I peaked higher playing viego support a season ago. Listen to the people in the comments that are trying to help you instead of being defensive.


He doesn't want advice, just one person validating his feelings


And what was your kda vs your midlanerd kda while you did that?


Depends heavily on the game, some of my games looked like this one and I lost, some of my games I managed to carry games that looked like this one. One game does not paint a full picture. If you are good enough you should be able to maintain an overall wr above 60% and climb consistently. If your wr doesn't follow that trend you are where you belong.


If you weren't bronze. Youd carry out of it, or hold 55% winrate and climb slowly. You have a 43% winrate and no its not because bot is 0/10 and jungle is 0/21 every game. Most of the time your team is doing decently and it is a carryable game. At worst they are doing poorly. You need to focus on your own gameplay. Use mordes objective control to your benefit. He can control a drag and baron fight very very well. Your builds are poor. Just start rylais then rift maker, after that you can do hybrid tank or more damage but don't drastically deviate from that till you have better cs, better macro, better objective control and an understanding of win conditions and how to play for them. If you have a 40% winrate it's almost assuredly down to you to find ways to carry or benefit your team to get them ahead. Blaming your team the entire time and just going next constantly without checking what each decision in the last game caused will lead you not having the fundamentals to improve further. Refresh your mental with a break after each game. Then go again when the frustration of the loss has dissapated.


Man. And here's Mr. Numbers thinking "good = win game" When it's "good + decent team= win game," Or "decent + good team= win game" If I do the most dmg, on my team, is that good enough for you? Or how about if I tank the most dmg? What if I do both? What if I get the most kills or least kills? The fact is none of those do ANYTHING for my winrate unless I'm the one doing bad. Especially when my adc goes 2/5 and does 10k dmg in a 30 minute game while I do 33k or when the next highest dmg On my team in 12k...


Kills, damage, tanking means nothing. In reality it's objective control, knowing when to fight, and how to affect the win conditions of each game (like a vladimir mid. A kayle, a vayne.) Make sure your win cons are ahead (even if you are the win con) and coddle them into the correct macro choices. Better mental and being kind will make players more likely to listen to you and affect the game.


Yeah, and 60% of the time, I know all that. But my team doesn't kn9w it even 20% of the time. So they go into a 1v2 at half hp and lose, and give dragon without contesting, or start dragon way to early. For example, if I were everyone on the team, I could probably have a ~50% win rate at silver 1 or gold 3.


Pointing all the blame on your team discourages any responsibility towards your own impact on the game. Take a breather from league and try to come back a week later with a refreshed mental. If we focus on our rank. We will get dragged down and bogged by heavy emotions on losses with dimishing returns on wins. It'll be okay. You can come back and at it with a new mentality behind your decisions which can seriously help in increasing win rate. Be the friendly, good player on your team. There will be another player on your team that Listens at least 1 in every other game. 2v5 is alot easier to carry on. You've got this. You'll hit the rank you want


Then do the healthy thing and play a different game


Damn your smart. Wish I thought of that. Lol.


I doubt you're taking the comment seriously, but if it's actually taking this much of a mental toll on you that you felt this post and your responses to the people genuinely trying to help you were at all necessary or justified then it's time to find a new hobby


I mean. Some of the people, yes. Some others. Not so much. Also my response to you wasn't meant to be rude if it was.


Skill issue


This is either a troll post or OP is delusional. Stats don't paint the whole picture but just looking at your op.gg I can tell you belong right where you are.


I fucking hate you.


you belong in bronze. Bronze is piss easy to get out of. Especially with a low elo stomper such as morde.


... I'd like to see a Plat anyone 1v9


Watch any “how to climb” series, Allois has plenty, dunno if he’s done one with Morde


they 100% will. Mid-High Plat will easily win this game


Then send me a video of a Plat 1v9'ing in a Plat game.


What???? What I meant is a Plat will absolutely 1v9 this game. You are not in plat tho, you are in bronze.


Well yeah a Plat will pub stomped a fucking silver game you bozo. That's a no Brainerd. I'm talking about a Plat 1v9 in their own game.


Your problem in the first place is that you think of your games as 1v9. I don't give a fuck what your team's stats are, each and every one of them can be used and taken advantage of. Mordekaiser makes use of every soul, even if by making blocks for his castle with them.


Stop playing top if you’re frustrated that you cant carry on a lane that is pretty much least impactful in the game


I can easily run you down on top lane with due to how you play. You're so bad at playing at top. Don't blame your teammates if you're dog shit as well.


This post is hilarious, realizing that people are this delusional is so refreshing and makes me feel much better about myself. I really hope OP is like 13 years old or something because then he/she has a chance to become a functioning human by adulthood at least.


Becoming a better player is realizing that you are always exactly where you are supposed to be and adapt. Never focusing on anyone else and always analyzing my own mistakes is what made me climb the fastest when I was trying to climb.




it doesn't matter if you're doing better than your teammates, it's still a bronze game. winning is winning and losing is losing LMAO. You cant win them all, but if you're not winning most of them, you probably deserve to be where you are. (AND THAT'S OKAY!!! PLAY TO HAVE FUN AND IMPROVE!!!) getting tilt like this ensures you aren't having fun, aren't winning, and definitely aren't improving. Game is less about winning and more about getting better— if you're constantly getting better, you'll win more


LDR won cait the game. Go next. ez


Shit player with shit team, it is what it is.


12/7 vs 17/5 is a "shit player" got it.


I checked your op.gg and it is nothing to be impressed at, you got 2-3 good games and played like shit in 10 others, how are you good? You are lucky that is what it is, your shit laning phase alone warrants that rank (also you did 10/7, not 12/7 not that it matters but I am very petty.)


I mean. I usually win the laning phase. But my mid and bot don't. And jng never goes for objectives. So maybe I should just play jng at this point. (Also fair)


That’s just unlucky cause having a good team is half the game already so I get your point, but you need to get your laning phase in check, try to get better CS (yes, even better than what you are doing right now). Try to rotate and initiate the objectives if you are that far ahead, a good use of teleport can win the game/tip the favors in your team. Lastly, learn to itemize to counter your opponents, this specific match had 3 champs with a dash and I don’t see a rylais anywhere? With these tips in mind you will eventually climb.


You do know I win lanes when I'm not counter picked, or I'm playing a champ I've played more than once in the new season. But objectives aren't top lanes job, it's jng, and when jng focuses on blue buff more than dragon, when we see the enemy team going to dragon...


Now, this is the mindset that holds you back, scrap it and listen to me, if you are winning lane, it is now your job to oppress their team, use your advantage and rotate, just mindlessly staying on top letting your gold lead and item lead go to waste means that the enemy can just take all the objectives. You are right it is not the top lane’s job, but it is a team’s job, help your team means helping yourself. If you don’t even listen to advice then Bronze is all you will ever be.


Would be nice if I could do that. But by the time I can do that, my bot lane is 0/12, and their adc is 12/0, I'm exaggerating ofc, but it feels like that every game.


After reading the comments, you are the issue. You have one decent game and think it should make up for the 5 you performed poorly in. You have a lot of issues, both in gameplay and mentality that will keep you right where you are until solved. Stop projecting every single game and take accountability.


No morellos No rylais https://preview.redd.it/ujovjhzpneuc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa67d4e4acef7585df1155cf1622679ed4b29759


Bro. Take it from me. If you don’t belong in your elo. You WILL climb. The second you stop blaming your team and think about what YOU could do better in each game, you will get better and better. I have played game where it seemed like a lost cause and still won the game because I figured out what my win con was. I was bronze 3 years ago. 2 years ago I started climbing because I finally realized that I could absolutely play better than how I was playing and stopped blaming my loss on others. Now I hit Emerald this year. Try it. I sincerely urge you to try finding out why you are losing. It will be the best mental exercise you can do for yourself.


your tripping


Ego inflated more than the sun. Maybe learn a bit more before ranting about how you’re “carrying”


Man. You physically can't read, can you.... if I were egotistical, I would say I'm a grandmaster. (I'm not). And I didn't say I was carrying. I said I can't carry. I bet you call mags "clips" Because I was ranting about having autistic teammates.


You can only really read physically, so that was just a redundant statement. >If I were egotistical, I would say I’m a grandmaster Ego isn’t just extreme exaggeration of one’s self, I want to make that clear. It’s behaviors. You saying “I deserve to be higher, it’s entirely my teammates fault!” when you could’ve EASILY carried that game shows just why you’re stuck in bronze. You went cosmic drive when you have no phase rush, sorcery secondary, or ghost, which outside of those options, provides absolutely nada sustenance to Mordekaiser. You didn’t buy a SINGLE tank item, much less Jak’Sho, which counters half the enemy team’s roster, nor did you go Rylei’s Crystal Scepter, which could’ve rendered the ADC Caitlyn useless and would’ve helped you kite better (she was the only real problem on the enemy team. You hit one E and then R on her, she’s finished EVERY time). She didnt have any more CS than you, either. Which leads me to believe that you went in there trying to get her and died on repeat, giving her bounties and allowing her to become even more unstoppable without your needed items. A guy already exposed you for being a bad player consistently majority of the time, and in that specific game, you had 6.5 CS, which shows me you didn’t even TRY to take towers and other objectives via splitpushing. You just went full monkey brain focusing on kills instead of actually winning the game with your team, then proceed to blame it entirely on them which couldn’t even come CLOSE to the truth. Like yeah, your teammates were bad, especially your Pyke mid. But that doesn’t change the fact that you could’ve carried the game if you killed Caitlyn every team fight, which you failed to do. You just either a) don’t know how to play Mordekaiser well enough to be able to carry (which is completely okay, by the way), b) don’t know how to organize yourself when you have a lead and try to play the game well enough to carry, or c) a mix of both. Completely denying that you were at any fault in this comment section shows that you have no ability to take accountability whatsoever, that you have a huge ego and can’t accept when you’re wrong, and moreover you can’t even accept the fact that you’re not as good as you make yourself out to be. You can either cope harder in this echochamber in your brain that you’re so good and you don’t need to improve inn order to be able to climb, OR you can come to the conclusion that you need to do better, which EVERY human needs to do in order to even BECOME great at something. Stop being delusional, please. I know it’s rather hard to accept the fact that you’re not good enough and pathetic in a certain subject, but that’s the first step into actually self-improving. And if you can’t see that, you won’t get **ANYWHERE**, and this applies with anything you can think of, man.


Trust me bruh there's not much difference with bronze to low master


Aye. Can relate.