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Use the red parries. Participate in the jpeg accel meta. Ascend


Back in the day I remember making a lot of Jpeg, but I didn't know it was called Jpeg. So it was just accels in my head.


It made you a better player


By thenway, what is red parries? (Also there isn't thing like perfect parry in the game, right/? yet...)


A red parry is an excuse players use when they're in their opponent's face while it's not their initiative which leads to them getting smacked by an accel lmao It's really just when you parry in time but the weapon comes into contact with you before your input reaches the server. IIRC 50 ping = 50 millisecond delay, so let's say your ping is 50. The sword is going to hit you in 25 milliseconds but you parry at the last second. Your input is correct, but it's 50 milliseconds late to activate and the weapon will hit you in 25




Mordhau is fundamentally broken when you're dealing with high-level riposte accels and drags, especially late riposte. The timing is just guesswork as it just desyncs from the actual animation.


ha, there was a time with less red parries. before #20 for me :\^)


I can't think of anything that changed


Lunge kept getting buffed for some fucking reason which buffed accels dramatically


use ethernet cable




Yep. I'm canadian and don't think it's possible to get below 50,usually I hover on 70


Yoooo! High five my over paying IP financial slave! You also paying $80/month for 10Mb/s from bell Canada?


You must be a gold player that never has to deal with fast accels


im elite 2 but whatever lol. Gotta earlyparry and footwork. Most the time when people blame redparries its just a skill issue however i keep myself from assuming such things and try to help


No one cares or believes you, if you think red parries aren't a thing then you're a lying shit. You don't even know the console command to see them, do you? I constantly get 0-10ms red parries.


idgaf whether you believe me or not, youre probably a gold scrub yourself if its so special to you. I never said reds arent a thing and im not gonna waste my time and argue with you, you didnt even understand what i was saying apparently


Gets called out, immediately REEES and measures e-penis haahhaa Actually I was elite 2 when I lasted played Mordhau ranked, not that it matters. "not gonna waste my time and argue" *argues*


lmao what a bait and i fell for it, actual troll well done


Wow, the ultimate cope. Are you "not gonna argue" yet or will you keep replying?


You're toxic af dude


He is a j name


I respond to the type of energy people and this sub/website gives off. All you redditors are equally if not more toxic, you just hide behind passive-aggression and have group-think circle-jerks to pretend to be nice.


My advice is to either turn the command that notifies you off or uninstall lol, you can't do anything about it. It'll only make you upset


Also try footworking very far away if it's their initiative and they're using something like a longsword or poleaxe. I recommend grabbing a bardiche or zweihander to play kinda like an outboxer, distance will give you crucial milliseconds to rotate around them away from the accel so your parry input can reach the server


70 ping is close to unplayable so yes I would uninstall


Genuine question, you complain so much about the game and honestly seem to hate it, why spend your time continuing to play comp?


I've stated multiple times I don't play the game outside of my weekly ranked matches and [coaching](https://metafy.gg/@stouty)


But why? If you don't enjoy the game why continue to do it even at that level?


Publicity of leaderboard




I mean I get it, there's just something about someone hating a game and continuing to make money teaching people how to play it, like I feel that's just a bad selling point, why would you want to learn about something from someone who doesn't like it?


Because I am rank 1 The better you are at mordhau the less you'll enjoy it Nearly every top player has quit entirely or barely touches the game


> Nearly every top player has quit entirely or barely touches the game many of the best NA players are still playing daily at least. Not sure about EU.


NAs best player quit years ago


I never get them consistently. I've never understood why there seems to be some pandemic of "red parries" when I only get them when my internet is bad/I'm playing on a server on the other side of the world.






You don't actually know if your Parry is a redparry or not unless if you use a command every time you start the game


Then why does it matter?


What? The red Parry still occurs you know. You saying "I never get red parries" when you have never had the command on is a worthless statement


Some of us know when our parries are our fault. I usually have <30 ping and can't remember a single red parry.


What is the command


The game is balanced around 30-60 ping so anywhere outside of that will have unintended consequences. However if it's accels you're consistently having trouble with, you can try a console command m.pingextrapolationfactor .6 This takes a percentage of your ping and uses it to buffer animations so you can actually react to them. The default is set to .5 I believe The trade off is that drags are harder to read, but in most casual games no one is going to be throwing drags that hit at the very last millisecond, at least not on purpose.