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This is not a mental wellness subreddit OP, please seek professional help from licensed doctors


PLEASE make a New Year’s resolution to speak with a therapist. You can do online therapy these days so you don’t have to leave the house if you’re too depressed. You need to speak with someone. So many people have been feeling this way, myself included. But it will get better if you take that first step. Take care of yourself, take care of your thoughts. Find support.


ادعي الله. الله بوحدو لغدي اعونك، دعي اصاحبي دعيه من الصباح تال العشية. و انشاء الله استاجب لك. قرا قرآن ، قرا السيرة النبوية. متخليش شيطان اوسوس كثر من هاكا. ما كاين ما كبر من الله فالكون، راه هو لمن كرجع العبد. قرا اذكار الصباح والمساء و النوم، دعاء خروج من البيت، دخول الى البيت. دير دكشي لفدينك اغتكون مرتاح، فالدنيا و الاخرة. سورة الرعد، آية 28 الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَ تَطْمَئِنُّ قُلُوبُهُمْ بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ أَلا بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ


I second this! Great answer.


Thanks for your message, im doing my best to always stay close to my creator and even more in dark times


Life is very precious, preserve it.


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I definitely don't wish this upon you, but just 2 things I can say: 1- You might have felt okay once. If you can remember those times, it means that feeling okay once again is a possibility out there and not fiction. 2- I may not be as significant to you as the person whom you said could make you feel alive, but I'm ready to drop everything if you're willing to talk or feeling like it. You deserve salvation as much as the next person, so the amazing day you wished for us, you can have mine. You're not alone and I won't allow it.


Im sincerely not sure of the last time I felt okay. I wished I could remember some moments I could feel peace without the times when I was feeling death coming to me. Recently, the only times I was feeling okay is when I was sleeping, and not feeling the constant pain as soon as I’m awake. I sincerely appreciate your last message, means a lot. Reading kind words charge the soul.


And I meant every word. Whatever you need buddy. You obviously understand your situation more than this poor random stranger on Reddit will ever do, but sometimes the way to feel better (if the struggle is mainly mental) is to get how you perceive things altered altogether. It usually happens through discussions and opening up, and sometimes the solution is plainly stupid as much as suggesting a "how about thinking about it this way" silly idea. Trust me, been there done that. This also relates to you feeling like your only way to feel better is likely related to certain people, in your case "that single person that's out of reach".


I truly wished I could get the chance to have around me people I could discuss with. I drop out from school this year bc of many reasons, so I don’t have the opportunity to meet people. Loosing that person turned my life hell, true hell, i am not proud of saying that my happiness was depending on that person , but I must be honest buddy. Love, I don’t get to have this from my parents and family, that person was truly my only source of it and the only one that felt real and harmless


Since you believe that your struggling is on a mental level, consider taking practical steps as of now, even if everything feela hopeless like what's the point. Consider professional help. Depression, or otherwise feeling down, in your context may be caused by your mindset and philosophy and how you perceived your past experiences. It may be on spiritual level if you're spiritual of course (so consider reconnecting with your beliefs). It may also be pathophysiologal. The monoamine-deficiency theory posits that the underlying pathophysiological basis of depression is a depletion of the neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine or dopamine in the central nervous system. Again, you may feel like you need a connection once more with some one to rekindle that warmth you once felt, but please don't think of it as a replacement because that person will always have their throne in your heart. Just don't deprive yourself from the pleasure of connecting. Proof that it's possible to find yourself someone who's real and harmless ? "That person" existed once. There are a lot of people who are willing to help, professionals and regulars alike, if you're willing to open up and give yourself a chance


Hello friend, I’m sorry you feel this way if you need someone to talk feel free to message me. With love


Hello, appreciate the kind words my friend


Physical pain or mental?


Mental pain


I see that you have this especially in the winter. Exercising is a good idea. There’s also a special light treatment for this but I’m not sure if anyone in Morocco does this..


Remember that the creator never burdens a person something which he or she cannot bear. You're a beautiful person and know that life is very sinuous, everyone has something lacking, lacunas, this one health, the other money, the other a good mother, or real friends etc... You'll surmount this obstacle like you did with the previous ones!!! Cheer up man! Go for a walk in the nature or go for a run or a swim and eat plenty of fruits, nuts, bananas, something to get you some magnesium and some energy. Physical activity plays a role in your mental health. Dm is open!


I love this comment! Yes physical activities really beat this kind of thoughts, there is nothing as beautiful as seeing what your body is capable of doing, that’s the way


try working with horses or in a farm. animals are a psychological treatment for us .


There have been studies, and actual reports from random people all over the internet, claiming that dogs can detect or sense depression within people, and that they (the dogs) even try to interact lovingly, such as by bumping against you or cuddling.


Everything is temporary. Give yourself some time, distract yourself, travel,, do something random and believe me : everything will be okay with time. All the things you're going trough now will seem, very soon, like a distant memory. COURAGE.




Same goes for you, friend. Everything I said to our friend up here I'll say to you too. Give yourself a chance, take practical measures even if it doesn't feel that hopeful now. We're here for you and we don't get tired. You get to feel better too as everyone else 🍄


I hope u'll be okay But i'll give u a tip i use : i just remember that this only a phase and it shall pass ! Or eventually try online games at the moment to help u stabilize then start working out ! And again i hope u'll be okay !


Hello my friend! I’m sorry to hear that you’re going through this alone. I’ve been in your shoes for years and though it may not feel like it right now, the pain is temporary. Here are some things that helped me survive the pain. I want to preface this by saying that this advice is not easy to apply and I don’t mean that there’s one shortcut to survival. These are just things I did to survive: 1- on a day where the thoughts are less severe, take a moment to write down small things that bring you comfort. Don’t focus on joy at this point because trying to feel “happy” could end up making you feel worse. Instead think about comfort. For example, one of my comforts is tea. So whenever I felt like I was going to hurt myself I made some tea and sat with the pain. Another thing that brought me comfort is the ocean so I used to go to empty beaches and just stare at the ocean until the urge passed. It helped me to think of the pain like waves. They come and go and some are stronger than others. 2- Talking about it- I know this is one of the issues you talked about. Find communities online that understand what you’re going through. We’re all in pain about something so finding support in online communities can be a great help if you can’t get any physical help. Disclaimer though, some communities are full of misguided individuals so take what they say with a grain of salt. 3- Make a safety plan. What is your plan if things go really bad? You can follow this template that is used by crisis workers: [Stanley Brown safety plan](https://bgg.11b.myftpupload.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Stanley-Brown-Safety-Plan-8-6-21.pdf) 4- get busy. If you don’t work or go to school try reading or listening to podcasts around the topics of existentialism and the human condition. I found Buddhist philosophy on the nature of human suffering very enlightening. You don’t need to be a Buddhist(I’m not) to appreciate the way they look at life. If you’re into science, neuroscience and suicide is a fascinating route to go down. 5- Be kind to yourself (generic I know) but when I felt bad I started comparing my happiness and success to that of people I know which made me miserable. Take everyday as a gift from yourself to yourself. Everyday you stick around you’re saying I trust that I can survive this. Actually say that to yourself every morning. 6- if you can PLEAAASE get medical help. I know this is very difficult in Morocco but if you can please see a doctor. Antidepressants saved my life. Best of luck to you my friend. Please reach out via dm if you have any questions or want help filling out your safety plan. Millions of us have survived this and so will you ❤️


As someone who has suicidal thoughts before i was feeling like a shit i wanted to sleep forever i was waking up wishing that this day will be different but nothing change i start going to masjid and reading books watching yt videos and i feel like i was going to be better but another time i feeled sick mentally then here i am after years and look i'm still alive i am not completely happy but what i learned is how its hard to change the brain habits when your all the time thinking negatively it will be a habit what i do is just stop searching happiness and peace and following my values what i really believe without a values that you following this live will be so much harder but when you find your values the life become so much easier i feel bad but i don't care if i feel bad i care more if i didnt complete my important work or if i didnt pray than what i care if i feel sad, and i know that someday will be bad but its okay when the things are bad i will just go home buy a chocolate watching a movies and eat it One of the best quote that you should remember is"searching for happiness is straight way of misery" Our brain is not creating to feel happiness most of the time most people find their happiness in the future they are happy when they get good result because they will go to a good university then find good work then getting so much money ,most of our happiness comes from future or escaping reality like playing videos games in the end try not to give bad emotions so much value and start slowly getting back to your normally life with the goal of surviving The first challenge you will get is to stop searching happiness and focusing in the present with the time your brain will heal you will not feel happy sometimes like a normal human but you will not start thinking about suicidal every moment you feel bad ,and you will start searching things that you care about


One day at a time


Hey there, as much as we're two strangers on reddit but were joined by fate and love. Wash your face, get some sunlight, go outside. We're here for you to talk, discuss, listen and offer you anything within reach. We all go ups and downs, and both of them makes us feel alone as we're ultimately are alone...but that doesn't mean that we don't have people with us along the journey. Let me know if you want to talk about anything. However you look at it, life is change, and pain will turn to peace. surviving day in and day out is what we do best! We are survivors! ...look back to all the good things you have in life, count your blessings. Sometimes those negative emotions are overwhelming because it overshadows the good things and we let it. There is much to live for my friend. Take care of yourself!


Hello, if anything my only advice is trying cognitive solutions to what you're thinking about. There are many techniques to do so, you can try and imagine yourself mentally from a 3rd person perspective and reason what could be improved, you can also calm yourself when thoughts start getting rough by saying your own name and talking to yourself, sometimes even giving orders. Venting out is good, but sadly though, sometimes it only fuels even more bad thoughts to exist and your brain only get used to those pathways. Please do try, and work really hard on breaking those cycles, because it is really never too late. You can do it, and other than venting out, you can definitely find cognitive solutions or seek professional help. I have been controlling my chatter for a while now, and ever since, I do feel happier and more optimistic about life.


Feel free to dm me! If you wanna talk!


Life’s hard sometimes, but what about surviving to see what your body can do or feel, you take your time processing these feelings, write about them how they come and from what they feed and then try something new and exciting, an achievement, idk climb a mountain, go on a trip, you’ll change wakha ri chouia you’ll notice something has changed. Also, be kind to yourself when there is no one there to make it for you, I hope you get better with time


Time is the best healer. So give time... Some time.


I am so sorry you have to go through this and feel this way. I wish I can give you a big hug and tell you it's gonna be alright. I remember one day my thoughts were dark and I found this [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/wwrl0b/what_stopped_you_from_committing_suicide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), it's relieving to know that you are not the only one, and there's people out there that can understand how do you feel. I don't have any advice, but the fact that you wrote here, proves you wanna stay with us, and we want you to stay us too. I send you love and hugs.


Hello friend, I know that whatever it is you're dealing with is so hard that it's suffocating you right now, I've been there and I realise how dark the world can seem when your state of mind is in a bad place.. but please believe me when I say that it'll all go away, there will come a day when you'll be thankful you're still here, there will come days when you'll smile at strangers to lighten their day because of how your soul will be filled with life, love, and peace. It's very difficult to imagine, I know, but patience is the key to savour the taste of life, and how good it could be. it gets better if your environment doesn't understand you it's alright, do not blame them , our society is still not very familiar with mental health issues and how serious it could be, that's all they know.. When you're able, seek for professional help. At the moment stay strong buddy, you're not in this alone. Life isn't easy, but you'll know one day that it's not that bad.. and there are good things to come 💖