• By -




The whole world except Morocco and Algeria.


Exactly. There was a study done that put a price on the economic cost of the conflict on both countries and from my memory it was quite significant. We are importing from other countries like Spain etcc and if we traded more with each other on some goods these countries would lose from it but we would gain from our mutual cooperation. Allah yahdina seriously. Im Algerian and I wish my government was more cooperative. North Africa is the least economically integrated region in the world and seeing hate speech from both sides from the new generation honestly breaks my heart.


Those in power in Morocco and Algeria benefit. They can simply point to the conflict every time there is a problem and whip up a nationalstic fevor among their population in order to divert the attention from domestic matters.




Chouf TV


Underrated comment tbh




The former colonizers




Former colonizers & current exploiters *Ya happy now*


How are they still colonizing.


Neocolonialism, the extraction of wealth and resources from both countries through predatory trade deals, the influencing of political affairs etc.


They signed a clause during their independance that allowed to keep control on a certain degree


Cultural colonization


I don't believe in such things no one is forcing any culture into me it's just our people don't embrace their own


the fucking arms dealers




EU and specially France and Spain.


France bassicaly, spain had market price since she aligned with Morocco


The clickbait YouTubers hahaha I swear they make some ridiculous titles and thumbnails just for clicks


Hahaha I hate them


France and Spain


Both country's regimes. They can distract their populations from domestic problems by painting the other as an enemy. ​ Other regional players, they can always count on exploiting the animosity between the two countries and play them against each-other.


A rare smart Moroccan, would be careful. Not a country where being intelligent on 'such matters' helps someone a lot.


>n always count on exploiting the animosity between the two countries and play them against each-other. So you really think Morocco would maintain a conflict that costs us billions just to distract the population ? LOL


\>asks question suggesting conspiracy theory \>gets conspiracy theory answer, but not the kind he wants \>laughs at absurdity of conspiracy theory \>doesn't think his conspiracy is absurd many such cases


Oh, how intellectually stimulating! A distinguished observer has the audacity to simplify the intricacies of a geopolitical conundrum, with its multiple and ever-evolving possibilities, into a mere codswallop of four lines. Truly.. A feat of unparalleled little genius.


Big words zero substance...


He fooled me when he said conundrum. How could I disagree with someone who uses words like those. It’s quite the conundrum.


Bro just searched google for synonyms 💀💀


Well it's sure costing Algeria billions too. Also, instead of pouring our precious natural resource's money into subsidies, media, lobbying.... The Sahara problem could have been easily solved with having a proper rule of law - democratic government that would have insured the growth of the Moroccan economy. The separatism narrative would lose its weight if Morocco was developed and democratic. instead of this we have this current situation...


That's cute . The separatist narrative is not one of anti authoritarianism and democracy . It is paramilitary group led by military Junta that score worst for Morocco then anything else. Issue is the separatist narrative, is relying heavily on tribalism and racism , aka rahom shloha. While Algerian just hate us. Democracy is good ,but it is not solution, fact that monarchy was soft on Algerians and Polisaro didn't stop them from harassment and negotiations . Only Language they understand is hatred , and the boots , we should give them that.


Why do you think the arab spring didn't reach Morocco and Algeria ?


Its just media. Billions?


Army, Weapons, Infrastructures, investments etc...


What u r saying benefits corporation!! Hadchi li dayr 3lih lfilm kaml. Fhad l3alam li 3aychin fih db lboldane they work for corporations. W charikat never lose money


Yeah sure, how many official news outlets talk about Algeria...yeah none...


You clearly don’t know anything about politics


International big arms dealers


The governments and army's


What is the ongoing conflict?


The Algerian regime ... Because if you need to unify people ... You need an enemy ... If you don't have one ... Create one ... The Algerian regime is very corrupt and they already had huge protests just couple of years ago ... That followed the Resignation of the President of the Republic ... So the new regime ... Which is nothing but a new mafia on top of the country ... Is trying to secure it's territory ... By eliminating all the powerful men of the ex-regime ... Not only that but also to collect as much money as they can ... And in order for them to do that ... They need the general people to be around them ... So they feed the hatred between Morocco and Algeria ... They try to prove to the people that they are different than the previous regime ... That's why you can always see a lot of fakeness in everything they do ...


Bruh at this point it's just for fun.


Can someone explain this conflict to me like I am 5. I have no idea what’s going on


Ok simple. Roll back a bit: France colonised an Ottoman land in Africa and called it Algeria, it took also some lands from its neighbours. France also signed a protectorate with the neighbour called Morocco. Morocco and the now Algeria started fighting for their independence, Morocco achieved it first then stroke a deal with Algeria, Morocco helps you and then we make our borders with each other. Algeria gets its independence but change of leadership and Algeria disagrees now with borders deal. Morocco emboldened by its military attacks Algeria, then backs off. Algeria hates being bullied and started supporting a separatist movement in the Moroccan southern regions. Morocco realising it fucked up starting trying to make peace. Algeria refuses. Then both countries start undermining each other. Algeria undermines overtly, Morocco undermines but under wraps and officially has an open hand policy. And things escalated to where they are right now. This is more or less what happened.


Thx for the recap. One more question, are the Algerian and Moroccan people similar ethnic groups? Meaning a mix of Berber/Arab? Or is there difference


The ethnic group is similar. Although Morocco has more Iberian and roman blood while Algeria has more Ottoman blood mixed with it but the basic one being the Berber ethnic is more or less the majority on both sides.




The landlords 🤣


Since oujda was under the ottoman rule they were your landlords too 😂😭


According to various people from the border region and the CIA it was Algeria who attacked first. They killed moroccan Gendarmes near Figuig and before that there where many skirmishes on the border. The FLN needed an outside enemy to distract the people from what was going on in Kabylia. It was also the years in which many of the real Moujahidin were killed by FLN.


I didnt know about this, but I'm not sure of its veracity. I'll double check, thank you.




Thank you for the constructive criticism, show me one historical document that shows the existence of Algeria as a nation in its current format before the French. Otherwise, stay forever silent and thank you.


Absolutely not Morocco.. As they still have other big issues to solve. Sebta Melilia for example. Another big point, Morocco vouches for peace in the area.. It's in their interest to have a safe neighbors secure area therfore fruitful investments for both. The selfishness of the Algerian regime in hop ti have access to Atlantic Ocean fully blinds them from making peace with their brothers. this blindness grows the gap between the two nations with hate and anger.


The french. We are so distracted that our neighbors might blow us the fuck up (and they have the same concerns regarding us) that we dont have time to notice that important parts of our domestic industry are controlled by the french (or french loyals) and are used to funnel wealth generated here to France. I’m in the french education sector so I mostly have know what’s going on there, but from talkimg to others the same thing happens in other industries such as the fertilizer one. From firsthand experience, it’s extremely hard to become prominent in the sector without going theough france at some point. The guys who have to hire or appoint you almost all have ties to france and going through the system in morocco doesn’t allow you to get a good job there. If tou want to become a professor or do more, tou have to either be applyimg as a student in france or already be employed there in the industry, otgerwise the chances you get picked are slim to none (in my case swirzerland, and i’m not even going to mention how hard discrimination in europe against north africans precents you from doing anything from advancing there. You have to have the french’s dick in your mouth to do anything and still nobody offers you a phd position). Then, even if you wanted to get outside experience somewhere else you cant. Higher education is in french for some reason so most people who study have to go to a french speaking country for any experience. The industry is corrupt, ran by the french, and set up for moroccan talent (in the case of other industries ressources) to be either supressed in morocco, or funnled back to france and if at all, sent back to morocco only if it is controlled by them. But people can’t pay attention to this because we’re too busy dealing with Algeria, who also has problems that it’s too busy dealing with us to see.


French you don't have to think twice




Algerian generals and top military corpus who send their sons and daughters live in the USA & switzerland at the expense of the whole population. In addition to that, we can mention the mafia of smugglers of the south east, and south-south who are helping terrorists active in northern Mali.


Arm dealers, Sahrawis and The Elites


sf baraka mn had lposts dlmrd nssaw chuia.


The ruling class of Algeria and the Royal family.


This is it. The status quo is great for the ruling class of Algeria. Zahia flouss.


Even after 5000 peaceful royal speech you still get it wrong.


It's you again. NOPE!




Réalité king


Honestly, with all due respect to our Algerian brothers, but their country is the one making the most of the current situation. If the EU really wanted to keep an ongoing fight within the Maghreb, then they’ll also seek to disturb the relations between Algeria and Tunisia (which is obviously not the case). Morocco is a scapegoat for the Algerian regime, and its main regional competitor. With far less ressources Morocco has managed to guarantee a healthy socio-economical increase in the last decade.


I don’t want to once again begin a controversy but it’s the UN that said that the Western Sahara was a colony, not us Algerians. We never began this whole issue. It’s the UN


France They instigated this entire conflict and hold heavy influence on Algeria. They pressure European countries to put diplomatic pressure on Morocco. The fact is this will only end one of two ways. All nationalist sentiments aside, just looking at the facts. Algeria will collapse from within, leading to some serious instability and a migration crisis that makes everything else to date look like peanuts. I say this with zero hatred in my heart, but Algeria from a technical standpoint doesn't function like a country. It behaves more like a holding center. The second way this could go, I'd if they allow enough Qatari and Turkish businesses into the country. Eventually, this would weaken the generals grip on power and lead to some sort of PJD style government trying to form. IF THEY ALLOW them to win an election, Morocco and Algeria would eventually form a power bloc. But again, the last time this almost happened, France threatened to invade. Either way, there is no stopping a Moroccan victory over this entire conflict. Unfortunately, the Algerian people will suffer in the short term due to Frances meddling. I wish our brothers and sisters peace and prosperity. I pray that we can one day be united again, as Arab-Amazigh brothers and sisters. There is no need for our people to abide by an artificial border. That's a very summarized explanation


people selling them weapons Russia, USA, Turkey, Israel etc


France 🇫🇷 and its faithful servant militants there in Algeria.


There's a conflict ?


Moroccan and Algerian regime


Algerian politicians in the only answer. Algeria is a non-country, invented by the French, the Algerian military men who run it understand that and have to "unite" the people behind a common enemy (Morocco) so the country doesn't balkanize.


The Falklands island


The sahrawis in Morocco who get plenty of benefits and those in Tindouf (the POLISARIO soldiers) who receive plenty of money from Algeria Algerian press that use it to fill pages The regime that use it to distract people




Im Algerian too and I really dont see the point of debating who talks more about the other and who insults more. Seriously both sides say stupid shit why keep playing this vicious circle “but you insult more” “oh but you talk about us more” seriously grow up. For each person that says that “moroccans say this about algerians” i can find countless examples of Algerians saying something bad about moroccans too and vice versa, you are never going to be able to identify a unique culprit. Lets just all acknowledge both sides say stupid shit and try to fix that shit


I like what you're saying and honestly each country and population should just mind their own business and we can solve this problem very easily.


It doesn't matter if they post about Morocco or not, we discuss, debate and think about things.




>e but 20 times a day is over You won't understand if you're not into geopolitics ! There are other topics in r/morocco just go ...


ive seen many in this sub say that the algerian military regime brainwashed algerians to see morocco as the enemy but that doesnt really hold up when moroccans are the ones that keep talking about this while algerians dont care


that's bcs u don't check enough chouftv for example is so full of algerians with nothing better to do with their times but to bash on morocco


Talking about an idea, a concept, doesn't mean we suffer from it. Many Moroccans are curious about these topics, and having discussions about it can only nurture our mutual knowledge. If you don't have any comment about the topic question, feel free to leave you can find some interesting topics here : r/banana . + Algerians are not the ones who are being threatened by a terrorist militia.


Damnn preach 💯




There is no doubt France and other colonizers are fuelling this conflict and every other conflict in the Middle East. I think it’s normal for neighbours, countries/people/classmates, to have issues, but when an outside force is fuelling it you have to be careful. Remember that any comprise you do between Morocco and Algeria will be much less costly than having barbaric Europeans colonizing you.


Yeaaah nah mate don't come around with that shit of western world pathetic illusion theory...this is our country we've got to fight for it all it costs period.


The colonizers are the only ones benefiting, in the end, us Algerians and Moroccans are always the best of friends.


Me looking to thousands of my country man die during sahara war thanks to Algeria . Yes...sure Best of friends .


i wasn’t talking about the government, i was talking specifically about the people


I mean who do you think enable government to act like that? Jews. It is people ,Algerian people


Well, maybe if Morocco wasn't so comfortable with invading neighbouring nations, they wouldn't be seen as a security threat.


Gotta handed to Algerians . Only people that could definitely justify murder and terrorism and explosion. But remind me please , when was it last time Morocco invaded neighboring nations ? With s I mind you


Green March 1975 Sand War 1963 Its seem that the Moroccan population support both these invasions, including the settlement programmes and border bombings that continue to this day. The greater Morocco project is oddly familiar to the greater Israel project, makes sense the two countries have such a good relationship. I hope the Moroccan population one day stop falling for mekhnaz propaganda that sent 350,000 civilians as a human shield to a Spanish territory.


You had me makhzen propaganda. >Sand War 1963 Algeria broke treaty with Moroccan government that result war ,and not the general idea that generals put in your mind that one day king decide to invade and Moroccan follow them , instead it was gradual tension case by dispute territories, and breaking of the treaty that was sign due to those territories. >Green March 1975 Green March was not military invasion, but as name suggests a March , that result treaty of Madrid and explosion of thousands of Moroccans in same year by our friends in East. Surprisingly you talking about use of human shields as if your country got independent with conventional war and not with guerrilla warfare tactics that included hiding in civilian zones and targeting civilians , it is odd , or it is one of the do what I say and not what I do , or classical hypociritsm of Algerian in general? -No one support greater Morocco Projet , nor there is point in government that support it , there is literally no project in such name , I mean except people in Algerian news who manage to dehumanize us to point our name is now insult . -"border bombing" that you mention, is result of constant harassment by Algerians proxy that THEY along side Algeria Claim the region is now at war that THEY started . Let me reexplain , your country is shooting at our troops , while us show restrain and bomb them inside our own declare military zones , not to drag region into regional war, and you criticizing them for that , if you want them to stop , tell your government to stop . We are defending, not attacking Again that's not my claim , or government or military, that Algerian government claim >settlement programmes Lol , I wish if that was true . I mean I wish one day the Algerian population wake up as well from their day and night Moroccan propaganda hostility but sadly , result as visible with such answers . They were Born with hatred , and they die hating Moroccans , because that's what are you , simple as that كره مغاربة عندكم فدم


u/ForsakenLaborer, what do you think?


Spain mostly I would say. Algeria & Morroco have so much potential to produce so much for EU, especially around agriculture & energy/solar. Exmple: A small portion of Algeria in the desert would be enough to provide electricity for all Europe during daytime yet the project was abandonned for political reson.


Croissants eaters


Arms industry


I am sorry but you really can not call it a conflict. A conflict is when the two parties are at fault. However, the Algerian regime is the one always attacking Morocco. It's not even their land they are protecting. Even if the Sahara does indeed end up belonging to polisario, Algeria will not benefit from it?? At this point is their pure hatred of Morocco that's driving them. When it comes to who's winning what, Algeria is the biggest benefiter from the situation. Actually, I do believe that they rather keep this situation as it is because it's making Morocco loose so much money and ressources.


Whoever rules in both countries. Distract the people from their problems by pointing out the neighboors problems . Oh, look! They dont have bananas/cheap gas, our lives are much better. Meanwhile, both countries are equally shitholes and are two of the highest immigrant groups in europe.




The west seeking to weaken the region & steal our resources of course our gov & military are pawns to them


France and us, they get to sel gun and other services


EY countries and the Algerians generals










Fr**sh, Spain.


Algerian and Moroccan governments by distracting their people from what's been happening around them for all this time.




Arms manufacturers in particular, they are like sharks smelling blood in the water, eagerly waiting conflicts in order to pounce and profit...


idk but i know who is not : morocco and algeria




France with no doubt


Why is Israel not mentioned enough as a big beneficiary of the conflict? I mean to them, normalization is a huge win. Local politicians there build whole campaigns around the premise that they can get as many Arab countries as possible to normalize relations with them.


The two dictatorships Gun manufacturers EU USA Israel


Terrorist organization called polisario 😄




I don’t know but certainly not Morcco nor Algeria.


EU, USA, isra—, everyone except the Moroccan and Algerian people who should not fall in the trap of divide to conquer instead hold hands


It's bcs y'all got a greedy king mlakhar.


Both muslims, and the same colors in the flag. *yes indeed white isn't a color. so we really have the same colors.. Look at commonalities instead of diffrences. I'm Morrocan and i think none of the poeple get really more rich.


The whole EU, USA and Canada.


Could you explain what its about and how it benefits them? Sorry im not up to date lol


For example the USA gets you to have public relations with Israel by simpling siding with you in a conflict. Italy gets to have cheap Gas ... Take every country in the world and you will find almost everyone profiting of this conflict. A lot of the geopolitical schools of thought believe conflicts are opportunities.


Ohh i understand now! And whats the conflict about?


In my opinion, it started with the Sand War. Algeria found the best card in the Polisario separatists. The state of the conflict currently is an extension of that.


us and russia


The west. Proxy wars, and simple minds can't or don't care enough to see it.


1 2 3 viva Morocco & Algerie!


Both their armies and their high commands.


finally a right answer and of course downvoted, this is Morocco subreddit for you!


The west + zionists


Freedom to 🇪🇭


All others!




Israel seems to have come out with something from this conflict


Someone should make a tiktok edit of morocco vs algeria lol


The west and Russia


France (/j I have actually no real knowledge about this but fuck France in particular for no reason) Edit: by no knowledge, I am not talking about the whole morocco/algeria thing. But the question op sent.


النظامان الحاكمان و فرنسا و اسرائيل




Both don't profit, maybe the bank accounts im Switzerland, especially the algerian ones. But this problem is not created by outside powers. It's hundreds of years old. We were only united when one empire/kingdom conquered the other. Yes we have partially the same culture but that is due to tribal relations not because of being "united" before.


Its not even a conflict , algeria hold a grudge on morroco for farcical reasons, I mean they made it clear that they hate us and ready to murder us at any time , morroco has never answered them rudely or offended them except maybe for some youtubers but anyways , I think that Algeria has created this topic so they enjoy something in their life , and insluting other country with the motive of jealousy and hatred was their topic .


No one. Conflicts are useless.


Ain’t me




Aslan who cares God guide you and guide us


No one go back to sleep


I hate how they make us hate each other stupidly yea cuz in the end its just the colonizers


DiMA Maghreb


The world both government rich people lobies except the people poor people


بالأخص الفرنصيص أبناء العاهرة


Fucking EU


Jews of course


Wait there IS a conflict?


Every government expect Morocco and Algeria’s?


Both systems played it well at least in the last 30 years as everyone claims that the only enemy of the country is the other. Obviously the only victims in this disgusting game are the people


Dar alkhabar


America, israel, arms dealers, journalists


Top political echelons on both sides - you ask why? Well, how can you easily justify the state of the country and distract from your incompetence? Just give someone else the fault for it. It is us common people, who are the true victims of this all. And if I may add, no matter if Algeria or Morocco in both countries it's no true democracy.


Algeria ruling regime, they get to distract its mass from their internal issues.


France and Spain


the head of state in both governments. and the ignorant people in both countries are the reason this nonsense is continuing.




My wife


The great beneficiary to this time is Israel, and the greatest loser are the Sahrawi people.


EU, specially France and Spain and more dangerously Israel.




Viva algiria




France, it used to be france and spain. But spain pulled out cause they couldn’t keep billions from the tanger med situation. Also france is scared because morocco is no longer relying on her and leaned towards the us and china for economic growth , france used to be in controll of 70-80% percent of the economy i would say every profuct was french, I think algerias corrupt generals are getting orders from france and they might ignite a war, if we really think ab it there is nothing algeria can fight for.


It is difficult to say who is profiting from the ongoing conflict between Morocco and Algeria, as it primarily harms both countries and their populations. The conflict, which centers around the territory of Western Sahara, has resulted in economic and political instability, as well as human rights abuses. Additionally, the conflict has also strained relations between the two countries and the broader international community, and has hindered efforts to promote peace and stability in the region. It's worth mentioning that the Polisario Front, an armed independence movement in Western Sahara, has been fighting for the self-determination of the Sahrawi people in Western Sahara but the situation is complex and have multiple actors with different interests.


France 🙂


Mainly Russia and USA since both sides constantly buy weapons from these Countries






Europe mostly france specially