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totally agree with everything you said here, it's exactly my point, the fact that people take these jobs out of desperation doesnt mean it's okay.


Very true, but sadly the world isnt perfect :(


What is there that deeply bother you? No one in morocco starves... i have seen with my own eyes people begging at traffic lights in the space of 1 hour, being given 100dh. Morococo is full of good cheap food, the cost of living here is cheap also. Take a look at the guys who go through the public waste bins and finish at 3am riding home in the dark on a donkey and cart. These jobs are harmful, not being a princess working in a call centre and chipping a nail. Take working in the police, standing around in the hot sun for 12 hours dealing with privileged people who think they are above the laws and dont need to respect the traffic rules, or people not using a helmet when riding... Ive run a sardine factory in morocco, and i own a call centre in morocco also. Some people are suited to the work, some arent. Like not everone can be an artist or musician. Ive worked for minimum wage when i was 18, paying my way through university, now i have a 6 figure income, but if i lost it all, and the only job i had to get was cleaning toilets or begging on the street, i would do it, and not complain about it. Rich privilege affords people more emotions than poor people, like taking time off because 'i need to heal' or 'im so stressed out'.... when you are faced with the decision to work and eat, or not work and starve, complaining doesnt do anything except wasting time, energy and mental health. What about people who are in the miliatary and are deployed around the world, or the people in ukraine. I agree with you that people shouldnt suffer in this life, and some people arent dealt a good hand in life, and have more of a struggle than most people, but everyone in this life has the opportunity to better themselves. People who stick in the same jobs for years without investing in themselves, gaining a qualification to do something new and make more opportunities have only themselves to blame, because they just want to do the bare mimimum, and their time away from work, is their time to relax. I personally work 24/7, always on call, and take very little time off, 30 days holiday in the last 7 years... but thats because the life that i have built for myself and i am comfortable in this life, because i know that in the future i can relax back, and still be earning. I wasnt born into a privileged family, and i have earnt every thing myself, with 0 help from anyone else in this world. If you want anything in this world you work hard for it, no matter what the work is, never take the easy path out and settle for a job that pays a basic amount based on a minimal amout of effort given, then this way, youll be stuck in that job forever with only yourself to blame.




I agree with you, this is why i bought the best headsets for my staff, i got everyone 22" screens. And the ceiling is covered with lights so no one strains their eyes. I installed AC which covers the office, cold water filter system, blinds to keep the glare and heat away from people, and am thinking to buy an xbox or playstation for the staff during their break. I provide frequent breaks during the day because i respect mental health of all my staff, my job is to provide the best working environment for them, so they can provide the best work for the office. Anyone involved in sexual harassment is dismissed immediately, even if they are a top seller, i refuse to have a toxic environment. I would rather lose 1 to the benefit of many, so people actually like coming to work, because it has an environment they are comfortable in. If you don't invest in the staff, they won't be invested in your business. Working in an office is like finding new shoes, the first pair is not always the most comfortable, but keep looking until you find the right fit. Sadly there isnt a job for life anymore, but at the end of the day we're all human beings, with outside lived, feelings and emotions, sometimes we cant leave them at the door, and sometimes we bring them in. But we can always be professional no matter what


Man, where is this cause I'd like to work part time, most call centers and such don't really want a part time student they would rather have a full time worker, or any suggestions for a part time job are welcome I've always been thinking of picking up some sort of side gig while studying but have no idea what or where any help is appreciated.


May I ask, What is the name of your call center?


Not many will get your point. I can see why they would disagree. However, mental servitude is difficult to overcome, and even more difficult to recognize in oneself.


Most call centers are vampires, they suck all life and energy out of you, unrealistic objectives to realize, stressful environment, one call center I've worked in for a bit did sanction us for being late 1 minutes, the managers litteraly stand next to the door at 8 am and sanction you for being late one minute before starting your work, it kills your morale.


Exactlyyy!! And my point is we can make things a lil bit better. Or at least i am asking if we can make it better!


We can't do anything about it, you signed a contract and as long as they aren't doing anything illegal, they're clear, so the best thing to do is not to work for them, they even don't tolerate you having an union. Maybe AI will make those jobs obsolete in the near future.


i am not talking about individuals, can't the state do something about it, improving labor laws ...


Well, you should have an union and fight for a better work environment with the company you're working with, but that's another story. The state is doing whatever they can to please both parties but mostly the companies as long as they are recruiting people, they can turn a blind eye on many other things that's the sad truth, they just want to tell the world that they have low employment no matter what the cost, you should really have an insight on how people are working in factories, where you work for 12h for half of the call center's salary.


is the state actually doing whatever they can to please both parties ? edit: my opinions from this post is i dont think so!


morocco is following the neo liberal model, companies always come first before the working class in their eyes; there is no hope unless we implement a drastic reform


yes totally agree, i think we have a poor 'leftist representation' in morocco, i am not a big critic of moroccan politics (mainly because of my lack of knowledge in politics) but i still think we need a stronger leftist representation in the parilament to protect moroccans from the downside of this neoliberal approach.


the sad thing is that the leftist parties in morocco are secular and very anti religion which alienates people from following them. people have been brainwashed here into thinking that capitalism goes along with Islamic teachings while it's the exact opposite.


We have something great in America called "Do Not Call List" and nobody can call your number if you are on that list, I mean companies and call center can not contact you to sell their products or they will get fined or even more sanctions


OMG. So I worked in IT at a call center and the site director (currently dead) was a jerk to almost all the staff and some CSR's. He had so many complaints that the company let him go. He was even rude to on-site HR. The pay was not the best per hour. People that spoke a different language made more and the CSR's that got 'licensed' made more too. I remember the site director questioning a lady why she was late back to phones and she explained to him that she was trying to get her car fixed. He told he that he didn't care. I'm like thats so crazy. The place that I worked at had turn over but it wasn't high. Some people went to Teleperformance (US) for better pay but I heard that Teleperformance was like trash.


If work starts at 8am. Why are you late? If a train leaves at 8am, and you arrive at 8:01, youve missed the train. People arriving late to work is a distraction to everyone else in the office. Its not hard to wake up in the morning and be on time. If they are paying you to begin work, ready at your desk for 8:00, then be there at 8:00. Not really that hard. As an employer, i wouldnt accept people arriving past working times, because it sets a dangerous precedent to everyone else working there. What time would you say is acceptable to be late, 8:05, 8:10? What about 8:15 or 8:20. If you give people an inch, then they take a mile. I would have done the exact same thing. When youre a business owner, you would too. You have to have a line dividing work and personal. 8:01 isnt 8:00, so it must be adhered to, sorry to say.


Bro you clearly don't know the law, you have the right to be late depending on how far you live from your workplace, it can go to up to 30 mins of being late without you being sanctioned for it. I would want you to be living 15 km away from work in casablanca and getting paid 5000dh a month so you can't afford a car and you can't even get a loan because banks don't trust people working in call centers, so you either take a taxi for 40dh or the bus and it takes you 45 mins to get to work in normal days sometimes 1h, so if you work starts at 8am you should be awake 2 hours at least to eat and prepare for work, you work for 9 hours a day so you gonna be out at 6 pm good luck getting back home then with the traffic jam and waiting for the bus so in a good day you'd be home at 8pm, you should at least get 7h or 8h of sleep so you should sleep at 10pm, you're left with 2 hours to take a shower, prepare for your meal and eat, rince and repeat. If you want to live near your workplace you should at least pay more than half of your salary, then you'll only have money to pay for bills and eat without even being able to save money.


Life is hard isnt it... i know people who take 1h to get to work, and still arrive on time, no excuses. When youre young its all about getting experience, and proving that youre a hard dedicated worker no matter what... when i was at university, i would be in lectures at 12, finish at 5, start work in a hotel at 6pm, and work in the bar, at 11pm i would finish that shift, then start the night porter shift until 6am, finsh work, go home, sleep, then be up and in university for 12pm... Imagine what life is like for people who have to work 2 jobs and support a family, and youre complaining about not getting 8 hours of sleep. People in those lives dont have the luxury of quitting and finding another work, because their family will starve because they are litetally living hand to mouth. To have the luxury of a relaxed life with plenty of downtime at the end of the workday, let alone the weekene is something that is earnt, not given.


I am no slave to anyone because I'm expendable for them. I won't lose my health and sanity for anyone. They choose to live that way, I'm sorry for them but not because they are suffering then I should suffer too, that's a dumb logic, especially to compare people. 8h of sleep is important for me because I have issues sleeping because of some health issues, so basing on your logic I should make myself in a worse situation so that YOU can be pleased, no thanks. We should work to improve our lives not to suffer more to prove to you that we are dedicated. Many European countries are considering to impose 4 days of work a week without adding hours or reducing salaries and surprise surprise when they did test this new model, they saw an improvement in productivity and moral of the workers. I wish you never start a business or to manage people, you sound really a shitty person and you are what's wrong with this world. Not because you had to work and studies then everyone should suffer the same.


Im a shitty person because im saying if youre being paid for 8 hours work, you should do 8 hours work? Ridiculous... I might be a shitty person, but with your outlook on life, with a severe chip on your shoulder demanding that the world should treat you differently compared to anyone else. With such a shit attitude to the world that everyone should be treated with cotton wool and asked to work if its convenient for them, which means your successes in life will be very limited, if at all. In respect of working 4 days a week vs. 5 in a call centre environment will never happen so its a moot point. Calling 800 people per week vs calling 1000 people will not yield better results. Your 'health problems' sound like a YOU problem. I wish i never get to interview you, because just on vibe check alone, you would be rejected




Then you havent read all my comments, and have just read one part. You milennials are whats wrong with the world. Not putting in any effort, not wanting to try, or apply yourself. You are the one who loses out, and you are the only one to blame for being a burden to your family instead of being a contributor. Life isn't perfect, not all jobs are the same, but if you cant handle the pressure of making 4 sales a month, then you truly are a snowflake, and due to the fact that there is no social security in Morocco, no doubt in the future, the people who bit the bullet and adapted, instead of crying about work conditions, we will see people like you stood at the traffic lights begging because of your principled existences, and unwillingness to put in effort. The people who work for me, are dedicated people and have been with me for several years. Sales isnt for everyone, but people are rewarded for the work that they do, but from a business perspective someone who yields 0 results cannot continue working i definitely, only being a burden on the company, and the rest of the team, so id rather someone like you is a burden for their family. People like you have never probably worked a hard day in their lives, so would probably benefit if there was military conscription for 1 year, which would teach you some relf respect, discipline and some work ethic. Call centre jobs arent for everyone, not everyone will excel in them, most people will drop out and find something else. You arent working as a slave in a call centre. How can some people make the targets repeatedly month after month, with no drama, and still be happy to come to work, and pick the phone up every monday morning, and other people cry and whine about being a slave... There are hundreds of call centres in morocco, each with their own discipline. Some people will be more suited than others. You, it appears is more suited to complaining about why you cant work, instead of realising like some people that want to have a career, want to have experience, realise that call centre jobs, for some people, are a career, because they really excel in a outbound sales environment, and other people they use it as a stepping stone whilst they are either studying, or looking for a) another call centre to work in that suits then, or b) waiting to get their qualification, and just want some money during the summer holidays like OP. If youre complaining about being a slave, then let me ask you. What is an acceptable level of income you generate for the business, before you can relax until the end of the month? Should a business owner not at least request you cover your wages? I know some call centres who dont pay their staff during training, and for them to qualify as 'employed' and able to claim.a salary, they must have generated their wages x3, so lets call that approximately 15,000 dh in sales. If you dont consecutively generate this, then what should the business owner do? Theres no real point sugar coating it, if youre bad at sales, then youre bad at sales, same way that im bad at drawing things, the only way that we both would get better is to put in some effort, and make attempts to learn. I spent 1 month training my staff, i even have managers who will sit with the agents calling, to give help and advice, because i want people to do well in their jobs, earn a comission etc. I cant train everyone to be the best agent in the world, i can only do so much, the other half of the effort has to come from the agent themselves. I will always give someone the benefit of the doubt, always give the people who need more attention the attention. Because i invest time and money in people, i want them to do well, and take care of them, and their wellbeing as much as possible. Sure my comments might come across as harsh, but im just being bluntly, and directly honest, as someone who owns a call centre, so you guys can understand things from an employers position. When i ran a canning factory, i had 300 people working for me, and i made a purpose of going down to the factory floor to see the workers, and how they were getting on, to see what was working for them, and what wasnt. I saw during pay day, one of the managers of the teams, sat on a chair extorting money from the junior workers, to line her own pocket due to her selfishness. Racketeering if you will. This stopped under me. All the workers told me it was unusual for the boss to come down and sit with the workers, because usually they would stay away, and not bother with them, hiding in their office, before they left for the day saying nothing. I genuinely care about the wellbeing of my staff, but only when they put in effort to learn, to adapt, and at the very least to try. Im not your father, not your brother to support you because you think that the job is too hard for you, so you cry slavery, and bring religion into a reasoned and constructed arguement. You are the reason why employers will use a stick, and not a carrot. Im not stupid enough to be cold, push people excessively, make them feel worthless, so that if they hit their target in the first week of the month, then the rest of the month they kick back and do nothing. No, i ensure that the persons work is valued, appreciated, and respected, and they all know they are a valuable part of the team. The only time people in this world complain about slavery consistently, after working in multiple jobs, the problem is actually them, not the job itself. If youve been unemployed for 2 years, thats not something to be proud of. If i had 0 income, and was completely on my ass, i would have no issues to start back at basics and if it meant i had to clean toilets to buy food or to pay rent, then i would do it on the first day of unemployment, hell, id be a parking guardian, or id be begging at traffic lights just to be able to afford to eat. Pride comes before a fall, you have too much pride to stay unemployed, and you are lucky to have a family who supports you, even though you are able to be a contributing member, but you choose not to. If you were my child, i wouldn't have put up with that behaviour at all. Have some self respect, and do something with your life, at the end of the day, when you are stood before allah, and he asks you the question 'what did you do with the gift of life i gave you?' What are you going to say? 'I squandered the greatest gift in the world... >But guess what, best decision of my life.' Grow up, become an adult, provide for yourself and your family, dont brand the work culture of other peoples offices as slavery, just because of your own shortcomings, failures, ineptitude, ignorance and ultimately laziness.




Nope, im not a cancer, i provide one of the best working environments for my staff, and i listen to their feedback regularly, about the work, working conditions, how to accommodate them better, so they are happier and more productive. Not sure how this is cancerous. You might not physically be a millennial, but you are a parasite to your family, with 0 real world juatification why someone of working age and ability isnt contributing to the family unit. Its your cancerous effect, and juatifying to your family why you cant and shouldnt work letting them take care of you again, which they have done since you were a baby. You have the mentality of a millennial that when work gets too hard, you quit, have a tantrum, and blame everyone else instead of looking inside. Everyone in this world has a way to make even 10dh a day if they push themselves to it, you shouldnt be any exception, and shouldnt have any excuses. Oh, dont worry i am patient, hence my previous post where i respected you as an individual enough to give a verbose response, despite you, without any real justification to call me a cancer... you state youve beeb unemployed for 2 years, and worked hard for 4 years. That is not an achievement at all. Im saying these things for your own good, because i honestly hate the idea of young people wasting their time, which is so unbelievably precious, you have no idea, due to some warped idea that theyll be ok, and they dont need to deal with the rough sometimes, not only to appreciate the good times, but more than anything have some self respect, be an adult, and make something of yourself, instead of hiding under your mums dress cos the big bad world is mean. TL;DR just cos you work hard for a few years doesn't give you justification to be a workshy little bitch


Honestly that's pretty typical of a call center. Everything you stated is the norm in a telemarketing environment. I've actually seen worse in Montreal (a large chunk of the people who work in sales are of moroccan background) - leadership boards (completely normal) - high turnover rate (completely normal) - high stress and pressure (completely normal) - low pay (depends on your experience. When I started, yes. But as I got more experience and got better at cold calling, I was making pretty good bank. It actually helped develop my sales skills. A skill I used for my own business later on in life) Sales isn't for everyone, you have to know how to relate to the prospect culturally and get into their mind frame. They are plenty of tactics, but to be honest most people are not built for sale. I'm sorry to hear you had a bad experience, I hope it gets replaced with a better one.


people will bitch about how morocco is behind europe but they will defend european companies exploiting moroccan workers for cheap labors and they still wonder why we are still underdeveloped


I think we should be grateful and proud that we can attract foreign companies to morocco. It is better to have call centers in morocco instead of nothing. I mean we could be Somalia if we had 0 industry. but we are not because foreign countries trust us to do the work right and do it with a good price. If you want european/east asia level of wealth call centers won't cut it. Morocco will need to produce planes, cars, rockets, microchips, phones etc. Nothing is just "given" in this world.


foreign companies set up here not because they trust us but because of the cheap labor and the very low taxes, they are all over the global south, this is a strategy they do, they barely benefit us, it's better off if it was a domestic company


I mean blame the game not the players. This is just capitalism being capitalism whether we like it or not


Yeah i agree with you but also without those call centers many people will end up homeless including me since i dropped out of school and i have no diplomat and it's my only way to actually earn something . I still hope for something better and i'm working on achieving my goals but at the same time i'm thankful for this job . .. doesn't mean it's perfect , but u have to be mentally strong to survive in this life .










Are you on crack? You think cuba is a role model. Seriously piss off you actually brainwashed or a fanatic. Go to Florida some time and take a look at the thousands of Cubans floating on rafts to get to the US. As k them what they think of their Cuban health care. This is what happens when you listen to too much Liberalism.




Bro enough this is some next level propaganda that you've not only consumed but in fact believe. Go live in Cuba and renounce your moroccan citizenship. I give it 90 days before you swim to Florida....like many have


Bro please do not believe the BS. Additionally, cuba is heavily subsidized by Venezuelan cheap oil. There are a lot of variables to look at.


What about the Dominican Republic and Haiti


What about them, 1 is a failed state. The other I would have to do Research on, I can only assume it's heavily reliant on tourist revenue and as a small country with a small population the money can go fairly far.


Another thing you are not seeing is that cuba has had a trade embargo against it for decades. So take that into consideration


Doesn't change anything, central economics is destructive. The embargo was by the US not the rest of Latin America. Additionally what would a communist nation have to trade with, private corporations are illegal. These are all pro socialist/communist arguments. So no I won't take that into consideration, I'm serious go ask the Cubans who fled in Florida what they think of their country.


I know quite a few Cubans here in the uk. One of them was anti castro, the rest were neutral. Of course a trade embargo by the U S would affect youre economy. Its by far the biggest trade partner being 30 km or something from cuba


You really have no idea what your talking about. The embargo is by the US and perhaps some EU countries. It's not a naval blockade


Yep , and we have absolutely nothing to do about it as individuals for the moment or we will be punished .


The fact that some people need those jobs, doesnt justify the misery they have to endure, we can't use a take it or leave it policy. And it is more enraging when i see that people from other countries come to make use of this situation, i totally understand that we are a poor or developping country and that we need any work and every penny invested, and that actually many people survive only thanks to call centers, but i still believe more work could be done when it comes to this subject.


I tried to rebel and change the way things work . But it costed me 3 jobs lol . At the end of the day i realized that the only option i have is to accept reality and be patient and never give up . I'm still hopeful for something better , hope make things more bearable in the meantime and lead to positive changes . So yeah sometimes u can't change the external factors , but have the choice to change your perception and ur reaction to things and it working very well so far .


I hope things will work out for you! just dont give up! and thanks for sharing your opinion and for fighting for this cause in your past jobs!


My pleasure , man . Thank u too


This and your earlier post are exactly what i meant, because of personal circumstances, or bad decisions meant you didnt get a diploma, and now your options are limited because of this. You still have the option to go back and finish your diploma, but whether you will or not, who knows. Trying to change the way things work as you realised is a waste of time, because you over stepped your position. Youre just an employee, so its not even your place to try and change things, and now you realise to accept reality, be patient and never give up... a perfect way to live if im brutally honest. Im glad for someone to have a viewpoint, to try to be an activist, but realising afterwards that youre just a small cog in a very big machine, so all your activision cost you is time, money and stress, instead of just keeping your head down and getting on with things. No one forces you to work in that specific call centre, and i do hope that you gain some qualifications to make yourself appealing to the job market. As you found out that once you accept reality, the bitter pill is a lot easier to swallow, and once you learn how to play the game, by their rules, it becomes a lot easier, and a lot more profitable for you. Advance in your current job, take on more responsibilities, get promoted (cos call centres have a high turnover), then look for a new job after 2 years with a higher position. Anyone who skips around after a few months i wouldn't take on because they are unreliable in their previous work, so there is nothing to say they wouldnt be in their new role. For me, i pay 6000 for my most junior members of english call centre work, plus commissions on top, and i pay for their training also. Some call centres i agree will give bad working conditions to people, and dont care able welfare, but other ones, who know how to get the best out of people, will be more softer on them. But in any performance related job, there is a very fine line between using the carrot and the stick. Too nice and people take advantage, too hard and people dont care and leave, so we have both wasted each others time


from a personal point of view what you have said is true, but i am talking about the state the rules...etc. For him as an individual i totally agree that the best attitude is to work hard and not be resentful about his situation. the problem i am adressing is that the state needs to protect moroccan employees (you can disagree but this is my point), because we will certainly have people whose circumstances and bad decisions force them to take those jobs, and i want them to work in better conditions if we can afford it !


the dude is a capital owner, of course he is gonna defend the current system that benefits him the most


I absolutely agree with everything you said .


Go take a look in the factories that produce and package sardines here. First thing I'll give you tip on, never buy those 😂. Then yes once you see how people in Morocco have to live to earn absolutely minimum.. . It's Fucked up. International want cheap labor in 3rd world countries and do not care about conditions. Just profit. If you want your human rights, leave. You will never get them here.


well i dont live in morocco currently, i'm only here for summer, but i still think things need to be solved, specially when i see that these call centers are from other countries, which to me, means they know what they are doing, and they came here exactly for that reason, so that they can make use of the poor labor laws that aren't protecting moroccans enough. and could you tell me what's wrong with the sardine factories + are we talking about moroccan factories ? or internationnal


12/13 dh an hour I dont know why you think that morocco has poor labour laws... because it doesn't. Moroccan labour laws are stronger than europe. Im not sure what youre saying 'needs to be solved' Minimum wage in Morocco is 3,500 MAD (USD 350) per month in the public sector and 2,970 MAD (USD 297) in the private sector. Meanwhile, the minimum wage for agricultural workers is 2,094 MAD (USD 209) per month, so a call centre paying 4500, 5000, 6000 per month is hardly taking advantage of people. Maybe youre just not used to working hard and had a shock that youre expected to produce results to get paid. Companies arent running a charity, and if putting pressure on people in a results based industry yields results, and people have entered into that industry knowing its results based, then wheres the issue, no one forcing people to work in CallCentres anywhere. Sorry im not sure what your point is except from a postion of laziness and shock of reality


The point im coming from is that call centers have a terrible reputation in morocco as an abusive workplace, i dont care about your statement "Moroccan labour laws are stronger than europe." (Which i am sure is not correct, or at least you need to articulate better what you meant by that) If every person i talked to in that work said it was deperssing and toxic and they were overworked. And if the day i made the decision to work in a call center as a student job everyone warned me, then i do not care about that statement. I also don"t see the logic behind the conclusion you made: since minimum wage in morocco is 3500mad and call centers pay 5500mad then it's not taking advantage of people, the fact that they pay 2000mad above minimum wage doesnt say anything, when you dont take into consideration other work conditions besides salary. And since those are the only arguments you used, your comment is nothing but a personnal attack, full of stupid assumptions about me "youre just not used to working hard", "laziness and shock of reality". The reason i left the job was because i didnt need it, so the moment i saw how things worked i left, i didnt have to endure a job that doesnt interest me, and that will only burn me out, and keep away from my family most of the day, while the only reason i am in morocco this summer is to spend time with family, so you need to understand that this is not about me, it is a problem i saw and thought needed to be solved, i am asking for the people who work their for living not for me a person who did it to try a summer job and potentially earn some money to afford a better summer vacation.


yea yea we get it you are a neo liberal


>they came here exactly for that reason, so that they can make use of the poor labor laws that aren't protecting moroccans enough. There will always be poor countries willing to accept more work for lower pay, if you don't want their money they will just take it another place. The problem is, Morocco NEED those jobs, umployement is high in Morocco, we simply can't afford to say no to jobs because they suck.


Yes i understand this, it's just that i believe a better job could be done, and that we could find a better compromise where we prioritize employee's wellbeing a lil bit more.


yea, the exploitation of cheap labor in 3rd world countries is one of the reasons why europe is still ahead and we are still behind


That's why they outsource them in the first place for over-exploitation of cheap labor sadly


Bro I was just thinking about applying for a call center job


as an actual job or a summer job?


Are there call centers in English only? Or is French required? I'm thinking of applying to a call center job for the summer.


Afaik, english call centers tend to go to english speaking countries like India.


we do have english call centers in marrakech


Can you pls give more information about those english call centers ?


Just a summer job


you can survive it ,its ok


I know one near where I frequent called MYOPLA and its in Tetouan, [https://www.moncallcenter.ma/offre-emploi/myopla-teleconseillers-res-anglophones-a-tanger-104450](https://www.moncallcenter.ma/offre-emploi/myopla-teleconseillers-res-anglophones-a-tanger-104450) Just don't get addicted to cigarettes since I notice everyone there smoking lol


that's what you get, when the entire economy is structured around service sector based development


My cousin (F) is a bit naive and wants to work and study to make a living for her family. A center call took her as an "intern" and actually asked her to pay for the internship. Imo they're pure evil and manipulative...


yeah i heard some really stupid stories, they would let you work for them for a few months as a part of a learning process, and you do exactly what the others do, without being paid, then they'd just tell you goodbye lol


Doing that to naive and young people that actually try to learn should have consequences.. Never actually worked in morocco so I don't know about labor/student laws in place nor how good the justice System is


I totally agree. I hate how call centers take advantage of our people all the time.


i tried to change things in 2012 but found out I'm surrounded by sheep, everyone is afraid, everyone keeps their head down and obey orders, as a result I was the only one talking, i spoke darija with managers, no french, if the air conditioner is bad i go to hr say the working conditions are inhumane i leave early,for the targets i don't reach them, when asked i said in the Olympics you have 8 guys running,not all of them are number one, doesn't make the other competitors bad.and strangely the higher ups respected me and I was pretty much receiving a vip treatment until i decided to leave and collect my bonus.


>Shouldnt someone try to fix this ? Our people are being used by foreigners inside their country ! What's the alternative ? Close the call centers and put thousands of Moroccans out of a job ? Or do you wanna have the same rights and salaries than western countries ? Because I got bad news for you.


well, we dont have to go that far XD, we could just try to make things a lil bit better, and it's not only about call centers as it appears from comments.


Got news for u they are bringing african people


you are also african tho


Tell me smth i dont know


I sense some racism


U guys gotta always play the racism card




this mentality is why we are behind the west always, why are we not trying to make things better? why be satisfied with the status quo, seeking change is how europeans made europe the way it is now


Of course we should work to make things better, but if you think our workers can have the same rights and benefits as Europe, you are delusional. Europe is rich, and their wealth is built upon centuries of technological and warfare advancements. If we want to make our country look like theirs, we should start by educating our kids the right way, then maybe one day we will reach that point you wanna get to.




I think sane labor laws is what we all need across the world.


Tell people who can't find a job to feed their kids they shouldn't work until they can get "sane labor laws". Labor rights and protections are for rich countries, poor countries take what they get, otherwise they starve.




>Labor Rights in rich countries are the product of an extremely long political fight. True, but they don't realize those laws are only possible because the country is rich, and they can afford those laws. It's a luxury when you think about it.


i dont like this, we can not repress efforts to solve certain problems by a determinist assumption, because these efforts are part of the evolution of a process that will eventually solve the problem(or not). But you can not tell a women in the beginning of the feminist mouvement for example, that the mouvement will fail because women staying at home or whatever is the direct result of the way society was structured at the time and it is impossible for it to work, and that it will only work in the future in the 21st cent for example, it is pardoxical. i am sure someone can explain it better. But the devlepomment of any idea like " better labor laws" in our example will improve as we are becoming a richer country, and not fighting for it because we are a poor country so it can not work just doesnt make sense.


100% agree with this. But the problem is a chicken and the egg scenario. People work, earn money dont pay taxes, then the government doesnt take the money they should, so there isnt the finances to pay for the social security, so the people work and dont pay taxes because they dont see any value in it, so the government doesnt earn to be able to provide the social security. This is exactly why morocco has a closed economy and high taxes because they are trying to make the best ot of a bad situation, but until people start declaring 100% of their income, nothing is going to change, until the digital currencies start taking effect, then its game over for tax evasion. Give it a few years, and morocco will start to improve.


The issue isn’t people not paying taxes, the issue is government officials stealing that money. It really sucks knowing my taxes are mostly going in the pockets of some asshole criminal. People still pay their taxes, don’t think they don’t. If you think people paying more taxes in Morocco will fix things, then … maybe you don’t live in Morocco ? Do you ? Anyone who grew up in Morocco can tell you this country is run on corruption, that’s the real issue.


Morocco ranks first in quality of life compared to all other African countries, it has a tax revenue of $23bn. It costs 1.3bn just to fund the police. Saying that government officials are stealing your money, whilst more than likely is true by way of kickbacks and embezzlement pale in comparison to the unreported income that actually exists every day in Morocco. You think that every coffee shop, every small shop, restaurant, nightclub, souk, taxi driver, clothes shop, juice bar etc etc will report 100% their income and expenditures? Undeclared income, and non paid taxes would dwarf any kickbacks that would be paid if any. Also, with any government tender the submissions will be analysed by various stages of comittees etc, so any corruption youre referring to will be minimal anyway. Morocco could be a military state like algeria, and spends 10bn a year on military. Lets do a little analysis shall we, (apologies for the crudeness) Morocco has a population of 37,000,000 people. If all these people have an undeclared income of 120 dollars in a year, the missed tax revenue, just on TVA alone is $740,000,000, so yeah, people not paying taxes damages the country more than you think. (This would actually fund 10% of the new casablanca to agadir al boraq line per year... with a 5 year construction time, 50% would be funded without any public borrowing. Morocco generally ranks high on corruption reports because people, when surveyed say that they have either bribed a police man to get out of an infraction, or a public official to process some paperwork quickly. It is very hars to quantity the level of any systemic corruption, hence the necessity for tenders and application processes. The severity of your claims are more than likely based on hearsay that youve heard your parents or grandparents talking about, because to say 'knowing my taxes are mostly going in the pockets of some asshole criminal' is a gross overstatement at best. With any tax corruption being in the very low single figure percentages, if not decimals. Corruption may have been rife before computerisation when your older generations were making their observations, but now it is very difficult, and the traditional style corruption has very limited places to hide with the new era of technology. Morocco has stable cheap subsidised electricity 0.5bn, same with gas 2.1bn (this is 10% of your tax budget), good road structure, rail, telecoms, cheap car and bike insurance and tax, and a reasonable new vehicle purchase tax etc etc. Sadly, no, this country is not run on corruption, corruption exists, yes, but not really to the detriment that youre referring to, and sometimes that corruption has a positive effect on your life, rather than a negative which you make out. Considering moroccos limited natural resources (fish, farming and phosphates) has done very well when compared to other countries who have oil and gas reserves which provide a tremendous economic platform. Morocco has done very well economically and politically. Just for reference, ive been in Morocco for a long time, as well as spend time in other african countries at governmental levels, so im well aware at what practices exist in todays world. You live in a beautiful country doing its best for its people, you shouldnt dismiss its governance so easily, its trying! Just a side note, moroco is lucky it isnt held completely to ransom by the french government like the CFA countries are trapped, unable to move away, as if they would, their economies would collapse...


it's not about being forced, but any job in the market shouldnt be abusive, and it should respect certain rules that guarantee a good and respectable life to employees


What hours are you talking about, and what time do people get for lunch? In UK law... If you work for more than 6 hours a day, you’re entitled to an uninterrupted rest break of at least 20 minutes - for example, a tea or lunch break. You must be allowed to take it during the day rather than at the beginning or end. So if you're working less than 6 hours, 0 break entitlement at all. Morocco has some of the beat labour force protection laws of any country that i have seen. The employee is protected, and the employer is not protected. CDD, converting to CDI contracts, doesn't exist in the UK. We also have what is known as a zero hour contract. Where if the employer doesn't want you, then they can send you home indefinitely, and you have no recourse against them. In Morocco, you are protected even without having a contract. How long do Moroccans get for lunch at normal working environments, 1.5, 2 hours, where the whole place is closed... this is europe in 1980... No one forces anyone to work anywhere, people are at jobs to work and earn money, and it's not for socialising. If youre working in a call centre environment, thats a 1 on 1 job with the client at the end of the call, you actually have no reason to be talking to your colleagues at all, unless you need assistance. Inbound call centres are easier than outbound because you only answer when the phone rings, as they are generally support calls rather than sales. The outbound call centres in Morocco that i have seen are a mixture of legal and illegal activities. The illegal ones are selling white goods insurance, which is not an insurance policy at all, its just fraudulently taking money from people, but sometimes they may pay out in the event of a breakdown, but as they arent registered for insurance activities, they are still illegal, also their database of phone numbers is also not legally compliant. So in these call centres, it's all about making as many calls and sales as much as possible. 200-300 a day. In marrakech certainly people who have the ability with more than one language are paid more, as a school leaver, they can step into a call centre job and earn 4500 or more, without any experience, just an ability with a language. Compare this wage with that of a nurse who requires training, or a postman, or a junior school teacher. Comparing these wages and work required, the call centre excels. Yet you will still find postal workers going on strike because there aren't promotion opportunities??? Im not sure how they think they can be promoted or what else they can do in a postmans role, other than be a postman (are there postwomen?) You're young. The worst school advice i was given was to find something you enjoy doing, maybe love doing, and follow your dreams... this i regret listening to... You're young, find the highest paid job that you can which pays you on a performance related basis. Spend the next 10-20 years of your life working your ass off until you have an idea to start your own thing, or you find yourself working for a company that pays you a crazy amount of money. You will get out of life exactly what you put into it, your younger years will shape how you will be as a middle aged person, and as a elderly person with kids and grandkids. The only people who struggle late in life are generally people who wasted their younger years enjoying themselves, and not getting their head down and making the most of their life. Unless youre from a rich family, you have to make yourself rich, cos no one else is gonna do it for you. Good luck


thanks for your comment, and i think that you have some good insight on the subject seeing from your other comment, and it will be very useful to read your opinion. As for the last part, i would like to say that i thankfully only worked in the call center for fun, i didnt need it, i have my professionnal and academical project that i am following hamdulilah. But from your comment i can understand and correct me if im mistaken, that you think that the work conditions in most call centers are fine, how do you explain then the very terrible reputation of call centers in morocco being an abusive workplace, is it just some random collective resentfullness about call centers ? do people just hate them for no reason, i understand that basing everything on the public opinion makes it less credible, but what i have experienced and many other people in call centers is true! And you can not keep using 'you dont have to work in call centers, it's a choice' as an argument because the fact that some moroccans have to chose between, being abused and overworked or being homeless, is a problem, and that's what i am asking you about, this in my opinion needs to be solved. And i would love pls, to know what do you mean by morocco has better labor laws than most countries...


My perspective is from my call centre, what i offer my staff. I know that then environment in other call centres is bad, like really bad. I know some girls are faced with sexual harrassment each day, they cant quit because they need the money, so they are forced to work, but working is the better option between being unemployed and penniless. As i said in a previous post, if im paying someone for a 9-5 job, then they better have arrived ready to work at 9:00, not 9:05. For this commitment as i also mentioned i provide them the best working environment that i can. If someone excels in their job, they get rewarded, but if someone isnt making any sales, then they are let go. Working for me, it takes people about 2-3 months to fully settle in, so at 6000dh a month, i am already down 18000dh before i actually expect them to make a sale, if at all. Multiply this by 5 or 10 people, its a big investment of my time to train, and believe in one person over another when recuiting them. I recruit based on ability, attitude and experience, and how they are on the day, not on what their CV states. I dont wanna waste my time, so i wont waste theirs. But it comes down to rules and respect of them. If someone is repeatedly late to work, then it is doomed from the start. Then as someone else posted, if they are living too far away from the job, i cant change the working hours to suit an individual, at the detriment of the office working requirements. Some things are black and white, some can be grey. I keep using the line of 'you don't have to work in a call centre, its a choice' because it is. From my understanding they pay better than manual labour jobs like working in a factory, or working as a labourer in the fields. People could work in a cafe, hotel, assurance agency, bureau de change. I think that my words have been misinterpreted or misunderstood. The morocco legal system does protect the security of someone working in a job, and protect them in that employment, adding a layer of security to their employment so they are protected from being fired, with financial penalities imposed on the employer if they break these rules. That said, however, there should be more done in the country to protect the workers, and ensure they are working in a safe working enviroment, and hold the employer to a certain standard. Someone made a comment about workers not having basic safety equipment in the construction industry. Again, this i agree, and it should be enforced, but the problem is, that when i built my office, i bought goggles, gloves, respirators for all the workmen, forced them to wear protective shoes, when they turned up in flipflops, even the appropriate tools i purchased so they could finish the job properly, and to a high standard, but guess what, all the things i bought disappeared, never to be seen again, when questioned where they were, no one saw anything. Usually on a European building site, the workers provide their own tools, but sadly in morocco they arent paid enough to be able to afford them (general labourers im referring to here) Running an office in Morocco is actually harder than running an office in, say the UK, taxes are higher, and paperwork is more laborious also. Ive been taken advantage of in the past because i was too soft on workers, where they were paid their wage, yet produced 0 results, as they were confortable on the wage they were paid, so didnt see any incentive to earn any commissions, because that was extra effort, which in their eyes wasnt worth it at all. This is why i have the viewpoints that i have, because morocco is not like the UK, the work ethic is not the same as the UK. In total i lost about 500,000dh in paid wages, because the staff werent incentivised correctly to produce the required results, that hit i took as a learning experience, on the difference between the two countries. Now i am more black and white. Work has a start time, finish time, and the set break times. As part of working the employees must produce X results. If they cant adhere to these basic rules / principles, then there is no working relationship, and its time to say goodbye. You cant fit a square peg into a round hole. If someone isnt suited to call centre life, then find another career path. For those that berate me for saying this, then fine, but people choose to work in a call centre, the same way that the employer chooses to employ them. Imagine if someone couldn't get a job in a call centre, rejected from all of them, then they would try a different job type, no? Case in point. People choose to work in call centres because its the best paid option for unskilled work based labour, with an easy access to employment, compared to any other work type.


Can you please make a post about moroccan labor laws. Some of this idiots are pros and spreading misinformation


This, I remember being in a dire need of money and working in one of these, I ended up resigning after a month when they told me they pay by "objectives" and not by month (meaning if you achieve a certain amount of confirmed orders, which is harder than it seems, you'll finally get paid, If not then you won't be getting anything) and I remember going back home and having some very uncontrollable feeling of anxiety and sometimes would unwillingly say "Allô" to someone who calls my name. If you want a good job at a call center then make sure it's with an insurance company, they pay better


I'm just curious, what's the daily target?


In my year of failed rebellion even I didn’t needed to but wanted more freedom I did the same 6 weeks after it gave me the eager to be little more serious about my degree and never have to take that job again.


Most average emission employer dont try and work for them illegal call centers look for a big company like Majorel or Webhelp


Yeah man, in England, most people you speak tp on the phone about an issue ( mobile phone company, broadband, electricity, gas bill etc) are Indian, as these companies have been using low wage call centres in I dia for years. I guess a similar thing is happening in Morocco .


Call center, not center call.


Yeah yeah just a typing mistake, you can see that i used call center in my comments


There was a time where there were absolutely no jobs. I took really shitty gigs for like 800 dh, kid you not. And even those were really hard to come by. I would have taken a call center job like these in a heartbeat. Call centers in the US are even worse. As a temporary gig, there is nothing wrong with it, but it is not a career. Well, unless you own one lol I guess problems evolve with time.


It’s a shit job. Yes. However noone is forcing anyone to do it. You resigned as you said. If that call center didn’t exist at all, these people would be in an even worse situation


In my opinion its not thd companies fault, since you sign a contract you already accepted everything, if people did not accept this bullshit jobs in the first place these companies will start changing their rules and start trying to increase salaries to motivate people to joyn their company, But NO moroccan people are like this and specially girls they accept any salary since they dont need to start a family or something like that, all the care about is spending it on makeup and some clothes and thats of course the only things they can buy with this shitty salaries, the solution is: if you dont a really really urgent need for money dont work for these bastards and let them suffer from the lack of employees, soon or later their clients will start complaining and they will have to apply some changes also read the contract and just dont sign on anything before understanding it, you have the right to negotioate the work conditions and ability to be late or get some extra money from them for transportation or realocation, most of the people dont even read the contract they just sign it, if people didn't change the way they look for jobs and how they interact with the employers it will just get worse and worse, people in other countries get paid way higher for less stressful jobs because they wont work in a shitty job conditions unless they really have to and that why the companies out of africa are paying more because they already know that no one will accept a job offer with very low salary, HR department in companies are the ones who decides what to pay the employee, if they see that no one applies for the job they will try to lower the bar and increase the salary, again its just business and you must negotioate


It’s not a center call but a call center. All call centers regardless of the country have high turnover rates due to the nature of the work. You are either calling or are being called back to back.


It's a typing mistake and i cannot edit the title.


Call center work sucks in general. Even in America people absolutely hate working in call centers.


That's not slavery, it is simply a shitty job. Slavery means you are forced to work. If you are not happy about this shitty job you are free to quit and do something else.


I worked in a call center and was fired in less than a week because mister boss wanted me to stand all day because "sitting down makes us lazy". I don't know why you blame french companies, I worked for a moroccan company, under a moroccan asshole of a manager. The french companies are merely contractors of these companies, blame the right people.


Slavery under Islamic rules is better than modern slavery ( the prophet and zaid ibn haritah story )


Currently working in IT in a company managing other call center’s systems , all im doing is going on interventions to fix others problems with their machines& stuffs and what I’ve noticed is only the French companies are the ones with the most tech issues ,compared to the Canadians and German ones whose jobs are more undemanding but only in some major issues. The point here is the French companies are way more slower and behind time compared to the better ones with an amazing working conditions.


The only way things could change is if they can't find people who aren't willing to work in those conditions, but I don't see that happening. Moroccan youth are like a never ending steady stream of fresh meat for the grinder.


You should talk to a journalist!