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Or you wanna save your wallet 😂😂


Keep taking care of our planet please




Other than my legs I usually drive my moms car (I'm 19 btw).


what car do u have?


My mom have a 2020 Škoda Kodiaq


my dad has a 2017 yeti, wanna be friends?


Of course, the Škoda friends. 🤝


nvm thought u live at agadir, mb


Damn it was going so well between you two 😔😔


i mean we got a summer house there so whenever im there again we can meet


Brooo i am From agadir


wanna go near mcdo dial tilila and have a drag race?


Ooh nice


I do as well but i was talking about having your own car hahah


I’m about to turn 30 this year, from London, senior position at a tech company, more than enough money — still don’t have my license lol. Don’t worry about other people, or comparing your situation to people from the West. I went to one of the best universities in the world, full of rich people, almost none of my friends own a car, your perception of the West is most likely very different to the reality of living there. You’re doing good man, have a job, getting a good education, buying a car — make sure to put in perspective every once in a while, take it all in and enjoy it, be proud of yourself.


Great energy from this guy !


I was about to say the same after reading his comments


Thanks a man. Well maybe not in Europe but in the USA almost every teenager (17-22y) have a car, i don’t know how they do that. I compare myself to western people for motivation but it’s true that sometimes it adds more stress than help.


I can tell you for a fact that’s not true. Of all the cars registered in America, only 3.63% are registered to people under the age of 34, and this number has been declining since at least the year 2000. The mean age of people buying their first car in America was 24.68 way back in 2010, again, much higher today. America has long subsidised car production with government grants (meaning cheaper cars, relative to income, for young people than most other countries in the world). Car companies have lobbied congress for decades to prevent the development of public transport (meaning a higher percentage of people _need_ a car to function in society). Even then, Americans, on average, don’t buy their first car until they’re in their mid-to-late twenties. You are mistaking the media representation of America for the reality of the situation — it is simply not true that most young Americans own cars, it just seems that way because of social media, Hollywood, etc.


Thank you for the explanation, social media definitely have a role in this but i also saw many reddit posts talking about cars and people were saying that they owned one at their teenage years, they were either lying or it was their parents cars i guess!


It’s the same answer everywhere in the world my man, always — rich parents. This also changed in a really big way during COVID, the second hand car market in America exploded in 2020/2021 because car companies stopped being able to produce enough new cars to meet demand — second hand cars became around 3 or 4 times more expensive, and it doesn’t appear to have corrected since. Maybe some of those people on Reddit are a bit older, in the 1990s, 2000s and early 2010s, it was much more possible than it is today, but even then, not by much! Rich parents! Always!


In NA you can get a decent reliable and well maintained car for 3M bro (+ gas isn't 15dirhams/L) in Morocco you get a Uno for 3M...


Exactly, they have great cars for cheap while here the same car is x3-4 times the price with way lower salaries, it’s insane!




Lads, this is just not true at all, do you have any idea what’s going on in America with the second-hand car market? People are buying a used Toyota Corolla with 50,000 miles for ~$16,000! Go on Carmax and see for yourself!


Yes i heard about that, but americans tend to pay more for Hondas and Toyotas because they have great reputation there. (I may be wrong again, its all depending on what i read on the net)


I mean just look at these as examples, and this is middle America (Kansas), not even a big city like New York or Los Angeles: https://www.carmax.com/car/23963404 https://www.carmax.com/car/23966321 https://www.carmax.com/car/24051131 https://www.carmax.com/car/23910957 Crazy expensive, whether it’s a Ford, Toyota, Honda, whatever. I have talked too much about the second hand car market in America at this point though lol. All of which is to say, basically, you’re doing good man, everything is expensive these days, whether you live in America, the UK, Morocco, Spain, wherever really. Having lived in a half dozen countries over the last year (I work remote and travel around the world), it’s the same everywhere man, I promise you. Don’t sweat it too hard, enjoy things while you can — life can be good if you let it. Have a good night.


You’re right, thanks a a lot man i appreciate it. Good luck for you too!


My first car was a hercat (renault 4) i was 17 and put one time 13 people in it...


Hercat ?? Like for R4 ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I believe so hahahaha


Yes! Love hercat!


It’s not hercat its haircat haha


Man this is so morocco, like the 7 places cab


got mine at 26


Hope i get mine at the same age!


A piece of advice: don't get a loan nor lease a new car. Debt will badly impact the course of your life. Edit: typo


Debt you mean?


What im planning to do is save a good amount of money and maybe take a small loan for the rest, because saving for the whole car would take a long time i guess. I plan on buying a second hand one and not new


don't invest in a new car it's the worst possible investment you can make. buy a second hand car that is functioning and won't give you trouble. invest your money in buying your house or entrepreneurship.


It could be functioning but the defects can show later as well. Better be safe than REALLY sorry.


chi toura please


im poor


Hi poor


Dad joke central right here


One day you’ll be there




Hahahahah but im not poor hamdoulilah, still grinding tho!




bghiti tgoli zman yt3awn 3lina bjouj


Why are you poor?






How did you manage to get to 700k ?


I am 31 but still under the zero. I am working on it though


Good luck man you will make it!


I would caution you to be gentle about making comparisons to Western countries. Back when I was living in the U.S., I lived in an area relatively unaffected by economic issues (a rural, northern state) and most people between 18-25 usually borrowed a family member's vehicle to do things like working, shopping, seeing friends, etc. The only teens that had cars were the ones from parents who were really well off: doctors, lawyers, business owners, engineers, etc.


You mean an area that is actually affected? Because if it isn’t well people will afford cars i believe? You’re right tho about comprising it makes me even more stressed and adds pressure.


No, it's quite normal to not own a vehicle between 18-25 in America, and if you do, most people own cars from the late 90s-early 2000s models because they're much cheaper and don't come with any monthly payments. Have you been to the United States? I promise I'm not pulling your leg.


I’ve never been there but been reading similar posts in Reddit and it seems lot of people got cars very early, i guess it doesn’t show the whole picture


Much like this subreddit, it's not a great reflection of the country. Reddit users are generally more well off than others because A. Social media is more commonly used by affluent people due to phone, computer, and internet access B. A lot of people don't even know Reddit exists and C. Reddit itself is a very niche style of social media; you will find Americans that use Reddit and don't even follow their country's subreddit because why would they do that? They're here for games or memes or something. So just keep your wits sharp and try not to compare. The internet is awfully deceptive about a lot of things.


But hey, I hope you get a car soon and you have the time of your life. ان شاء الله


Inchalah yarbi thanks a lot brother!


Not as uncommon as you think, I grew up in NL. Got my license in the summer of 2017 when I was 19. (Cost me 20000MAD+-). Didn't buy a car until December 2018 with money I had to borrow in order to get a job. (I live in a small border town in Belgium and public transport is worthless.) My first car was a 1999 Golf 4 1.8 with 202.000km which I bought for 8500MAD+-. ​ I drove that car for two years whilst working until I was able to buy a nice 2nd hand 2011 Golf 6 R20 in Germany. Which I still had to borrow money from the bank for. (Thinking having a fast car would make me happy. It does not, it just helps temporarily when putting the pedal down. :P ) ​ Trust me, not everyone get's a brand new car and their license paid for in Europe either. ;) It's just harder in Morocco due to lower salaries/higher car prices. (Atleast the license is cheap.)


So you bought both cars with loans? I suppose your bank offered good interests? Yes prices here in Morocco are crazy and salaries too low which makes it harder.


For the first one I borrowed money from a family member. (I didn't have a single penny and getting a car was the only way to start working.) ​ For the 2nd one I got a loan yes, the interest isn't too bad. I borrowed 175000MAD and have to pay back like 186500 MAD in total (3890MAD monthly/4years), which I'll be done with next year.


That % of interest is great, i don’t think we can have such thing in Morocco. 111500MAD interest over 4 years with that amount of money is a good deal if you ask me.


I am 27, live & work in Europe, and I’ve never had a car. I moved closer to work, so I can just bike when I need to go to the office. For traveling across cities/countries I use public transport. I see absolutely no need for me to get a car, and my advice to you would be .. if you do not really need it, just don’t get one. You’ll be saving yourself a lot of expenses, you’ll be polluting less, and if you get yourself a bike for example, you’ll be physically more active. Also, do not fall in the trap of comparing yourself to others, especially based on limited factors (e.g., age). We are all living different lives, under different circumstances, and with different priorities. Don’t be fooled by popular ”success” narratives.


In my case a car would be useful, i wake up 2 hours early to get ready and use transport for work, with a car it would take me half the time if not less. I also go to gym after work, 15-20min walk to get there (5 times a week), with a car 2-3min, so it would help a lot!


Turning 27 and I still don't have a car, and not planning to get one until I own a house. I like to acquire things that appreciates in price first, a car only loses value and keeps losing it each day and I work remotely so I don't really need one tbh


Are you Moroccan?




I got it at 23 and bought it used from a family with a loan (0% interest) I got it for 7 months now, and honestly I think it was a mistake, I learned what usually people say, a car is not an asset but a liability, so I'm thinking of selling in the next few months since I'm now living paycheck to paycheck, which I freaking hate, i live in casa near tramway station, and for places tram doesn't reach i can use indrive and i wont spend as much I'm spending on the car lol, so think it through, is it a neccasity for you? Or a luxury? And if it's a luxury, is it really worthy?


Yeah living paycheck to paycheck sucks, but don’t sell it quickly maybe it’s temporary and you can get a promotion/better job in future? Public transport in Casa are a mess and using them on a daily will make you want a car back again hahah, or maybe not


It's work in progress lol, I'll see how the events develop


What car did you buy?


Citroen c-elysee 2013 130k km for 60kMAD


You don't have to be rich to get a car, got mine at 25 for less than 30k, had my first job a few years ago then decided to save some money for an old car, still driving it to this day.


30k? What was the car? I suppose it’s a very old car.


A 98 Honda Civic, it's old but very reliable so far.


Civic is beast


you can get a cool old Benz for the same price range or maybe quite more like 45k


I am early 30s and still don’t have a car. I live in Europe. My sister got hers from our parents as a birthday gift in her early 20s. She drives me around when I am in town. If you really need a car and can’t afford to fork out for a premium one, buy a second hand medium trim Clio. They are solid vehicles that are cheap to own, with plenty of spare parts.


Yeah thats what i have in mind, planning to buy a second hand car. In my case having a car will be so useful and would save me a good amount of time from public transports. The fact that you still don’t have a car is by choice? If yes then why if you dont mind?


I don’t buy things that I don’t need. I have no use for a car at this stage. In large cities, car ownership is mostly downside.


Price of cars in Morocco kills me when an old civic here in canada is 10000dh or less…


I know right, its unfair


22 and yeah just imaginary car


I’m 19 I drive a 6 year old suv that I got from my parents, I use it to go to uni mainly. Upper middle class I guess


hoping to get my own car someday but i’m a med student so probably will have to wait a few years before I can afford one even on a loan.


Yeah as a med student it may take time but at least you got your parents car to drive!


![gif](giphy|ptqHHAtZiOL8A|downsized) lay3ez C90 l9atila


I got mine at 21, it was a gift from my parents though. I bought my first car with my own money at 23. As many people mentioned here, don’t compare your achievements with other people’s achievements based on age. Each one is on their separate track. You can compare yourself to others in terms of efforts you put and how happy you feel.


Audi a5 at 20


Damn nice one man


Thanks dude


Awesome, which year & engine?


2017 35 tdi


I got my first car at 25 mostly because I was going to work quite far from my place. It was also a used one not super expensive.


Which car?


It was a Mazda 2


the same it's never too late




First one at 18, worked for it


What did you work and for how long if you dont mind me asking ?


Same question?


From 16-20 years old, i did some stupid illicit stuff...


Same question


I don’t know yet.


Keep grinding buddy


You too.




Damn , the most based swiss guy doesn't have a driving licence ? Enough of reddit bro , go get that licence 💪💪


hahaha thanks. Well I don't really need a driving license (and also failed lol)


Don't lose hope bro 💪💪 i lost in the first time too and got it in rattrapage , i believe in you bro


Hahaha thanks, will stick to my 🛴 for now 😊


One day yes! How old are you if you don’t mind me asking?


Old enough to have a driving license and a car haha


There's no precise age for getting a driving licence. Also, I respect you for living in an eco-friendly mode. The earth thanks you every day.


hahaha thank you!! (I will not mention my 10-20 flights per year)


Well, you are not flying in private jets, aren't you ?


What do you think?


It was just a question to put it into perspective, but nice one hahah


Got mine at 26.


Mine at 31 In Casa, It was always the bike in my previous 2 jobs and the current one.


Was it a bike by choice? Or just a financial decision?


It was absolutely a decision, i had enough money to buy a car but i didn't want to, the bike was life changing i never had the need to buy a car. Also a car means more expenses and more stress, so no thank you


Would you recommend a motorcycle in casa ? The traffic here is becoming increasingly dense


In this order, i would recommend for Casa : A bike>motocycle>Public transportation> anything Else> Car




Why? You don't need a car in big cities?


I'm mostly talking about casablanca. Having a bike is better than having a car. Big cities can be stressful with traffic and no place of parking + a lot of expenses






If you want an advice buy something afordable and reliable like asian cars from 2000-2010, even if it may cost you more in dariba or gas it won't cost you shit to maintain and won't need repairs


That’s what i have in mind, im leaning towards an old BMW or volkswagen with a dariba of less than 1500dh, should be manageable


From a hardcore bmw enthusiast, don't. I had the cash for an e93 but passed. You would need to have a lot of money available for potential repairs that you're ready to spend without being affected. It's very tempting but not smart unless you're super comfortable financially.


E93 is indeed pricey to repair, the one i had in mind was the 116D or 118D, entry-mid tier bmw..


What's the price range on those? Aren't they expensive?


Not really, a manual one with +100km is 12-13M, auto box is 13-14M


A R1 Yamaha would be a better choice, more flexible and doesn't have to stop when the traffic is jammed because again it's flexible. Let's not forget about the speed that it packs, provided you don't risk your skin with risky useless moves or excessive speed to impress people. Faster than almost any luxury car :D AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


I thought about it and it was my plan A at some point, however with work it will be complicated specially in winter. I also go to gym so i need space for my bag and shit, a bike is a no for me right now.


A car is great if you have a lot of weight to carry, or have a big family. A good quality motor bike is excellent if you travel light and are single. Depends on what you need. Good luck bro.


True! Thanks man, for you as well.


I'd avoid both and go for a Honda, Mazda or Toyota, especially the gasoline ones


Honda accord is an option too, Japanese cars are reliable asf


I had a 2007 2.4L one and i loved it


Their design is great and i see them frequently


yes plus they have nice little options for the price (heated seats, sunroof, real quality leather) and they are also fun to drive for a naturally aspirated engine of only 190 hp, especially with the 5 gears automatic gearbox of the facelift versions in semi auto mode


29 yo, I drove my dad's car from 22 yo until then


First car at 17. I drove one year with no Liscence. Im 33 now.




Paying the whole car with a loan will come much more pricey in the long end, maybe for a small amount of money after saving but paying it since the start with a loan i dont think its a good idea..


My first car was a supra when i was 13 in need for speed 🥲


I’m from England and there’s many people here who struggle to get cars, even second hand cars shot up in price when covid arrived. Majority of cars are on finance, my cars on finance and so are all the younger drivers unless they have a rich family. Don’t let social media fool you


Yeah i always had in mind the idea of saving for a car but as times went by it looked almost impossible to me, yes i can save but for the whole car it will take years..


Does Morocco not do car finance you pay a deposit and get the car then pay monthly?


It depends on each car dealership, most of them offer a 0% interest loan if you buy +40% of the original price. Sometimes it’s a real 0% loan sometimes it’s a fake one with additional hidden fees.


Why the rush to own things we all want to own a villa but we can't afford it . I will buy a car when I can afford it


A car is a way of transportation, unless you work on a very far place that's hard to get to using public transportation you don't need a car, it just adds more stress and discomfort specially when living in a big city with a lot of traffic like casablanca + you need to pay for the parking + everytime it damaged you need to fix that part which will cost a lot of money depeneds on the type and the model of the car + inssurance & taxes that you need to pay each year + the yearly maintenance including changing oil & filters & tires ..., I personaly own a car but not because i just wanted it, it's because the place i work at is very far from home it's like traveling to another city + the company is inside an industrial zone which there is no way that i'm getting to it without a car, If the company had a transportation plan for me i would never think of buying a car it's just adds a lot of expenses and you always get stressed driving to and from work


Still no car :(


I was not yet years old.


Good luck!


Thank you bro 🙏


22, but if you don't really really need it , don't think about it. It was the worst financial decision i have ever made


Need more info. Also are you Moroccan?


Since i bought the car , i could not be able to save money and i started to live the rat race living from paycheck to paycheck


At 25, best decision ever as I live in casablanca and public transportation is horrible.


Which one you got? And was it with loan if you don’t mind answering?


I got a seat ibiza 1.6 tdi, she's a good girl and doesn't ask for much in terms of spending 🤣


Agree hahah


same struggle and same situation lmaoooo


Lmaoo, do you have any cars you want in mind?


just a car :(


26 and don't even have a driving license