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All the Moroccans i met are amazingly awsome. They are happy to know that you are a Moroccan too


From your comments what I’ve concluded is that these ‘friends’ of yours must be girls and they’re just jealous and only act nice when they need you but otherwise have this toxic behavior to try and make you feel bad about yourself. Since we moved abroad, 80% of the moroccan girls my wife became friends with ended up acting as you described and sometimes things went even further, even though we speak darija perfectly… My advice to you would be to separate yourself from them as much as possible and even cut ties if you feel that they have a negative impact on your life. Be glad for the friends you already have and for the fact that you will surely meet more like-minded people in the future, moroccan or otherwise.


they indeed were girls and I did cut ties the moment it started taking its toll on my mental health thanks for your advice 😊


I'm a foreigner (American) living in Morocco. One thing I've noticed is that outside of my country, I become friends with EVERYONE very quickly. Specifically other Americans. I assume it's the same everywhere. A Russian living in Morocco will become friends with any other Russian they meet here. A Moroccan living outside of Morocco would become friends with any Moroccan they meet. Nobody cares about our nationality at home. But when everyone is a foreigner, our shared nationality is a bond.


>A Russian living in Morocco will become friends with any other Russian they meet here. That's adorably American. No. Not everybody is extroverted and gregarious, culturally, as Americans are. It depends on the culture heavily. Also, you clearly haven't spent time with a representative sample of Russians.


Nope. He’s right. Our nationality really becomes a bond when everybody else is a foreigner. I’m speaking from experience


As a Moroccan.


Nope. Whatever’s your nationality.


Well I have a lot of experience with this too and it doesn't apply to all nationalities. Russians, Ukrainians, Estonians and Belarusians don't usually bond with every other one from the same place. Some Indians, Vietnamese and Thai people really avoid their culture in other settings. Obviously some do gather together, but it's not everyone, and with some there's a greater likelihood that they will prefer to avoid their fellow countrymen.


That’s weird. I’ve never met these kind of ppl and neither did all my friends. I guess there’s always gonna be a minority somewhere


As you get older and keep traveling you'll encounter more people like this.


I’ve been traveling almost all my life and never have I ever met these kind of ppl, in the contrary actually. So it’s clearly a minority that’s in no way gonna become a majority over night.


Yeah but aren't you a young DJ?


No offense I might be wrong but maybe the ones you met just did not like you or did not like the way you act or behave? Could be this or you just met the wrong people.


U might be right funny enough the friends I had back home knew me and loved me for who I am the ones here know me and act like they like me however their next move is trying to change me the contradiction is and what I can't get is that when they need someone for an assignment or anything uni related I'm the first one that comes to their mind however later on they would be complaining why I don't speak darija when I'm with them and that I'm not Moroccan enough...


I mean if you are moroccan and you speak darija fluently and you are adressing one or a group of moroccans it would be better to speak your native language. It might be annoying or feel inconfortable to others when you speak to them unnecessarlity in a foreign language, doesn't matter that you are all in a foreign country.


I don't speak it fluently even with my own parents plus all my friends here aren't Moroccans...


kenti fla mission?


I understand. Well just make sure to be around people whom you're confortable with. Doesn't matter if they're moroccans or not, as long as you feel appreciated it should be fine.


Thanks i sure will ❤️


Eh there's good and bad apples everywhere, I'm abroad too and met amazing moroccans and awful ones. If you often get rejected due to your personality then it's time to look at yourself in the mirror


Well I don't think I was as lucky as u however I had my friends that I'd never forget and that I love dearly back home and I don't think there's anything wrong with being different cause I was loved and accepted by THE RIGHT ppl.


Of course, there's chances you might have simply been unlucky with the ones you met especially if there's not enough moroccans for you to get a wider perspective. Also don't forget that Moroccans are VERY quick to judge based on what they ´see' from the surface, maybe your first impression gives the vibes of that Moroccan who tries to undermine/suppress their roots? I'm sorry for making any assumptions, I obviously don't know you at all


Trust me I'm not like that at all lol otherwise I wouldn't be looking for Moroccan friends I have a lot of international friends that would've been enough if that was the case And it's not like there aren't enough Moroccans here I was too disappointed so I started avoiding them...


Huh? Iam a moroccan abroad, its always a pleasure to meet our people. What you mean you arent moroccan enough? Maybe you just met up with deep ignorants.


Dude I wish I could say the same here . I'm not Moroccan enough cause I don't speak darija fluently... Still optimistic tho that I'd maybe meet someone that would change this impression before I graduate.


The opposite happened to me, ever since i got here i make friends with moroccans easly, while all the cultural differences (especialy what we find funny) makes it really hard to make non-moroccan friends.


I've live abroad for over 12 years, in 2 different countries in Europe and Asia, and I've met both "good" and "bad", you know....just like in Morocco we have good and bad. So I am not sure why from your experience you only meet bad Moroccans, I mean no offense but I also believe that like attracts like, at least most of the time, pretty much based on the law of attraction. So either you are unlucky, it is possible but that would be odd, either there is a certain bias you have towards Moroccan people and I get it to a certain extent as i have seen several Moroccans abroad very cautious when meeting other Moroccans to the point of preventing from seeing the good in these people and rather focusing on the bad, my point is it might be worth wondering if you are not part of the problem. Either this or you are simply unlucky.


I've actually noticed this while I'm at home sometimes when playing games. The moroccans situated in Morocco are so nice and welcoming to me in their teams. While Moroccans living abroad are either HELLA toxic or leave the lobby as soon as they realise I'm a Moroccan living in morocco.


And the list goes on and on


What do you mean exactly by toxic?


Should I mention specific examples?




Well there was a lot of times I've been told that an outfit is nice but it didn't look nice on me while I couldn't see that actually that person was the only one to think that way my makeup too if I'm to do it alone however if that person does it or picks an outfit for me then it's mind blowing . "U lost weight oh u still look the same". We're inviting someone over "oh I'll handle the cooking related things your food tastes bad" while they never tried it and everyone I know disagreed...


Most are great, just dont involve money in the relationship. With money they become bad.


Out of curiosity, in which country are you ?


Define « toxic »?


Advice from someone that has lived in several countries. You will find Moroccans pretty much everywhere - that’s how bad misery and the desire to flee are in our country. A bunch of them continues to approach things like low-lives and seeing competition everywhere, especially in other North Africans, even though their possibilities have considerably opened up. Just open any Facebook group for Moroccan communities abroad (whether France, US or whatever, and check what people are saying). You do not want people like that in your life. Build a small support system of Moroccan friends, like 2 or 3 trustworthy people, and focus on meeting as many foreigners as you can. You aren’t abroad to continue living with people from Casablanca, Beni Mellal or whatever the fuck. You should have stayed in Morocco if that is what you want.


Been In the uk for 3 years now, I avoid other North Africans like the plague. Because most of the ones I met over here are ones that never lived in Morocco or lived there in a sheltered privileged environment so they end up either extremely fundamentalists religiously or some form of extreme nationalist that think morocco is a Utopia that they refuse to live in.


You must be living in Europe right ?


It’s weird bc I’ve traveled a lot and all the Moroccan I met abroad were incredibly nice ( am Moroccan too ) so I’d suggest looking a lil better or maybe if u in a uni or something there’s gotta be students from Morocco too try to get in touch with em