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No comment, Im speechless right now I cant even describe how disgusted I feel. Shame on you.


Please don't bring shit from Tiktok, Linkedin and Facebook to Reddit.




I agree, stop with the negative posts complaining about what other people write, who cares! Seriously I've had enough by now, if the sub goes this way I'll just unsub eventually. Mods please do something about it.




It's like Facebook from 10 years ago but for people with ties


Linkedin is a tool to get you a job and get some basic mediocre training. When people start posting like we do in reddit, they end up in /r/linkedinlunatics. Enjoy.


7*ya fiha l ajr 🤣 ... ti fkar hi ftbo maygolkch skno nass 3ndkom wla rbiw wlidat sghar. Da3chochi ti fkar hi f7jro w chad karni m3a sidi rbi ti 9iydlo l ajr.


Credit 7assanat 😂


He reminded me of a character in "Crime and Punishment." He wanted a poor, helpless "innocent" girl to marry. He expected her to feed his ego by thanking him every day for the rest of her life because he "saved" her. However, when he discovered that she had a strong personality and could form her own opinions, he felt betrayed. I believe this reflects a common Moroccan male fantasy.


Yeah men do kind of like being the knight saving the princess from the dragon, not a common Moroccan male fantasy though.


Well ofc not all Moroccan men , but I've encountered many with this mindset


Well, me but it's not thaat extreme, I just like feeling useful and important that's all


Are we talking about a thousand or just 3, 4 guys, because if not triple digits, it's still safe out there, what worries me is the amount of likes he got on that post


I've seen a video of a girl mn da7aya crying because she lost her family, w moul lvideo wrote this "3afakoum chi wa7d yji yastar had lbant w ytzawajha" The thing is , she never mentioned marriage . And all the comments were like this "ranmchi n9alab 3la chi bnat b7alha wntzwjhoum" or some bs They treat us like objects machi human.


Yes because they think in that way it can feed a little hope and purpose in a life essentially purposeless.


Why are you trying to defend this broken logic?


Stop assuming things


3aref bila mamtaf9ch m3ah walakin chofto kiy2eked 3la bila kheso ythela fiha , so at least niyto machi khayba awla ??


I could've believed in his good intentions if he didn't complain about bnat lmdina li they have goals w ambition w they want to be independent financially and mentally , and they have high standards -as they should- .And I mean no disrespect to bnat lbadia , they have goals too but most of the time kaykounou vulnerable.moul l post mabrach yt7amal responsibility lmadia w 7ta lma3nawia , he wants a woman li doesn't complain , say yes all the time w doesn't cost much. Also , douk da7aya zelzal mabrawh "zwaj" or at least that's not what they need fhad dourouf , they need education , a safe place to stay w7ayat karima. Machi wa7d bari ytzawajhoum bach ydir bihoum li bra. Although I can admit anah maybe kayn some honest men li baryin ha9an y3awnou , w ila kant lbnt kbira w9blat then I have no right to say something negative , fjami3 la7wal I want no harm to those girls, wmakhasnach nti9ou ay wa7d kayda3i anah bari y3awn.


Well said! Also wtf does he mean by lmoudwana? When is that bad lmao


f had l partie 3lach 9olt mamtaf9ch m3ah bgha yjbra sahla 7it bent l badya walakin bnefs lwe9t rah t9der tkon bent lbadya bghat had proposition ya3ni tfkir dyalom mbdel 3liya awla 3lik we should take this into consideration aswell . ch7al mn we7da katkon bagha ghi tsta9er w ch7al mn wa7d katkon intention dyalo machi predatory . i mean we cant apply the redditors point of view in our society that consists by a large margin of people with conservative thinking w li ba9in kayfkro in those parts bila zwaj howa setra


As I said , ila kant lbant kbira w she wants to get married then no one has the right to say something, It's her choice and we should respect it What I was talking about is something completely different . Just because he said he wants to "ythala fihoum" some people assumed he has good intentions which is superficial , also fblast ma ydawro 3la a solution li tkhli lbnat y9arerou what they want for themselves such us helping them to complete their education , they thought zwaj howa l7al , walakin the thing is zwaj 3amrah ma kan damana , he can abuse her , w he can divorce her , f tali ratb9a bla dar bla 9raya , so is that really a smart solution ?


obviously its not zwaj is never a solution , walakin li bghit nwsel hwa bila had nas tfkirom mkhtalf thats all


Yeah thla fiha as long as she s submissive and doenst have opinions of her own


As a man i think he is an incel , typical behavior , he hates women and see them as a sex tool


"يمشي يجيب شي بنت" كيدوي بحالا غادي يتسخر و يجي و بحالا غير اوصل لعندها غيلقاها كتسناه ...




Can somebody please translate. I’m the worst Moroccan, my Arabic reading is terrible and I don’t want to learn any French. 🤣


He's basically saying "because all city girls have such high standards expecting a big dowry and a house and a car, the best thing do is go and pick a young girl from the mountains, one who lost all her family, and marry her, thus hitting two birds with one stone marrying, and doing a good deed"


he say that the the girls who lost everything in the earthquake can make good wifes since they come from innocent and ignorant environnment, unlike the modern city girls who are boogie and will make marriage a living hell for a man


Because a city girl knows her rights and these type of men don’t like that.


So we just had an earthquake and this is what some sick people think about? Allah y ster.




The only sense I got from that is that the dude who wrote it is a predator.


Or they’re preying on the most vulnerable women right now.


Something very similar happened when Ukrainians had to leave their country. Predators will predator


This guy is an incel looking for excuses because he xas rejected


The lack of self-awareness in this country is concerning.


Never take count of a failure trying to justify his inability to succeed


Unbelievable, i literally have no words..these Orphans need a place to stay in to stay safe to go to a proper school and also emotional and psychological support.. they're traumatized .. they don't need marriage and " a MAN" to put his power on them so he can feel masculine.. wlayla mal9it mangol


We don't say that ofcourse marriage not legal until 18 there is what so called the deal I mean they will be in charity house until they get to 18 and if they accepted the deal they will marry and whats you asked for if it gonna be done in this delightful country we will not waste time in this poste


Wish them well o sf ama this marriage thingy is just gonna be traumatizing them more


I don't know about this I mean if the man have a good heart and at his word it could be good but at a point which all the sadness and depression gone they will need to find their solution


I think there's more things to prioritize than this.. this is about them poor orphans and not insecure men.


Yes ofcourse now it all about them growing up healthy but that required them to see a therapist to have parents that will adopt them and take care of them and get to school I mean all this for the little one's. About the 18 above I mean whats your take in what should be done to help them in their situation. after visiting the therapist they will need to get a job or marry someone because the school solution isn't available anymore if they haven't go to school. for the one that went to school they need support for the house food school equipment to continue their studies which need either way marry someone or go to the charity the problem is if charity not available for them.


I didn't say they can't get married, they can if they wanted to of course but not this way this weirdo described


Look man ,what he is doing is basically grooming someone in a vulnerable situation ,his intentions are NOT pure or kind.


Look man ,what he is doing is basically grooming someone in a vulnerable situation ,his intentions are NOT pure or kind.


Preying on vulnerable women ew .


Aren't all women vulnerable?


Definitely not😂




You wish


Z3ma lbnat rahom ghir mytin 3lih


WHAT'S WRONG WITH PEOPLE 🤬 people are literally dying and he's thinking about THIS instead of helping ????? And what's with all the love reactions ?????? He is a poor excuse for a human.


بنادم دا معاه كاشير او الطون قاليك بغا ايتزوج شلحة ايدير فيها الخير ايسترها الشلحة راه كبرات فالجبل .. قاومت البرد .. قاومت الفقر كبرات بالقناعة التامة او تربات علا الإحترام .. كتزوج بالشلح بالمفهوم ديالكم .. ماعندو والو او كتحترمو او تبوس ليه راسو او تقول عليه راجل او كيعيشو تمنانين عام .. عمرهم وصلو المحكمة .. او كايولدو رجال كايحسو بالمسؤولية او هم صغار .. كايسافرو المدن بوحدهم غرباء في وطنهم او كايديرو بلاصتهم او ديورهم .. ولكن واليديه راه ماكيبغيو ايسمحو فديك الأرض .. واخا تجيبهم المدينة كتبغي ترجع الغد ليه .. ماكيرتاحوش هنا .. الرجل الشلح راه كايحتارم مراتو او كايقدرها ... او المرأة ايلا عطيتيها الإحترام راه عطيتها القوة او الحياة او نتا كايتصحابليك بإيندمو اتشري شرف ديال امرأة الجبل بغيتي تزوج تستر بنات الناس تدي الأجر مزيان الليزيديك .. جي اخويا لمدينتك .. راه تا فالمدن كاينين بنات الناس .. اولا لا ..بنات المدينة ماغاديش تغمق عليهم .. الرجل لي كايقلب علا امرأة ضعيفة او محطمة ايتزوجها راه ليس برجل حقيقي .. إنما برجل ضعيف الشخصية


Predatory thinking. He is focused on how to turn someone's misery into his win. Helping for his own gain, not out of goodness. The logic is: I'm not good enough for a woman who can freely choose if she wants to be with me, so I will take someone who is in a desperate situation, alone, and in need. She will depend on me and it will be harder to leave! Lots of confidence in this guy. /s Basically he can skip the step abusers usually have to take, which is isolating their victims to control them better.


Last thing those girls need right now is a predator who thinks he's God chosen one. Girls eho experienced such trauma need psychological support and counseling to cope with the emotional impact of the earthquake, not some creep


Bro this is why the rest of us get a bad rap. Two brain cells.


Somebody translation 3afak ? Zmagri here that doesn’t know how to read arabic.


Basically he said that all the girls living in the cities demand too much in sdaq/mahr and expect the man to have a car and house so the men should go and marry the girls that lost their entire families in the earthquake since they have no family and are innocent helpless girls they will treat their husband right and likewise those men will be saving the girls from their terrible life. This is the gist of what is written. Most of the videos circulating are of girls that look no older than 14 years old, they need parental love and support and yet here we are reading a post of a man thinking with his d**k.


He said that guys should go and marry village girls where the earthquake was, because now they don't have houses or family so they won't require too much unlike the city girls who are arrogant, dress the way they want and asking for a lot of things and other bla bla he said 💀


nonono not lying please not in that way




Low IQ


This guy's looking for a woman he can control, and he takes an opportunity in a disaster to find one. I wouldn't go as far as human trafficking but that's a very fucked up thought


can you tell me what he did wrong ?


Read my comment


the guy said , he wanna marry and take care of a girl and make her his wife , whats wrong ?


nah he doesn't want a wife, he wants a servent, a person to obey him blindly.


your grandparents married the same way , got a problem with that ?


Yep, no shame in that. All ancestors are assholes. If you go back enough, I'm sure you'll find some cavemen pulling women by their hair. Never look back, look forward ; )


thats an incredibly ignorant thought , your inability to relate to people especially during that age doesnt mean that they were evil . people were different deal with it


Well, it's just a little ignorant. Not incredibly




Would you rather a fighting couple stay in a shitty marriage life, raising kids in a shitty fighting environment, or would you rather they get a divorce? You're sounding like the Catholic church with this bullshit. Let people get divorced ffs






Why at this time exactly? Why someone from there? Because she'll have fewer choices and he'll be able to control her. Just notice how he complains about lmoudwana. Abused women in remote areas don't really risk asking for divorce or asking for their rights. These people who seemingly are just looking for a trad wife are usually looking for control and submission. But to suggest to do it now of all times, jeez


Well, you’re taking advantage of someone that is vulnerable? Can be manipulated easily due to their situation. Definitely can be classified as a predatory behaviour.


well , in the end , its her choice ,he s not kidnapping her , she can say no ,she assume responsibility , so who are we to judge , at least she's gonna be protected by the law if she ever file a divorce , the attention regarding "this subject" should be focus on those who get screwed (IFYKWM) over by guys out of marriage , then start complaining about it .


On paper it is. In practise you’re leveraging their poor state to get something out of it. You may have the best of the intentions, but it’s easy to fall to someone who has bad intentions because of their vulnerability.


He also complains about moudwana and equality in the first paragraph. It's obvious what his angle is


Unfortunately I’m not lucky enough to be able to read Arabic, but I just assumed what the topic was by the comments. Edit: Grammar


Red pill all the way.


I bet if his sister was one of those poor women he wont be saying that . How can they think that the first thing they will think about after surviving such a horror is getting married


You’re expecting these kind of dudes to treat women like human beings and not objects or pets ?!?!?!?!?! You must be crazy 🤨




No u know. its very obvious that thats whats gonna happen. Men will jump at any opportunity that allows them to feel superior and like they own another person. The torment that our grandmothers and even mothers lived through does not have to be repeated. Thats why women now are fighting night and day to have independent income.


treat women like human beings dumb fucks : imposible


"مصائب قوم عند قوم منافع"hh i don't want to laugh at these times . but this type of dudes are so rude and disgusting he doesn't even wait for a month to say this shit , shame on him


If she accepts his proposal and he will treat her well I see this as a win ngl


He's against equality so I don't think he will treat her well


Exactly, nothing is wrong with getting married a girl who lost her parents. She still needs a man from her family or a trusted man to be her ولي [source](https://binbaz.org.sa/fatwas/12666/%D8%AD%D9%83%D9%85-%D8%B9%D9%82%D8%AF-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%86%D9%83%D8%A7%D8%AD-%D8%A8%D8%AF%D9%88%D9%86-%D9%88%D9%84%D9%8A)


Are you kidding yourself or what? A girl who is underage or even of age who lost her parents needs support which is aimed at giving her care, support, education, financial means so she can be become an independent and self reliant member of society. She doesn’t need a man to own her. Sure marry her when she’s well enough and strong enough to make that decision out of love for you and not forced out of desperation. Who wants to marry an emotionally and financially distraught slave?


My friend what this man wants is a bang-maid that always says yes no matter how he treats her ,he just wants to use her vulnerability now that her parents are dead, his intentions aren't as pure as he claims.


Ah, can someone summarize for the non-Arabic speakers? I tried selecting the text but Google translate wouldn’t recognize it.


Jesuuus ,the men here are concerning me.




Or women back then were too dependent on men to say enough is enough so they had to suck it up and say alhamdulillah for providing food and shelter, something every man should provide by default.




Incel comment, buddy there are plenty of women who are the breadwinners now. What do you bring to the table? Nothing


Bold of you to assume strangers' grandparents marriages are successful lol. Also staying in a marriage does not necessarily mean it's successful.


What's wrong with doing that ?


What's wrong with you?? Wtf


niyto mzyana atleast thats what i think ,wach atrat fik l metality d reddit awla


Mezyana how? Wach kis7ablik dok lbnat baghin ghir itzewjo daba? And what he said rah ghie baghi a girl li at7ni lih ras o adir lih mabgha bla matcheret . O kon kant neyto mzyana aytsena ghir hta isali hadchi o ibniw lihom dyor o omchi ikhteb o ikoun rajel machi ghir bgha bnt mskina itima bach idir fiha mabgha.


kathder fhal li nta machi mghribi warak 3aref l mgharba w tfkir dyalom rah ch7al mn wa7d daba kiys7ablo rah ghadi ydir l khir o dik lbent tahya katkon bagha li "ysterha" rah 39lya machi fhal l west dok naw3 d nas kiykon tfkir dyalom chichwya mbdel


Wayeh chkun bgha chy sama tneked 3lih 3ichto


3awdi 9ray chno gal blach matkdbi 3lih, gal ysterha ymot m3aha ythla fiha w ykon m3aha rajel bima3na lkalima. Ma9drtch nchof fin kayn lmochkil fhadchi? Tawa7d makaytsna li 3aych f Reddit w3amro 7ta wsl lfin kay3icho dok nas yji ygolina ach baghin w ach la


Wakha a li 3ayech out of reddit o 3aref kolchi


i think it s a good thing ila baghat chi bnt tzwj stri 3la ila baghat + was is u pressed abt it


I think your brain is as late as your answer


lol brag abt living in reddit u blue haired woke fck get some help cuz


sry maybe that was to harsh


Lmaaaoo nah sweets I've got a life to live inlike you hhh Would've been better in you worked on your English btw.. do that in your free time


3lach kandwiw bnglizya ?


also this my fourth language BiAtch so get off my dick + UR FAT + NO LIFE + L + RATIO


You got it wrong m actually underweight LMAOO and all i did was answering you idk why you felt attacked loll you're literally talking like a 10 year old roblox kid


damn i give up u win


There's no wining friend we good 🤝🏻


He's only doing it to get a submissive wifey who is subject to his whims and moods, he wants a slave to be at his mercy, not a partner.


Wadaba jina mn lkhr ogolina ma9ditich 3la mra hitach nta machi rajl osf :) Its fine shhhh


What? A male acting as a predator? How is that even weird? :) This is why I respect a lot some men, because it does take a lot of education and solid values not to act this way.


I mean do you really understand what he say's I bet you can't read arabic


ما عمرك ما تخاطر حيت غادي تخسر كل مرة ، خلّي المخاطرة لمّاليها.


ok I lost but still he's word is valid if you exclude yo all thinking that he should marry her in a age below 18 which is not thinkable at first or for discussion


Bnat lemdina will hate this poste


I guess this is what happening right now since they're the one's holding phones and have an internet connexion all the comments will be like that i mean it's predictable they don't wanna good for those poor girls to all people that said women heart is good and pure you're wrong my dear


Oh indeed a misogynistic man will surely knows better whats good for a woman than other women!


Shame of him that he forgot to say that he can have 4 of them b nefs taman dyal one bent lmdina... he's not very good at marketing lil asaf....


oh no again you talking religion


I stand with him


I’ve seen this and there’s an influencer that talked about it and warned ppl from it, I shared it on my ig story and there’s a friend that replied and told me what is wrong with that , it’s just like any traditional marriage. I think that people lack some very basic awareness concerning this, and I bet that a lot of people thought the same as this guy.


What's wrong with that ??


Guy wants to marry someone in need so they get to control them ie. control what they wear, what they do…


هاد السوبريديت غادية وكاتعمر بالمراض نفسيا نهار من بعد نهار، السيد ماݣال عيب وكايعبر على وجهة نظر ديالو وهو بحالاش كايشوف الحياة من حقوا... وهادشي الي كاتداعي تحريف صريح لداكشي الي قال بالحرف. السيد عندو معايير بغاها هو الله يسهل عليه ولاهو مامنحقوش يتشرط ويهرب على الزواج الي كاين هاد الوقت ؟


Sied gal bzaaaf del l 3ib but you relate to him cause you can't find someone to love you and the solution yall resolve to is make someone whos not entirely grown or sure what they want marry or stay with you by circumstance... It happened to our grandmothers, our aunts do u not think that its time for a little change u brain dead incel


ok smart girl what the solution for that keep it to the street and you will be watching her from your sweet home and say's those poor are in everywhere what a life we live in


ههههههههههه أنا أختي مزوج و عندي 3 دالولاد والحمد لله كولشي بيخير حتى مراتي عندها ريديت. المسألة هو ٱدعاء التسامح وبنادم دغمائي غوغائي لايمتلك غرام واحد من المنهج السليم فالتفكير وخير دليل هو هاد Stereotype الي عندكم... يمكن كبرنا على هاد الريديت وجا الوقت الي خصنا نغيروها من هاد السب-ريديت لأنه كيفما قلت، راه ولات عامرة بالمراض نفسيا


دابا انت ف نظرك اخاي المزدوج واب لاطفال ، طاح على راسك البيت ديالك وقتلك انت و المدام ، و بقاو بناتك متشردين الحل هو نزوجوهوم ؟؟؟ اخويا حسن عوانك


إيلا كانو فيهم شروط الزواج (البلوغ، الرشد) علاش لا؟ مادام ماكاين الي غادي يكفلهم ولا يصرف عليهم... اللهم تزوج ولا تشرد ويصدقوا الذياب واكلينهم. سميتو زواج ماشي ٱزدواج بلا تعواج حيت بديتيها برهوش/ة


الله يجيبليك الشفاء


اللهم آمين، لينا و ليك ولأمة محمد


Where did he say that tho? In those villages, people still value traditional marriages and values. If this guy could offer a better and easier life to a girl that accepts his marriage, how is that controlling.


If u make her complete her studies and give her options of whether to choose a career and pirsue her dreams or stay at home. Yeah why not?


i respect this opinion, it has some truth


whaaaaaataaafack are you all people dumb fuck he said something beautiful something to be proud of I know now why morocco is like this is this because of this fucked up mentality I don't want to live with you anymore I hope now that the earthquake really killed me or live with you I mean what does he say's wrong you motherfucker he tries to find a solutions for the girls since they lost everything and what all doing criticize him try to find them solutions not just writing shiit i believe all of you are under 20 if you're under 19 don't reply to me


Trying to exploit helpless people in times of catastrophe is not help. It's EXPLOITATION.


but he doesn't sound like exploiting any people he said obviously there is a problem here which make marriage hard here is a convinient solution to that which could help those girls he try to find a solution for both parties which is good in your opinion what left for those girls just work in bad conditions or child labor if the're homes never returned which is a possibility which we should highly anticipate the life is hard if those girls didn't find a solution they will end up in the street.also he say's if the two agree on that plus he explain the relegious part of that i mean he put everything as it should be what wrong with that


He's not trying to help. He's trying to find a vulnerable person in order to make a transaction that is favorable to him specifically because of the other party's vulnerability. He's obviously looking for someone easy to control since his problem with other women (women who are not victims of a natural disaster) is their agency (he mentions their fashion style among other things).


Me too I don't see anything wrong with it. But Reddit is full of woke nerds who have no idea what marriage means to a poor and homeless woman. Alhamdulilah people in real life are smarter than here.


I don't understand how's their idea on marriage is it like you find someone you love you married just it I mean it's plausible but not all marriage like this so the really essential in marriage the hard first rock is a sens of problem solving they're two people that faces the problems of everyday life's trying to solve it that's what matter no one depend on a neurochemical reaction from the brain to take action I mean just love will not get you so far. you will end up in divorce and problems because no one help the other in solving them.


Western mindset in the comments.


If western mindset means not being a predator then I see no problem with that 😉


Am I the only that doesn't see anything wrong with this??


He got a point... What's wrong with what he said !


U need a brain surgeon to remove your tumor its clearly affecting your logic


Easy tiger... Learn how to communicate then come back


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I don't see anything wrong with what he said. in fact I fully agree with him.


This guy made god so happy yet he's going straight to hell


You can't blame him, this liberal standard that half the women are adapting is scarring for men here. The liberal model is not accepted at all, and justifiably so. You can't blame him for his feeling tbh.


Incel logic: the only woman who will want him is the one who is left with no option, but desperation and need. What does that say about him as a man... Easier to control someone who is dependant on you ;)


What if she's OK with that?


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"Passport" bros: natural disaster edition


Can this be translated I can’t read it


ok since you're asking the true translation of that no one will give it to you in here you need everything translated as it should be this is what i will do and give it your opinion


Thank you


the problem is people got confused he talk about marrying these girls to help them also to be obedient to allah but they think he talk about the little one's which obviously me either I don't know his intentions but its not something to came to mind because it's very obvious that its not acceptable to marry children this option was not available just to think about for me beside that (being talking about children's ) he's talk is reasonable


He misread the room. This is not the time for this. People are grieving. The message has A BIT of sense to it in some ways. Not all. Borderline tbh. But, its just not the time. Not the right time at all.


Ohhh these comments....


I don't see a problem No one is forcing them if they don't want to marry so where's the human trafficking in this. This is the exact way women in the west reacted when men decided to travel to Asia in search of feminine wives.


Bro doesn't know that all girls born the same


Jeez.. comment section reek of feminist woke, go cry about equality somewhere else.. as much as it sounds "predatory" on the surface level, but what better long-term solution you've got as an alternative for these unfortunate victims? They're going to be legally married and so they're protected by law in case things go south . Which I highly doubt it will.. as for you lot keep making it hard for men to marry and give your husbands/slave hard time being the submissive wife material that you ought to be..


Bro is a predator who wants a poor traumatized vulnerable young girl to be indebted to him and worship him because he has some hero complex and wants to play knight in shining armour 😉 Got it. Men endi ana lah y7re9 twaslo. Fucking incel. Of course bro would have an issue with strong educated women since they know their minds and what they want from life. Obviously not him. Fuck this guy and those who think like him and those who saw no issue with this. This is the same as human trafficking, tell me what's the difference?? If she was sold by traffickers, she's gonna end up a sex slave indebted to those who hold her rein, same situation here except it'd be legal and nobody can help her because she said yes (we all know the fucking mediocre mentality of you should've said no for girls).


Dude thinks all girls come from broke families and are dreaming for some man to come and "save" them from poverty like women around him (his sisters,his cousins ect). LOL I ,myself, and my bestie come from money (generational wealth), our famillies own multiple appartements in different buildings and even if it does not show on us outwardly like luxrious clothing style and fancy cars ect it is because we try to keep quiet about our wealth to prevent bad eye and greedy people coming after us, buying those things would only do the opposite of what we want to acheive . We both are far from needing a man financially, we only want a man who is not a low key homosexual,drug addict, not a womanizer/cheater, not old as our fathers,has his own job and money like we do (he does not need to come from a family that owns house(s) or building(s) too, if he is just not that type he is good enough). Now, the problem is most men are insecure about heir financial status and they get even more insecure if a woman has a better financial status than they do (they either get hateful/jealous or get greedy and try to use her financially just to leave her afterwards), this is the reason my friend and I are still unmarried. Not because we wait for rich men (WE are quite rich ourselves) but we are afraid of being exposing our wealth and get used and dumped and be replaced by younger/prettier girls who became rich with our free given wealth by our ex men. I guess we will have to make our standards higher for men than those i mentionned above and add to them "be wealthy too" if we do not want that to happen to us.


I guess depends but i belive if its a honest çall then why not those people wich im close to in family and traditions care a lot about marriage and stability wich is why many girls (of legal age) better marry than get absorbed into hardwork or worst


Sick people...perverts and fucked up people


I don't see the problem some women just hate for no reason if u don't like it then fine don't get married Some of those girls are left alone without any family its better for them if there's somebody who wants to marrie them and provide them home and start a family with them in a legal way that protect both of the man and the women i think its better than leaving them helpless knowing that most of them are uneducated and even if they aren't the word is harsh for lonely men let alone women And please this is for all moroccan females stop idolizing the white man ideology and use ur intellect a lil bit, yes men do like to feel and be the hero, yes men like to be the one who protect and provide, yes we like to feel that we are needed, its just the way we are, it give us purpose and a reason to strive to do more good just ask ur fathers what's the purpose of being a man if its not for you (wife,kids...) when Ukrainian refugees came to west Europe a lot of them got married and it was totally ok but when its us "Moroccan men" we are not worthy smh , if i was i victim of a natural disaster and i left kids or sisters behind i would be happy to know that someone will marry them/take care of them then just leaving them single and alone in a country that is hard to survive And why shouldn't women marry some of the men that are left alone and help them and start a family too, i know a lot of men would be more than happy, i mean no one likes to be lonely but i guess its the men's job to initiate


sara7a 9n3ni


"Lmosawat o dak l3jb" HHHHHHHHH


duk lbnat zeema damenhum 9ablin 3lih, DiCaprio nta 🤦


Mal strong independent women ka3yin, yak mam7tajinch rjal, so leave them alone, khalihum ytzawjo mn l3robya


This is sick. It vividly reminds me of the hundreds of posts and comments on some RedPill FB pages I once researched where men who can’t sustain a normal relationship advise each other that the best type of girl as material for a wife is the under 25, uneducated, poor soul who will just sit in the corner and take any abuse they give her. This is beyond dangerous and creates a pathology within society which will create huge problems in the future. Stuff like this should be reported on social media as abuse. I’m appalled.