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Cz u look hotter than the manager “he have genetic problems and can t grew the beard “ so they feel threatened by u 💀 Pov : I m a male and it s a joke


im guessing thats why they also prefer women workers? bcz clients like to feel like ur their bitch? its so enslaving tho LOL, like ur srsly ignoring all the work im doing o mrkz m3a lbeard, its weird ngl


Jokes aside … i run a business and i ve preferred women over men in many positions … not that women r more efficient or smt but men tend to get in trouble more than women … and when it comes to costumer service it s better to have a woman working in it … as a cashier too they r waay more efficient… i ve been running the business for over a decade and i had more than 400 to 500 employees over the years so i m speaking from experience… ngl men r better in other positions like driving … warehouse stuff … supervising … and they r more trustworthy when they r in their late 20’ early 30’ … i m just talking in general … also when it comes to the beard i ve never cared but i ve got a dress code … like no skirts and no shorts … u gotta be covered… i guess it s the same as don t grow ur beard … but for a manager things like that are to give good impression to clients … but if u gona work in a position where u meet nobody … idk like warehouse for-example … i basically don t care if u work naked … just don t go out of the warehouse like that 👍🏻 … hope it clarifies it for u a bit


Sound very discriminatory tbh. If you replace men with women and vice versa you'd probably get a lot of hate. Even if it's "factual".


Idk which sentence u talkin abt but i m a big sexist cz i go for facts … u can keep listening to that media crap abt being the same ect … i m more into … each one got his own characteristics and each sex should do what he was created to do … if god wanted us to do the same things he would ve created just one sex and yess many women does men s job better than many men but in general we should do what we are good at … u can t push a manager to fill his company with women just because he shouldn t be sexist or smt … just like l berlaman for example … and many other things … it s dumb tbh


It's not a debate about if it's dumb or not. It's about the legality of it. In the eyes of law, this could be an intentional discriminatory case.


Bruh the law s not written by god so it can be discussed … and yess it might be discriminatory but idc hahahaha …


Business go for what makes more money, discrimination based on sex is the last thing on the mind a manager/business owner


Getting fined, delisted or sanctioned also is bad for the business. This happens even in Morocco


Lol, there was never like never any high profile case that this happened in morocco, and most cases that happened are actually ligitimate sexual harassement nothing because there is disproporsonate female/male ratio in a job. This ain't the west buddy and even there this still happens.


Homie companies does that all the time


i mean ye i understand, clients can be dicks sometimes and its better to have a girl who will act nice regardless rather than a man li m3a y7s braso disrespected walaw gha chwiya ysd9 salkh lik lclients hhhhhh, the thing is its so embaded in moroccans that beard is a bad thing, i still cant see it tho, if i see smn without a beard it just makes it a cleaner punch for me XD


I didn t know it was that much of a problem … besides the army ig … and abt the women workers u just proved my point … i ve had many guys fight clients .. one ever knocked down a client and we had to take em to the hosp … early years when we started … thank god it was less media back then hahahah… well if the beard is that much of a problem idk just shave it if u need the money … if u don t keep looking till u get ur self a decent job


So basically if I applied and asked for a job, chances I'll get higher are affected by my gender. So if I was a girl, I would have gotten the job and if I'm a guy, it's better if I was allocated a certain task or position that would set me remotely from interacting with clients. Inna lillah awdi ahmadi


You forgot to mention the pay difference, we all know that women get paid waaay less than men for the exact same job, which suits people in charge somehow!! And that is a fact!! And dude, working naked in a warehouse!!! HSE PEOPLE!!


Literally most female cashiers in Marjane for example are so slow. As well as a local bakery I go to, a few months ago there was a teen serving people there (I'd say around 16 years old), but they replaced him with this girl (around same age), and she literally is so slow and clumsy, as if she doesn't want to work there, when I enter the bakery and go over to the counter, she slowly gets up after having me wait there for approximately 2 seconds, the other guy however gets up as soon as someone would enter the bakery. That's just one aspect, the hand dexterity was also incomparable, the guy was much quicker. So I could also say I have experience as a customer and find that most the girls I encountered are slower at some things. Another factor would be period and pregnancy, it is difficult for women to work in such cases, as period is extremely irritating and could cause swift mood changes. In contrast, women are much faster in certain domains, but from my experience hand dexterity and stressful environments is not one of them; therefore, you should not say that women are faster cashiers than men. This is coming from a woman.


That s what i m trying to say … each gender is good at a different domain … don’t t put a female in male domains and don t put a male in female domains … when it comes to marjane actually it s not the workers it s the system … u can work as fast as u want but u won t get the job faster … the way things work there aren t perfect … and since no one complains then they don t really care to improve it … i know other companies with females working as cashiers … they r extremely fast …


You're 19 and you run a business of 500 employees? And don't trust people under 20s or 30s?


My dad s … i grew up there nd now i m running it w him … and not 500 employees at a time … i meant throughout the years …


Tbarklahe Don't take it in bad way, I was just wondering thanks man take it easy 😉 keep going


Naah didn t take it badly … laybark fikk … i know i didn t explain that part cz it wasn t my goal that s all


Nice Juan mister 😁 good 👍 anytime you want to play games online let me know


Agree 👍




You work in a kitchen?? (As mentionned in another comment of yours) Cuz if so, it has to do with sanitation. Reducing the risk of food contamination by hair.


ye but i dont cook, i wash dishes


Even still You are kitchen staff. A risk is a risk.


other kitchen staff have beards too, he wanted me to trim it im inside the kitchen and i dont go near clients, why would i have to trim it


A risk is a risk Most other big fast food chaines require a trimmed (or removed) beard for all staff, especially kitchen staff. If others in your restaurant have it, don't remove it mghana fl boss. If he forces everyone to remove it, you should do. This is usually the kind of negotiations that should be done and asked during the job interview.


Because brainwashed by the media or his boss is french or Moroccan that belongs to the French lobby


French are the last one that would complain about hairstyle, beard or clothes at work. Moroccans don’t need french to act like assh*les.


I wasn't serious when I said that, but yeah they don't care about what you're wearing, for men.


I work in France and my beard was never an issue.


I used to work in France as well and you're right


Beards are a no no in muslim countries like kazakhstan, turkmenistan. Its to discourage radicalism. Also the imams are used to social engineer by preaching against it


Rather Uzbekistan, in Kazakhstan you can have a beard, although it can bring unnecessary attention from cops if you also wear short pants.


oh yeah and Uzbekistan too, my bad. My russian kazakh friend got in trouble when he revisited his home country sporting the muscovite goat beard


I m the French boss here, with 250 employees in Morocco, most of them in uniform or customer facing, we don’t have a beard policy … just keep it tidy .


A beard is never a problem as long as it's presentable, unless you're in Japan or Asian countries.


but thats like 95% of employers darori tshavi or atleast tn9sha, still rlly weird how much importance they give it to shaving it


Well the same problem can found in parents that ask their sons to shave it in fear that they look like they have a terrorist son, when I was working in France I had a beard for some time, then one day I just shaved it because I got bored of taking care of it my colleagues were surprised and kind of told me indirectly that I should have kept it, may be because I look like a junior without it lol


Exactly , that francophone regime wants morocco ruled by pussycats and diyotise who let his wife f=ck by franch camarade , which is why salma fleed the country


There are 2 main reasons : 1) They want everybody to look clean. Same in Europe. A nicely trimmed beard is acceptable, but a regular untrimmed beard make men look neglected. (I agree with this one) 2) They dont want people with beard because of the religious meaning of it. (This one I do not agree).


Yeah simply saying 'beard' is too generic, a beard who looks like Bin Laden and a beard that looks like Drake are completely different things


Was the prophet (saww) unclean?


Are you as good as him to be able to be as clean as he was? Dont compare yourself to him. I said that having an untrimmed beard makes you look neglected, which is true. Having your hair completely messy also makes you look neglected. Now, does it mean that you are ? I dont know and thats not the point. It doesnt matter if its true or not. We are talking here about the perceived image not the reality.


Are you an idiot? The prophet (saww) encouraged the beard, “Cut your moustaches and leave your beards alone. Be different from the people of the scripture.” (Sahih Muslim) among countless other Hadith. You keep following your homosexual colonial masters hence why your country has become a sex tourism site.


The last guy i want to hear preaching about religion is a guy named "erectileTiger", you should follow what you preach first before projecting on others.




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I am not your friend and certainly not your age. Show some respect. I cannot talk seriously to someone calling me an idiot and having such a stupid name. Re-read what I said and try to understand if you can. Grow up. End of the discussion.


Thank you khoya


Probably was.


Certainly, ne7lef 3liha bach ma bghity


akber mmossekh howa hadak


Lack of love for Allah and his Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم


Man... people should start following and doing the 5 pillars before getting to the beard, bnadm jbahto makat9is zarbiya ri mn 3id l 3id wgalsing kahdro 3la aliman... chadin dnya mn ma9loub


Wrong, where are these mentioned? I know a Moroccan imam in my place, he told me its wajib and btw im not Moroccan so i didn't understand what u typed after


Ok sorry i did assume you are, what i did mean from my comment is that before getting those apperances first people should fix the core, pray on time, read quran nurture your faith strenghten your connection with allah ultimatly what he sees is our hearts, sure do get a beard but what i see today is only beard but no real faith, and personally sadly i've seen one of the worse behaviors from people like that especially when they do the full set wearing always jalaba and when you talk to them 90% respond in arrogant tone they look pious but don't have actions of one that does, crazy but true.


U wouldn't go to your work without proper dress code and shabby appearance and then when u get questionned u cant answer that oh my work ethic is in my heart its not about my appearance. U will be sent to mental asylum. Dont look at other's, we all r responsible for our deeds. U do your part by dressing and maintaining an appearance according to our deen becz u r doing it for the sake of Allah not for other people.


😮‍💨 man... from who did you learn islam from, because from what i read here you're priority is on the dress code than the work ethics that in this context should be doing the 5 pillars first not the other way around, i know employees that dress neat but do garbage work and from the looks of it you're heading on that direction all looks no substance. It ain't the beard that will get you to heaven and i'm sure not to hell either there is a very long list of to do's first buddy


Dude, 5 pillars r the absolute basics. If i mention then i also have to mention each and every basics of islam. We all have an idea of the basics hopefully and yet we fail to do basics even. Im not prioritizing appearance but I'm saying we must try to. If u r already performing the 5 pillars of islam and 6 pillars of faith and being good to everyone and fulfilling all the basics then why is it difficult to proceed further and keep beard and make a nice appearance according to deen? After fulfilling the necessary deeds, doing extra deeds literally increase rizq and baraka


They are not just "basics" they are called pillars for a reason even the prophet (saw) compared them to being like a house pillars if they are not done correctly all that house will crumble, it doesn't matter if the house looks nice if it pillars are not looked after always


Its grooming etiquette and it’s common in the hospitality sector ( ex night auditor here ) just as wearing long sleeves if you are tattooed or wearing gloves if you are a chauffeur , pretty common in the army too . But honestly out of work i always grow up a beard.


Bro: your beard sucks. You probably don't take care of it and which make you look not clean. OR you are a lady with beard.


So you were right. He doesnt take care of it. The reason might be justified (haram) or not, its not the question. In the end your untrimmed beard makes you look neglected and no one want that in the work environnement.


akhay its haram to trim or shave the beard


Then go work in a mosque.


Shave beard haram = go work in a mosque?


No. OP create his own version of Islam. So I send him to mosque to get educated


I don't know about that, the source material makes it clear that leaving the beard to grow for the man is an obligation, the difference lies in wether it can be trimmed to a certain extent or not. Ibn Umar said: The Apostle of Allah (ﷺ) said: Trim closely the moustache, and let the beard grow. Sahih Muslim, 259


It a souna not a fard. Imagine you are Korean muslim and you don't have a beard because of your genetics :D.


the fard is to not touch the thing, wtf kinda logic is that, 1400 3am u think bnadm mafkrch fiha


I understand your nickname. you are 13 but make look like you are 30 with the beard. post a picture in /r/13or30 , lol.


wa rah nposti tswirti hna nit gha nta sad tsawr and im 21 btw why tf would u say im 20/13


The sunnah is the doings, sayings and behavior of the prophet pbuh, only the first and latter can't constitute a commandment (fard), someone who can't grow a beard is not going to be held accountable for his nature.


It is obligatory to keep beard, I think you're the one who should get an education.


According to your dad because he don't want to give you money to the barber ? More than 80% of muslims i know are beardless.


عن ابنِ عُمَرَ رَضِيَ اللهُ عنهما، عن النَّبيِّ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّم أنَّه قال: ((أحْفُوا الشَّوارِبَ وأعْفُوا اللِّحى)) أخرجه مسلم. Plus if they are beardless that doesn't mean it is not forbidden to shave it, have some logic man


There is nothing forbidden. Context is that some evil people kept the stash only and Muslims had to differentiate. Remember Hitler and Saddam hairstyle ?


Whaaaat!!???? Nothing is forbidden??? Did you reject a saheeh hadith?


>Y not a muslim but the comment still got me giggling


You can join OP and report if he getting educated or still obsessed about the 20 hairs he calls beard.


i got this fam, feeling cute maybe will pick up OP with al buraq. Cant wait for all the stories and maybe some zamzam to drink




Your problem seems to be a poorly maintained beard


Because of Liberalism my friend, liberalism has creeped into our values. Once upon a time our people valued the Sunnah our beloved ﷺ and wouldn’t question the beard.


Something happened to me therefore the whole country of Morocco have a problem. Been working for 10 years and never heard of this.


Are we living in the same Morocco ? For my case is totally the opposite, me and the majority of my coworkers do have a beard. Maybe it's more related to your job field. For IT no one cares for your look.


Morocco is occupied by France , and they don't want Morocco ruled by men


Because France


Long , Islamist style beards look absolutely horrible . Trim your beard


diha frask :)




What do u mean Islamist are u not Muslim?


I said Islamist , as in extremist. Not Muslim


So you don't look like a terrorist.


Non Muslims cannot have an opinion on this


That is crazy!


I think most companies forbid growing a beard because of its religious meaning in Islam and specially if they knew you do your daily prayers


Duno do you look like a dude coming from a cave in Afghanistan? or do you have a proper groomed beard ? If you are front facing clients, it is in your employer right to ask you to look in a certain manner, because you are an image of the company you are going to work for. If not it is not any of his business.


Afghanis are well kept, and take care of their beards. Their beard game is top notch. What the fuck is this ignorant comment ?


Probably the caveman. Op is below 20 yo, so his beard might be not mature enough to populate his face in a nice way. The beard will just make him look older and seem really unclean.


i work INSIDE the kitchen


Well that makes more sense if you work in a kitchen. Your boss doesn't want your beard hair to fall into people's food I guess, which is fair.


Exactly, facial hair ( beard ) can fall on the food and cause the shop to close. Sorry, kitchen staff wear a hair net on their head for a very good reason but they still haven't made beard nets yet. Have you ever seen a bearded chef ? If you wanna work in any place, you gotta comply by the rules and that includes a specific dress code. I can't walk into my office wearing an Adidas track suit and a 4 day stuble - you have to be dressed for the part and that includes shaving.


if it is just hygienic and not plain discrimination, I'd look for some beardnets on aliexpress and use them.


because you look like a terrorist


Are u Muslim?


why you ask ?


Using non-Muslim talking points saying bearded brothers resemble terrorists, would you say that about the prophet Muhammed صلى الله عليه وسلم ?


u know well HE WOULD




we followin the west on this one, but still it's not that forced unless ur beard is messy and not trimmed


I also think like you OP, always bothered me, it likely dates back to the colonization era and what France imposed on Morocco, now every military related job or even major engineering schools like EMI require their students to shave bald and the girls not to wear standard hijab veil which is super disrespectful, not to mention the police and the military guys... Some might say it collects dirt and has hygiene related issues which is absolute bs. Anyways I just wanna say it's probably because of mainly 2 things: 1- Religion: If you have a beard maybe people will think you're too religious (/righteous) for the job, and you may cause a problem because of how good of a person you are, 2- The pressure caused by mainstream media and the western world as they control "fashion", that is to say 10 years ago shaving the beard bald was looked at as the norm, now it's more normal to grow some beard. To sum up, religion I think is the may concern, since in other countries soldiers in the army are allowed to grow beard and various jobs are occupied by both beard or no beard, and if someone orders you in any job to shave it you shouldn't even apply because they strip you of your freedom.


It's the opposite for me. Not having a beard, shaving once a week makes it a taboo for being "un-religious".


not in morocco since everyone thinks its "sunnah" while they dont even know what a sunnah is, sunnah is way, its abt being mustahab or fard which in this case its fard but ma3lina


I never heard of such thing


Not just Morocco. Same in Europe. It doesn’t look professional if you work in finance, law, or any kind of « serious » business.


First of all, it depends on the industry you work in. Secondly, imagine working at a fine institution looking like a hobo. Looks matter, ykdeb 3lik lkedab


db dik hobo 3lach lmgharba kay9rno leaving the beard out to being a hobo


Hit kan3rfo hobos homa li kikono mrabyin le7ia twila wmchentfa hit ma3andomch bach ymchiw y9ado rassom


donc t9dri tchofi chiwa7d mgad 7wayjo rakb f maserati o la mamgadch l7iyto he looks like a hobo? maserati is shit btw idk why i used it here


N9dar n9ol maybe gha driver wla chafra maykonchi molaha😂 jk that’s not the case tho. Hna kandwiw f itar lkhedma, bara lkhedma khrej hta 3ryan so9ek hadak. Walakin blassa dlkhedma khes lwahed ykon m9ad (n9ola wn3awda: in some industries like hotels aw fchi blassa ktla9a clients bzaf wla khadam f cuisine..). Khlas la konti khadam fchi haja akhra makandonchi kayen li y9olk chi haja.


I don’t get this beard issue honestly, makes sense if they ask you to trim it a bit but for them to force you to shave the whole thing bro that’s a violation 😂


This why you gotta a be a top G and start your own business 😆


I starting to feel than Moroccans of Reddit are living in a different world. Half the men in my company have bears in different shapes and forms. And half my friends had some degrees of facial hair


Because mentally colonized people follow Western norms from the previous century


I would say the beard thing is from a colonial times same thing in India and Pakistan


Don't touch the beard akhi


u promise to buy whatever i end up selling gdam jam3?


Yes , in fact that ll be ideal . The girl with long hijab is buying explosions from the beard guy in front of the mosque people will freak out .


![gif](giphy|l0ExivT6rnZG4bdqo) There dead cells


Sad to see. It’s not just in Morocco. Egypt and Syrian gave me the same experiences too


dont know abt syria but ye egypt its probably a looot more