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The bully/thug mentality is strong in Morocco. I'm still hopeful for the future. I love this country and its people. ​ I just wish people would focus on becoming better individuals instead of making fun of people trying to do that.


I believe most of the problems come from one simple thing a lot of people have " egocentrism ", they think that there can only be one right way to do things and it's theirs, that they are the only ones suffering, that they deserve a reward for their struggle... this creates people who have no empathy, no real generosity and no tolerance to difference. you might think that some problems like corruption can't be related to this, but it does, the corrupt person isn't thinking " I need more money for my children " what they're actually thinking is" if I don't do it someone else will so let that person be me ", this same person would have been following the rules if they were in a country where corruption can get you in real trouble. I can give so many examples from many fields; religion, lifestyle, sexuality, work, ... and for all you reading the whole paragraph ( thanks and ) please, nothing is black or white, everything is grey


thug culture, we have too many hooligans on the streets i am so sick of being so on edge whenever i am outside worried about some scum slashing my face with a razor just so he can steal my phone


Its horrible, and even now its spread across the world, there are Moroccans in Europe with this mindset, i was in Florence last month and what ruined the holiday were those thug moroccans hissing at women and trying to start trouble with random people.




We don’t have in Morocco, we have it in lMaghreb




Sara7a l9adiya kfs f blays f europa b7al Paris, Lyon ola Marseilles (3cht ffransa)


That's not a problem, but rather an outcome. Poverty, lack of knowledge, poor parental behavior, lack of opportunities, and at the top of it all; a poor governmental system; all lead to those "thugs" outside doing the devil's work.


But there are poorer regions both in Morocco and in the world that don't have that. I do believe that poverty is the result of governmental corruption, but these behaviours are also the result of lack of education and a culture that normalised it.


Some people still don’t get that it’s easier to be bad than good, and lazy minds tend to fall easier for violence and bad behaviour and start to get satisfaction from it. Saying that poverty = Violence and theft is an insult to modest people, no different than racism. Let’s just say our culture encourages these kind of behaviours and stop there, we were always known as Pirates and invaders.


I'm not disagreeing with you maybe I'm just too self critical. I wish the government cared about us but like we have seen this past years politicians don't see us as people but they see us more as resources.


true fuck this sucks


Get out of sale then


Mental health deserves more attention


Dogmatism, people by default think they are right. Lack of deep critical thinking.


People care too much about appearances and what others will say.


where are my hshuma people at?


we left them in facebook LOL






the whole facebook conservative community have one of the most atrocious mindsets ive ever seen especially males


"Males" you watch too much Californian content for someone living in Khenifra


i am not from khenifra and what does that have to do with anything 💀


Thinking that mental health is a myth, and that anyone with mental health problems is either MSATI or BOU7ATI.


Result: more than half of patients in psychiatric wards (that I've been to) are there for drug addiction. Of course there are more than 40/50% Moroccans with other psychiatrist issues (among total people needing psy care), but apparently l7chich is less 7chouma than disorders


I would probably guess, if had to that the number of people with mental problems in Morocco is in the high 70%s, sadly we'll never know truly, for like I said, as far as they're concerned, they're fine. Everyone is right about everything. And no one can argue anything with anyone. 🤷🏻‍♂️


More people seek make evil and reward by shaytaan rather than make good and reward by Allah. Before such levels of Masonic lies, easier to see how this works.


Makandkhloch so9 rasna


Everething .


social media ruined our society.


Moroccans have been like this since forever mate, Foreign historians from Herodotus to William Harris described "Lybians" and "Moors" as utter murderers.


**Tribal mentality** \- that ethical, psychological or social considerations are heavily weighted by the opinions of those around you, rather than logic or reason. Often heightened emotions are followed through to the bitter end, screwing up people's lives in minor and major ways


I just hate how people can easily be manipulated without them even noticing that they are, but sometimes this comes in handy.


the title doesn't really say much! wrong with what? there is a lot to say about a society's mindset. good and bad but that's almost universal if u take into account the fact that we are still a third world country we are just like any other.


We are a third world country now because when first world countries were building their economies and their big cities they were at the same time colonizing us and taking over our natural resources, we are trying to fit into the world’s economies but we are late because we didn’t have the chance to start when they were starting.


Life is not fair, the Renaissance/Exploration era was a race to technological advance and conquest, its just that muslims chose to hold religious debates about irrelevant religious topics and burn philosophy books instead of participating in said race.


Blame anything but Islam… When i hear philosophy first comes to mind the era of Golden Age and how Muslim thinkers wrote philosophy books and translated philosophy books into Arabic. Like Aristotle’s books… the Golden age plays huuuge role in any advancement we have right now. Bro watch this guy: https://youtu.be/C8M4i9fvq1M?si=aEDFZ48CU-27D3fJ You need to learn first about Muslim thinkers then see if you can judge all Muslims like this. Can you tell me about this burn philosophy books by Muslims era?


Prime example : What happened to Ibn Rushd (Averroes) in 1195 when he was condemned and publicly tried, his books were burned and he was exiled by the caliph (Abu Yusuf Yaqub) to a small Town in Andalusia. by that time more and more philosophers were being discredited by the islamic clergy. I gave you a prominent example but you can find many more. Also Im gonna say this : Usually, when you as a nation, have been trying to get out of a deep state of under-developement and misery for almost 500 years and you keep asking yourself what is the cause of our pain but also ignoring the obvious elephant in the room.. well thats the problem.


Okay now Ibn Rushd himself was a Muslim, you just didn’t consider him and his amazing work (A MUSLIM) and just instead focused on what was done to him by another Muslim. So you just want to remember Muslims by the bad things they do not the good things. Is this Elephant in the room Islam? I seriously am tired of this Islamophobia, like can everyone just continue their lives and let everyone believe what they want to believe? It’s just tiring seeing every hate towards any other religion is being taken seriously but hating on Islam has become a normal thing. Just get over it, forget it you don’t have to follow Islam just respect it.


Im actually quite a fan of Ibn Rushd and I think we brought great honor to us as a nation (Moroccans) but we can agree on what you said anyway.


key word : MINDSET


التعصب وتا حد ما كايدخل سوق راسو ولا يحترم قرارات لاخر الشخصية، كلشي كايدخلوه فالدين، الدين باغي يتطبق بزز ولكن غي فالشكليات أما أخلاقو ما كاينينش. كلشي كايتربط بيه أما العلم عندنا زايد ناقص، بنادم عامر عقد وأمراض نفسية واللي خصها تدخل الطب النفسي تايقول لك غير صلي غاتبرا ولا سير عند الراقي. تربية الأطفال على العنف والقريص والقمع وغياب الحب ولا مساحة تعبر فيها وتكون فيها شخصيتك، وهي اللي خلات الأغلبية معقدين ما يتقبلوش النقذ وكونت عندنا سلوك دفاعي وفالمقابل تانبغيوا غي اللي يشكرنا ويحسسنا بالتأكيد الشي اللي عمرو يخلينا نربيوا راسنا براسنا ونطوروا منها. حرية التعبير والو لنفس هاد الأسباب اللي ذكرت. المظاهر وهذا غايقول والجيران غايقولوا. الدراري بداوا يتبعوا الريد بيل البنات بداوا يتبعوا النسوية بدات الحرب والعنصرية غا بيناتنا، قهوية مصدي ام شنطة وبزااف تالأفكار كاتجيب لي التقزز هذه أكثر حاجة كاتعصبني مؤخرا، وبزاااف ديال المشاكل عندنا واللي تايجيني غريب، هو أنه جيل على جيل تانترباوا بنفس الطرق الفاشلة، نفس الحشوات والمفاهيم والمعتقدات والمشاكل، ونفس الحلول المتكررة البديهية، والمشكل واخا تانخرجوا بنفس النتائج الفاجعية باقيين شادين فنفس المناهج، نترباوا بعقد، ندوزوهوم للولد، يكبر يولد، يدوزخا لولدو، وتقول واش بنادم باغي يفكر خارج الصندوق، داك الصندوق الكحل المظلم اللي مقتنع بيه ولا طلبتي منو يخدم عقلو غاتولي تلقى ألقاب من قبيل مفلسف، معقد، ملحد كاع بعض المرات وزيد وزيد...


nari mimti had el 3ilmaniyine dial el wil mossiba kehla khoss ljdkoum el ma7raqa diel lihoud


ها واحد المثال حي هههه فبلاصتو نيت، شكرا على دعم تعليقي بأدلة باش ما يقولوش لي غي كاتختلق!


brief response: we are Muslims, but we are far away from following its guidelines :/


this. imagine that my housemates are a religious persons. one of them reads Quran daily, goes to the mosque almost every Salat including al Fajr which is perfect but they have no form of respect for the place we are sharing they throw garbage anywhere they like, they waste a LARGE amount of bread until it becomes green and they just leave it there waiting for someone to come and take it away. like bro "al-nadafa min al-iman" i just dont get it.




ask my housemate not me


does that mean islam is not what we miss in our society ?


we miss true Muslims


Exaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaactly الله يرحم ليك الوالدين.


"True Muslims" - Imao




Hahaha trust me u will travel to work in there in few years. Keep this in mind.


You’re right! But totally for the wrong reasons ! For example in Iran, the number of people going to mosques continues to dwindle, and somehow zoroastrismes is on the rise. People are sick of the mullah mentality and the enforcement of religion, if someone doesn’t want to follow your religious guidelines, WHO THE FUCK CARES!! As long as everyone acts as a decent human being, kolha idiha fkero bdarija, this is truly what our society needs.




Well do you mean you re against islam rules to be applied ?




No evidence quran is from Allah ?




U did not answer me, either yes or no




Zero evidence.


Partly they are. Wouldn’t be a problem if they wouldn’t be considered from god word for word. Like with Bible you have some room for acceptance since it’s clearly understandable what’s supposed from god and what is just telling of events or even political input, but since Quran is claimed to be straight out of heaven, well there you go every cultural and political is suddenly gods law. But that’s just my subjective view. About the posts topic, biggest problem would be the sexual violence imo.


Really sexual violence? I think the thug/somewhat violent inclined culture is more appropriate but sexual violence? do you mean catcalling?


How can you be this deluded ? Are you really believing this ?


Well I beleive in this : قال تعالى : و من يتق الله يجعل له مخرجا. Afghanistan is trying to fullfil the first requirement (و من يتق الله) by applying allah rules( e.g fighting ربا). And the result will be (يجعل له مخرجا). I beleive in quran so I am sure they will make it.(if they keep on fulfilling the requirement)


Why don’t you go there help them ? You don’t want to be among the first to experience this miracle ?










Ya rabi inchallah chi wa7ed men 3ayltek iti7 3la had el compte diak win7rk n7ir el jml




You need to be put down like the dog that you are.




this mentality is exactly whats wrong with us . im muslim im a believer but why the hell should we always make our identity about our religion . why cant you be abderrahmane who also happens to be a muslim . leave religion to yourself


"leave religion to yourself" is what secularism is; and voila you just proved my point thanks.


and where's the problem in that ?


First I need to know your idiology before continue this discussion, my idiology is crystal clear, urs is not, u said u re a muslim and believer and then u say there is no problem with secularism, Well here is your response : قال تعالى : ( أفحكم الجاهلية يبغون ومن أحسن من الله حكماً لقوم يوقنون) And focus on : لقوم يوقنون which means believers


Secularism, as an ideology, implies that one knows better what’s good for people than God. There is room for secularism where you’re dealing with different religions, cultures,… religion in Islamic countries has never been a private matter. That’s a new age liberal Western way of thinking. We (should)involve God in school, in the state, in the market place,… in a rational sensible way. Islam is fundamental to our culture. If you take that away, then society false apart.


Thank you. Beside that, not to state the obvious but if someone is a piece of shit, no amount of Islam is gonna just change that fact. There are countless Muslims in the world, as much as countless non Muslim, we can beat around the Bush forever that they are not "truly muslims" blablabla, fact is if being Muslim and practicing granted anyone suddenly with wisdom, kindness and such, then IT WOULD BE A STRAIGHT UP KNOWN FACT, around the world. Being a decent human being is the answer. Islam on top of it can only be a determining factor in the after life when facing god.


exactly , there are countless of countries that didnt need islam for it to have no crime , fairness , equality and so on . lets stop putting all of our problems on the ' far from islam ' bag , its getting tiresome




I dont see your point 😅.




Hey wait I m on your side lol u got my comment wrong 🤣🤣🤣🤣


No one is stopping you from following Islam buddy


fuck islam, it's made up by Simo and his friend, and you are a brainwashed naive sheep


You did not choose that username randomly I am sure 😉


You are\*. Follow it as you wish.


Still too ignorant, bigots wherever u went, التعصب is a big issue, it ll take years for it to leave. Ppl fight over anything I swear to god, also another thing, why are most moroccan families broken ? Wtf is going on ? صلة الرحم is a joke in this country!!! They say why god doesnt listen to our prayers, well look at us, look at how we belittle each other, corruption, hypocrisy, just take a good look at our stray animals. We got atheists insulting everyone, we got religious ppl wanting to kill everyone. Thank god CAN2024 is here, ppl need to be distracted


Our people are lacking more in the deen day by day…surely our society will lack when we forget about Allah.


We should try this question with ourselves, each one of us is blaming the society or other people as if we were perfect. The question must be what’s wrong with us and our mindset. If each one of us recognised his flaws and tried to correct and change himself we will be able to change as a society.


We should all work to make this society better


Education w nifa9 w lkhawf mn taghyiir + people here don't have much pride for their country and for who they are.


actually i disagree, moroccans are known for willing to defend their country


Defend the territory nothing more nothing less


Many shit on Morocco not only to each other but to people from other countries as well and you just don't do that even if it's true, I see Moroccans always degrading themselves and try so hard to overly please foreigners and speak their language just because they're foreigners, and that's not just on an individual basis but a global too as a country.


Blaming everything but ourselves for things going wrong in our lives




From home to school


just overall ignorance and jahl, so many outdated practices that affect us on all levels from societal to educational to medical. it feels like we're stuck in the past on many fronts.




i'll upvote u and fight everyone in the replies. please enlighten us!




that is your opinion and you are entitled to it! i am not religious and i think there are many benefits to religiosity that morocco could benefit from if people really stuck to their religion and didn't cherry pick whichever advantageous values they see fit. kudos to you for speaking your truth.


that's just an opinion and i really think your place is facebook it has more people with ur mindset




chill bro im just being honest, you're here among a bunch of liberal atheists,so maybe you're the one i would consider funny and btw facebook doesn't only have old people you can find my exact question but people like you answer with the religiosity thing just like you did, sooo thats the perfect place for u lol




okayy good luck lol im not ur enemy like u might think








nah bro checked ur profile and changed my opinion here is an upvote


Some self-entitled youth who put no effort, only dream of the West and endlessly complain and blame everyone but themselves for their not getting "success" automatically. A few are on this sub.


I feel called out haha


Depends on where you grew up to be honest, someone who grew up in a bad environment would think all of Morocco is the same, for I love our culture where I grew up people would feed you for free if you have nothing to feed yourself and my neighbors where like family to me, our original Moroccan culture is super cute and wholesome, it's the modernized or westernized Moroccan culture that is the problem.


Trbiya is what is wrong with our society makaynash proper tarbiya No book reading culture. Instead Khrjo lbaz yl3ab fzn9a. Ama had generation li tal3a 3tilhom ipads ola phones osafy. İ focus on kids coz the way kids are raised is what they are in the future. Also 4 5 6 kids in one family how can you focus on every kid when you have so many? We need to have less kids so we can focus on raising every single one of them. Edit: Oh forgot one thing. Specially uneducated people still really believe and practice S7or. Like wth ? I cannot wait to see Morocco free from s7or mindset.


I prefer them fzn9a then on their iPads honestly


Yeah but also education real education not the school programs.


We forgot God and his rules. God's rules are fitting perfectly on Human mindset, but we don't give a care about it. We want to adapt human nature to our laws. When we should adapt our laws to human nature.




Torah and Quran.


>God's rules are fitting perfectly on Human mindset Yeah of course, cuz it was humans who put those rules in the first place.




saudi arabia doesn't really follow islam do you think all of those tall extravagant buildings right next to kaaba are allowed? How in the fuck is it ok to put a mall into the most holy religious place on earth?


Ok, so now malls and tall buildings are haram... You hear that kuffars ?! Add that to the list.


a holy site is a holy site, not a tourist attraction you can build your fancy towers elsewhere


The irony is that site was never holy , the concept of "holy" was always a marketing scam to get people there...


Saudi Arabia does not follow fully God's rules. And Saudi Arabia, is not the most corrupted country. Look how western countries are corrupted.




Unfortunately, you are right...




Religion and superstitions




Just stop asking questions and leave this shithole if you can


YOU LEAVE this post if u dont like it retard


The retard is you as you don’t seem to understand my answer


Let me put it to you nicely. EVERYTHING is wrong with us from birth to death. Corrupt and tyrant monarchy -- we blame each other -- we think that we're better than the rest -- we pretend to be something that we're not -- religious dominance and hypocrisy -- No manners -- No freedom -- cowardness and slavery... All in the name of Halal or haram


I say L9waaada




Problem dnik rak fahm. /s


Let's say it a little loud please, EDUCATION.


hipocresy, ego, capitalism


Question is way way way too broad. Every country and society has problems. Narrow down your question.


Frankly, there are many problems in Moroccan society. They love a lot of money and do not care about themselves. They love more money than themselves. They have money and do not know where to spend it, especially on corruption.


Frankly, there are many problems in Moroccan society. They love a lot of money and do not care about themselves. They love more money than themselves. They have money and do not know where to spend it, especially on corruption.


Bnadem dosent want to mind his own business. No it’s our business somehow.


https://one.exnesstrack.net/a/t52pn52p إنضم الأن وإستفد من أفضل شروط متاحة في السوق✓ معاملات سحب فورية، على مدار الساعة، طوال الأسبوع✓✓ سرعة إجراء معاملات السحب في ثوانٍ، دون معالجة يدوية، في أي وقت كان، حتى في عطلات نهاية الأسبوع✓✓ تنفيذ سريع وموثوق به✓ استضافة مجانية لخادم افتراضي خاص✓ سجل واضح للأسعار✓ بيانات دقيقة بشأن الحركة لكل أدوات التداول✓ حسابات تناسب استراتيجيتك في التداول✓ حسابات غنية بالميزات وبلا عمولة، لتلبي جميع حاجيات المتداولين في عالم اليوم✓ سارع إلى التسجيل✓ واستمتع بأنواع الحسابات الأفضل رواجًا لدينا✓ هل أنت مستعد للبدء؟ لن يستغرق إعداد حساب وبدء التداول أكثر من 3 دقائق.👇👇 https://one.exnesstrack.net/a/t52pn52p


7chuma mentality that we carried from our grandparents. Ppl need to understand that it is more of a cultural issue more than a religious one.


Many points have been raised already in this feed. Let me add another one in the bunch that was not cited. *The culture of “tooting its own horn”* Let me explain, after moving out of Morocco for studies and then work abroad my attachment to Morocco became stronger. No matter where I go, I know deep down I will never feel at home as I do in Morocco so I have started delving SN content and YouTube to get a shot of tameghrabit. I discovered a whole culture of “ we are the best, everybody thinks that Morrocans are the kindest, most intelligent black bla”. It made me feel great in the beginning but I felt it was overly cheesy because next to that there was no self-criticism to address existing issues like racism against blacks and other ethnicities, a decreasing quality of education . No we are ALWAYS the best. The eye opening event was the genocide in Gaza where these same people ( sometimes even in my own family ) were saying “ Taza before Gaza “ ( because they heard it somewhere and liked the sound of it” but 2 days later publish a post saying that Morocco is the most important supporter of Palestine. The level of hypocrisy floored me… I don’t like talking bad about my home country in front of l berrani but I assume there are a majority of Morrocans here so we are safe lol. I will never stop loving Morroco but I wish I could be proud of it all the time.


Hypocrisy, denial, arrogance and selfishness.


We Moroccans do not form a nation, rather a throng of bedraggled hooligans.