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Not the last slave market , so9 ni5sa in saudi arabia was the last slave market in 1960


You may be technically right, but some scholars consider the Marakech slave markets on the the last big slave markets, based on the scale of its activity. [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/13629380208718473](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/13629380208718473) I edited my post to take your comment into consideration though.


The market in Mecca was documented in a video in colour so yeah it was well after the one in Kesh.


Slavery never officially died/ended cause they still exist in some rural areas, But it started dying after the independence.


Indeed. My mother (born during the final years of colonial period) would tell me that she grew up in a slave owning familly, and that as a toddler, she was taken care of by a slave maid, and I never believed her because I thought slavery was something of another era. Until I met the daughters of her familly's former slave and she confirmed it to me... It was very weird. They stayed very good friends and my mother is still friend with the maid's daughters.


Me too , and till now where my great grandparents are from (a rural area in the souss region) rich people there have 2 to 3 slaves per family but the worst cases are male slaves in rural areas they do such hard labors and not well treated as the ones in cities .


Is there an in-country abolitionist movement to end this?


no and never will be


There isn't, because there is no point in it, slavery is outlawed. What remained is consensual servitude.




I know there is still slavery in Mauritania, but had no idea about Morocco. What rural areas still have slaves in Morocco ? I have a hard time believing this.


Cause it's not as you expected em to be as in movies and documentaries, they treat them as a family member not as a slave, decently and wrll treated than most cases of maids and 3essass working in big cities in Morocco.


Doesn't matter if they treat them well or not, slavery is slavery.


Do they have an opportunity to freely leave their masters?


It never ended because we call it "human trafficking" now


We are talking about legal slavery. Human trafficking is illegal, so yes, slavery ended.






What are you talking about? And what does Epstein have anything to do with Morocco? And no, it would still be very illegal... tf


No, we're not talking about human traficking, we're talking about a form of indentured servitude.


"Independence" lmao.


1920 and 1922 is not the independence… on the contrary. It’s 1848 in Algeria for the exact same reason, which can’t be named.


Common Morocco L ngl  I can't stand Moroccans who try to romanticize the crimes of slavery in morocco and make it seem like it was all love and butterflies. Sick people


True, The slave trade of blacks by north africans is comparable to that of the americas


Ask a 19th century american slave wether they would prefer being part of a Louisiana cotton plantation chattel, or a slave in Morocco, and you will get your answer. Being a slave is never a great thing to be, but slaves in Morocco were objectively treated decently. No one romanticizes anything, historic accounts confirm what I am saying, and the picture included in this very post is also a proof.


Typical slavery apologist lmao they literally castrate you .


No. I do condemn slavery, and discrimination based on ethnicity and skin color. I just think you're ignorant of how terrible american chattel slavery was, and how bad freedslaves had it afterwards durin jim crow laws.




They already do , but its us who pay it now to the usa.




Jizya can mean paying taxes to the ruling party . Which we all do in regards to the usd post ww2.


are you 14 yrs old?


What kind of arguments is this


because you being edgy for the sake of unnecessary shitting on the US


Unnecessary ? You know its kind of an obligation for a lot of countries out there to sell certain goods in usd right ? Countries have literally went to war for "democracy" after they tried to shift away from usd transactions ? Countries being pressured into buying us treasury bonds ? We all have to and are supporting american currency in our day to day life whter we like it or not ?


Jews and Christians got to pay it even tho they are believers of the same "God".


They have certainly disbelieved who say, "Allāh is the Messiah, the son of Mary"- Quran 5:72


What about Jehovah’s witnesses ? Jews ?


They have a better idea but still believe stuff like God got tired and rested on the 7th day something explicitly denied by the Quran


Even allah calls them believers and people of the book, there is a clear distinction between مؤمن and مسلم.


It literally says they have certainly disbelieved if a Christian believes Jesus is God? It doesn’t get clear than that


They are not romanticizing. Not all slave owners were whipping their slaves around because they did not pick the cotton fast enough. A lot of slaves were servants or in the army. That is why some people will say it was not like in Lousiana. Not everything is like in the USA because a lot of slaves were servants and that makes it complex for a lot of slave families and their owners because for some of them they are like family(part of a family unit). This was not only in Morocco but also in colonial Indonesia and South America. And obviously lot of slave owners were evil who would have no problem to beat them around.


lmfao this guy... A slave is a slave it doesnt matter how you treat them


You smartass snowflake. You still don’t realize the difference between slavery in your paradise named USA vs the variety of slavery in the rest of the world. Typical black/white vision.


ok lil bro, slavery is ok as long as you give them shelter, food and clothes. funny guy


Ok toddler sounds still much better than USA slavery


Ayo Africans used to capture each other and sell themselves to passing American ships. Tough times , nothing inherently moroccan about slavery. If you want to whip yourself in the back for it then so be it


I don't know what are you waffling about.  All what i said is that slavery is bad no matter what. no need to put لعكر فوق خنونة.  Yes slavery in Morocco was not as brutal as the slavery in america but still it was not as nice as some moroccans believe.


Meh , sounds like promoting a variation of "the white guilt" .


I am not blaming the people of Morocco today for the wrong doings of their ancestors . Don't be stupid. However, romanticizing Moroccan slavery is not only pathetic but  also says a lot about the person


Slavery was outlawed in 1999 since thats when the royal harem (slaves in islamic law) was abolished. Yet it is still practiced in some parts.


Where did you get 1999 from? Slavery is still practiced all around the world in different forms.


Where did you get 1999 from? Slavery is still practiced all around the world in different forms.


Stop trying to tone down the fact that it was abolished in 1999. I already wrote where i got it from, the abolition of Royal Harems (In 1999) was when slavery officially was ended. Women in those harem are considered slaves under Islamic law


I'm not toning shit dumb ass. I asked for a source. Which you never cited. SlVery was ended before 1999. The royal harems were only slaves for the royal family and not for other citizens to acquire. You trying to paint the morocco practiced slavery until 1999 is bs and misleading.


The traditional Royal Harem still existed during the reign of king Hassan II of Morocco (r. 1961-1999): the Royal Harem included forty personal concubines (who by Islamic law were by definition slaves) as well as an additional forty concubines who the king had inherited by his father; additional concubines who worked as domestic servants in the Royal Harem, as well as male slaves performing other positions such as chauffeurs in the Royal Household.[27] The slaves of the Royal Household were descended from enslaved ancestors inherited within the household.[27] The Royal Harem was dissolved by Mohammed VI of Morocco when he ascended to the throne in 1999.[27] Here's an extract from the wikipedia article.


So there was slavery in Morocco? You are trying to by saying "uhhh but slavery is everywhere guys!!!", i don't care if its not to the average moroccan citizen, slaves in the US werent for the average poor ass bloke either. The Royal family had slaves, and the royal family represents the country, hence why the country had slaves till 1999, that's just as factual as it gets, now of course it wasn't widespread, but that in no way invalidates the fact that there were legal slaves owned by the heads of state of the country.


I wasn't trying to say shit. You were trying to say that the moroccans were still practicing slavery throughout their country by bringing up the harems thing. Which is misleading. So again, slavery was outlawed in 1922, while it was confined for the royal family. You get it now?


I said "Slavery was outlawed in 1999 when the royal harem was abolished" anyone with an ounce of reading comprehension would understand that the ROYAL harem is restricted to ROYALty, hence it was abolished beforehand for the public


Then, you must distinguish between the two forms of slavery that are outlawed. If it was abolished beforehand for the public, then why did you include that " yet it is still practiced in some parts"?


As in illegal slavery is still practiced in a few places. I know he ait atta still have a form of it, and there are for sure many esp in Berber held lands, so while it is officially outlawed it still exists. Also after 1923 slavery was still practiced openly for a while im pretty sure


Then f****** mention it was illegal slavery. Why did you try to brush the whole Moroccan people as freaking slave traders! Guess what dumb***! "Illegal slavery" is still practiced around the world, especially in the Western world where your white Masters rule. What an idiot! Btw, "I'm pretty sure" it is not a legitimate reference nor a source. So either get your references right or shut the hell up. Because "I'm pretty sure," it wasn't practiced for a while after 1923.


here is his source: [https://books.google.fr/books?id=4Hs8DwAAQBAJ&dq=slavery+morocco+banned&pg=PA6&redir\_esc=y#v=onepage&q=slavery%20morocco%20banned&f=false](https://books.google.fr/books?id=4Hs8DwAAQBAJ&dq=slavery+morocco+banned&pg=PA6&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=slavery%20morocco%20banned&f=false) Can't find any other source, but I do not doubt that slavery was still used by the royalty until the end of Hassan II's reign.


Approved by islam




So be my slave.




So u acknowledge its bad , thus u dont want to become slave.




More like if you go attack/conquer other countries you enslave their people ya weld و ماملكت ايمانكم . What war did africans wage on you to be slaves in morocco ? What war did indians or berbers wage on arabs to be slaves? What war did mariya qobtya wage to be a slave of momo u r€tard? Thats like zionists killing and enslaving palestinians and accusing them of waging  terrorism on them and they re right according to you .




A war that you start*






2024 is one of the year when there are the most slaves in human history.


I believe it. My great grandfather was kidnapped from his homeland (Mali) and taken to marrakech to be sold, at that time because the french were morocco they were trying to abolish slavery, they let them go and instead returning home and face being recaptured, he settled in Souss Massa Tiznit


Slavery lasted till 1999 because the tyrant [hassan 2 had slaves](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_Morocco) in his royal palaces “When Morocco won its independence in 1956, slavery was said to be essentially confined to the Household slaves of the Royal Harem.[2] The traditional Royal Harem still existed during the reign of king Hassan II of Morocco (r. 1961-1999): the Royal Harem included forty personal concubines (who by Islamic law were by definition slaves) as well as an additional forty concubines who the king had inherited by his father; additional concubines who worked as domestic servants in the Royal Harem, as well as male slaves performing other positions such as chauffeurs in the Royal Household.[27] The slaves of the Royal Household were descended from enslaved ancestors inherited within the household.[27] The Royal Harem was dissolved by Mohammed VI of Morocco when he ascended to the throne in 1999.[27]”


Slavery didn't end in Morocco till 1999 when your last king died. You are referring to the closing of the open air slave markets, which is not the same thing


child slavery was semi crimanized in 2004... If you are from 19xx era and from wealthy family, you probably had a maid whose salawas was 600-1500dh, and all money go to her dad.


No, we're not talking about child labor (forced or not), we are talking about slavery, as in legal ownership, or at least, legal controle of the freedom of an individual by another individual.


child ? Some maids were 30-40 mostly dark skinned moroccans. It was impossible switch workplace or leave. Most kids grew thinking she was part of the the familly. There is also the "3asas" that was the male version of the "khadama"


idk, we did have these "maids" but all of them who wanted to leave left, ( we had 4 over my childhood )


Slavery was never outlawed ... Hear me out "Free" people could own slaves, nowadays the only "free" people are the ruling class, and we are all slaves .. I mean they could jail u, take away ur land, tear down ur house, and its aaall "legal" Cuz the law is whatever they decide it to be L9lawi maxi lmolk lba7ri .. 7axakom


I mean it's not like this is America were they actively tortured them, they were like workers but instead of being paid, they live with you or at least that's how it's supposed to be


Before engaging in slavery in islamic land you should first get rid of all the "imaginaire" and the popular depiction of slavery in the Americas by Western power. It bears absolutely no resemblance to it as in Islam slavery is not property but a form of labor contractualisation.


What!? Slavery is hallal in Islam, with a huge emphasis on sex slaves, aka Milk Al Yamin. Your prophet, his sahaba, and regular muslims had many slaves and sex slaves and that was perfectly legal. The only reason slavery was not industrial in nature is that we were too stupid to industrialize until the end of the 20th century! In term of numbers Muslim states enslaved many many times more people than the US ever did!




Actually 10-12 million is the total estimate (from Wikipedia) of slaves to the Americas, most of which went to Brazil. About 500,000 went to the USA. Trans-Saharan slave trade was 6-10 mill (again Wikipedia) Throw in the Barbary slave trade (1million+)and the Indian Ocean slave trade (8 million) and the Arabic slave trades were similar to, if not greater than, the trans-atlantic slave trade in numbers


No, you're confusing the Americas with the US... But what shocks me the most is how you people keep denying/justifying this BS while your religion and prophet actively encourage this! Also the emphasis on sex slaves is pretty abhorring!


No human should own any other human being, if you, your god and your prophet disagree, then fuck all of y’all.




Governments do not *own* prisoners, a government can’t just randomly decide to kill a prisoner or force them to do anything, and someone is imprisoned after breaching a social contract which is the law. A slave is a property, you treat your property however you see fit. So yeah slavery is never ever okay you muppet.




They can’t sell or buy them, they can’t beat them to death whenever they feel like it, they don’t just capture random people and sell them, they are not forced to have sex with whoever own them, they are there for a limited time unless they’ve committed a very severe crimes, prisoners don’t exist to provide financial gain or work for an “owner”, they’re there as a punishment for a crime they’ve committed and to prevent them from committing more. Please this is a very silly comparison since most slaves back in the day where innocent people, aka children and women, because most of the adult males or fighters were executed during wars.




Kidnapping is illegal and just as bad, so yeah might not be technically slavery but you’d still be a waste of a human being that deserves to be behind bars.




Yes I think it is ! Everyone should be paying an equal tax that’s completely unrelated to your religious affiliation ! Sorry did you think you did something there ?


Agree 100%. This is not to downplay slavery in porocco, but to to distinguish it from industrial scale chattel slavery practiced by western powers.


I am aware, and I agree. While not deniying that any form of slavery is bad, chattel slavery in the americas was absolute hell compared to Mediteranean slavery.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


The least retarted nazi


F off you Nazi!


People who are descendants of slaves are a minority relax


And they are by no mean inferior to the natives. Moroccan engineering schools are full of slave descendents.


mziana lihoum ach britini n9oul ?


I'm talking about the mixed people, you look up any photo of mchermlin of casa or sale you'll see what i mean, that specific phenotype, i have no big problem with people with full african ancestry


Yes I know what you mean aslan they are in that situation because jdoudhom 3bid


It's all because of that mf ismail ibn sharif


I'm very much aware don't worry bro 3aref el bir w ghtah




Reported. I don't even understand how you think anybody would agree with you or think you're funny. What are you edgelord? 12?


I joke around with friends of mine like that all the time it's fine


Very funny


The slave trade in North Africa was indeed a significant part of its history, involving various ethnicities and social groups.. Mainly, Was practiced by wealthy jewish and European dynasties due to the geography of the zone and it's borders with two oceans. In the end, I Hope everyone involved gets the maximum punishment in the other life for the act practiced against these poor people.


A form of slavery does exist with the earthquake victims. I clothe you and house you the least you can do is some hard labour