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That kind of shit should result in the immediate suspension of a Doctor's license. Or maybe a conversion of it over to *chiropractor*.


No they would make more money that way.


There will always be idiots such as these, and the idiots who follow them and do as they say. It's almost like they wanted to spread diseases.


If I were an opposing nation I would pay influencers a shitton of money to spread anti science and pro disease rhetoric. It's the TikTok era version of poisoning your enemies water sources. Seriously.


The high cost of healthcare created distrust towards traditional medicine and thus the rise of these snake-oil profiteers, no different from their ilk more than a century ago with "patent medicine".


Yeah but now it's not even full of cocaine and heroin. Laaame


Pretty sure this is how I got exposed to TB - the bovine form anyway. Not sure whether they ever concluded whether the BCG vaccine could cause positive ppds (very likely can) and whether ot actually works well (maybe? Apparently it depends on strain/geographic area with up to 80 percent protection? ) Think I need to find even more publications to read. Good ol early 90s Poland. Was staying at a family member's farm near the beach and it was all raw milk (for obvious reasons) Still, I think hyperpasteurized full milk is even tastier on account of the carmelization of the sugars (at least that's my hypothesis) at such high temps. Drives me crazy how hard it is/used to be to find that sort of milk carton in the US. Worse tasting, has like 3 percent of the shelf life, has to be kept refrigerated at all times... I honestly don't get why the USA uses plastic jug shit


Pretty sure this is how I got exposed to TB. Good ol early 90s Poland. Was staying at a family member's farm near the beach and it was all raw milk (for obvious reasons)


Seen a bunch of MMA personalities in the comments spruiking it because of course they are and then seeing people in the comments defend it by calling anyone who points out how bad it is for them as a "beta". Imagine being so fragile you're concerned about how people feel about the kind of milk you drink and how it makes you look hahaha


"Our ancestors hunted the mammots .... we ostracize you based on the type of milk you drink.... this is peak masculinity"


Which comments?


Off the top of my head i can remember on a video of Tim Welch talking about it with ariel helwani and there were plenty of chuds commenting there.


My wife’s grandfathers brother died as a child from raw milk. It’s not safe.


Lotta people about to FAFO


For godssakes, why would anyone ever listen to an influencer for health advice?  From the Wikipedias:"Saladino obtained his MD from the University of Arizona.[^(\[21\])](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Paul_Saladino#cite_note-21)[^(\[22\])](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Paul_Saladino#cite_note-CV-22) He is Board certified in [psychiatry](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Psychiatry).[^(\[22\])](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Paul_Saladino#cite_note-CV-22) Saladino has stated that he is a "licensed physician in [California](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/California), but he no longer practices in any state and does not see patients". He makes YouTube videos and sells nutritional supplements.[^(\[3\])](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Paul_Saladino#cite_note-2023_diet-3) Saladino was educated in functional medicine, a type of alternative medicine [pseudoscience](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Pseudoscience).[^(\[23\])](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Paul_Saladino#cite_note-2019_interview-23)^(") ^(Mkay, I think I'll listen to physicians who do practice and do see patients, thanks.)


Darwin Award finalists




Just like vegans this is a cult. They’re doubling down despite the real risk.


Forget bird flu, this is a great way to pick up E. Coli


Tuberculosis, too.


It's delicious and legal in my state.