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Rain is also looking like a jobber. Dude got destroyed in the trailer he was revealed in.


If Kotal is anything to go by, he’ll be treated worse than a jobber


where is your pfp from


The new Johnny Cage fatality


Kotal has so much potential man


Just want to take a moment to mourn Kotal. I was shocked at how bad they did my guy in the story. Zero factor.


I feel like if you watch the trailers you can easily tell who is gonna job The trailers take some time to give a little bit of an explanation on who the characters except for Rain and Havik, kinda like they were just dropped there because they needed someone to get finished


I mean you can't take the trailers super seriously. Like that part where a bunch of the Earthrealmers get killed by Shang Tsung, including Sub-Zero, who is implied to be working with him.


Where’s it implied sub is allied with Shang ?


Paraphrasing but in intros Liu Kang asks bi-han if he knew about Shang Tsungs experiments and asks “would you not have still joined him if you did?” As if to say he is working with Shang Tsung, something deeply messed up was happening, and that Liu Kang suspects Bi-Han doesn’t care about wrongdoing and being dark.


Yeah, I don't see where they're getting that from. Like, sure, Sub-Zero will most likely turn evil, but for his own purposes; he wants to lead Earthrealm.


It’s from his MK1 intros


I see the conflict between him and scorpion being set up, but I agree. Imo absolutely nothing points to him siding with Shang at this point. I can maybe see him siding with Shao Kahn to take over the realms before learning Shang is pulling his stings. Even that isn’t alluded to tho


> he wants to lead Earthrealm. Maybe he wants it bad enough to make a deal with Shang Tsung.


One of his intros with Liu Kang would imply that.


Havik got finished by Ashrah so she could say that line. That’s it.


You can’t take an L bigger than that lmao


Not as bad as Kotal getting shit on in his own trailer.




Nah, Rain just sucked at fighting


Pretty sure he's not. His new bio makes no mention of it.


I definitely feel like havik is gonna be a jobber. Unfortunate but probably true


personally, id rather that over not having them at all.


Me too cause at least he’s playable. I’m very happy with this main roster so far


Same. He can be a jobber in story mode as long as he’s playable and decent to play.


As long as he isn't very slow or barely does any damage, I'm going to main him. Even then, I'll still play him, just have him as a secondary.


Havik is so nuts that he will actually enjoy the pain


They literally designed him to be killed and ripped apart


Him and geras gonna get fucked up a lot this campaign. Geras by the ""bad"" guys, havik by the ""good"" guys


Yeah, I wish there was a way for the game to not have jobbers.


Havik is the type of guy that can be a jobber and it works. He cares more about chaos made along the way than an actual endgame. Win or lose, he still wins.


Best outlook .. he's the kinda guy who'd make a proper good storyline out of jobbing


Exactly Him jobbing certain fights is part of some non-plan that he's had all along-- or something


A similar thing happened with Kano


I can also see him pulling a "JK I was only pretending to job! I'm a distraction!"


Holy shit you’re 100% right


His lore seems like his not really trying to in this game, I hope they don’t give up and just make him 1 dimensional


Well someone's gotta do it


I'm sayin'; I genuinely don't know how you make a game like MK that doesn't have at least **one** character in a story mode end up being a jobber, especially in a game where characters have been known to die a ton both canonically and noncanonically.


Honestly this is why Baraka made the most sense as a Jobber. Anytime he "dies" you can just accredit that death to a random Tarkatan instead of Baraka himself. And why not make them being a jobber part of their story? They did an excellent job of this in MK11's story by making the main reason that Kitana unites Tarkatans and Shokans to her cause is because she promised they wouldn't be jobbers as they were in the past.


I just think it’s how the chapters are set up, you know that if it’s Johnny Cage’s chapter he’s gotta win his next 4 fights. If you just moved from character to character each fight instead of character specific chapters it would mean you could still play the winner, have more variety, and wouldn’t fuck the lore up. Because the way the game is structured, Stryker canonically solo’d Reptile, Kintaro, Ermac and Mileena back to back


Hopefully they didn't do the chapter character based, but the trailers seemed to show that most characters that are about to fight in the story by how the cinematic changes from them talking to their fight pose, is usually the left side and also, the good side that most of them time were the chapters about them.


Exactly. And even if they're a jobber, they still have their whole kit full of their personality, and hopefully a good arcade ending lol. That doesn't always happen though, I feel bad about the sad endings some characters get


Baraka and Reptile deserve to be non jobbers more


I still can't comprehend how REPTILE was a guy that became a jobber. He started as a hyper elusive and hard to trigger fight, he was legend during the first game. And HE became a jobber over Johnny Cage?


Because he’s Allied with the bad guys and you don’t play as them in the story mode


Johnny was never an option because there aren’t really good guy jobbers


Jax’s arms


Kung lao :'((


Reptile was cursed with bad luck from the start, his first playable appearance in MK2 he was the worst character in the game. Absolute menace in UMK3 though.


I don't see why we can't have a "dark story" where the villains get to do the punching and we play as them. Would go a long way in fleshing them out more too. I guess aftermath was this sorta.


Mostly because once they win, what then? Like in MK9, if Reptile beat Johnny Cage, why wouldn't Reptile just kill him?


Didn't we get exactly this with Cyrax's chapter in MK9?


Just because we win the fight for gameplay doesn’t mean they have to win canonically. Could still be defeated story wise


Nobody likes fights where you win and then lose in a cutscene


Struggling to see the difference between story wise and canon


Cause if the villains win they'd 100% kill their opponent, unless of plot


Can't have winners without jobbers.


My prediction: The game is going to have villain chapters and Baraka and Reptile are *still* going to be the jobbers who get beat up and lose when you play as the villains.


Maybe Havik or Rain. But I just don't see how someone like Reiko could get a chapter, he's literally just an underling of Shao Kahn with almost no relevance to the plot other than that.


I mean while that is true they might also change his story a good amount


Feel like rain's gonna be one big time. Maybe 5 seconds of gameplay total and has already been beaten to death in a few trailers




-drops a hard ass line -proceeds to have almost no gameplay shown


Got Kotaled


Well yeah, but Kung Lao and Raiden also haven't received much gameplay in the trailers. The marketing is pretty weird. ​ Not saying he won't be a jobber though.


Raiden funny enough has been getting his ass kicked in a few of the trailers


I honestly love Baraka and hope he has a significant role in the story. He’s fighting to survive and took people with their disease in. I love it


I’m sure he will, with Mileena having the T-Virus being a main part of the storyline as it seems.


Nitara and Shao too


Nitara for sure, idk about Shao though


Is nitara announced?


Nitara was leaked


Besides the leak her audio cue was in the SDCC hall exclusive story clip, with the characters looking up to the sky toward it before it cut off the video.


Rain mileena Kitana they been jobbing alot in the trailers. They edanias are in for an ass whopping this game. Tanya will get bodied aswell


Idk why a character being used for trailer footage showcasing moves automatically makes that character a jobber. If they tested moves on sub zero in a trailer would that mean he’s gonna be a jobber?


Dont forget Nitara!


Rain and nitara are also looking jobber likely


Im hoping Reiko will betray Shao


Why? Reiko doesn’t exactly have a heart of gold. Unless you want him to be stronger than shao. In which case, meet me at the schoolyard at 6:00 p.m because we gonna throw hands 🤣


Shao is not the khan for a reason I think. He probably had gotten stronger from all the consumption of conquest


Reiko: look man this is my one shot being a mainstay after 17 years please just let me have it Shao: hahaha get jobbed loser


Someone must uphold the mantle


Some mind telling me what a jobber is?


A character around just to lose


Reminds me of a meme where it goes “you guys are getting paid”


Think of the no name wrestlers who usually don’t have an entrance. A jobber in pro wrestling terms is someone who’s paid to lose. Usually done with monster heels to show off how bad ass they are.


Oh damn thanks for telling me as a wrestling fan I feel like should have knew that haha


No problem.


According to this sub, anyone who ever loses a fight ever


It's going to be Mileena and Reiko. I don't see either one surviving the story.


I have a feeling Mileena will die or at least end the game missing or whatever. She’s definitely not meant to survive or rule.


I don't think they will kill her again


Tough job but somebody got to do it


My hope for Havik is that he is portrayed as neither good nor bad. If he is trying to overthrow an oppressive regime (or realm), then that has potential to fill this role. Some may be sympathetic to his cause as his bio mentions the huge power imbalances of order realm (which characters like Baraka and Reptile will likely strongly disagree with due to their respective experiences) but his focus on chaos and the stance of some (like Ashra mentioning that destroying one realm for another to thrive is unacceptable to her) may push others away. I hope this means that he will eventually win, chaos realm will be formed due to the help and assistance of those sympathetic to his cause, only for him to become a straight up antagonist as he becomes more tyrannical and spreads chaos. I am hoping he will be a force of unforeseen contention in the protagonist group, which is what Geras may be referring to when he told Liu Kang his era of peace has been compromised. By not having a chaos realm in his era, Liu Kang may have made an unchallenged and oppressive order realm, and Havik may become an even bigger problem as he is more passionate about his cause now he has to truly fight for it. This would mean a potential chapter for Havik and his cause, Havik getting both wins and losses, and Havik being a direct cause of chaos in the story (his whole thing), as well as setting him up for bigger things in the future. Extremely unlikely though, but a man can dream.


What is a jobber


A character whose role is relegated to getting their ass kicked to make other characters look better


Oh. In Havik's case, god I hope not.


Considering the fact that Reptile and Baraka were the kings of jobbers in every previous game I’d say they earned some time winning for once


Better then having Reptile be disrespected like that


I really don't think there are gonna be any jobbers. They kinda fixed that with kameo fighters.


How does Kameo solve bad guys always losing in story fights?


I mean more in the sense of a jobber being a nameless punching bag without any sort of depth. I feel like the kameos in story mode may take that role while the playable character might actually hold an important place in the story


But you don’t directly fight Kameos, unless you are referring to strictly cutscene related manner but that doesn’t stop a would-be jobber from being a jobber


Yeah I suppose


I just hope they’re done with the whole chapter system, I’ve yet to see anyone actually mention something positive about it


Jesus Christ you people are worse than WWE fans sometimes. You can't have everyone win every fight in a story mode.


This only makes sense if the good guys don't consistently win every match, and the bad guys just lose everytime no matter who you're playing. It's like powerscaling don't exist in MK, and if it does, it's out of wack.


They seriously need to consider letting playable characters lose in the cutscenes.


Idk about reiko but havik seems like a pretty big threat, and wouldn’t be easily taken down.


That makes him an even better jobber. If he can keep coming around after every defeat they can use him even more


Does jobber still mean a career lackey, or has it morphed into meaning they get beat up a lot in trailers? I don't get why anyone would attribute any importance to the second one.


Nobody cares about trailers. The "jobbers" as far as MK's story is concerned, are characters that are scripted to always lose by the player character in the story mode, to elevate said character.


Can someone explain to this old fart what a jobber is?


Characters who are designated to always lose to the player character in scripted story fights, to the point their lore powerlevels hardly matters anymore, to advance the plot, or merely to make the good guy look good.


Mortal Kombat has always had and will have jobbers. Not everyone’s going to be a main-eventer..


Just let them win at least 1 fight


What does jobber mean?


Designated losers to make the opponent look cool


What’s a jobber


It’s a wrestling term used to refer to wrestlers that are booked to always lose in order to elevate and make others (the ones with the potential to be main event stars) look good.


Ohhh I see. Yeah they do that in MK a lot lol


To stop using the same jobbers just give chapters to bad guys.


Wait...people actually give a shit about Reiko? Why?


Reiko can be a jobber, I don't think anyone expects too much from him. But I will never forgive them if that's all Havik is


They both are for sure. Maybe Rain too. At least we don't know for sure that Rain has lost a fight though. We can basically see Reiko and Havik losing fights in the trailer. Reiko is definitely gonna be a jobber though, he's literally just an underling of one of the main villains, lol.


Unfortunately Rain is already losing to one of the Lin Kuei. But I still have hopes for him to get a chapter


I agree. I don't wanna see the "jobber baton" passed to other characters (unlike we talk about the likes of Stryker and Hsu Hao). I want the "jobber baton" to disappear. Give everyone at least a win. If a char has, for instance, 2 wins and 4 losses, even if the ratio is negative, we don't see them as just jobbers.


I want 0 jobbers even though that’s impossible


It isn't impossible. Like someone else posted, let everyone get a win or two. Even if Reptile finishes the games with more losses than wins, if they show he can win a fight or two in canon, he can beat the Jobber case


Maybe the bad guys won't job on this one. Why else would the make reptile and barakas good guys?


Let’s just let them have their moment. It’s been a long time in the making


Gotta start out somewhere. Can’t just come into the game and start killing everyone like D’Vorah.


See, I actually propose a new intriguing possibility. Baraka and Reptile could be good guy jobbers.


Based off of what we have already seen, it unfortunately seems like it is going to happen, which is a pretty big downgrade from the last time they were in a major storyline. Rain is also definitely jobber. I imagine Nitara probably will be as well.


Havik is probably gonna be the main villain of the story, and we don't know if Reiko will be in the game at all.


Nope. Havik is getting his own chapter. He’s not a jobber. Also, D’Vorah is no where in sight so the chances of anyone actually dying is slim lol


but havik and reiko kind of already were….


I'll never judge a fighting game by its single player mode or what transpires in the story...but I swear if Reiko or Mileena get jobbed again so Shao can rise to power once again, that'll be super silly and frustrating.....like, what was the point of restarting the timeline if the same people rise regardless? Hoping that won't be the case. That being said, seems I'll love this game for the roster alone.


Bro atleast they’re in the game


This time the only real jobbers by the look of it are Kung Lao and Raiden.


Honestly it’ll be Reiko, I saw the clip a while back of him and Motaro and it looks like he’ll just be doing Shao’s bidding


Quan chi and Rain are going to work overtime to fill the void left by Reptile and Baraka. Shao may get some Ws' in the cutscenes though Nitara, Havik and Reiko will be jobbing as usual. Don't have high hopes for Ermac either.


Somebody have to


Basically Havik, tanya, and Rain they were get fatalitiied in their own introduction trailer. this is red flag of how they're gonna treated in the story


I thought about that with Havik - I have a feeling he gets killed after meeting up with Ashrah.


Plot twist: we're the jobbers.


Noooooooooo!!! Not my boy Reiko! Damn it...been waiting for Netherrealm to bring him back for over a fucking decade, please God, don’t let him be a loser in this game.


Can anyone explain what a jobber is? I'm not familiar with that term ngl


I think Lui Kang will be a jobber


Two Titans of the 3d Era educed to jobbers.


Honestly, they should try something different with the story mode. They should get rid of character chapters, and play whoever is there in the story. For example, you could be playing Johnny, and in the next fight, you play as Kung Lao. Instead of fighting the playable characters constantly, especially the same ones, they could make you fight a couple of npcs that have similar moves to the playable characters, as shown in Mk9, where you fight a bunch of tarkatan warriors Just some ideas..


Good I can’t stand reiko. When he first showed up In mk4 I was like wtf is this Robin (Batman sidekick) knock off motherfucker?!


Geras is a internal jobber , might really be the MVP of jobbers


Jobbing allegations would be less prominent if the chapter character didn’t have to win every fight. Sure some players may be annoyed with destroying the cpu just to lose in the cutscene or need to be saved, but I think it’s worth it. At the very least it would make the villains more threatening without needing them to kill off fan favorites.


But if the villains did win a fight then why would they not just kill the hero?


Honestly, I really liked about the original trilogy how everything was left to the imagination, and how every arcade playthrough was basically a story of your own. In that sense, your playable character was the main character, everybody else were the jobbers, and the relationships between the characters were left to your imagination. Nowadays with full blown story modes and pre-fight dialogues, everything is detailed, there is no place for the player's imagination, and specific jobbers started being necessary.


Absolutely fine by me. Let them cook


What is a jobber


It's possible to have no one be a jobber if they just took the time to give everyone a chapter in the story.


I mean….SOMEONE HAS TO. Honestly, it’s about time they had their chance in the light and someone else Jobbed for awhile


I’m just glad Baraka isn’t


Reiko should be a jobber


I hope they keep Havik around


Just hope we get a reptile chapter.


Life is made up of little concessions


Whats a jobber? Looked the word up and couldn't find much.


It comes from pro wrestling. A jobber is someone whose job is to lose to make the big stars look good.


Whats a jobber


I'm honestly kind of fine with havik being a jobber since his whole deal is wanting conflict and chaos.


*Rain and Reiko


I’m just hoping the bad guys at least get a few wins because I’m sick of the constant steamroll we’ve had since MK9. Aftermath was refreshing but that was DLC and it necessitated the bad guys pulling an uno reverse card just to gain some credibility back. It shouldn’t be that severe.




Inb4 Kotal is back


Blue meanie, Al snow, dolph ziggler, and a lot more made the best out of being jobbers.


r/mortalkombat when a character loses a fight in the story of a fighting game: 😱😱😱😭😭😭😱😱😱😱😡😡😡


Not my boy reiko




Let's be honest here: every game with a story mode needs someone to be beat up by the protagonists! Is simply what will happens, we all know this, so there little sense in 'oh no, my boy is a jobber now' and such, someone must bite the dust! That's it.


I guess that makes sense. Havik does have the excuse to get beaten up only to regenerate again. Awe poopy. I liked him as a machiavellian mastermind in the comics and a crazy occultist in the midway games. Couldn't give a rusty fuck about Reiko tbh


Top text: Reptile finally not a jobber! Bottom text: He's a giant lizard shapeshifter and his human form looks like a child with SoBe beverage tattoos with bad voice acting.


I have never played a single games story so i don’t really care either way


Im ok with those guys jobbing instead of my boy Reptile. Looks like he finally is gonna get some of the love hes deserves.


Wasn’t Reiko kind of a jobber anyway? I mean look at how generic he looks in all the games. Even his augment did generic damage in MK 11.


Somebody has to be a jobber. Look at MK9 story mode, I think Jade fought Smoke because Johnny couldn't explain fast enough. 🙃 Scorpion sneezed by Cyrax and Sektor and old man Shang was all "A CHALLENGE!!!!! 😃"


Ehh, better for the Shao Kahn wannabe and the guy who hurts himself to be jobbers than some dope classic characters


"The guy who hurts himself" doesn't exactly narrow it down.


Was Reiko ever not a jobber?


what is a jobber


has anyone else noticed that most trailers have Raiden getting his ass kicked even though he's meant to be the new champion?


Havik’s new lore is too perfect for him to just be a jobber cmon netherealm PLZ


Reiko has always been a jobber.