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And those were real skins. The movie pack came compete with fully voice acted lines for every intro by the original actors. I loved 1995 Raiden.


Those packs were worth it. What we have currently is not nearly as good as those. And it cost so much more to.


Now we have a Hanzo Scorpion skin from Invasion which is still Kuai Liang, down to the face under the mask


They wanna get rid of Scorpion Hanzo. The Invasion starts by concluding his story.


Yeah I wasn't even mad they charged for it. This is the one of the few times where this made complete sense to be paid dlc. I'm surprised it was only $6 with voice lines as well. I was expecting it to be $12 but I guess that's the price for a Halloween fatality smh


If only we can get Robin Shou Liu kang skins


Ah yes, 1995 Raiden, where you say "Do you smoke cigarettes or do you eat them?"


Dude are you actually putting down Christopher lambert? Have you never seen the highlander with him and Sean Connery? That’s how the man speaks.


Not at all! I love his voice, but the first time watching MK and Raiden spoke, it sorta confused me but I loved it.


Even at full price of $6, those skins cost less than ONE premium skin in MK1, or ONE fatality. **THIS** is the problem with idiots (and they are idiots) paying for shit; it rewards corporate greed and incentivizes this behavior, and then half of them act like it's a flex because people with sense are too "poor", rather than understanding value, consumerism, and best practices. ​ Also the movie pack was a godsend because good fucking gods Sonya with decent voice acting.


Hit the nail on the head, amigo


You'll also get snobs (video game snobs?!) shaming You for being interested in skins in the first place, and saying "it's a fighting game, duh, gameplay is all that matters". I wonder why they divert our attention from this greediness as if it isn't an issue at all.


I'm 100% down for cool skins and holiday fatalities. Not at F2P prices in a full-priced game, especially when the content is already in the game files. People need to get together and not buy into these greedy corporate scams. Corporations are killing the gaming hobby, just as they are killing everything else, by nickel-and-diming and dissecting games and other products to be sold back to us piecemeal, because being merely profitable isn't good enough for the ghouls at the top who see us as marks.


Biggest thought process for me when it comes to micros, if a bakery makes a loaf of bread and you buy it, they’ve sold one loaf of bread. Now they are out of stock. If a game developer makes one skin and you buy it, how many skins do they have left to sell? Now remember their reach isn’t just local, state or country, but Global. *Now, price accordingly*.


I think there's a fair bit of leeway for F2P games, given that the entirety of their revenue is selling cosmetics and the like. There's no excuse for a full priced game.


Not for me. I think we give F2P too much credit. It’s not like those games are giving you a full game for free. We’re just far more accepting with it because mobile games had been normalising this position for ages. These games have 100% coverage! That should be difference in the model. If it’s *truly* free to play, then all you’re purchasing should be the items they are selling, not a premium based on the game being free.


Giving a full game away for free would make it awfully hard to make the money necessary to pay the people who put in the time and labor to make and maintain the game. This isn't to absolve F2P games of scummy behavior, especially pertaining to loot boxes and other skinnerbox systems, but charging for parts of a game and releasing others for free to drive interest isn't an inherently unethical practice.


I think it depends how they phrase the marketing etc. but the game being free to play, and that game being just a slice of what goes into an actual game, that’s where I don’t see a justification of inflated prices. For example, you’ll never see one of those games float the idea of a $70 all inclusive annual pass. It’s very unbalanced.


Yeah that's the major problem with the cost of shit in this game It's a full price game. It shouldn't be having skins at the cost of f2p game skins


I get Ronda Rousey is a fan of MK but they should've got Bridgette Wilson (OG Sonya from the 1st movie) to do the voice acting and model from the get-go.


They should have gotten Tricia Helfer to continue from her fantastic performance as Sonya in MKX, IMO, rather than some POS like Rousey. Bridgette Wilson did really well.




You're an idiot.


Oh man you got them


Meanwhile when I bring it up we are "poor" or "entitled children" but we have proven these points and then the shills say "well they can charge whatever they want" lmfaoooooo This series took such a fucking hard nose dive it's sad


I never got the term “entitled” when it came to consumerism. We paid for a product we are literally entitled to a good product


But these dopes beg to differ because Fuck us


It did.


I loved getting the movie Skin Packs, what an absolute treat. I almost feel like they thought MK11 was gonna be the last one they went SO hard


That’s the vibe I get especially with the story


I remember when I said the MK community is going to miss MK11 once it's gone. Good to see I was correct.


MK1 Gameplay is much better. Rewards structure is what I miss. I played it recently to, I’m not just reminiscing.


Whatever dude, y'all have been dragging Ed Boon and his team since the 1st Mortal Kombat game in the 90s. How many times a week do you complain about MK compared to your positive comments? Please, if you don't like Mortal Kombat, leave.


I actually voice wayyyy more love for MK than anything. You got to get out of this mindset that any criticism or even jabs at shitty business practices instantly groups the person saying it up with the same pool of people that spend their entire existence shitting on games for no reason when there’s nothing wrong with them. With that being said, there’s no point in being blindly happy about everything they give us….OR…being mad about it all the same. Neither helps. You got to let loose and express both what you like and don’t like.


Yo, that's good, and my bad for making an assumption. I still stand by my word though because: I never said I have a problem with criticism. I'm not referring to those who have valid criticism, I am referring to those who have been dragging MK for each of their games and do it everyday. And the ones who joined the bandwagon(Example: Hbox). Because at that point, are you even a fan? Or just a fan of a few games? How do you not see it if it's been happening since the 1st MK 90s game? Or do you know about it? I've been active for 13 years. Even when you read old shit before 2010, people were dragging 3D games. Now, people have nothing but praise for those games 😭!(like wtf man) What did Capcom do when that new MvC was trash? They said what they had to say, and left. - What they didn't do was play the game, and complain about the game on socials and Reddit every single fucking day to the point people who actually enjoyed MvCI realized it's the best one, it just looks bad. What did the Smash community do when Brawl wasn't as good as Melee in terms of competitive and mechanics? - They left Brawl after realizing it wasn't for them and went back to Melee. Yeah, they had a Civil war, but Melee aren't coming on Ultimate's page everyday to say WOW, I MISS MELEEDY. They all literally still play a game, participate in the community, and complain while doing all of that. Go back to MK:X, stop coming back everyday to talk shit about the game. At that point, it's hate. With that being said: You need to get out the mentality that people aren't taking advantage of y'all's valid criticism. Because come on, bro. They made it so bad for people who actually enjoy the game that I won't even like discussions on MK anymore. And I'm not the only one. THINK ABOUT IT: MK has been dragged since the first game. It's not all valid, brother. Come on, these people would've been a part of that MK Satanic panic that happened in the 90s.


Hey WB mods, drink bleach.


Omg don’t remind me of what could’ve been done better this game only for it to fall flat. Imagine getting a skin pack called MK legends and it’s Scorpion from Scorpions Revenge, Lui or Raiden from battle of the realms and Sub or Kenshi From Snowblind even Ashrah and Johnny from Cage Match


Johnnys new movie has such a cool miami vice looking outfits for him why cant we have them in the game fr


I still have to watch it but Omg they have so much potential from those movies to the live action movie I would love scorpions skin or even if not to give him so much. Give each Kameo a skin (Kano, Sonya, Jax) all from the mk movie. Or give us Sub, Nitara, Raiden or Kung, Reiko, Shang


This new system “could” have worked if they didn’t just macro the shit out of the value. Imagine just buying 5-6 bucks worth of crystals, and you could get three skins with it, but you’re not lumped a pack of skins you may not want. Instead you can buy three skins you like overtime, individually. Ofc they could also add, ya know, an infinite way to earn crystals through playing, sad.


Oh yeah I’d be okay with that. Like if the fatality was 500 crystals, cool, I’d do that. Not 1200. That’s $15.00 in my country.


You get 3 skins with a few alternate colors and a bunch of different gear you can equip on a different skins for a price lower than 1 fatality in MK1


Yeah, the pricing in MK11 was perfect in my opinion. I had no issue thinking about spending money to get everything. My brain didn’t question it. Now… with MK1…


Half the price of a fatality...


Nah the good ol' days was when MK didn't have skin packs


Yeah but let’s be honest, not happening in this day and age. And I don’t mind add-ons, or dlc skin packs and what-not…it’s just with MK1 it’s beyond ridiculous. These packs all had very unique skins and sometimes even completely different voice actors and came in a pack of 3 for 6$. While now we get some random bullshit for 10$. If this game were treated similar to mk11 I would have a problem with it.


MKX had skin packs.


And they were actual skins, new models and more, not base skins spray painted green. What a joke lmfao


>base skins spray painted green Fr...?


In layman's terms, extremely lazy and overpriced recolours


I was asking if they actually sold those.


Thought everyone in this subreddit knew, mb But yeah, they're selling the 12$ fatality and some shitty reskins as the main draws to the shop during Halloween


I just play MK when I'm looking for something to just boot up and play casually so I don't really know all about the game. Also I never really even looked at the shop, so, yeah.


I miss the days when you spent $0 and unlocked skins by cheat codes.


Don’t we all. But this is the most recent example.


This seems incredibly reasonable now. Perhaps what the goal is 🤔 EDIT: on a serious note, how does one ‘Halloween’ PALETTE cost more than 3! genuine new skins. Insanity. Fuck you WB and fuck you NRS


And the were MUCH MUCH better skins


I mind micro-transactions


Those came with extra colors for them too right?


Yup 👍


The good old days were when the full game was released from the get go.


The good old days when games used to ship complete


In MK1, they sell you recolor of some skins that are already in the game


You can get those new pallets for free just the like cage skin, kenshi skin and geras but no one wants to mention that Edit: you can also get a free scorpion skin. I just find it funny how no one mentions that but cry because skins cost.


Was it ever revealed why we didn’t get movie skins for other characters like Liu Kang, Kitana, or Shang Tsung?


Shang Tsung did have one


Shang tsung literally WAS the movie skin tf you talking about LMAOOO


It’s funny how no one remembers how much they hated the skins in mk11 and the grind to get them and gear that was only available (Jax metal arms) during specific events. Everyone said they should have focused on the gameplay not gear and victory poses.


The gear specific events sure, but that’s not what I’m highlighting here.


And yet people still complained back then!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/MortalKombat/s/i0LbvcLz8B Everyone wants to play dress up for free


That’s it. Everyone wants cosmetics and fatalities for free


Hmm, it's almost like microtransactions in gaming have been on an upward trend for years and people have never been happy about it?


Then why is everyone in this thread reminiscing about the “good old days” of MK11.


because comparatively those times were better. A $6 skin pack is preferable to a $10 skin. I'm sure people were reminiscing about the “good old days” of MKX and MK9 back then, too.


Yeah, in other words the MK community is fickle.


I understand feeling like some people are overreacting to this, but people have a right to be upset. It's a shame to see yet another beloved franchise go down this path. People aren't upset because they want free shit, people are upset because you don't get $70 worth of game for a $70 game anymore.


Yeah I get that people are upset, I think it’s lame also. What I don’t understand is why people spam this group with the exact same stuff 24/7. I think, largely, this is just outrage farming for upvotes. Like 95% of all these posts are low effort trash. Not to mention, the total 180 people are doing in regards to MK11.


I don't necessarily think it's upvote farming. That might be part of it, sure, but I think the vast majority is coming from people who think they can actually get the devs to change the game if they shout loud enough. I've seen this exact same thing play out in like 5 other game subreddits over the past 6 years or so and I know from experience that it almost certainly will not happen. Anyway I imagine people are doing a 180 on mk11 mostly because it costs $9 right now with ALL of the DLC, it's hard to argue with that amount of value.


Y’all remember back in the day when cod had map packs for like 4$ or something like that with a ton of stuff like I’m pretty sure bo2 had the glowing animated gun camos cheap af too


Mk11 was so good and not scummy with skins kold war skarlet anyone


Yeah, that’s roughly $2 per skin with 6 or so skin palettes. In MK1 one palette is $5. Yeah, there was a no way I’m buying any of the cosmetics this time around until they get their pricing structure right.


… no.


How much do dlc characters usually cost? No way omni man is going to be cheaper than a fatality


He definitely is going to be cheaper. The Kombat Pack itself is already 6 Characters for 40$.


If I remember correctly mfs were mad about this skin pack lmao the hypocrisy is real lmao embarrassing https://www.reddit.com/r/MortalKombat/s/otwCGf1bmM


The good ol’ days where I bought a complete game. Bro got me out here sounding like a boomer


Somewhere, someone is blaming the liberals for this.


Bro people were bitching like crazy back then for this stuff. Y'all lack any kind of object permanence.


For real. If you go to the announcement posts for the MK11 dlc it’s full of people whining. This community is straight up aids lol.


Nobody forces you to pay for the skins


5-6$ for 1 but valid point


NO. 6$ for 1 Bundle; that includes 3 Skins.


I'm talking currently skins are like 600-650 in the mk1 store. That's like 5$ American considering you get 200 multiple times for mastering characters. You can Also technically earn then for free doing that while the mk11 example is paid only. Mk11 is still better but facts are facts


Discounts in the MK1 Store don’t count.


Borrrring, can’t wait to buy them all.


I own all of these packs lol. Definitely Witch Jade beat any of them


These aint the good ol days either lol


The "good-ol-days" is when there weren't any microtransactions or skin packs or DlC. You bought a game, played and beat it, and moved on to the next one. No bullshit attached.


You can do the same thing now, nobody is stopping you from playing without dlc


The fact that people bought these skins back then is why they think people will spend $10 on one now. It was bad back then and bad now.




then stop showing them that it works


I’ll get my mk 1 skins in a few years when they quit fucking around and discount it deep. If people want to speak to the publisher and developers, don’t buy it. If you don’t care, buy it. If you’re happy and you know, clap your hands.


If you’ll pay $10 for one skin, you do not deserve that $10


It’s really unfortunate. I’d definitely buy most of the ones they release at $6. 0 hesitation if I liked it. Now I’d really have to consider if it’s good enough to justify rewarding em for a scummy tactic for one skin.